

Jan 3rd, 2015
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  1. 17:08:40 <Hannisballs> (( ye all waitin for Captn swagger!))
  2. 17:08:58 <starvingfaithful> ((Fabulize that mofo.))
  3. 17:09:32 <starvingfaithful> ((Do whatcha want 'cause a pirate is free. You are a pirate! :D))
  4. 17:10:01 <starvingfaithful> ((Where is part threeeohhh it was killed.))
  5. 17:10:11 <starvingfaithful> ((I'll see if I've got any.))
  6. 17:10:14 <Hannisballs> (( *blasts alestorm* YOU ARE A PIRATE))
  7. 17:10:42 <starvingfaithful> ((ALESTORM!))
  8. 17:11:02 <starvingfaithful> ((I saw their records at the music store today and AWW YISS ALESTORM. All the ARRing.))
  9. 17:13:04 <Hannisballs> (( haha I got the Back through time one a while ago 8D))
  10. 17:13:15 <starvingfaithful> ((HELL YEAH!))
  11. 17:13:20 <starvingfaithful> ((Arr, matey!))
  12. 17:15:12 <starvingfaithful> InkDream46: ((Is this Part III? I'm not sure. It's partial. [link]))
  13. 17:16:54 <InkDream46> {{ Creep vs. Creep, yep. }}
  14. 17:17:56 <Hannisballs> (( so many creeps. I like it!))
  15. 17:19:38 <starvingfaithful> ((Creeps got some shiny new battlescars to show off.))
  16. 17:19:52 <starvingfaithful> ((I oughta tally up the wounds, hahaha.))
  17. 17:20:10 <InkDream46> {{ Lots of burns. }}
  18. 17:20:11 <starvingfaithful> ((Number of cuts, bruises, black eyes, knock-outs, deaths.))
  19. 17:20:20 <starvingfaithful> ((Aaaand burns.))
  20. 17:20:32 <InkDream46> {{ Wait in total for the fugue? }}
  21. 17:20:35 <InkDream46> {{ Geesh. }}
  22. 17:20:36 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  23. 17:20:39 <InkDream46> {{ Gonna be a lot. }}
  24. 17:20:40 <starvingfaithful> ((For our Fugue. Howdy!))
  25. 17:20:42 <Piranhaqueen> ((yooo))
  26. 17:20:48 <CarlKindle> ((ayyy))
  27. 17:20:57 <Piranhaqueen> ((guess who made another oc?? *Cries cause i need to chill with that*))
  28. 17:21:12 <InkDream46> {{ Hey, I made at least three new OCs last night. }}
  29. 17:21:25 <Piranhaqueen> ((nICE. ))
  30. 17:21:32 <InkDream46> {{ Join the club of far too many ocs. }}
  31. 17:21:33 <Piranhaqueen> ((tell me yours and i'll tell you mine))
  32. 17:21:47 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene, whatever Glitter's name is gonna be, and Opal. }}
  33. 17:22:21 <Piranhaqueen> ((okay, well i'm still figuring out my oc's name *Cries*))
  34. 17:22:27 <starvingfaithful> ((And Hilda!))
  35. 17:22:40 <Piranhaqueen> ((does anybody have a link to name generators))
  36. 17:22:49 <Piranhaqueen> ((also i can send you the link to the summary of my oc))
  37. 17:22:52 <InkDream46> {{ Priscilla, yep. }}
  38. 17:22:57 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  39. 17:23:00 <InkDream46> {{ Piran: What kind and how many do you want? }}
  40. 17:23:07 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  41. 17:23:24 <Piranhaqueen> ((normal name generators, and about like 3 or 4))
  42. 17:23:26 <InkDream46> {{ I have at least twenty. }}
  43. 17:23:27 <starvingfaithful> ((FML, I enjoy turning Fugue into the Purge.))
  44. 17:23:33 <Piranhaqueen> ((give me all you have ))
  45. 17:23:40 <InkDream46> {{ WELP. }}
  46. 17:23:53 <Piranhaqueen> (([link] HERE'S MY NEW OCS ABOUT))
  47. 17:24:36 <InkDream46> {{ *runs off to go collect all the links.* }}
  48. 17:24:49 <CarlKindle> ((DID I SSEE ORUAN HOSTCLUB FACECLAIMS?)
  49. 17:24:50 <Piranhaqueen> ((*Cries tears of joy*))
  50. 17:24:52 <Piranhaqueen> ((YES))
  51. 17:24:58 <Piranhaqueen> ((UES YES YES OUI OUI))
  52. 17:25:13 <Piranhaqueen> ((my new oc is dishonored universe and his face claim is kyoya senpai))
  53. 17:25:33 <Piranhaqueen> ((he runs a family owned library and family owned bookstore with a shiba inu))
  54. 17:26:01 <starvingfaithful> ((Bring him to Fugue, yo.))
