
Off screen kills

Apr 25th, 2024
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  1. “Case.” Her mirrors emerged from deeper shadow. “You okay?”
  3. Something mewled and bubbled in the dark behind her.
  5. He shook his head.
  7. “Fight’s over, Case. Time to go home.”
  9. He tried to walk past her, back into the dark, where something was dying. She stopped him with a hand on his chest. “Friends of your tight friend. Killed your girl for you. You haven’t done too well for friends in this town, have you? We got a partial profile on that old bastard when we did you, man. He’d fry anybody, for a few New ones. The one back there said they got onto her when she was trying to fence your RAM. Just cheaper for them to kill her and take it. Save a little money. . . . I got the one who had the laser to tell me all about it. Coincidence we were here, but I had to make sure.” Her mouth was hard, lips pressed into a thin line.
  11. Case felt as though his brain were jammed. “Who,” he said, “who sent them?”
  13. She passed him a blood-flecked bag of preserved ginger. He saw that her hands were sticky with blood. Back in the shadows, someone made wet sounds and died.
  15. ***
  17. Neuromancer ch 2
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