

Mar 13th, 2024
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  1. Some babies were dropped on their heads, but {player} was clearly thrown at a wall!
  2. {player}'s skill is more disappointing than an unsalted pretzel.
  3. {player}, don’t be ashamed of who you are. That’s your parents’ job.
  4. Roses are red, violets are blue, God made me amazing, what happened to {player}?
  5. {player} is not as bad as people say, they're much, much worse.
  6. How old are you {player}? - Wait I shouldn't ask, you can't count that high.
  7. How did you get here {player}? Did someone leave your cage open?
  8. I was today years old when I realized I didn’t like {player}.
  9. {player} is the reason God created the middle finger.
  10. {player} brings everyone so much joy! You know, when they leave. But, still.
  11. People clap when they see {player}. They clap their hands over their eyes.
  12. I’d say {player} is ‘dumb as a giraffe,’ but at least a giraffe has a brain.
  13. {player} should carry a plant around with them to replace the oxygen they waste.
  14. Aww, it’s so cute when {player} tries to talk about things they don’t understand.
  15. {player} fears success even though they really have nothing to worry about.
  16. Two wrongs don’t make a right. Take {player}'s parents, for instance.
  17. Keep barking {player}. Some day you'll say something intelligent!
  18. Don’t get bitter {player}, just get better.
  19. {player} is proof that God has a sense of humor.
  20. Everyone who ever loved {player} was wrong.
  21. If you look up gullible in the dictionary, you'll find {player}!
  22. I know five fat people and {player} is three of them.
  23. Everyone makes mistakes, especially {player}'s parents.
  24. {player}'s father would be disappointed in them. If he stayed.
  25. The last time I heard about {player}'s father, he was out buying milk.
  26. I bet {player}'s family tree looks like a telephone pole!
  27. I envy everyone who has never met {player}.
  28. {player} is like the first slice of bread in a loaf, nobody wants them.
  29. {player} isn't completely useless, they can always be used as a bad example.
  30. {player}'s fat. I won't sugarcoat that, because they'll eat that too.
  31. Every time I hear {player} talk, I can feel my brain cells dying one by one.
  32. {player} is so fat that Thanos had to snap his fingers twice for something to happen.
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