  55. 17:26:39 <Piranhaqueen> ((I will, i might take him to the boat, the pub or another fancy aristocrat party to deliver some fancy tea sets or fancy china somebody ordered))
  56. 17:26:42 <InkDream46> {{ [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] [link] }}
  57. 17:26:50 <InkDream46> {{ Part 1. More to come. }}
  58. 17:27:42 <Piranhaqueen> ((okay that's enough links for me thank you))
  59. 17:27:46 <InkDream46> {{ [link] [link] [link] [link] }}
  60. 17:27:53 <Piranhaqueen> ((okay thank you very much))
  61. 17:28:13 <starvingfaithful> ((As it the generators just keep flooding in.))
  62. 17:28:30 <InkDream46> {{ And that's just the ones I have directly in my filesystem. }}
  63. 17:28:42 <InkDream46> {{ I have a couple more floating around in my bookmarks or history. }}
  64. 17:28:43 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  65. 17:29:17 <Piranhaqueen> ((BUT YEAH his faceclaim is kyoya senpai, he's 20 years old, the youngest in his family, has 4 older brothers 2 older sisters and if you dare visit his family's home they will kill you with diabetes and sweet sweet desserts))
  66. 17:29:45 <InkDream46> {{ A legitimately nice aristocratic family? }}
  67. 17:30:09 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  68. 17:30:39 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  69. 17:30:43 <Piranhaqueen> ((yep, except for the younger sister who's older than him, she's mean and a pain in the butt))
  70. 17:30:52 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  71. 17:30:53 <Piranhaqueen> ((The oldest two brothers are stoic and quiet but not rude))
  72. 17:31:10 <Piranhaqueen> ((the other youngest is nice. and then the youngest (my oc)) is such a blessing))
  73. 17:32:47 <InkDream46> {{ Hm. }}
  74. 17:32:52 <InkDream46> {{ This'll be interesting. }}
  75. 17:33:18 <Piranhaqueen> ((I'm trying to figure out his name though *cries* i kinda have his family crest but not his name))
  76. 17:33:46 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene will be fun. She's a flirt, a year or two older than Marguerite, and maybe a little bit too reckless for her own good. }}
  77. 17:34:16 <Piranhaqueen> ((also, if you read his about his family,whole family, runs a huge successful business ,which is mass producing and selling fine china and tea sets. his oldest brother is the one that runs the carriage with his youngest brother))
  78. 17:34:28 <Piranhaqueen> ((his oldest brother's first name is Izaac which i know))
  79. 17:35:31 <InkDream46> {{ Izaac oversees the shipping and transportation section of the compay? }}
  80. 17:35:40 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  81. 17:35:41 <Piranhaqueen> ((Yep,))
  82. 17:35:45 <InkDream46> {{ Ah. }}
  83. 17:36:23 <Piranhaqueen> ((The brother following izaac helps with the marketing and managing, making sure their profits aren't bad))
  84. 17:37:00 <Piranhaqueen> ((the brother following tHAT doesn't help with the business, he's just a lawyer. ))
  85. 17:37:26 <Piranhaqueen> ))oh jeez i'll make a different post about this, so many people in the family *cries*))
  86. 17:37:36 <Piranhaqueen> ((BUT YES i will make my new oc in the fugue ))
  87. 17:39:12 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  88. 17:40:57 <InkDream46> {{ New money, purchased a barony or maybe some other kind of lower title? Hm. Are "sir" titles a thing in Dunwall? }}
  89. 17:40:59 <CarlKindle> ((lets do something))
  90. 17:41:26 <Piranhaqueen> ((i thikn so , more than likely))
  91. 17:42:04 <Piranhaqueen> ((i'm thinking of his name being Tobias, or Kai.))
  92. 17:42:35 <InkDream46> {{ With the setup that you have it seems like their family would be of the rising gentry class. If they're titled nobility, a purchased title, maybe? Uh, if that's a thing in Dunwall as well, though I'm not sure. }}
  93. 17:42:58 <InkDream46> {{ Rising gentry meaning, aristocratic and wealthy because of an entreprenurial venture. }}
  94. 17:43:09 <InkDream46> {{ Rather than because of old inheirted money. }}
  95. 17:44:14 <Piranhaqueen> ((*nods* if that was a thing a purchased title seems like something they'd do.))
  96. 17:44:45 <InkDream46> {{ I can't remember if a baronet was a lord or a sir. }}
  97. 17:45:44 <InkDream46> {{ Baronet is sir. Yep. }}
  98. 17:45:55 <Piranhaqueen> ((They're addressed "sir" like a knight or "Dame" for a baronetess))
  99. 17:47:30 <Piranhaqueen> ((But yes, small, adorable tobias who's too innocent for dunwall))
  100. 17:48:29 <Piranhaqueen> ((With a small shiba inu following him))
  101. 17:50:12 <Piranhaqueen> ((fugue? fugue?))
