
[mIRC] SVN log

Sep 16th, 2012
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  1. SVN Log mIRC bots by [MM]IKKE
  3. ---------------------------------
  4. Format:
  6. All scripts are entirely made, written and changed by [MM]IKKE. Bot rules can be found here:
  8. [MM]IKKE cannot be held responsible for any damage, loss of data, lack of information, bugs or any other possible events caused by his bots.
  9. --------------------------------
  11. 19.12.2013
  12. ---
  13. -added /convspawns, which will convert the old Sumo spawning system to the new one
  15. 17.12.2013
  16. ---
  17. -added /ddmap, which will convert New Dawn .pwn files into a usable CW format
  19. 15.11.2013
  20. ---
  21. -reduced amount of random quotes by 50%
  22. -previous performance improvement has fixed internal overflow causing IRC to freeze
  24. 11.11.2013
  25. ---
  26. -Drastically improved performance of most scripts by cutting down on the variables. Internally, this should fasten up most scripts by 25% on average
  27. -added some debug code which should help the bots reconnect faster upon connection loss
  29. 09.11.2013
  30. ---
  31. -updated New Dawn server management commands
  32. -fixed !conv still using old connection data
  34. 27.10.2013
  35. ---
  36. -fixed an issue regarding the ajoin list of IKKE2
  37. -fixed an issue regarding random quotes when the bots aren't in any channel
  39. 06.10.2013
  40. ---
  41. -added 3 aliases related to New Dawn server management
  43. 22.09.2013
  44. ---
  45. -improved security of both bots as owner (password related)
  46. -fixed (attempted to) a bug where the bot would falsely ghost the main nickname
  48. 01.09.2013
  49. ---
  50. -removed code related to different IRC server (thinstack)
  51. -Final improvement to bot control related to their server connections. Now only takes 2 changes in the entire script to set up new servers
  52. -/convert will now open the created file
  54. 30.07.2013
  55. ---
  56. -Created /convert command which will convert .map files into PAWN code
  58. 29.07.2013
  59. ---
  60. -fixed 2 raw's related to invites to prevent spamming
  62. 23.07.2013
  63. ---
  64. -fixed !conv not using the appropriate connections
  66. 15.07.2013
  67. ---
  68. -fixed !lastcmd & !lastmsg by unloading/loading a script
  69. -fixed removing warns at start of month:
  70. -won't remove warnings twice when connecting multiple times
  71. -will remove warnings when not connecting on the 1st day of the month
  72. -added command !usage
  73. -added command !status
  74. -added tons of unused & old commands to the help file
  75. -updated command list
  76. -updated the help command
  77. -removed !bothelp
  79. 22.06.2013
  80. ---
  81. -better control over bots when using multiple servers. Aka it will use the correct server connection ID, instead of just the 2nd & 3rd server in my list.
  83. 30.05.2013
  84. ---
  85. -added alias /pass, generates a random password:
  87. 24.05.2013
  88. ---
  89. -changed action on PM of ignored people (used to do the same as banned)
  91. 10.05.2013
  92. ---
  93. -increased the maximum of channel average counts to 200, to increase its accuracy
  95. 03.05.2013
  96. ---
  97. -fixed a bug where channel peaks are not updated correctly
  98. -fixed a bug related to channel topics. Bots attempted to update the topic to $null when they got kicked on joining.
  99. -added alias upd_peak
  100. -added peak time
  102. 12.02.2013
  103. ---
  104. -fixed !warn
  105. -attempted fix with randomquote getting a data overload (runtime bug which got previously fixed)
  106. -!chanfile will now return the rounded amount of average users in the channel
  107. -change of command system
  108. -each command is written in a .ini file
  109. -stores if the command is active
  110. -stores what the usage of the command is
  111. -stores the help of the command
  112. -stores what status you need in order to use it
  113. -other features still under construction (see to-do list)
  114. -fixed a small bug related to nickalert count. Thanks to FUNExtreme for pointing out
  116. 06.02.2013
  117. ---
  118. -channel ignore mode (automatically enabled for channels the bots left already)
  119. -user ignore mode. Users on the ignore list will not be able to trigger any command.
