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Sep 17th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Wednesday, September 16, 2015
  3. Dawty: hey
  4. Dawty: Shoot it looks like I just missed you.
  5. ☺ is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
  6. Dawty: Let me know when you come back on
  7. ☺ is now Online.
  8. Dawty: Hello!
  9. Dawty: You there?
  10. ☺ is now Online.
  11. ☺: hey
  12. Dawty: hey!
  13. ☺: i added u to ask if ur karambit is for sale
  14. Dawty: Yeah, I see that you sent me the money for it already.
  15. ☺: yes
  16. Dawty: I saw that you said you collect them.
  17. Dawty: Once I trade you the knife, can you please confirm shipment so eBay / Paypal will process the transaction faster?
  18. ☺: yes sir
  19. Dawty: Yeah right now it looks like Paypal is holding onto the funds for 20 days or so because I'm a new seller.
  20. Dawty: And will reduce it down to around 48 hours if shipment is confirmed
  21. Dawty: (news to me)
  22. ☺: yeah paypal does that if ur account is new!
  23. Dawty: Yeah I've never sold anything on eBay lol
  24. ☺: but once its marked as received it comes sooner than that
  25. ☺: haha youll get used to it
  26. ☺: so you down to trade?
  27. Dawty: Yes
  28. You have accepted the trade request from ☺.
  29. ☺: okay :)
  30. ☺: whenever youre ready man
  31. Dawty: It's on there.
  32. Dawty: Bit nervious actually. I've never traded.
  33. ☺: its okay to be are you new to trading?
  34. Dawty: Yes.
  35. ☺: i can help you if you need help around the market later on!
  36. Dawty: I mean, I see the funds on my account. However since I didn't technically "ship" anything I don't have a tracking number I can provide.
  37. ☺: yeah you can just mark it as shipment sent my man
  38. ☺: thats how it works with digital goods on paypal
  39. ☺: just do that after u finish trading and the funds come a little sooner than it says
  40. Dawty: Ok.
  41. ☺: alrighty
  42. ☺: okay it says you have to confirm through email i believe
  43. ☺: its a security thing for valve
  44. ☺: if youre familiar with that
  45. Dawty: Yes that's what I'm checking now.
  46. ☺: Oh okay
  47. Dawty: confirmed.
  48. ☺: gotcha okay well mark the shipment as sent
  49. ☺: how new are you to cs go trading?
  50. Dawty: Not new at all to CS, but very new to skins / trading
  51. Dawty: Marked item as shipped on eBay
  52. ☺: oh i got you yeah youve been on steam since 2003 haha
  53. ☺: i started playing cs go like last year
  54. Dawty: haha yeah.
  55. Dawty: Nice.
  56. ☺: what rank are you
  57. Dawty: 18
  58. Dawty: I don't play much comp though.
  59. Dawty: you?
  60. ☺: i mean your competitive
  61. ☺: oh haha
  62. ☺: im 21 i think but competitive i just got deranked to dmg
  63. ☺: i used to be legendary eagle :(
  64. Dawty: Ahh.
  65. Dawty: See I absolutely have no idea about the ranking systme.
  66. Dawty: I love cs, been playing it since forever.
  67. Dawty: Just not familar with comp
  68. ☺: oh well competitive is where the game shines just be patient at the beginning, play a few games and youll get better and youll see how fun it is
  69. ☺: the fun part is like the clutch moments where its 1v1 and the adrenaline flows through u haha
  70. ☺: its addicting
  71. Dawty: Oh I can imagine haha
  72. Dawty: I used to LAN a lot actually.
  73. Dawty: Love those adrenaline moments.
  74. Dawty: Just never played comp in csgo ha
  75. ☺: LAN is great i used to have this shitty laptop and i had counter strike was it source or 1. something and it was a blast with my friends but yeah definitely give it a try if you can youll get hooked on it
  76. Dawty: Haha yeah that's what I'm affraid of LOL
  77. Dawty: even more than I am now haha
  78. Dawty: Say, would you be up for giving my eBay account some rep?
  79. ☺: hahaha yeah definitely you need some rep otherwise people cant trust you
  80. Dawty: Yeah, I have one person on my steam profile that said +rep
  81. Dawty: But that was a free item I gave him ha
  82. ☺: hahahah let me rep you right now on ur steam
  83. ☺: done
  84. ☺: can you rep me
  85. ☺: too
  86. Dawty: Thanks man
  87. Dawty: I will
  88. ☺: youre welcome!