  102. 17:51:55 <InkDream46> {{ Sure. Uh, where are all of my people... mostly at the party wolf. }}
  103. 17:53:53 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  104. 17:54:13 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobias and shiba will make some errands then probably end up stuck at the boat))
  105. 17:54:32 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  106. 17:54:55 <InkDream46> {{ *burns an offering to connections* }}
  107. 17:55:21 <starvingfaithful> ((Cheers! *nibbles on one of the offerings*))
  108. 17:56:13 <CarlKindle> ((Al is still at Party Wold idk where Andres went after the bar. probably to chain smoke some more))
  109. 17:57:56 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  110. 17:58:06 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  111. 17:59:33 <InkDream46> {{ "Gwenwynwyn" }}
  112. 18:00:50 <Hannisballs> (( who wants his ass pinched by Captn`))
  113. 18:01:17 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobias does))
  114. 18:01:32 <Piranhaqueen> ((innocent 20 year old who just wants to do some deliveries ))
  115. 18:02:28 <InkDream46> {{ Fabion, I'm tempted to make this Glitter's name. }}
  116. 18:02:37 <Piranhaqueen> ((first gotta make some deliveries yay))
  117. 18:03:04 <Piranhaqueen> ((did i mention along with the china and fancy tea sets his family also ships different types of tea))
  118. 18:04:03 <InkDream46> {{ Porcelain and tea, that's a pretty damn big company... are you sure Tobias is doing delieveries for his family? }}
  119. 18:04:28 <InkDream46> {{ Wait, is tea like a small kind of side-thing or something legitimately big? }}
  120. 18:04:43 <Piranhaqueen> ((Small side deal))
  121. 18:05:03 <InkDream46> {{ Oh. }}
  122. 18:05:05 <Piranhaqueen> ((there's a lot of shippers for the company, tobias is just one of the many shippers))
  123. 18:05:40 <CarlKindle> ((i though t that said stripper cause i am a 12 year old))
  124. 18:07:08 <starvingfaithful> ((Strippers?! WHERE.))
  125. 18:07:23 <starvingfaithful> ((Dang, it was a false alarm. Dang it, Carl!))
  126. 18:08:22 <CarlKindle> ((sorry to disappoint. QUICK SOMEONE MAKEA STRIPPER OC))
  127. 18:08:30 <Hannisballs> (( *captn puts*))
  128. 18:08:37 <Piranhaqueen> ((IZAAC KNOWS OHW TO POLE DANCE))
  129. 18:08:40 <Hannisballs> *pouts
  130. 18:09:03 <Piranhaqueen> ((but tobias runs a small sized bookstore and occasionally the family's library))
  131. 18:09:06 <CarlKindle> ((sorry my pole dancer is away))
  132. 18:09:58 <Piranhaqueen> ((bUT yES Fugue!))
  133. 18:10:15 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene is currently dancing topless on the party wolf, does reckless and probably drunk af dancer count? }}
  134. 18:10:33 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  135. 18:10:45 <CarlKindle> ((still counts!))
  136. 18:11:07 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  137. 18:11:17 <Piranhaqueen> ((tobias would probably be awkward nod and smile and just want to leave and be confused how he go tthere))
  138. 18:12:15 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene: Well you're no fun. Dance with me! }}
  139. 18:14:02 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobias: *wincing* "I gotta go to some errands" *tries to walk away with the box of china* "I have to go somewhere" *internally dying*))
  140. 18:14:33 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene: Pfft, fugue is when you're supposed to loosen up! }}
  141. 18:14:49 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene: Have a drink or two, it'll do you good. }}
  142. 18:14:58 <CarlKindle> ((party boy him))
  143. 18:15:21 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobias: *blushing a lot and pushes his glasses* "I don't ,, i don't ??? ? ?? ? ?" *shrugs and tries to walk away*))
  144. 18:15:35 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobias: "I don't drink, I'm sorry.))
  145. 18:15:37 <InkDream46> {{ Party girl, yep. }}
  146. 18:15:57 <Piranhaqueen> ((he's not 21 yet lmao !! nerd isn't old enough!!))
  147. 18:16:19 <InkDream46> {{ It's fugue, sshh. }}
  148. 18:16:28 <CarlKindle> ((neither is Carl))
  149. 18:16:34 <starvingfaithful> ((*glances at all the underage shenanigans* YEAH.))
  150. 18:16:54 <starvingfaithful> ((It's 19th century Dunwall, mofos! *throws the rules out the window*))
  151. 18:17:01 <InkDream46> {{ It's also fugue! }}
  152. 18:17:22 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobias: "I'm not allowed to drink" *laughs politely and tries to go back to the carriage were izaac is waiting impatiently*))
  153. 18:17:36 <CarlKindle> ((i don't want to be that person...but what about the kids? what do they do on Fugue?))
