
Nieve Fixes

Dec 10th, 2018
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  1. >A chill pervades the air as you awaken, making you shiver. You open your eyes blearily, looking around the camp, until your gaze falls onto a solid white patch of earth. Its bright, glittering white actually hurts your eyes for a second, as you’re so used to the dark, hellish red that surrounds you.
  2. Scrap the "as you’re so used to the dark, hellish red that surrounds you." as Mareth shouldn't be the planet Mars and I'm reworking that on the side.
  5. >('Snow' added to the Items menu!)
  6. Change to ('Snow' added to the Camp Actions menu!) with Camp Actions being bold, it makes a lot more sense for her to be there than your inventory.
  9. >It still needs eyes and a mouth. Coal is the best option, but who knows how common that is around here?
  10. Replace common with rare.
  11. If coal has already been found once replace it with "It still needs eyes and a mouth. Coal is the best option, a good place to start with that would be the mountains as you've found some there before."
  14. Coal should always be a visible grayed out option, same for gems if it isn't already.
  15. [coal tooltip grayed out]
  16. [if Swamp discovered/explored] "It stands to reason that coal would be more easily found in rocky turf."
  17. [gems tooltip grayed out]
  18. "You seriously don't even have 9 gems to your name. Honestly, building a [snowman] is the least of your concerns, you poor schmuck."
  19. [coal tooltip]
  20. Traditions are important, after all, what would a [snowman] be without coal features?
  21. [gems tooltip]
  22. Gems are an acceptable substitute you suppose. Hopefully your [snowman] wont notice you only for your money.
  25. The coal item is not actually consumed upon using it for building the snowman.
  28. >It needs a carrot to finish it off.Unfortunately,
  29. Spacing.
  32. Make the carrot findable on the farm from the same point you need to add eyes to the snowman, otherwise you might be looking for it while told so and never find it.
  35. Upon finding the carrot key item, the obtain message is not in line with others and not bold.
  36. >(Gained Key Item: Carrot)
  37. <b>"Key item gained: Carrot!"</b>
  40. >Pure white hair spills down from its head, almost blending in with the surrounding snow.
  41. Replace "its" with "her" as the line before it establishes her as female.
  44. >She brings a pale blue hand to her head as she surveys the red, blighted landscape surrounding you.
  45. Still no hellish landscape. "She brings a pale blue hand to her head as she surveys the landscape surrounding you."
  48. >Nieve looks around the red landscape, her gaze eventually settling on your camp.
  49. Still no hell on earth, remove "red".
  52. Do you want her to stay?
  53. [yes tooltip]
  54. "Let the friendly snow spirit join you and your camp."
  55. [no tooltip]
  56. "Not much of one for unexpected company, you send her back home."
  57. >You shake your head. Of course not! While she certainly seems like a nice person on the surface, you can’t help but think that’s just the tip of the iceberg. For all you know, she’s a frigid bitch underneath, a trap set by the demons to lure you into a false sense of security. Clever bastards, you conclude. They certainly know the best way to serve revenge, but you won’t have any of it.
  60. >Nieve looks disappointed, but nods understandingly. “I was told not everyone accepts us. Perhaps I’ll find someone more hospitable next year.” You shrug, giving her the cold shoulder.
  62. >In a blinding flash of light, Nieve is gone, and all that remains is the snowman you built. You can feel the temperature begin to rise, and know that in a matter of hours, there won’t be anything left of this icy wonderland.
  63. That first paragraph is awful, reminder to self or others to make you not sound like a raving fucking moron and instead more gently (corruption Dependant) let her know you wont be needing her company. WRITE SCENE
  66. >“Wow. That’s great. You’re like a champion or something. So, Champion,”
  67. "Wow. That’s pretty cool. You’re like a champion or something! So, Champion,"
  69. >“You won’t regret it, [name]! Just give me a little while to set up a cozy place here... then we can get cozy.”
  70. Remove [name] as you've not introduced yourself yet. Italicize "we".
  73. >You can hear Nieve sleeping soundly from within a small ice-fort.
  74. Whenever this line appears in your camp description an empty line above it appears.
  77. Change the coal item to not reference specifically two pieces of coal, it's somewhat odd to specify the exact amount like that while you'd need a lot more than that to create eyes and a mouth for the snowman.
  80. Using Coal
  81. >These two pieces of coal may look ordinary but it makes you wonder what happens when you rub them.
  82. >You handle the coal rocks experimentally and they crumble to dust in your hands! You cough as you breathe in the cloud, sputtering and wheezing. After a minute of terrible coughing, you recover and realize there’s no remaining trace of the rocks, not even a sooty stain on your hands!
  83. "Turning the coal over a couple of times in your hand, it begins to crumble into a dusty cloud! The next breath you take fills your lungs with the darkened cloud, making you sputter and wheeze all over the place. After roughly a minute of terrible coughing, you recover and realize there is no remaining trace of the coal, not even a sooty stain on your hands..."
  86. Coal can currently only be obtained as a random item on the ground in the swamp from paying off Kiha for 200 shekels which wont last and becomes unobtainable after she can be found in her home, or from some different winter event.
  87. Coal is much better fit to be found in the mountain as a rare item, it has no transformative properties and only sends you in a rut, making the need for more than one or two very little.
  88. "Taking a much less scenic route than you usually would, you come upon what seems to be an old excavation site. There are some wooden beams, mining equipment rusted to the point of uselessness, and a cavern caved in not too far into the mountain. As you scavenge around in the remains of the encampment, you find a small, almost empty crate with some remaining chunks of coal left behind in it. Not one to turn free things down, you gather them up and stow them away in your pouch.
  90. You place the lumps of coal in your pouch."
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