  89. ☺: im starving im gonna go grab some dinner
  90. ☺: thanks for the trade again
  91. Dawty: Can you do my ebay profile too?
  92. ☺: yeah!
  93. ☺ is now Away.
  94. Dawty: Thank you man!
  95. Dawty: Enjoy your dinner haha
  96. Dawty:
  97. Dawty: Whoops, wrong window lol
  98. Dawty: Went to add feedback on eBay for you.
  99. Dawty: We are unable to add your feedback for 1 transaction
  101. Here's why:
  102. You must be a member of eBay for more than five (5) days to leave Feedback for any use
  103. Dawty: Once a few days pass I'll give you positive feedback.
  104. Dawty: Could you try adding feedback to mine lol?
  105. ☺ is now Online.
  106. ☺: back
  107. ☺: it says this seller has to be a member for at least 5 days etc etc
  108. ☺: how old is your acc?
  109. Dawty: oh haha
  110. Dawty: Created it last night LOL
  111. ☺: hahahahha really?
  112. Dawty: never sold a damn thing on ebay lol
  113. Dawty: haha yeah
  114. ☺: oh that explains the 0 feedback
  115. Dawty: lol yep
  116. Dawty: I hate ebay actually Lol
  117. ☺: yeah man the fees they take is ridiculous u get a fee not just for listing it but if you sell it they take ANOTHER part of what u make
  118. ☺: such thieves
  119. Dawty: I know!
  120. Dawty: they took 45 bucks!
  121. Dawty: What the heck lol
  122. ☺: hahahah holy shit i know i sold three things and i owed them 31 bucks
  123. ☺: ridiculous
  124. ☺: im thinking about trying amazon
  125. ☺: not sure how different it is there
  126. Dawty: Amazon is better in my opinion
  127. Dawty: however I think they are pretty strict on what you are allowed to sell
  128. ☺: yeah so no digital stuff right?
  129. Dawty: yeah I dont think so
  130. Dawty: I think its all physical inventory
  131. Dawty:
  132. Dawty: Holy crap
  133. ☺: yeah i see that
  134. ☺: and yeah i saw that knife
  135. ☺: so nice
  136. ☺: but out of my budget lol
  137. Dawty: Is it seriously worth that much?
  138. ☺:
  139. ☺: doesnt look like it actually
  140. ☺: im so tired ugh i woke up early this morning but its too early for me to crash
  141. Dawty: Wow dang
  142. ☺: are you seeing the debate right now
  143. ☺: republican lol
  144. ☺: trumps hilarious
  145. ☺: cant talk here
  146. Dawty: Ah
  147. Dawty: So
  148. Dawty: What's the paypal name
  149. Dawty: hello?
  150. ☺ is now Online.
  151. ☺: back
  152. Dawty: what is the name in paypal for you?
  153. ☺: felm right?
  154. Dawty: yours lol
  155. ☺: Justin Sandrovski
  156. Dawty: So.
  157. Dawty: You were not the one who payed.
  158. ☺: I did pay, check your paypal
  159. Dawty: Whats the name for paypal
  160. ☺: Lol i just told you the name is Justin Sandrovski
  161. ☺: ??
  162. ☺: your felm-2015
  163. Dawty: Yes that is me
  164. Dawty: But I do not see your transaction
  165. Dawty: I see carola...
  166. Dawty: Is that you?
  167. ☺: No i'm justin bro carola is the paypal account that was used
  168. ☺: I don't have my own
  169. Dawty: Can you tell me the last portion of the Carola name?
  170. Dawty: Hmm?
  171. ☺: Well do you not see it? I cant go on it right now
  172. Dawty: Right.
  173. Dawty: Please give the knife back.
  174. ☺ did not respond to the trade request.
