

Nov 26th, 2017
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  1. on right click:
  2. loop {_lore::*}:
  3. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "可施展技能" or "能":
  4. set {_技能} to {_lore::%loop-index%}#儲存技能注解
  5. if {_check} is 5:#檢測是不是無關數字
  6. set {_check} to 1#確認可以開技能
  7. if {_lore::%loop-index%} contains "職業限制" or "職業需求":
  8. set {_職業} to {_lore::%loop-index%}#儲存職業注解
  9. set {_check} to 0#因為有職業限制,先檢查職業
  10. exit loop
  11. if {_check} is 0:
  12. if {_職業} is 0:#沒變化就停止.
  13. damage player by 100000
  14. stop
  15. loop {職業::*}:
  16. if "%{_職業}%" contains "%loop-value%":
  17. if {玩家資料.%player%::職業} is "%loop-value%":
  18. set {_check} to 1#允許過職業關
  19. if "%{_技能}%" contains "蓄力擊":
  20. if difference between {冷卻.%player%::蓄力擊} and now is more than or equal to 5 second:
  21. delete {冷卻.%player%::蓄力擊}
  22. if {冷卻.%player%::蓄力擊} is set:
  23. send "&c&l《蓄力擊》&e冷卻中,請稍後再使用"
  24. stop
  25. set {冷卻.%player%::蓄力擊} to now
  26. send "&e你使用了&c&l《蓄力擊》"
  27. set {_particle} to crit
  28. play raw sound "" at player with pitch 2 volume 1
  29. set {_蓄力擊.1} to block above player#玩家自身座標
  30. set {_蓄力擊.2} to block 6 blocks in front player#玩家前方十格座標
  31. set {_x.1} to x-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.1}#玩家自身x座標
  32. set {_x.2} to x-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.2}#玩家前方十格x座標
  33. set {_y.1} to y-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.1}#玩家自身y座標
  34. set {_y.2} to y-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.2}#玩家前方十格y座標
  35. set {_z.1} to z-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.1}#玩家自身z座標
  36. set {_z.2} to z-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.2}#玩家前方十格z座標
  37. set {_x.difference} to ({_x.2} - {_x.1}) / 15#計算玩家自身與玩家前方十格 座標差 除以30次
  38. set {_y.difference} to ({_y.2} - {_y.1}) / 15#計算玩家自身與玩家前方十格 座標差 除以30次
  39. set {_z.difference} to ({_z.2} - {_z.1}) / 15#計算玩家自身與玩家前方十格 座標差 除以30次
  40. loop 15 times:#增加座標差30次
  41. increase x-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.1} by {_x.difference}#增加座標x差 1次
  42. increase y-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.1} by {_y.difference}#增加座標y差 1次
  43. increase z-coordinate of {_蓄力擊.1} by {_z.difference}#增加座標z差 1次
  44. spawn 3 of particle {_particle} offset by 0.1, 0.1, -0.1 at location of {_蓄力擊.1}#特效
  45. loop entities in radius 3 around block at location of {_蓄力擊.1}:#給予範圍傷
  46. make player damage loop-entity by 20
  47. wait 0.1 ticks#給予時間差讓特效有慢慢跑的效果
  48. stop
  49. if "%{_技能}%" contains "龍祖傳授":
  50. if difference between {冷卻.%player%::龍祖傳授} and now is more than or equal to 30 second:
  51. delete {冷卻.%player%::龍祖傳授}
  52. if {冷卻.%player%::龍祖傳授} is set:
  53. send "&c&l《龍祖傳授》&e冷卻中,請稍後再使用"
  54. stop
  55. send "&e你使用了&c&l《龍祖傳授》"
  56. set {冷卻.%player%::龍祖傳授} to now
  57. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at player with pitch 3 volume 2
  58. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.hit" at player with pitch 2 volume 2
  59. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at player with pitch 2 volume 2
  60. spawn 60 of particle portal offset by 4, 0.5, -4 at location of player
  61. spawn 60 of particle red dust offset by 1, 4, -1 at location of player
  62. spawn 60 of particle smoke offset by 4, 4, -4 at location of player
  63. apply health boost 3 to player for 60 seconds
  64. loop entities in radius 6 of player:
  65. if loop-entity is a player:
  66. spawn 50 of particle happy villager offset by 0, 2, 0 at player
  67. send "&e你已被 %player% 的&6&l《超技能-龍祖傳授》&e提升最大HP了" to loop-entity
  68. apply health boost 3 to loop-entity for 60 seconds
  69. stop
  70. if "%{_技能}%" contains "經驗石碑":
  71. if difference between {冷卻.%player%::經驗石碑} and now is more than or equal to 0.2 second:
  72. delete {冷卻.%player%::經驗石碑}
  73. if {冷卻.%player%::經驗石碑} is set:
  74. stop
  75. send "&e你使用了&c&l《經驗石碑》"
  76. set {冷卻.%player%::經驗石碑} to now
  77. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.growl" at player with pitch 2 volume 2
  78. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.hit" at player with pitch 2 volume 2
  79. play raw sound "random.levelup" at player with pitch 2 volume 2
  80. loop entities in radius 12 of player:
  81. if loop-entity is a player:
  82. spawn 50 of particle portal offset by 1, 2, -1 at loop-entity
  83. send "&c你被經驗石碑命中了!" to loop-entity
  84. damage loop-entity by 9.5
  85. spawn 60 of particle happy villger offset by 0.3, 6, -0.3 at loop-entity
  86. stop
  87. on damage:
  88. if {冷卻.%attacker%::龍祖傳授} is set:
  89. if difference between {冷卻.%attacker%::龍祖傳授} and now is more than or equal to 60 seconds:
  90. delete {冷卻.%attacker%::龍祖傳授}
  91. increase damage by ({玩家資料.%attacker%::智慧} * 12 + {飾品狀態.%attacker%::智慧} + {玩家資料.%attacker%::力量} * 12 + {飾品狀態.%attacker%::力量} + {玩家資料.%attacker%::敏捷} * 12 + {飾品狀態.%attacker%::敏捷}) * 0.05
  92. if attacker isn't a player:
  93. stop
  94. if damage is more than or equal to 0.1:
  95. play raw sound "mob.enderdragon.wings" at victim with pitch 0 volume 1
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