
Deadmeat Chronicles: Interactions

Dec 20th, 2013
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  1. >You are a maroon unicorn fluffy with a light green mane.
  2. >You are leading your herd away from the two legged monsters.
  3. >But it seems very strange how the monster hidey holes keep getting bigger.
  4. >You are still nibbling on grass in cracks and sipping from puddles under faucets and next to the black path.
  5. >You bedded down your herd last night and now you are waking up.
  6. >You look across your cooing and snoring herd.
  7. >You see Haze crawling on his belly behind Next Special Friend.
  8. >He gets behind her and sniffs, “Hehe… gud smeww…”
  9. >You snap at Haze, “Yoo nuu be stwange fwuffy!”
  10. >He just rolls on his back and giggles.
  11. >You snort, then stand up and stretch.
  12. >The mommy fluffy wakes and yawns, she looks over at you and smiles.
  13. >Her baby wakes as well and quickly starts to jump around.
  14. >You sit looking around as the other fluffies wake up.
  15. >Haze pops up in front of your face, “Hewwo smawty!”
  16. >You scramble backwards and get in a defensive stance, “Hase! Yoo nuu be stwange fwuffy!”
  17. >Haze drops and covers his mouth giggling like he just told an inside joke.
  18. >He then jumps up and skips away humming an out of tune song.
  19. >Pookie and a couple of other fluffies walk up and say hello to you as well.
  20. >All the fluffies are up and playing.
  21. >The sick and hurt fluffies are off to the side.
  22. >The sick fluffy can barely hold its head up and seem to have fluff falling out.
  23. >The injured fluffy’s leg is red and swollen.
  24. >It doesn’t smell pretty.
  25. >You give the sick and hurt fluffies huggies to help them feel better.
  26. >Other fluffies give huggies as well.
  27. >After play and nibbling on bark on branches and scraps of grass you gather our herd.
  28. >”Fowwow Deadmeat!”
  29. >You start walking with four fluffies surrounding you.
  30. >Pookie is walking next to you.
  31. >”Yoo am gud smawty!”
  32. >”Deadmeat am Deadmeat.” You plainly say.
  33. >”Pookie happy Pookie fin yoo hewd.”
  34. >”Yoo take aww fwuffy in. Yoo take bad fwuffy in.”
  35. >You glance at Pookie, “Wha bad fwuffy?”
  36. >Pookie glances behind him, “Yoo take Hase in hewd. Aww hewd wif dat fwuffy get biggest owies.”
  37. >Pookie looks at you, “Hase efen gif own smawty fwens big owies.”
  38. >You look behind at Haze.
  39. >He is running back and forth behind the herd giggling and jumping.
  40. >”Hase nuu wook wike bad fwuffy…”
  41. >”Dat fwuffy am know by wots of fwuffies.”
  42. >”Hase hewt wots and wots of fwuffy.”
  43. >Pookie looks at you, “Yoo nuu wowwie... Pookie wike yoo, keep bad ting fwom happen to smawty.”
  44. >”Keep yoo hewd fwom big owies wike wast hewd.”
  45. >You say, “Wha happen yoo wast hewd?”
  46. >”Pookie’s wast hewd get big owies.”
  47. >You glance at him, “How hewd get biggest owchies?”
  48. >”Meanie hoomin gif hewd big owies.”
  49. >”Why two wegged munsta gif hewd biggest owchies?”
  50. >”Hewd twy take hoomin wand.” Pookie says nonchalantly with a smile on his face.
  51. >You are startled, “Why hewd twy dat? Two wegged munsta stwong!”
  52. >”Hewd was hungy. Smawty nee nummies so twy take wand.”
  53. >”Hoomin nuu gif wand, onwy owies.”
  54. >Your conversation is interrupted by voices.
  55. >”Pwease mof fwen!”, “Huggies make fwen betteh…”, “Why fwen nuu mof?”
  56. >You turn and tell your herd to stop.
  57. >You look ahead and see a few fluffy rumps sticking out form a hedge row.
  58. >You start to walk up to the fluffies.
  59. >You get close and talk, “New fwens? Wan pway?”
  60. >One of the fluffy’s tail twitches.