  175. Dawty: I don't believe you at the person who sold me the knife.
  176. ☺: Right cause i am not, i bought it never sold it?
  177. ☺ did not respond to the trade request.
  178. Dawty: Sorry
  179. Dawty: bought the knife*
  180. ☺: I payed the money for it man
  181. ☺: ?
  182. Dawty: I don't see it!
  183. ☺: ??????????????? then how do you know carola
  184. Dawty: Just tell me the full name on the paypal account
  185. Dawty: and its ok
  186. Dawty: I have someone else showing me screenshots of the transaction on paypal
  187. Dawty: with the full name....
  188. ☺: you can see it on there man you see proof of payment
  189. Dawty: Nope.
  190. Dawty: Whats the full name on the paypal account
  191. ☺: hahahah what do you mean no then how would you know me? im justin the account that was used on there is linked to ebay
  192. ☺: it was payed instantly after you accepted teh ooffer of 450
  193. ☺: am i right?
  194. Dawty: Please pick up
  195. ☺: i cant talk here my man just type in chat
  196. Dawty: I have another person showing with screenshots proving that the money transfered was theirs.
  197. Dawty: I do not see your transaction on my account.
  198. Dawty: I cannot tell
  199. Dawty: what the fuck is going onm
  200. ☺: You just said the money is pending on your account...
  201. ☺: and we talked about it...
  202. Dawty: Yes we did
  203. ☺: yeah and if its on there it means the payment was received by you
  204. ☺: its held by paypal
  205. Dawty: No dude
  206. Dawty: let me explain
  207. ☺: okay... go ahead
  208. Dawty: the money has a name tied to it
  209. Dawty: on paypal
  210. Dawty: Tell me the full name
  211. Dawty: Because the other person who just IMed me out of nowhere is claiming to of sent payment
  212. Dawty: and has screenshots
  213. ☺: Well do you want a screenshot of the payment that was sent on ebay
  214. Dawty: Yes
  215. Dawty: pls
  216. ☺: I mean you said it was carola but okay let me take a screenshot
  217. ☺: I'm justin, not carola
  218. ☺: i dont have my paypal
  219. ☺: that paypal is linked to ebay
  220. Dawty: I understand that part
  221. Dawty: Can you show me the screenshots for paypal
  222. ☺: it was paid instantly
  223. ☺: okay one second
  224. ☺: what button u use for screenshots on windows?
  225. Dawty: the print screen button
  226. Dawty: above the insert button
  227. ☺: ok
  228. ☺:
  229. ☺: there
  230. Dawty: That's not a valid screenshot
  231. Dawty: Enjoy the knife scammer.
  232. ☺: ?????????? it was just taken
  233. Dawty: I know it was just taken
  234. Dawty: Show me the transaction on paypal!
  235. ☺: i cant go on the paypal right now like i said i dont have my own and its linked to the ebay one im on right now can you wait a little bit??
  236. Dawty: Please trade back the knife.
  237. Dawty: And I will refund you 500.
  238. ☺: refund the money and you can have it back then
  239. Dawty: First prove to me that you gave me the money
  240. ☺ did not respond to the trade request.
  241. Dawty: I need the full account name on paypal.
  242. ☺: I know what youre asking for is reasonable but i dont have it! i cant login it to see right now the owner of it is at work
  243. ☺: im on ebay
  244. ☺: if theres something i can do on there?
  245. ☺: but for paypal i need password
  246. Dawty: I understand that.
  247. Dawty: Whats your ebay account name
  248. ☺: my ebay account name is car.09
  249. Dawty: You are not the person who bought the knife from me.
  250. Dawty: I'm looking at the logs right now
  251. Dawty: Please give me my knife back.
  252. ☺: I paid the money for it, you can refund it and you can have it back otherwise im not giving you the money and the knife
  253. ☺ did not respond to the trade request.
