

May 14th, 2015
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  1. 20:27:51 <gallifluffy> ((Oh, cock.))
  2. 20:27:58 <Piranhaqueen> ((waylan park did not deserve any of this))
  3. 20:27:59 <CarlKindle> Carl: *after spending most the lat day sleeping and most of this one packing Carl finally decides to venture from his room. Ezzel had called to speak to him but he's not in the mood for him today and ventures down Clavering instead*
  4. 20:28:36 <Piranhaqueen> ((he was just an intern ? ??? speaking of intern and asylums you know what i've noticed?))
  5. 20:29:16 <InkDream46> *A few minutes after Carl leaves the Abbey a young girl weaves her way through the crowd, silently coming to walk next to him.*
  6. 20:29:44 <CarlKindle> Carl: *jumps a little*
  7. 20:29:57 <InkDream46> *She's actually dressed fairly normally for a young noble girl, her black hair pinned up in a braided bun, no scarf or veil over her face.*
  8. 20:30:17 <Piranhaqueen> ((in shows and multi media when there's something with an asylum there's ALWAYS a character that gets to be a part of the asylum, ex: a patient. like in ahs asylum a reporter was turned into a patient by the leader of the asylum or w/e. for beeing too nosy; in whistleblower waylon was a intern engineer, and he became a patient of the asylum by snooping as well))
  9. 20:30:18 <CarlKindle> (([link]))
  10. 20:30:59 <Piranhaqueen> ((Either way they both ended with the victims escaping the asylum, publishing how awful the asylum is, risking there lives and family. ?? like?? has no one else noticed this? ))
  11. 20:31:41 <InkDream46> {{ There's a trope for that. }}
  12. 20:32:03 <InkDream46> *Olivia makes no reaction to Carl's surprise. Her eyes stay focused ahead, her pace matches his.*
  13. 20:32:10 <CarlKindle> Carl:....Uh..Hi..*he continues walking, heading along his normal way to the bar. His hope is the crowed will clear out more so they can talk. Though he's sure she's reading him now*
  14. 20:32:20 <Piranhaqueen> ((yeah a tv trope, i didn't notice.)
  15. 20:32:45 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods* Yes, I am.
  16. 20:33:02 <Piranhaqueen> ((though the game is stll nice tho))
  17. 20:33:07 <InkDream46> Olivia: Clearer, alleys.
  18. 20:33:19 <Piranhaqueen> ((i heard it's supposed to represent dante's inferno; whistleblower. ))
  19. 20:33:28 <CarlKindle> Carl: *e'll never get use tothat* *still, he nods and heads for the ally*
  20. 20:34:35 <Piranhaqueen> ((but i love outlast, the series is so amazing. did you know they (Red barrel) confirmed a sequel? ))
  21. 20:34:47 <CarlKindle> ((i did!))
  22. 20:35:23 <InkDream46> Olivia: *turns off of the main clavering street into the backstreets and alleyways of Bottle Boys territory. She knows them fairly well by now, enough to navigate towards the pub.* *she starts to speak, frowns, slowly.* Fabela, Nicodemus... last.
  23. 20:35:24 <Piranhaqueen> (i just lvoe this game so much ))
  24. 20:35:57 <Piranhaqueen> ((i'm so excited tho))
  25. 20:36:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: I s-suppose Ezzel wanted to report on what h-h-happened...I'm c-conccerned about other things. *like the man I know melting*
  26. 20:37:04 <InkDream46> Olivia: I saw. What of?
  27. 20:38:07 <Piranhaqueen> ((did you also know, in whistleblower the wallrider that was outside when waylon was leaving was actually miles after he got killed? ))
  28. 20:38:15 <gallifluffy> (("melting" WHAT THE FUCK.))
  29. 20:38:24 <InkDream46> {{ You didn't see? }}
  30. 20:38:30 <gallifluffy> ((Nyet.))
  31. 20:38:30 <CarlKindle> Carl: That n-night after I checked in on B-b-brother Istomin I w--went to Kain's house...he was there. According to his m-maid had been all day a--and was still there...I woke him up.
  32. 20:38:35 <InkDream46> {{ Leo tried to stab Kain and Kain just melted. }}
  33. 20:38:44 <CarlKindle> ((yep))
  34. 20:39:00 <gallifluffy> ((What, like... And he hasn't been back?))
  35. 20:39:01 <InkDream46> Olivia: Two?