  120. -renamed !quotes to !quotesamount. This command returns the amount of quotes logged
  121. -random quotes system change
  122. -!quotes will show the status of quotes on the channel (enabled or disabled)
  123. -reworked random quotes so it actually checks quote status of the channel in the channel file instead of working with a huge if elseif code
  124. -channel owners can now enable or disable random quotes using "!enable quotes" or "!disable quotes"
  125. -added command !chanset. This enables me to set certain channel settings to a specified value
  126. -added command !chanfile, which will return the stats in the channel file.
  128. 09.01.2013
  129. ---
  130. -one warn will be removed from all channels at the start of each month (1st)
  132. 04.01.2013
  133. ---
  134. -!stfu update
  135. -optimisation
  136. -changed some stuff to $isowner and $isprotect
  137. -fixed it for channel owners
  138. -should still be updated
  140. 26.12.2012
  141. ---
  142. -added command !svn
  143. -(possibly) fixed a runtime bug which might have been caused by some overflow, due to simultaneously running timers
  145. 19.12.2012
  146. ---
  147. -removed one of the running timers
  148. -moved certain expressions within random quotes checker - should use less resources
  149. -made timers work at other time intervals - preventing collision (which might cause the mirc.exe bug)
  150. -moved files in main IRC folder to subfolders
  151. -8ball related files
  152. -random talk related files
  153. -script list
  154. -ajoin lists
  155. -cmdlist (and added !isbot)
  156. -bot lists
  157. -file containing everyone who ever joined my channel
  158. -added alias /delbot
  159. -/addbot will now ask to overwrite if a bot is already on the list as a different type of bot
  160. -edited some commands to convert nicknames into right capitalisation (eg [mm]ikke becomes [MM]IKKE)
  161. -!botslap
  162. -!rape
  163. -!cake
  164. -!random
  165. -edited !chan(full)stats/chanusers
  166. -improvements to the way it works
  167. -removed bugs out of it
  168. -fixed timer
  169. -edited capitalisation where possible
  171. 01.12.2012
  172. ---
  173. -important change: user requirement only counts between 14h and midnight GMT +1
  175. 29.11.2012
  176. ---
  177. -added a feature which should automatically change my name back and login after force-changing my nickname (aka after a netsplit, server changes my name because of no login, this should fix that)
  179. 28.11.2012
  180. ---
  181. -added warnings system
  182. -1 warn each 24hours max
  183. -owners are now obliged to be in #[MM]IKKE if online (checks once each 30minutes)
  184. -channels must have at least 8 people online (checks once each 60minutes)
  185. -added !warn
  186. -added some aliases related to this
  187. -fully automatic system making the bots leave
  189. 26.11.2012
  190. ---
  191. -added local alias /checkchantopic
  192. -added feature where bots will check channel topics upon joining
  193. -added protection against channel notices in main & echo channel
  195. 19.11.2012
  196. ---
  197. -average count will now be decided over the last 50 times counted
  199. 13.11.2012
  200. ---
  201. -channel commands have been added (accessible for everyone)
  202. -!avg/!average
  203. -!peak
  204. -!lastmsg/!lastmessage
  205. -!joins
  206. -!leaves
  207. -!bans
  208. -!kicks
  209. -!msgs/!messages
  210. -!lastcmd/!lastcommand
  211. -!topic
  212. -!oldtopic
  213. -!warns
  214. -fixed a small bug regarding !leave <chan>
  215. -updated command list with new commands (separated user commands into 2 lists)
  216. -alias /addstat: adds a stat with a certain default value for all logging channels
  217. -!setversion now also changes quit message
  219. 09.11.2012
  220. ---
  221. -edited !open to also be able to open .ini files and channel files
  223. 08.11.2012
  224. ---
  225. -MAJOR UPDATE: channel files. Currently working in the background (already logging everything), only !peak has already been made public. These features are in beta (v3.10.0)
  226. -added aliases
  227. -/ajoinlist: re-adds NETWORK ajoin list
  228. -/botsajoinlist: re-adds bots NETWORK ajoin list
  229. -tons of increasers for channel stats
  230. -made a default channels file:
  231. -added command
  232. -!global: sends a global message to all channels
  233. -!peak: will return the peak of channel users
  234. -added tons of channel related identifiers