  254. Dawty: how old are you? I'm curious.
  255. ☺: if youre having trouble with this its not my fault man? you double checked yourself before the trade
  256. ☺: im 23
  257. Dawty: Ok.
  258. ☺: why
  259. Dawty: that's good
  260. Dawty: i'm 31 and fuck.
  261. Dawty: dude there is ZERO transaction history for you
  262. Dawty: and the person im talking to matches to the payment in my paypal account
  263. Dawty: I have recieved nothing from you
  264. Dawty: Aka, i basiclaly gave you the knife...
  265. Dawty: fuck me
  266. ☺: but im telling you i paid like legit the money came out of bank account and paypal has it
  267. ☺: you see that
  268. Dawty: Show me the screenshots
  269. Dawty: of your ebay account
  270. ☺: i just sent you the screenshot that shows payment was sent and the knife
  271. ☺: check link\
  272. Dawty: that does not show jack shit dude
  273. Dawty: look at it yourself
  274. Dawty: just shows a link
  275. ☺: ????????? it shows the money icon it means payment was sent
  276. ☺: and it shows which item
  277. Dawty: there is NO ICON
  278. Dawty:
  279. Dawty: Look at it!
  281. ☺: LOOK AT THE $ SIGN
  283. Dawty: YOU SCRIBBLED IT OUT lol?
  284. ☺: its ebays policy i cant reveal the id and everything otherwise i can get banned for it
  285. Dawty: Look at the screenshot dude
  286. Dawty:
  287. Dawty: You did not pay me dude
  288. ☺: i did you can see it in the screenshot im looking at it right now
  289. Dawty: Theres no record of you on my paypal account nor ebay
  290. ☺: i can retake one that shows the $ clearly do you want me to take another one
  291. Dawty: Yes pls
  292. ☺: ill take a big screenshot of the $ haha
  293. Dawty: ok
  294. ☺: this easier?
  295. ☺:
  296. ☺: ??????????
  297. ☺: YOU SEE THAT
  298. Dawty: That does not help really.
  299. Dawty: Nope.
  300. ☺: hahaahah omg dude
  301. ☺: what else can i do right now
  302. Dawty: Whats the name on your ebay account
  303. ☺: car.09
  304. ☺: i just told you tat
  305. ☺: that*
  306. Dawty: see thats not the person who payed me
  307. ☺: this the only thing u sold?
  308. ☺: youre okay?
  309. Dawty: yes
  310. Dawty: what?
  311. Dawty: am I okay?
  312. ☺: ........well i dont know what else im supposed to tell you like you can wait for a bit and once i can go back in paypal i can check everything or
  313. Dawty: I have another person who sent me and has VALIDATED all information for the 450 that was sent to me.
  314. ☺: you can refund the money and get your knife back
  315. Dawty: dude, when you check your paypal account
  316. Dawty: you will see that nothing has been sent
  317. Dawty: I promise you that
  318. ☺: how would i know you then? i know it was sold for 450, it shows money was sent
  319. Dawty: Listen to me
  320. ☺: go ahead...
  321. Dawty: The person who just IMed me is claiming that the he payed for it and has VALIDATED the name on the account and also the full amount, including the ame on ebay, and on paypal
  322. Dawty: I do not see your name or anything referencing your name
  323. Dawty: on my ebay account or paypal
  324. Dawty: i'm an idiot for trading it to you without validating
  325. Dawty: god damnit
  326. ☺: well you might have done another transaction? i mean i dont know what to tell you
  327. ☺: hahaha i lost money and you want the knife too
  328. Dawty: well no
  329. Dawty: I want it to be even.
  330. Dawty: The person has validated everything I've asked.
  331. Dawty: I'm talking to them right now
  332. Dawty: they validated the name on the paypal account
  333. Dawty: which I see
  334. Dawty: AND on ebay
  335. Dawty: I do not see anything referencing you on ebay or paypal
  336. ☺: well you are talking to me too and we went over everything didnt we
  337. Dawty: I basically gave you the knife for free
  338. ☺: i just showed you a streenshot too
  339. Dawty: fuck me
  340. Dawty: that screenshot does not prove that you payed it
  341. Dawty: it is a generic link showing the link
  342. Dawty: also
  343. ☺: dude you can reverse search the image if you want to
  344. Dawty: the screenshot in your pic is NOT of the knife screenshot I listed
  345. ☺: hahaha I just took that
  346. ☺: its not generic
  347. Dawty: I know you did
  348. Dawty: but its NOT the one I used.
  349. Dawty: in my ebay ad
  350. Dawty: How long will it be until you are able to log into paypal.
  351. ☺: it is in your ebay ad youre felm-2015
  352. ☺: when she comes back from work shes got a night shift how long are you around?