  154. 18:17:40 <InkDream46> {{ Clymene: But it's fuuuugue. }}
  155. 18:17:50 <InkDream46> {{ Well, mine are hiding away at Cromwell manor. }}
  156. 18:18:08 <CarlKindle> ((OMG THE SPONGE LADY))
  157. 18:18:18 <Piranhaqueen> ((Tobais: *wincing nervously and shaking his head* "Someone is waiting for me, no thankyou!" ))
  158. 18:18:23 <Piranhaqueen> ((OH GOD THAT VIDEO I KNOW RIGHT))
  159. 18:19:00 <starvingfaithful> ((Re: kids during Fugue: I think babysitters are in VERY high demand. Great wages.))
  160. 18:19:19 <InkDream46> {{ That's actually a really good question, what do kids do during fugue. }}
  161. 18:19:31 <CarlKindle> ((Where is Cas? Is he ok the poor bb))
  162. 18:19:47 <InkDream46> {{ Cas is at Cromwell, likely. }}
  163. 18:20:06 <Piranhaqueen> ((brb hold on))
  164. 18:20:36 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  165. 18:21:39 ** InkDream46 has joined *
  166. 18:21:46 <CarlKindle> (([link]))
  167. 18:22:18 ** InkDream46 has left * timed out
  168. 18:22:26 <InkDream46> {{ But yeah, chances are Castor is at Cromwell manor with Lucky. Elenore and Max don't go out for fugue, so they'll help look after the little ones. }}
  169. 18:22:39 <InkDream46> {{ omg I want }}
  170. 18:23:31 <CarlKindle> ((good good))
  171. 18:24:19 <InkDream46> {{ (And they're allowed to stay up late and play tag in the gardens so they're probably having loads of fun right now.) }}
  172. 18:26:45 <CarlKindle> ((yay children))
  173. 18:32:05 <CarlKindle> ((but yes party boat))
  174. 18:35:25 <CarlKindle> ((before i need to go eat))
  175. 18:36:38 <InkDream46> {{ uh. }}
  176. 18:37:43 <InkDream46> *Clymene is still dancing with Al, right?*
  177. 18:38:19 ** Piranhaqueen has joined *
  178. 18:38:26 <Piranhaqueen> ((okay back did i miss anything))
  179. 18:38:57 <starvingfaithful> 23:37:35 <InkDream46>*Clymene is still dancing with Al, right?*
  180. 18:39:04 <starvingfaithful> ((That is the extent of it, sir.))
  181. 18:39:09 <Piranhaqueen> ((also i forgot to mention that tobias also ships some books from his bookstore to people who order))
  182. 18:39:17 <Piranhaqueen> ((but did i miss anything))
  183. 18:39:36 <starvingfaithful> ((That is quite literally what you missed. :D))
  184. 18:40:07 <CarlKindle> *Dancing away to their happy hearts content*
  185. 18:40:12 <Piranhaqueen> ((clymene dancing with al? okay?))
  186. 18:40:30 <Piranhaqueen> ((i'll start with the shipping then))
  187. 18:41:26 ** starvingfaithful has left * connection closed
  188. 18:41:53 <Piranhaqueen> ((Where should the first ship be? should it be at the party wolf by mistake))
  189. 18:41:54 ** starvingfaithful has joined *
  190. 18:42:35 <Piranhaqueen> ((i'll make it at the party wolf by mistake))
  191. 18:43:10 <InkDream46> *Clymene is also probably trying to steal kisses from Al as they dance.*
  192. 18:43:21 <Piranhaqueen> *a black carriage arrives at the docks with two white stallions in the front* Tobias: *to Izaac* "Is this the right place?" Izaac: *shrugs*
  193. 18:43:24 <CarlKindle> *No need to steal what is freely given*
  194. 18:43:40 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *gets off the carriage and looks around* *looks back at izaac*
  195. 18:43:59 <Piranhaqueen> Izaac: *gives him the box of china and the order* "Be careful."
  196. 18:44:09 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "You're not worried!?"
  197. 18:44:16 <CarlKindle> ((That's getting broken))
  198. 18:44:17 <Hannisballs> *captn: may or may not has lost his shirt, but still in full party mode*
  199. 18:44:26 <Piranhaqueen> Izaac: "Just be careful! You know how father is!"
  200. 18:44:40 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: "But!" *shows him the party boat*
  201. 18:45:22 <Piranhaqueen> *izaac runs off with the carriage, the horses hooves clicking on the pavement*
  202. 18:45:30 ** InkDream46 has left * timed out
  203. 18:45:38 <Piranhaqueen> Tobias: *grimly looks at the book with the box of china* *the box has the family crest on it*
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