  235. -disable random talk by default
  236. -added timer which counts users online in channels
  237. -added a timer for dot reply script: cooldown of 5 seconds
  239. 04.11.2012
  240. ---
  241. -fixed learningmode falsely not learning anything
  242. -automated rejoin on leaving #[MM]IKKE and #[MM]IKKE.echo
  244. 03.11.2012
  245. ---
  246. -changed the way the bots identify themselves
  247. -added automatic reset of bots when they quit
  248. -removed double identifying on !rejoin
  250. 30.10.2012
  251. ---
  252. -fixed dot reply script
  254. 27.10.2012
  255. ---
  256. -added command !ircservers: echo's all current IRC servers
  257. -added alias /netsplit: connects to all IRC servers within network
  259. 18.10.2012
  260. ---
  261. -removed bot variables
  262. -added identifiers and changed scripts depending on it
  263. -$MMBots
  264. -$jSBots
  265. -$UGPBots
  266. -$commandlist
  267. -edited $afk.bots into new format
  268. -edited all command lists into new format
  269. -removed unnecessary channels out of command lists (#[MM]IKKE.races, #[MM]IKKE.testing)
  270. -removed !cmds <nick>
  271. -separated learn from reply
  273. 06.10.2012
  274. ---
  275. -reset quotes once again - reset yesterday bugged
  276. -removed one more variable
  277. -added commands
  278. -resetdictionary
  279. -resetconv
  280. -special encode code to prevent double reset lists - now everything is reset using aliases
  281. -removed aliases
  282. -/knowledge
  283. -/lol
  284. -/tro
  285. -/deprotect
  286. -moved aliases to local scripts - no more manual trigger
  287. -/botban.join
  288. -/checkchannels
  289. -/getchanstats
  290. -/getchanusers
  291. -/getidle
  292. -/getping
  293. -/banjoin
  294. -/loadbots
  295. -/checkbots
  296. -/invitejoin
  297. -/reply
  298. -/learn
  299. -/learnword
  300. -/learnword2
  301. -/ownerleave
  302. -/quiz
  303. -/randomquote
  304. -/qcheckexceptions
  305. -/qcheckchannels
  306. -/quote
  307. -moved aliases
  308. -/addbot
  309. -added aliases
  310. -/delvoice
  311. -/ping
  312. -removed identifier
  313. -$bot_name
  314. -improved stat commands
  315. -prevented double listing in some commands
  316. -removed some hardcoded nicknames, such as [AC]MoonLight[93RUS]
  317. -removed unnecessary code in /mystats
  319. 05.10.2012
  320. ---
  321. -removed replyrate entirely
  322. -reset quotes
  323. -removed commands
  324. -gta
  325. -samp
  326. -rpgcommands
  327. -rpgusercommands
  328. -rpgadmincommands
  329. -rpgownercommands
  330. -rpgfullcommands
  331. -run
  332. -addbot
  333. -delbot
  334. -changed 8ball
  335. -more answers
  336. -now also answers "how", "why", "what", "when" questions
  337. -uses UGC for certain answer
  338. -changed variable system
  339. -each script now loads/unloads their own custom variables on LOAD/UNLOAD/START
  340. -unset some variables automatically
  341. -unset other variables on exit
  342. -updated reset commands
  343. -removed quiz variables
  344. -removed some other old variables
  345. -edited !open
  346. -removed tons of unexisting directories
  347. -removed support for certain file types
  348. -!version
  349. -disabled double CTCPs, used to be bugged
  350. -edited help
  351. -only works locally
  352. -changed into one single, separated script
  353. -fixed some bugs
  354. -changed conversation
  355. -only works locally
  356. -changed into one single, separated script
  357. -moved part of the AFK PM script into a separate section
  358. -moved peak join script into separate section
  359. -removed certain RPG features still commented out
  360. -removed errornous logging of commands over PM, with the exception of /me
  362. 16.09.2012
  363. ---
  364. -updated /update
  365. -disabled quiz
  366. -removed plenty of unnecessary commands in various files:
  367. -tripleslap
  368. -allbotskill
  369. -dog
  370. -cat
  371. -sheep
  372. -cow
  373. -bird
  374. -pikachu
  375. -fulldate
  376. -date
  377. -time
  378. -kill
  379. -crash
  380. -internet
  381. -youtube
  382. -isohunt
  383. -google
  384. -lastupdates
  385. -last10updates
  386. -except
  387. -ip
  388. -address
  389. -resetreply
  390. -replyrate
  391. -np
  392. -nps
  393. -removed aliases
  394. -/b(elgium)
  395. -/botsdo
  396. -/c(olor)
  397. -/cya
  398. -/l(eet)
  399. -/lal
  400. -/rainbow
  401. -/job
  402. -/mm
  403. -/resetreply
