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Sep 14th, 2023
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  1. Disclaimer:
  3. This video contains a sponsored message in which the owners of Bad Idea AI token, paid Thomas James Investing, through Uptrend Agency, to advertise/promote the BadIdeaAi Token $BAD. Thomas James was given money (USD) to produce, edit and upload this video to the Thomas James Investing channel. All views in this video do not necessarily represent the views of the Thomas James Investing channel or the brand.
  5. Thomas James was compensated between $0 - $1,000 cash by Bad Idea Ai through Uptrend Agency for and upon the creation of this advertisement/promotion of the BadIdeaAi token $BAD. Thomas James has no personal investment in this company will not open an investment position for at least 30 days after the video goes live.
  7. Thomas James recommends that anyone considering investing into cryptocurrency should do their own due diligence about any crypto they are considering investing in, or exchange they are considering investing on. Anyone investing into cryptocurrency or choosing an investment platform should not base their decisions off of this video. Consult a financial professional before investing.
  9. Thomas James does believe that all information in this video is reliable, but cannot guarantee it. And therefore, should not be considered when making any financial decisions.
  11. Thomas has not personally verified the BadIdeaAi token contract, Thomas has not investigated any of the suggested Ai projects that Bad Idea Ai is working on or verified that any such projects will take place, other than being assured by the BadIdeaAi team that all information is reliable.
  13. Conformity with Anti-Touting Statute – Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933
  15. Thomas James received either monetary or securities compensation for the services in conformity with the anti-touting statute under the federal securities laws, Section 17(b) of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (“Securities Act”), and requires publishers to provide full disclosure of their compensation, as follows:
  17. Type of compensation (securities or cash) (if securities, whether common stock, preferred stock, warrants, or other type securities) received, or to be received (distinguish whether such compensation has been received or to be received and when).
  18. Identify of the party who paid the compensation, including whether such party is the Issuer, a third-party shareholder, or any other person or entity.
  19. Amount of securities or cash paid, and date paid or will be paid.
  20. Additionally, the following must be disclosed:
  22. If the compensation is in securities, whether the securities are restricted or unrestricted.
  23. If a corporate entity is the publisher of the information, its control persons must be identified.
  24. Identity of Person paying (Direct or Indirect) compensation to the stock promoter; and
  25. If the Publisher is compensated by a third-party shareholder or corporate entity, the shareholder or control persons of the entity must be identified by his or her individual name.
  27. Do Not Use Any Information in the Publication to Make an Investment Decision
  29. There is no information distributed by Thomas or otherwise that should be used as the basis for an investment decision.
  31. What Thomas is Not
  33. Thomas does not act, directly or indirectly, in the capacity of any of the following and you should not construe our activities as involving any of the following: (a) investment advisor; (b) broker dealer; (c) broker; (d) dealer; (e) stock recommender; (f) stock picker; (g) finder; (h) securities trading expert; (i) financial planner; (j) engaging in the offer and sale of securities; (k) securities analyst; (l) financial analyst; (m) providing price targets or buy or sell recommendations.
  34. The information in this video shall not be construed as tax, legal, insurance, construction, engineering, health and safety, electrical or financial advice. IF stocks, cryptocurrency or companies are mentioned, Thomas MAY have an ownership interest in them -- DO NOT make buying or selling decisions based on Thomas' videos. If you need such advice, please contact a qualified accountant, solicitor, insurance agent, contractor/electrician/engineer/etc. or financial advisor.
  36. Thomas is not acting as any of the above aforementioned roles when creating this video, this video has been made for entertainment purposes only and investments should not be made based on this video.
  38. This is not an advertisement of property for sale or not investment advice to purchase any stock or cryptocurrency mentioned in this video or any other videos and shall not be construed as anything other than an opinion for entertainment purposes only.
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