
Distinguishing yanderes and psychopaths

Dec 21st, 2018
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  1. Hello, in this text you will read about two types of people who are quite dangerous and most likely exist in real life. By reading this text, you will be able to distinguish between a yandere and a psychopath with Factor 1 traits, which might save your life one day. I have done some research on these two terms but there is still a possibility that some information is false. Take this with a grain of salt.
  3. Introductory
  4. There are two types of persons that people find synonymous, yanderes and psychopaths. At first glance they may seem similar but they are two different terms that people shouldn't mix. People should become more aware of yanderes and psychopaths because more and more of them are coming. Although these two people exist in fiction, there were numerous cases of them appearing in real life, so this isn't a joke.
  6. What is a yandere?
  7. A yandere (pronunciation:/ˈjɑːndɛɹeɪ/) is a person, usually a female, who fits the archetype of being kind or gentle, but suddenly switching to being aggressive or deranged, often homicidally so. A yandere acts like this if she finds a boy that she is attracted to, and becomes obsessed towards him. There are three types of yanderes: A low-tier yandere, a mid-tier yandere and a high-tier yandere. A low tier yandere is simply a compulsive stalker. These yanderes are pretty much harmless, although they can become attached to their lover. Mid-tier yanderes are most likely mentally ill. They are obsessive and sedulous. It's unsure as to whether or not they are able to kill another human being. A high-tier yandere is very psychotic (note that "psychotic" and "psychopathic" are two different terms), very obsessive and very impulsive. They are capable of doing all kinds of twisted things to other girls, if not killing. If you were to break up with a high-tier yandere you are most likely dead unless you know what you are doing.
  9. What is a psychopath?
  10. A psychopath (pronunciation:/ˈsʌɪkəpaθ/) is a person with Antisocial Personality Disorder. Unlike a stereotypical psychopath (a serial killer), they are less likely to kill other people (research has shown that neurotypicals are more likely to commit murder than the majority of psychopaths). Unlike a yandere, a psychopath is usually a male and are harder to detect. This means that literally anyone you know or have talked to are quite possibly a psychopath. Psychopaths are indicated by a pattern of lying, cunning, manipulating, glibness, heedlessness, arrogance/narcissism, delusions of grandeur, sexual promiscuity, low self control, disregard for morality, lack of acceptance of responsibility, lack of empathy and a lack of remorse. There are two types of psychopaths: High-functioning psychopaths and low functioning psychopaths. High functioning psychopaths are very hard to spot and are very conscientious about their plans. A low-functioning psychopath, on the other hand, are easier to spot but most of them are already in prison.
  12. How are yanderes and psychopaths made?
  13. A yandere is born normal, but their bad childhood is the cause for their behaviour. This shouldn't be confused by the way sociopaths are made, in which sociopaths were born as a neurotypical but they become sociopaths because of the environment they grew up in. Since a sociopath is a psychopath with Factor 2 traits, they cannot love, just like psychopaths. This is because their amygdala is unable to produce oxytocin, which is the hormone that gives the feeling of love. A yandere isn't a psychopath nor a sociopath, but they have psychopathic traits. The reason why a yandere isn't a psychopath is because yanderes love, but psychopaths don't. Because of this, it is deemed that yanderes have Borderline Personality Disorder, a mental illness where the person has unstable emotions, have a great fear of abandonment and have explosive anger. These three traits perfectly describe a mid-tier or high-tier yandere.
  14. A psychopath is simply born as one. They get their genes from psychopathic parents, and men are more likely to be a psychopath than women are.
  16. How to find yanderes and psychopaths?
  17. Regarding yanderes, you cannot find them. They find you. You can pass by a girl as many times as you want, you still won't find out that they are a yandere, because they often come to you first. But, if you really want to find a yandere girlfriend, consider talking to the lads that had abusive girlfriends. You may or may not find a yandere but you can find psychotic girls that are somewhat close to a high-tier yandere. Before you do this, question yourself: "Am I sure I want a yandere girlfriend?"
  18. Regarding psychopaths, they aren't as straightforward as yanderes are. The most effective way to find a psychopath is to spot some psychopathic traits. This is done by testing them. For example, if you yawn in front of someone and they don't yawn back, they don't have empathy. If they have a weaker sense of smell, they are more likely to be a psychopath etc.
  20. How to counter yanderes and psychopaths?
  21. Regarding yanderes, depending on what tier they're on, they can be from easily counterable to semi-impossible. To counter a low-tier yandere, you can simply reject them, but results may vary from one yandere to another. One might be sedulous but another might cry over it for a few days and give up later. You should also note that yanderes aren't monogamists nor polygamists, therefore if you reject them they probably won't have another lover. It's up to you if you want a yandere girlfriend or not, but again, low-tier yanderes aren't as dangerous as high-tier yanderes, so if you want a yandere but not a dangerous one you could form a relationship with low-tier yanderes. For mid-tier yanderes, you should cut all contact with them. They won't give up easily and they'll go to places you've been. It would be a clever idea not to visit these places if you've got one on your tail. If some time has passed, they might have given up. Countering a high-tier yandere is easier said than done. Not only do you have to cut all contact, you might have to move to a different block, town, even a country if you have to. If you cannot afford to move, lock all the doors and windows. If they try to break in DO NOT LET THEM IN. Your friends might not be able to help you on this one because they might become victims if a yandere sees you talking to them. If all else fails, call the police.
  22. Regarding psychopaths, you might be able to counter them if you cut all contact with them, just like yanderes. If not, you'll have to be stoic when a psychopath starts to talk trash about you. If you don't hide your feelings they will break you even more. You should also reject anything a psychopath tells you to do. A psychopath's goal is to get something from you. If you don't have anything to give them, they will not bother talking to you.
  24. Summary
  25. Yanderes and psychopaths are both dangerous individuals and people should become more aware of them. They also shouldn't use "psychopath" and "yandere" interchangeably. Psychopaths and yanderes fall under 1% of the world's population, but don't be fooled by this since there are around one to two million psychopaths and yanderes all over the globe. I hope this becomes useful to you one day.
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