  353. Dawty: right
  354. Dawty: How long
  355. ☺: 12-1?
  356. ☺: once we check if everything doesnt work out, you refund and get ur knife back
  357. Dawty: I do not believe that you payed me man.
  358. ☺: is that okay?
  359. Dawty: Theres no record on ebay OR payapl
  360. ☺: hahaha i just showed you its ridiculous
  361. Dawty: oits the other dudes money man
  362. Dawty: The money in my paypal account is from the other dude.....
  363. Dawty: he's confirmed SO
  364. ☺: whos this other dude youre talking about...
  365. Dawty: by telling me the full name
  366. ☺: so am i
  367. Dawty: dude ok
  368. Dawty: let me explain again
  369. ☺: ive sold so many things on ebay go check
  370. Dawty: whenever you transfer money using paypal
  371. Dawty: there is a name assigned with it right
  372. Dawty: He's CONFIRMED that name. there is NO way you or ANYONE else would know that
  373. Dawty: Please underfstand that
  374. ☺: you can link your paypal to your ebay and im logged into ebay but if i want to check paypal i have to login with the password and i dont have that
  375. ☺: the paypal should be
  376. ☺: confirmed
  377. ☺: if you check
  378. ☺: it means that it was confirmed with a bank account or credit card
  379. ☺: and the address too
  380. Dawty: Yeah it probably was. That's not the point though man
  381. Dawty: What's the address?
  382. Dawty: The other dude has confirmed the full name on eBay AND paypal.
  383. Dawty: That means the money that's currently on my paypal account was HIS
  384. Dawty: and he's wanting HIS knife now
  385. Dawty: fuck
  386. ☺: you can see the address why would i tell you where i live if what youre claiming is true you should be able to see everything
  387. Dawty: I traded you a knife for free
  388. Dawty: fuck me
  389. ☺: how is $450 free lol
  390. ☺: ???
  391. Dawty: well you did not actually pay me because theres no record of your transaction
  392. Dawty: ZERO
  393. Dawty: on my account
  394. Dawty: it's the other dudes 450
  395. Dawty: again
  396. Dawty: he's CONFIRMED the name and the address of the transaction dude
  397. ☺: i showed you the money was sent through ebay
  398. ☺: so is my acc!
  399. ☺: its confirmed as well
  400. ☺: idk whos this other dude ur talking about
  401. Dawty: let me explain
  402. Dawty: about 20 minutes ago
  403. Dawty: I got a random friend request
  404. Dawty: I added, and he said hey I bought your knife
  405. Dawty: I checked and said wtf?
  406. Dawty: I asked for him to confirm the name of the paypal transaction and also to send me a msg though ebay\
  407. Dawty: he did so
  408. Dawty: That is HIM
  409. Dawty: not YOU
  410. Dawty: the money in my account I thought was from you....
  411. ☺: well how would i know you? and know exactly how you sold it and everything??????????
  412. Dawty: thats where I fucked up
  413. Dawty: you didnt
  414. ☺: ??????
  415. Dawty: I fucked up and thought that the 450 was from you
  416. ☺: it was after the money was received by u
  418. ☺: you can refund and get ur money back if u have trouble with this
  419. Dawty: its from the other guy
  420. ☺: i did pay for it
  421. Dawty: show me the transaction log\
  422. Dawty: or anything
  423. Dawty: proving this
  424. ☺: i showed you ebay and i told you about paypal my man
  425. Dawty: because the other person has confirmed the full name and everything man
  426. Dawty: Theres no record of your transaction on my account
  427. Dawty: paypal account or ebay
  428. Dawty: ZERO\
  429. Dawty: I fucked up and thought it was you
  430. Dawty: but its the other dudes
  431. ☺: no record? u said u received payment
  432. ☺: it should show on there
  433. ☺: it should say pending
  434. ☺: minus the money ebay took
  435. ☺: the 45
  436. Dawty: again
  437. Dawty: that was the OTHER dudes 450
  438. Dawty: I had thought was YOURS
  439. ☺: well how many guys did you sell it to????????