  404. -/displaychat
  405. -/pmspam
  406. -/randomall
  407. -/spam
  408. -moved various aliases to a more suitable file
  409. -added SVN log with updates as far as my backups go
  410. -made certain aliases more user-friendly
  412. 15.09.2012
  413. ---
  414. -fixed stuff related to checking if it's one of my bots or not
  415. -various changes to increase performance
  416. -fixed !botban trying to kick when user already got removed out of channel
  417. -fixed commands incorrectly being displayed with group_say
  418. -ask to enable or disable automated AFK mode on start-up
  419. -only perform ajoin when already on 10+ channels (default network ajoin)
  420. -copying certain stuff to clipboard directly
  421. -/rev: reverse
  422. -/encode: encoding
  423. -updated stuff which was rolled back by a system restore
  424. -added custom identifiers
  425. -$$chan,$nick,$nick)
  426. -hidden information tag about who and where if user is owner on #[MM]IKKE at certain commands
  427. -implemented secure connection
  429. 28.08.2012
  430. ---
  431. -fixed !botban:
  432. -kicking random users
  433. -kicking multiple times
  434. -channel owners can now !botban
  435. -fixed the unban
  436. -removed some retarded coding
  437. -added custom identifiers
  438. -$isowner($chan,$nick)
  439. -$isprotect($chan,$nick)
  440. -$calctime(time1,time2)
  441. -$igserver
  442. -added aliases:
  443. -/countsigns
  444. -/addscript
  445. -/delscript
  446. -/getasc
  447. -changed AFK
  448. -shows time of AFK (hh hours, mm minutes, ss seconds)
  449. -multiple IG servers
  450. -returns which server
  452. 27.08.2012
  453. ---
  454. -published a to-do list:
  456. 27.07.2012
  457. ---
  458. -removed IKKE3 & IKKE4 out of cycle and corresponding code
  459. -group_say system implemented
  460. -bots alternate messages now
  461. -grouped IKKE1 & IKKE2
  462. -removed lots of unnecessary commands
  463. -clearchat
  464. -unloadallbots (now: unloadbots - with more efficient code)
  465. -setvol
  466. -vol
  467. -all prints
  468. -made everything more dynamic - adding or removing bots will take less time now
  469. -general improvements on performance
  471. 21.07.2012
  472. ---
  473. -fixed a lot of bugs
  475. 11.07.2012
  476. ---
  477. -various little changes on performance, including addition of identifiers
  478. -some small commands were added
  479. -cake
  480. -ignore
  481. -rules
  482. -added automated AFK mode after 10 minutes of idling
  484. 06.07.2012
  485. ---
  486. -also log actions over PMs
  488. 31.05.2012
  489. ---
  490. -improvements to learning engine
  491. -only learning words with normal latin alphabet signs
  493. 26.05.2012
  494. ---
  495. -added a bot check which triggers each 5mins. Checks if I'm on the channel. If not, leaves and notices
  496. -actually checking if the bots correctly joining upon loading them
  498. 24.05.2012
  499. ---
  500. -major improvements to learning enginge
  501. -correctly resetting
  502. -removed lag on !randomword
  503. -separating total dictionary
  504. -separating all words in different files based upon first 3 letters
  505. -added certain checks to disable scanning for words it won't learn either way
  506. -fixed code sometimes learning a word multiple times
  507. -echo of #[MM]IKKE.echo will now show what actually has been said, instead of already converting variables into text.
  509. 19.05.2012
  510. ---
  511. -added a PM logger
  513. Undated, important updates
  514. ---
  515. -disabled RPG
  516. -added learning mode
  517. -dynamic AFK/IG mode
  518. -efficient ignore mode
  519. -bot conversations with files randomly linking to each other
  520. -ping command for websites
  521. -channel stats in nice looking format
  522. -added identifiers instead of variables
  523. -error system
  524. -protection against kicks, bans and loss of modes
  525. -version system
  526. -smart scripting system
  527. -random adjective/noun system used in several commands
  528. -protection against advertising and/or abuse of certain commands
  529. -made a big help process command
  530. -added custom command lists based on access
  531. -added resetcommands
  532. -made a custom popups.ini
  533. -commands working on input:
  534. -!loadbots
  535. -random colours
  536. -random leet speech
  537. -ini to txt converter command
  538. -txt to ini converter command
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