
[A4A] Oh, You're Asleep Again [G/BFE] [Comfort] [Roleplay]

Jun 11th, 2020
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  1. [A4A] [Script Offer] Oh, You're Asleep Again [Roleplay] [GFE/BFE] [Concern] [Reassurance] [Advice] [Caring] [Comfort for Exhaustion] [I Love You] [Kisses]
  4. General mood and expression can be found in [these], with notes included in (these). Words in *these* should be emphasised. These are only suggestions, if any artists wish to change anything (specific lines, intonation, pacing etc), feel free. Comments or suggestions are always welcome, and of course the script is open to all who may want to fill.
  7. Script:
  9. [from outside the room] Hey! Babe, I've been calling you! Hey! [optional footsteps] [door opening] Babe! Oh, for fuck's sake…you're asleep again? [loud 'phew'] Oh, hey…listen, I didn't know you were asleep, but I was calling you from the kitchen, and…Aw, no no, don't feel bad. I didn't know you'd…well, of course you did…
  11. …Oh, fuck it, I'm just going to say it. Look, I'm worried about you. I mean, you're always asleep, you know? I go to work, you're asleep…I get home from work, you're asleep…I put on a movie, and before you know it…Hey. What's…oh, fuck. I knew I shouldn't have…Hey. What is it? You look so sad...
  13. Hey, come on…talk to me. Here, just let me sit with you…no, no, I can go on the floor, I can just rest my arm across you…there, just like that. [pause ] What? You don't like my arm resting over you? [giggle] Hey, I'm joking! [giggling] I'm just teasing, I know you just woke up…I'm just trying to lighten the mood, you know? I know you like me just sitting with you, sleepyhead. [giggle]
  15. But, hey…you need to talk to me, you know? I'm here for you. You know that, right? [pause] Of course I am! I'm always there for you, whatever it is you need babe. [pause] I know…I just get…well, I don't know what I get [pause] No no, I don't get mad, it's just…[pause] I don't…it's not me getting mad at you, I just…I don't know, I'm just worried about you, that's all.
  17. I mean, it might look like I'm mad, or sound like I'm mad, but I'm not. I'm really not. I just care about you, you know? [pause] Yeah, I do. I care about you a lot. You know that, right? [pause] There, that's the smile I love! [giggle] I do, though. I do care. And I just worry that there's something wrong…something wrong…with us, or with me. I mean…[pause]
  19. Yeah? You sure? You can tell me, you know…if there is, I mean, it's better to just say it, right? [pause] Okay, so what is it then? Hmmm? [pause] You are? Well, I can tell that, you drop off to sleep all the time, I know, but…[pause]…Oh, it is? What, all the time? [pause] Hmmm, okay…well, why do you think that is? [pause]
  21. Hmmm, okay. Well, you do work a lot. I mean, even when you're not working, you're…well, working, you know? [pause] Yeah, you're always busy with something, or someone from work sends you a text, and well…[pause] Yeah, you might just need some down time, you know? To just…I don't know, to turn it all off for a while, so you can relax. [pause]
  23. Oh, I know…I know, it's not just that though. You never just seem to…switch off though, I guess. You know, just switch off and just be you for a while. I know it's not just work, it's a lot of things, right? Or all the things? Yeah? [pause] Aw, babe…come here, let me just hold you. [pause] Hey, it's okay…just hold me.
  25. Hmmm, there. That's not so bad, is it? [giggle] Me holding you? [kiss] And kissing you? Hmmm? [kiss] Look, I just think you need to take some time for you. [kiss] Yeah, you need to have some time to unwind, to relax. We all need that, you know? We do. All of us. You can't just go on being everything to everyone all the time, not without looking after you first.
  27. Oh, I know…shhh, shhh. Don't be sad, you're amazing, you know that? [pause] You are! Look, you're kind, you're smart, you're…you're mine, you know? There. That's all you need to know. You're mine. [giggle] You think I'd be with someone who's not amazing? Hmmm? [giggle] There! There's that smile! [giggle] I love that smile.
  29. [kiss] Look, I'm only trying to help…you do need to just stop and take a break at times…for you. You need it. I know it's hard, but it's true. It might not be easy at first, but you might just start to feel better, a bit more…there, you know? A bit more like you. [kiss] I know there might be more to it, and it might not fix it right away, but it can't hurt, right? To look after yourself? [pause]
  31. There…there you go! I'm right. Again! [giggle] Oh, I'll be there to help too. In any way you need, okay? [pause] Of course I will, silly! I love you, don't I? [giggle] Oh, you know I do…I love you. And I'm here for you. Okay? [kiss] Okay, good. Now, move over. Hmmm? Yeah, move over. I want to get in there and snuggle. [giggle] There. Now you can fall asleep. With me wrapped up around you. [kiss] [soft hmmm to end]
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