  36. 20:39:07 <CarlKindle> Carl: That w-was...not s-s-surprising to me
  37. 20:39:15 <InkDream46> {{ Carl went to visit him, he'd been at home all day. }}
  38. 20:39:21 <CarlKindle> ((Carl went to Kain's house to investigate and yeah.))
  39. 20:39:46 <CarlKindle> Carl: Maybe t-there is...or was two b-but I dont know why.
  40. 20:39:55 <Hannisballs> ((I dont even know what is happening here))
  41. 20:40:00 <InkDream46> Olivia: You want know?
  42. 20:40:35 <CarlKindle> ((this is from Tuesday's episode))
  43. 20:40:41 <CarlKindle> ((things got real quick))
  44. 20:41:11 <InkDream46> {{ Gimme a bit, let me finish cleaning up the log from yesterday, and I'll get you those logs. }}
  45. 20:41:15 <CarlKindle> Carl:...I do. I'm joining his c--class tomorrow and N-n-need to know i'm not walking into anything.
  46. 20:41:43 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods*
  47. 20:41:44 <Piranhaqueen> ((i'm gonna ramble on about outlast to myself))
  48. 20:42:10 <Hannisballs> ((nah, I dont really need the logs. But thanks))
  49. 20:42:21 <gallifluffy> ((How many dead?))
  50. 20:42:34 <InkDream46> {{ 0. }}
  51. 20:42:35 <CarlKindle> ((none ))
  52. 20:42:41 <gallifluffy> ((That's my default question-- the kill count. :D))
  53. 20:42:59 <InkDream46> {{ 1 poisoned, 1 brainwashed, 1 stabbed in the eye, 1 harmed but not seriously injured. }}
  54. 20:43:05 <CarlKindle> ((I onlywanted Kain and Nico to talk and things went wrong))
  55. 20:43:12 <InkDream46> {{ And 1 slapped and shouted at for getting drunk. }}
  56. 20:43:22 <CarlKindle> ((and on guy melted but...he wasn't human..or a real human))
  57. 20:44:07 <InkDream46> Olivia: *Also very curious about Kain, but she's not gonna take the hint just like that.*
  58. 20:44:11 <Hannisballs> ((hahah remember when this was supposed to be a bar for fun of the non stabby kind?))
  59. 20:44:23 <Piranhaqueen> ((remember when it was just a bar ? ))
  60. 20:44:34 <InkDream46> {{ Remember when it wasn't even a bar? }}
  61. 20:44:40 <Piranhaqueen> ((*avatar voice* everything changed until the serkonan trip ))
  62. 20:44:41 <CarlKindle> ((not really no. it's always kinda been a lot of stuff))
  63. 20:44:59 <Piranhaqueen> ((the serkonan trip then people started making more diverse characters))
  64. 20:45:23 <InkDream46> {{ The Serkonos trip and then we started taking shit seriously. Which I like. }}
  65. 20:45:39 <gallifluffy> (("wasn't even a bar" It was... amorphous. 8I))
  66. 20:45:40 <Piranhaqueen> ((i still wonder how shit go t so serious_
  67. 20:45:41 <InkDream46> {{ It's fun now that we've figured out how to temper ourselves. }}
  68. 20:45:55 <CarlKindle> Carl: I-...don't w-w-want you to get involved if you d-d-don't want to. I c-could be dangerous
  69. 20:45:57 <Piranhaqueen> ((it used to be a pub which we just dick around ))
  70. 20:46:17 <gallifluffy> ((Heh heh, dicks.))
  71. 20:46:21 <InkDream46> Olivia: Abbey dangerous?
  72. 20:46:22 <Piranhaqueen> ((now, if it were a tv show on netflix; this would have different seasons and arcs))
  73. 20:46:25 <CarlKindle> ((lots of though still))
  74. 20:46:37 <Piranhaqueen> ((this season would be called nicodemus arc))
  75. 20:46:44 <InkDream46> {{ dude. tv show. You have no idea how much I think about that }}
  76. 20:46:51 <CarlKindle> Carl: The problem is I d-don't know
  77. 20:47:02 <Piranhaqueen> (("Brain Lobotomy" arc or something0)
  78. 20:47:30 <InkDream46> Olivia: Static screech.
  79. 20:47:31 <Piranhaqueen> ((idk man but i k if the lonely tree were an arc it'd be called , "The giving tree" or "The lonesome tree." arc))
  80. 20:47:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: What?