  440. ☺: wtf u mean OTHER dude
  441. ☺: how many are there
  442. Dawty: only 2
  443. Dawty: you and someone else who payed for it
  444. Dawty: Check your bank statments
  445. Dawty: because you have not payed for this
  446. Dawty: and I gave you the knife for free
  447. Dawty: my fuck up
  448. ☺: im so mind blown right now? only 2 the same item to 2?
  449. ☺: a 250 and another 200 was taken out of bank acc
  450. ☺: 250 from cred card
  451. Dawty: There is no record of your payment
  452. Dawty: to my paypal account
  453. Dawty: zero
  454. Dawty: what I DID see, is the other dudes 450. again he's confirmed everything
  455. Dawty: The paypal name, the ebay name, everything
  456. Dawty: There is no record of your payment
  457. Dawty: anywhere
  458. ☺: well i showed you ebay screenshot and i can show paypal later the money was taken out
  459. ☺: check your paypal
  460. ☺: dont you see pending
  461. ☺: the money there
  462. Dawty: yes I see pending, the other dudes 450
  463. Dawty: not yours.
  464. ☺: what do you mean not mine? so you got the money for someone else?
  465. Dawty: YES
  466. ☺: im not paying to give you a knife
  468. Dawty: whaat?
  469. ☺: YES*
  470. Dawty: ?
  471. ☺: i said u got the money so u can give the knife to someone else? and ur saying yes
  472. ☺: ????????????
  473. ☺: i collect these things bro
  474. Dawty: I got the 450 (from the other guy - not your 450) I had thought that it was your 450
  475. Dawty: I traded you the knife
  476. Dawty: the guy who payed the 450 wants his knife
  477. Dawty: obveiously I cant give it correctly
  478. Dawty: because I traded it to you
  479. Dawty: without checking for correct payment
  480. Dawty: theres no record of your paypal transaction man
  481. Dawty: there is for HIM but not yours
  482. Dawty: Log into your bank account
  483. Dawty: I highly doubt you will see the money being deducted
  484. ☺: You traded with me because we traded on ebay money for knife. it was not my account that was paid with if i log into paypal later and show u the money was deducted u will see?
  485. ☺: the money was taken out of bank acc thats how paypal showed it
  486. ☺: otherwise it wouldnt go through
  487. ☺: if it wasnt taken out
  488. ☺: think about it
  489. Dawty: Yes I will see
  490. Dawty: If you show me the transaction number
  491. Dawty: of paypal
  492. Dawty: I will believe you
  493. ☺: ok ill show u that the money was taken out just wait
  494. Dawty: I will need the full transaction numbe ron paypal
  495. ☺: ok
  496. Dawty: im going to show you
  497. Dawty: a screenshot of my paypal account
  498. ☺: alright
  499. Dawty:
  500. Dawty: There is no transaction from you
  501. Dawty: There is from Carola, but that's not you. That's the other dude.
  502. ☺: another dude is sending u money?
