
the #metoo movement

Dec 5th, 2017
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  1. The hashtag #MeToo has gone viral sparking a revolution. Those that post it are announcing that they too are a victim of sexual assault. The general thrust behind the movement is to illustrate the pervasiveness of predatory perversion upon the female population. Males have also taken to using the tag to highlight their victim-hood. Prior to this trend sexual assault victims had a hard enough time. To seek justice victims had to publicly come forward and face their accusers in court as they recounted their traumatic experiences. The veracity of claims have been further scrutinized because of the significant number of false accusations and the magnitude of injustice that results when these false accusation lead to a conviction. It is my opinion that #MeToo will further discredit real victims. This effect will be hyper amplified by the velocity and volume of social media. Any Twitter/Instagram user with any agenda at no cost and no risk can now claim victim-hood. Sympathy, genuine or not, will be achieved through social media solidarity. The authentic victims of sexual violence will be marginalized drowned out by a sea of social sympathy. Unfortunately for them and the rest of society there is a more sinister second phase to this social engineering operation.
  3. Sexual Assault is a serious societal issue with insidious long terms effects. Efforts should be made to reduce this scourge in society. The social media witch hunt is being presented as a way to take down powerful villains. Harvey Weinstein is currently being eviscerated by social media. Whether these sensationalized scandals are actually happening or they are completely scripted doesn't really matter. The world believes that the King of Hollywood is being tarred and feathered by the unwashed masses. The elites can use their war chests to mount a defense should one ever really be required. But it won't.
  5. The true target of all this public finger pointing is the general public itself. Anyone's reputation can now be destroyed by synchronizing bawdy tales of sexual assault. These stories can be created via computer algorithms and cast widely across numerous platforms. Likes can be manipulated and retweets can be accelerated bolstering public condemnation. 'Victims' backstories can be corroborated and their timelines coordinated through the backdating of a newly created social media presence.. Unlike the wealthy entertainers currently being confronted most folks can not afford to fight such allegations. Employers will fire the accused. Spouses will divorce them . Friends will turn away. This is the new world we are creating . Enemies of the powerful, challengers of the system and investigators of the truth will be destroyed with a key stoke. The justly motivation of saving women and empowering the voiceless is being used against those it seeks to protect. Proponents of #MeToo say a revolution is underway. They are mistakenly doing the bidding for those they oppose creating a much more dangerous reality for all woman (& all men). A world where everyone can be silenced. The desired empowerment will not occur. The opposite will happen. There is a term for that. It is enslavement.
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