
Roblox Rolimons Rares/Terrible/Low Demand ID List

Jan 11th, 2020
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  1. Rare, Terrible Demand, and Low Demand ID List
  3. Instructions:
  4. - Turn off your bot and cancel all outbound trades
  5. - Paste this list inside 'not_for_trade =' in the config so you only trade Unvalued, Normal, High, and Amazing demand items.
  6. - Feel free to add or remove IDs to match your inventory. This list includes ALL Rares, terrible, and low demand items, so if you want to trade for them be sure to remove their IDs before running OTB.
  7. - Go to to see more options.
  12. 1031429, 1048338, 1114768, 1158416, 1323384, 2799053, 8795521, 9465511, 9910070, 9910420, 12565866, 12908119, 12908164, 13370505, 13793866, 14404355, 14462955, 14671091, 14719555, 14876573, 15013006, 15177020, 15731113, 16385361, 16598513, 16641274, 16646369, 16652251, 16895215, 17109706, 17449820, 17735316, 17739050, 17999992, 18482398, 20573086, 20641998, 20908915, 21070012, 21070350, 21802141, 22157971, 22546563, 22850569, 22946161, 23301681, 23705521, 23727705, 23962538, 24485062, 24487029, 25267538, 25308748, 25308781, 25740034, 25975243, 26011378, 26769281, 26943368, 27477255, 27858560, 28676186, 29844011, 30371876, 31046644, 31101391, 31312357, 31765091, 32199211, 32278729, 32567578, 33171947, 33337038, 35292167, 35686000, 35686056, 36466277, 36839669, 37816777, 38858257, 40493240, 40893128, 42846048, 42900229, 43704842, 44114667, 47697285, 48545806, 49493376, 51352983, 52458643, 55633111, 55907562, 55909280, 57013875, 61895706, 62718352, 62720062, 62720797, 63043890, 63692675, 64082730, 64560136, 65079090, 66330165, 68603324, 69226736, 69344107, 72082328, 73151293, 73791866, 74891545, 74939231, 77443704, 81154592, 83704165, 88885069, 93136746, 93136802, 94794774, 96079550, 97078419, 97852103, 98346834, 100425940, 100929295, 100929604, 102613165, 102617707, 105344365, 105344861, 108149175, 108158379, 114385498, 119916949, 124745913, 125013769, 128158708, 135470710, 135470997, 136802867, 140484519, 144507154, 146134358, 147180077, 148791559, 149594212, 152173424, 158068251, 158069180, 159229806, 161211371, 162067148, 164204277, 169444030, 169444515, 172327379, 173783297, 180660043, 188003914, 188004500, 188888052, 207207025, 207207782, 209994352, 215719463, 215751161, 228449574, 241543974, 244160357, 250394771, 258184056, 259423244, 271015154, 286524947, 293316452, 298084718, 315549204, 321346550, 321346616, 323417812, 323419455, 323419816, 334663683, 346686597, 362029620, 376805769, 376805952, 380201576, 383605854, 398674241, 398676450, 402304782, 416828455, 416832622, 416833339, 416846000, 417458345, 439984665, 445115703, 489196035, 493476042, 493477472, 493486164, 557057917, 562478132, 568920951, 583635712, 638087256, 638089422, 689391156, 878889105, 1180419124, 1180433861, 1230409188, 1340199684, 1402447683, 1425150624, 1513251995, 1678356850, 1778004652, 2015363653, 2041982658, 2397732794, 2565909803, 2566015124, 2566024668, 2830437685, 2830451846, 2830463943, 4390848511, 4390888537, 1114768, 1158416, 1193866, 1323367, 2799053, 8795521, 9465511, 9910070, 9910420, 12565866, 12908119, 12908164, 13370505, 13793866, 14404355, 14462955, 14515496, 14671091, 14876573, 15013006, 15177020, 15731113, 16385361, 16598513, 16641274, 16646369, 16652251, 16895215, 17109706, 17449820, 17680660, 17735316, 18482398, 20641998, 21070350, 21802141, 22157971, 22850569, 22946161, 23301681, 23705521, 23727705, 23962538, 24485062, 24487029, 25267538, 25308473, 25308748, 25308781, 25740034, 26011378, 26769281, 26943368, 27477255, 27858560, 29844011, 30371876, 31046644, 31312357, 31765091, 32199211, 32278729, 32567578, 33171947, 33337038, 35292167, 35686056, 36466277, 37816777, 38858257, 40493240, 40497339, 40893128, 44114667, 49493376, 51352983, 52458643, 55633111, 55907562, 55909280, 57013875, 61895706, 62332732, 62720797, 63692675, 64560136, 65079090, 68603324, 69226736, 69344107, 73151293, 73791866, 74891545, 74939231, 77443704, 80661504, 81154592, 81688984, 83704165, 88885069, 93136746, 93136802, 94794774, 96079550, 97078419, 97852103, 100425940, 100929295, 102617707, 105344365, 105344861, 108149175, 108158379, 114385498, 124745913, 128158708, 135470710, 136802867, 140484519, 144507154, 148791559, 149594212, 152173424, 158068251, 159229806, 169444030, 172327379, 173783297, 182774911, 188003914, 207207025, 207207782, 215719463, 241543974, 244160357, 258184056, 293316452, 298084718, 321346616, 323417812, 323419816, 346686597, 376805769, 376805952, 416828455, 416832622, 416833339, 417458345, 445115703, 562478132, 638087256, 1230409188, 1402447683, 1031429, 1086815, 1172161, 1272714, 1279018, 1323384, 5162497, 8795516, 14719555, 15095717, 17999992, 19381787, 20573086, 20908915, 21070012, 22546563, 28455752, 28676186, 33070696, 36839669, 46348897, 47697285, 48039287, 48545806, 49048671, 58438853, 66319941, 66330204, 67571288, 77359855, 82331933, 82332012, 98346834, 101191388, 116786741, 119916824, 121260018, 121389847, 125013769, 135470997, 146134358, 149599125, 151784526, 158069180, 161211371, 169444515, 207206653, 220248530, 250394771, 321346550, 323419455, 362029620, 362029970, 383605854, 398674241, 439984665, 489196035, 493477472, 557057917, 583635712, 689391156, 878889105, 1180419124, 1180419690, 1180433861, 1340199684, 1678356850, 2041982658, 2565909803, 2566024668, 2830451846, 2830463943, 4390900302
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