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Apr 9th, 2017
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  1. Drow-Kreen
  2. -Drow sect worships mantis goddess ayeeda
  3. -Enslave Thri-Kreen tribes as they believe they have divine dominion over any and all mantis-like creatures
  4. -Corrupt Thri-Kreen eggs with dark magic and abhorrent rituals, turning them into subservient guardians and thralls
  5. -Some inevitably escape from their cruel masters, only to find that the surface world does not accept them
  6. -Often forced into a life of wandering an adventuring, for lack of any other oppurtunities
  8. Drow-Kreen Traits
  9. Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity and Wisdom scores increase by 1.
  11. Ability Score Decrease: Your Charisma score decreases by 1
  13. Age: Drow-Kreen reach physical maturity a week after hatching, and can live for up to 30 years.
  15. Alignment: Drow-Kreen tend towards a chaotic alignment, both due to the alien mindset their Thri-Kreen heritage gives them and from their upbringing under the rule of the Dark Elves. Those still serving under the Drow are evil, while escaped Drow-Kreen can be neautral or even good aligned.
  17. Size: Drow-Kreen are slightly smaller than their Thri-Kreen cousins, standing from 5 to 6 feet tall. Your size is Medium.
  19. Speed: A Drow-Kreen's base walking speed is 30 feet.
  21. Darkvision: Accostomed to the pitch darkness of the Underdark, the Drow-Kreen have exceptional vision in dim and dark conditions. They can see in dim light within 60 feet as if it was bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. They cannot perceive color in darkness, only shades of gray.
  23. Languages: Drow-Kreen may only speak their own language, which is a variant of the standard Thri-Kreen language and has no written form. Other races may learn to understand this language, but cannot speak it. Drow-Kreen can understand and read Common, Undercommon, and Elvish.
  25. Sleepless: Drow-Kreen do not require any form of sleep, and they cannot be put to sleep by magic.
  27. Carapace Armor: Drow-Kreen have a thick layer of chitin all over their body. This provides them with a base AC of 13 + their Dexterity modifier. A Drow-Kreen that chooses to wear armor uses the AC provided by the armor instead. Any armor costs twice the base price if made for a Drow-Kreen, due to their unique body structure.
  29. Natural Camoflage: A Drow-Kreen's carapace is a mottled mix of black and cool grays. They have advantage on Stealth skill rolls made in dark or dim enviornments.
  31. Leap: Drow-Kreen have advantage when using the Athletics skill to jump.
  33. Sunlight Sensitivity: Drow-Kreen have disadvantage on attack rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight when they, the target of their attack, or whatever they are trying to percieve is in direct sunlight.
  35. Weapon Training: The Drow frequently train their subservients as guards. Drow-Kreen have proficiency with scimitars, shortswords, and hand crossbows.
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