  81. 20:47:42 <Piranhaqueen> ((After this season we should have another season))
  82. 20:47:54 <InkDream46> Olivia: Kain. He was static screech. Here. *she taps her head*
  83. 20:47:56 <CarlKindle> ((next season it should be everyone goes on vacation))
  84. 20:48:05 <InkDream46> Olivia: Unseen.
  85. 20:48:09 <gallifluffy> ((--and gets fucked up.))
  86. 20:48:20 <Piranhaqueen> ((DUDE YO U KNOW WHAT SHOULD HAPPEN ON THE VACATION ? ? ))
  87. 20:48:21 <InkDream46> {{ TRIP TO TYVI- oh wait no the rest of the Khurtins are there. }}
  88. 20:48:35 <InkDream46> {{ Let's all go to Morley and visit Arabella's parents and help out on the farm. }}
  89. 20:48:38 <Piranhaqueen> ((like?? something heretical? like there's been reports of strange activities on a beach ))
  90. 20:48:39 <CarlKindle> Carl:....Well, that's not normal. He a--also melted whihc might have something to do with i
  91. 20:48:52 <Piranhaqueen> ((then the abbey goes there and finds out it's something terrifying , idk ))
  92. 20:49:05 <Piranhaqueen> ((the next season should be something like the x files))
  93. 20:49:30 <CarlKindle> ((ANCIENT ALINES))
  94. 20:49:43 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods* Act?
  95. 20:49:46 <gallifluffy> ((Overseer Mulder: Sister Scully! D:))
  96. 20:50:00 <Piranhaqueen> ((like, an overseer brings a report to the high overseer and says, "High overseer, there's been heretical activities in redmoor." *x files themes play as the camera slowly zooms in thibaut's face as he glares suspiciously* ))
  97. 20:50:06 <gallifluffy> ((Oracle Scully: *shouting over the din of Holger's devices* Mulder, there has to be a rational explanation for this!))
  98. 20:50:30 <Piranhaqueen> ((like, everytime there's something weird or heretical the x files plays, it's halarious ))
  99. 20:50:43 <InkDream46> {{ dude }}
  100. 20:50:44 <InkDream46> {{ dude }}
  101. 20:50:45 <CarlKindle> Carl: Yes. ..Seems like s-something Soulemon would do. *I'm assuming you know him at this point*
  102. 20:50:49 <Hannisballs> ((well with your abbey cast it would happen all the time))
  103. 20:50:56 <InkDream46> {{ Imagine what your characters scores would sound like. }}
  104. 20:50:58 <Piranhaqueen> (("what if corvo worships the outsider!" "what if your wife worships my dick" *x files theme song plays* ))
  105. 20:51:06 <InkDream46> {{ like in a movie or tv show }}
  106. 20:51:16 <Piranhaqueen> (ferdinand would have the ahs intro ))
  107. 20:51:26 <CarlKindle> ((i like mystery. i wish we could have one of those and could get all the main people in))
  108. 20:51:31 <InkDream46> {{ Which sounds liiiike. }}
  109. 20:52:14 <Piranhaqueen> ((dudddeee after this season we need a mystery season ))
  110. 20:52:21 <gallifluffy> (("all the main people" Hahaha, I've been trying to do that, but it's... very hard. VERY hard.))
  111. 20:52:22 <Piranhaqueen> ((like a whole x files kind of season ))
  112. 20:52:22 <InkDream46> Olivia: *she nods, yes, she knows him.* He is, *wriggles the fingers of her left hand*
  113. 20:52:29 <InkDream46> {{ God. It is hard }}
  114. 20:52:37 <Piranhaqueen> ((when ferdinand is in a murdering rampage ik it's the ahs intro ))
  115. 20:52:40 <CarlKindle> ((I tried with the box safe but it didn't go as i planned))
  116. 20:52:48 <InkDream46> {{ it's hard just planning a PARTY with everybody }}
  117. 20:52:56 <InkDream46> {{ And a party is a lot easier than a plotline }}
  118. 20:53:14 <Piranhaqueen> ((eddy is caught like a fly by falling in reverse ))
  119. 20:53:25 <CarlKindle> Carl: A heretic...*sighs* Not a n-normal one either. He's an alchemist.
  120. 20:53:36 <Piranhaqueen> ((i think? idk))
  121. 20:53:49 <gallifluffy> ((Let's face it. Everybody is Electric 6's Gay bar.))