  61. >A fluffy unicorn starts to back out yelling, “Dis smawty wand! You go way or big-“
  62. >He turns and looks at you.
  63. >He sees you are bigger than him and looks at all your scars.
  64. >”AHHHH! MUNSTA!”
  65. >He falls to the ground shaking and covers his eyes.
  66. >You stomp, “Deadmeat nuu munsta!”
  67. >The other fluffies scamper out and look at you.
  68. >”Nuuu! Meanie fwuffies fin fwuffy!”
  69. >They start shaking and some make scaredy poopies.
  70. >You see that two more males and three females come out.
  71. >One of the females has two fluffies huddling and shking under her trying to hide.
  72. >Bruce and Pookie walk up next to you followed by two other fluffies.
  73. >”D-dey big fwuffies…”, “Nuu wan hewties!”, “P-pwease… nuu hewt b-b-babbehs….”
  74. >”Nuuu…. Nuuu smeww….. NUU SMEWW PWETTY!”
  75. >Haze come running up and gets in front of you glaring at the fluffies you have found.
  76. >”MUNSTA! Hewp fwuffy!”
  77. >You stomp again, “Deadmeat say-“
  78. >Haze starts to walk up, “Nuu! Hase am gud fwuffy!”
  79. >The fluffies start to cower in front of the light blue earth fluffy with yellow mane.
  80. >Haze gasps as he sees the foals.
  81. >He trots up and flops on his belly looking at them.
  82. >”Bebbehs! Hase wub babbehs!”
  83. >He smiles and waves at them.
  84. >He sets up and looks at the mother fluffy.
  85. >”Hase tink yoo haf pwetty babbeh!”
  86. >She stares at him with fear in her eyes.
  87. >He leaps forward and hugs her neck.
  88. >Haze speaks like he is consoling her, “Nuu wowwy… when smawty say gif owies… Hase make owies quick. Yoo babbeh nuu hewt wong.”
  89. >Her eyes bug out in terror and her mouth opens in shock.
  90. >All she can manage to do is sob uncontrollably.
  91. >”Wahhhhhhhh! Pwe-…. Wahhhhhhh!”
  92. >”Dey mo fwuffy!” One of the fluffy shrieks as it points behind you to your herd.
  93. >All the fluffies start to hug one another and cry.
  94. >You get annoyed and stomp, “Nuu gif owies!”
  95. >Haze lets go of the crying fluffy and looks at you in awe.
  96. >He has a huge smile on his face as he turns back around to the mother.
  97. >He sits and claps, “Yay! Yoo babeh nuu get head cwunshies!”
  98. >He falls on his belly looking at the crying foals, “Pwease nuu cwy. Smawty say nuu gif bad owies noa!”
  99. >Haze shoves his head under the petrified mother fluffy and starts to lick the faces of the foals.
  100. >”Pwease nuu cwy… Hase take eye wa was away…”
  101. >After a few licks he comes out smiling.
  102. >He giggles and looks at the mother fluffy.
  103. >”Eye was was am nummier wif nuu boo boo juice in dem!”
  104. >Once again she burst out crying, “Wahhhhhhh! Bwahhhhh! Meanie fwuffy haf mommeh fwuffy! Wa-wa-waahhhhhhhhh!”
  105. >Haze claps again, “Yay! Mo eye wa was! Tank yoo! Hase haf twaot itchies!”
  106. >He starts to lick the tears streaming down the fluffy mother’s face.
  107. >You and the fluffies at your side all cock your heads confused looking at Haze.
  108. >Finally you point at Haze, “Hase! Yoo nuu be stwange fwufy!”
  109. >Haze turns with a hurt look on his face, “Nuu! Hase nuu am stwange! Hase am gud fwuffy!”
  110. >Bruce runs up and nips Haze’s tail, “Yoo am meanie! Yoo bad fwuffy! Yoo nee go way!”
  111. >Haze whips around at Bruce and pushes him, “Yoo nuu gif owies to Hase!”
  112. >Bruce jumps up and charges Haze.
  113. >They ram their heads together with their cheeks puffed.
  114. >They start trying to shove each other back and end up over the hiding smarty.
  115. >You snap at the two squabbling fluffies, ”Yoo fwuffies nuu gif owies to hewd fwuffies!”
  116. >You trot up to where the fluffies were in the fence.
  117. >You see a dead fluffy with a wire around its neck.
  118. >The wire seems to come from the ground.
  119. >The fluffy is laying with its eyes bugged out and boo boo juice leaking from its nose and mouth.
  120. >You sniff the air.
  121. >You smell the distinct smell of oil and metal.
  122. >You look into the yard and see the garden in it.
  123. >It is lush and green and you feel your tummy start to rumble.
  124. >But you smell the snappies and the smell is strong.
  125. >Those nummies are too dangerous to eat.
  126. >Pookie steps forward, “Am fwuffies gif big owies to dum dum hewd and take dey nummies?”
  127. >You walk back, “Nuu, nuu gif bad fwuffies owies.”
  128. >Pookie looks surprised, “Den fwuffiess gif dum dum smawty owies and take pwetty fwuffies?”
  129. >You look over the cowering herd.
  130. >”Nuu, nuu nee mo fwuffies. Haf mo fwuffies den hewd get big tummy owies.”
  131. >Haze and Bruce slowly look away from each other in shock and look at you.
  132. >Almost in unison they say, “Nuu gif any owies?”
  133. >”Nuu… Fowwow Deadmeat!”
  134. >The smarty lowers his hooves, “Smawty nuu get- ?”
  135. >He looks up seeing Haze and Bruce over him.
  136. >”MUNSTA! Bad fwuffies haf smawty! Hewp!”
  137. >He lets out a stream of scared poopies that splatters some of his herd.
  138. >Haze looks around confused while Bruce just stares at you.
  139. >Next Special friend comes running up and hugs Haze.
  140. >”Nex Speshul Fwen tink yoo nice fwuffy! Yoo be extwa gud to mommeh and babbehs! Nex Speshul Fwen see!”
  141. >He rolls and giggles as she tries to hug him.
  142. >Bruce starts to stomp, “Why nuu take dey nummies?”
  143. >You turn and snap at him, “Dey haf nuu nummies to take! Dey nuu nee get owies!”
  144. >Your herd starts to get into line and follow you.
  145. >After a bit you hear from behind you, “Why fwen… Nummies!”
  146. *snap*
  147. >”Why fwen nuu mof.. gif hug-…urk…”
  148. >”Fwen?”, “Nee huggies…”
  149. >You ignore the small herd.
  150. >You continue to walk throughout the day.
  151. >Bruce and Pookie fall into the middle of the line.
  152. >They seem to be talking to one another.
  153. >Haze is still in the rear.
  154. >Next special friend is behind you singing her song.
  155. >”Smawty amd de bestest smawty se onwy smawty fo fwuffy!”
  156. >”He wet Hase gif mommeh an babbeh wots of wubs!”
  157. >”Smawty keep hewd saf and fin us wots nummies!”
  158. >Fwuffy feew saf wif smawty because he am smawty!”
  159. >You walk until dark time.
  160. >You start to look for a place to hide and bed down when you stop.
  161. >You see it across the road.
  162. >You see the trees and bushes.
  163. >The wide areas of grass.
  164. >You recognize it immediately.
  165. >You start to take off across the black path.
  166. >A metal monster shoots by cutting you off.
  167. >You look back and forth making sure no more metal monsters are coming.
  168. >You run, “Fowwow Deadmeat! Deadmeat fin gud pwace!”
  169. >Fluffies take off behind you with Haze yelling in a panic.
  170. >You make it across the road and run across a field.
  171. >You run into a stand of trees.
  172. >You recognize a park.
  173. >You recognize what home looks like.
  174. >You have found a safe place.
  175. >You turn smiling to your herd who are now starting to hungrily eat the grass.
  176. >”Dis noa hidey hole! Fwuffies take beddy bye!”
  177. >The fluffies cheer as they eat and lay down.
  178. >The mommy fluffy walks up to you, “Yoo fin wots nummies fo momma… am gud smawty.”
  179. >She starts to nuzzle your neck and her child hugs your leg.
  180. >You lay and feel the soft grass on your tummy.
  181. >You barely lay a second before you are asleep.
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