  122. 20:53:54 <Piranhaqueen> ((tru. ))
  123. 20:53:57 <InkDream46> Olivia: *looks at him with a expression of high interest in her face. Basically "Tell me more"*
  124. 20:53:59 <Piranhaqueen> ((That's the whole group))
  125. 20:54:35 <Piranhaqueen> ((oh jee, if it were an x files arc, then the rumors would be responded by the x files theme. "Hey? what if that bookkeepker, tobias wolfgang is dating the ho?" *X FILES THEME PLAYS*))
  126. 20:55:06 <Piranhaqueen> (([link]))
  127. 20:55:23 <CarlKindle> Carl: As f-far as I know there is a g-group of them. I d-d-don't know how many of them there a-a-are or what their p-plan is. Or if they even h-have a plan.
  128. 20:55:39 <Piranhaqueen> ((idk man but there's something about that intro that makes me really wantt o freak out it's really terrifying ))
  129. 20:55:45 <gallifluffy> ((Or the CSI: Miami "YEAAAAAAAHHHH--" whenever a good discovery/pun is made.))
  130. 20:55:49 <CarlKindle> Carl: My f-father was on, Doc West was and Soulemon is. Kain...I d--don't know
  131. 20:56:28 <Piranhaqueen> (("Haha I overSEE what you did there." *puts on overseer mask* YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH ))
  132. 20:56:38 <CarlKindle> Carl: They...a-are *hand quotes* Immortal
  133. 20:58:20 <Piranhaqueen> ((speaking of x files imgonn a go watch netflix))
  134. 20:58:58 ** Piranhaqueen has left * connection closed
  135. 21:00:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: I h-had notes on them once b--but are gone now. That's a--all I know
  136. 21:02:59 <InkDream46> *She nods, turning to look ahead and down the street they follow.* Doc had... bones... *she holds up a wrist, pointing to her cuff.* Here. They saw like me.
  137. 21:05:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: *can't really be surprised anymore* He h-had more at one time I...s-saw them once
  138. 21:06:18 <InkDream46> *Olivia nods* Soulemon has now. They not see for him.
  139. 21:07:24 <CarlKindle> Carl: Huh..I t-tried to find him last night too. *he leans against the wall* He was m-missing too
  140. 21:07:53 <InkDream46> Olivia: *looks over at him* Know home?
  141. 21:08:40 <CarlKindle> Carl: His-...his o-office. I know where that p-place is.
  142. 21:09:33 <InkDream46> Olivia: Where?
  143. 21:10:39 <CarlKindle> Carl: *gives her the address* *he seems more distressed then before thinking about it*
  144. 21:11:21 <InkDream46> Olivia: ... Doc. *beat, nods* Will look there. *beat* And Kain?
  145. 21:13:34 <CarlKindle> Carl: *gives his apartment address* *the distress is not derived from Doc, not there is something more there*
  146. 21:14:35 <InkDream46> Olivia: *moreso that she made the connection with Doc's old house* Fear Soulemon office?
  147. 21:15:37 <CarlKindle> Carl:'s a-a little more upsetting
  148. 21:15:44 <CarlKindle> ((no wrong word))
  149. 21:16:01 <InkDream46> Olivia: *Well I don't fucking know the word* What?
  150. 21:16:33 <CarlKindle> Carl: Uhh...I h-have been remembering my l-life before The Abbey more and m-m-more and I h--have...I think it was my mother's house. Or at least c-close to it
  151. 21:17:56 <InkDream46> Olivia: Flock and nest. *beat* Kain, like Soulemon?
  152. 21:18:04 <InkDream46> Olivia: Al...
  153. 21:18:12 <InkDream46> Olivia: *wavers helplessly at the word*
  154. 21:18:30 <InkDream46> {{ tbh she probably just calls him "Soul" }}
  155. 21:18:50 <InkDream46> {{ Yeah I'll use that.}}
  156. 21:20:42 <CarlKindle> Carl: Al?
  157. 21:20:56 <InkDream46> Olivia: Alchemist.
  158. 21:20:59 ** freemorley has joined *
  159. 21:21:27 <CarlKindle> Carl: Kain maybe..I want to know what t-they want with m-me.
  160. 21:23:05 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods* *looks over in the direction of the pub again.* Strong... know things.
  161. 21:24:26 <InkDream46> Olivia: *she turns to Carl again* Will look.
  162. 21:24:42 <CarlKindle> Carl: *glances to the pub before back to her* Thank you...Be c-careful.
  163. 21:26:01 <InkDream46> Olivia: *a small smile, then she hesitates a moment, the fingers of her right hand twitching into a fist before she offers that hand out to Carl.*
  164. 21:26:18 <CarlKindle> (([link] you i never saw this before))
  165. 21:26:42 <InkDream46> {{ Mhm. }}
  166. 21:26:45 <CarlKindle> Carl: *lifts his brow before holding his hand out too*
  167. 21:27:42 <CarlKindle> ((THAT IS SUCH A COOL THING)
  168. 21:29:15 <InkDream46> Olivia: *It's not quite a handshake. She turns her hand, gently touching the palm of her hand to his hand, and only briefly.* Go well. *a pause as she lowers her hand.* How report?
  169. 21:31:37 <CarlKindle> Carl: Well after tomorrow I w-won't be at the Abbey...if I c-can get out of the Academy I can go to the Cromwell Manor
  170. 21:32:27 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods* Work well. Know where?
  171. 21:33:36 <CarlKindle> Carl: Yeah I k-know
  172. 21:35:03 <InkDream46> Olivia: *nods, she turns, looking down the street again, staying quiet*
  173. 21:35:49 <CarlKindle> Carl: *calmly leaves forgetting where he was going before he saw her*
  174. 21:36:52 <CarlKindle> ((they could be a good team in the future if no one turns evil))
  175. 21:36:56 <InkDream46> *Olivia stays still for a moment, then retreats back into the shadows of the alleyway, stepping out of easy sight and vanishing.*
  176. 21:37:01 <InkDream46> {{ Yes. }}
  177. 21:38:40 <InkDream46> {{ tbh a friendship might benefit them both. }}
  178. 21:38:53 <CarlKindle> ((it really would))
  179. 21:39:45 <InkDream46> {{ Olivia's fairly isolated still, even though I've been working with her family more. And having someone moral to look to would be likely good for her. And well, Carl's extremely isolated. }}
  180. 21:40:03 <CarlKindle> ((he really is))
  181. 21:42:49 <InkDream46> *Olivia doesn't go directly to "call" on Soulemon. She takes a few minutes to retrieve the proper clothing, including her headscarf and veil, before she blinks back across to navigate to the rooftop of a house near Andres's office.*
  182. 21:43:47 <CarlKindle> *He is currently there taking care of noraml cigar buisness*
  183. 21:43:47 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  184. 21:44:06 ** Hannisballs has joined *
  185. 21:45:16 <InkDream46> *She stays only briefly, enough to check that he is there and functioning normally, and then leaves again, to Kain's house.*
  186. 21:47:00 <CarlKindle> *Kain is stressed. Semester beings in two days, the students will be moving in over the next two days. He has a lot to get done*
  187. 21:48:29 <InkDream46> *Kain being her actual target to observe, she stays for a while, concealing herself where she can find shelter and doodling to pass the time between interesting tidbits.*
  188. 21:49:04 <InkDream46> *The fact that she can hear him now is noted.*
  189. 21:51:47 <InkDream46> {{ [link] }}
  190. 21:52:01 <CarlKindle> *There shouldn't be too much to pick on at least at the surface. His feelings are completely rooted in the oncoming semester*
  191. 21:52:08 <CarlKindle> ((ye))
  192. 21:52:09 ** gallifluffy has left * connection closed
  193. 21:52:10 <CarlKindle> ((tanks))
  194. 21:52:14 <CarlKindle> ((Thanks))
  195. 21:52:14 ** Hannisballs has left * connection closed
  196. 21:56:40 <CarlKindle> *As his work dies down his drifts to other things. A deal, frustration with coworkers and underlings, and a good deal of though on his children. no not children one child in particular. His is- scared and he not use to that*
  197. 21:58:36 <InkDream46> * She draws, she lays plays for a project to work on at home, she scribbles unintelligeble notes in the margins of everything. And she listens, doodling little symbols. A child... a frightened child?*
  198. 22:00:36 <CarlKindle> *He knows the child is frightened, especially now. He is upset with himself. He feels...guilt.*
  199. 22:02:15 <InkDream46> *The guilt is odd for him, he knows that and she senses it. She can't ask him about it, nor probe his mind for more. Her skills don't allow that. Only listening to what can be hear. You can strain your ears all you want, but it won't change what you can and cannot hear.*
  200. 22:03:09 <CarlKindle> *Does he know? It is unclear, if he does he does not care. There are much more important things to occupy his concern*
  201. 22:04:42 <InkDream46> {{ I must sleep. }}
  202. 22:04:56 <InkDream46> {{ And I may or may not be here much tomorrow. Definetely not after 7. }}
  203. 22:05:10 <CarlKindle> ((i wont either so. Goodnight!))
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