  503. Dawty: Yes, the other dude sent me 450 which I thought was yours
  504. Dawty: which is WHY I traded the knife
  505. Dawty: does it make sense now?
  506. ☺: you sold it through ebay or u sent ur email so the buyer could send payment that way
  507. Dawty: I sold though ebay
  508. Dawty: which is tied to my paypal account
  509. ☺: well obviously through ebay i mean
  510. ☺: was the payment received through you know how you can send a payment to someones email
  511. ☺: or payment was sent THROUGH ebay
  512. ☺: cause i showed u it was sent trhough ebay
  513. ☺: ? u didnt answer
  514. Dawty: Looking
  515. Dawty: Sorry I am looking
  516. ☺: okay
  517. Dawty: S:GO Karambit Tiger Tooth (Factory New)
  518. End time:Sep-16-15 13:39:59 PDT
  519. Sale price:$450.00
  520. Quantity:1
  521. Quantity sold:1
  522. Quantity remaining:0
  523. Buyer:Lucho
  524. Dawty: Luncho is not you.
  525. ☺: that doesnt show anything
  526. Dawty: ok
  527. Dawty: what do you want to see
  528. ☺: thats not what i was asking
  529. Dawty: sorry
  530. Dawty: im really irritated (not at you) but at the situation
  531. ☺: im saying when buyer buys something, did you message your email so payment could be sent to that email or was the payment that is pending now sent through ebay
  532. ☺: because for it it was through ebay
  533. ☺: as i showed u in the screenshot
  534. ☺: for me*
  535. Dawty: Transaction ID: 961926853 | Transaction Time: 9/16/2015 13:39 PDT
  536. You received a payment from your buyer - Ship now
  538. Dear Michael
  540. You've received a payment of $450.00 USD from (carola) for your recent eBay sale.
  541. Estimated funds availability
  542. While you establish a successful eBay sales history, you may not have access to your money for up to 21 days. You may get it sooner, but it may take longer if your buyer reports a problem with the sale.
  544. Help get your money faster
  546. Print eBay or PayPal labels so your tracking information uploads automatically
  547. Manually enter your tracking information on eBay or your PayPal Transaction Details page if you ship domestically directly through USPS, UPS, or FedEx
  548. Mark your items as shipped on eBay
  550. Buyer
  551. Carola
  552. carola
  554. Shipping address
  558. Note to seller
  559. The buyer hasn't sent a note
  561. Seller Protection
  562. Eligible
  563. DescriptionPurchase DateUnit priceQtyAmount
  564. CS:GO Karambit Tiger Tooth (Factory New)
  565. Item# 181871843776Sep 16, 2015$450.00 USD1$450.00 USD
  567. Subtotal$450.00 USD
  568. Shipping and handling$0.00 USD
  569. Insurance - not offered----
  570. Tax--
  571. Total$450.00 USD
  572. Payment$450.00 USD
  573. Payment sent to
  574. ☺: This is formatted so wrong i cant get anything out of this i mean when you received the payment was the payment sent from your email or like paid through ebay bc for me it was paid through ebay
  575. ☺: you know what im asking?
  576. Dawty: sorry i'm not really understanding what your wanting
  577. Dawty: please bare with me?
  578. ☺: let me explain
  579. Dawty: ok
  580. ☺: okay so
  581. ☺: when people sell digital goods on ebay, they usually send a message to the buyer with their email and everything especially if its steam since they arent gonna physically ship it because that way they can do the trade together since ebay keeps track of package and everything. when the buyer gets the email address through paypal they can send a payment to that email as a payment for goods/services and digital goods are protected under that
  582. ☺: so what im asking is did you do the transaction through email because for the payment it shows it was paid through ebay
  583. Dawty: Yes I got confirmation from ebay that the item has sold and has been payed for
  584. Dawty: There is a name associated with that email
  585. Dawty: and that does not belong to you
  586. Dawty: it belongs to the other person who payed for it
  587. ☺: whos this other person? i did pay for the item that I BOUGHT with my own money
  588. Dawty: There is no record of it ANYWHERE
  589. Dawty: on my ebay account or paypal account
  590. ☺: Well how come i would add you after payment was received by you
  591. ☺: like how could i know
  592. Dawty: lol
  593. Dawty: do you remember
  594. ☺: ???
  595. Dawty: at the first part of this convo
  596. Dawty: i'm only realizing this now
  597. Dawty: ☺ is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
  598. Dawty: Let me know when you come back on
  599. ☺ is now Online.
  600. Dawty: Hello!
  601. Dawty: You there?
  602. ☺ is now Online.
  603. ☺: hey
  604. Dawty: hey!
  605. ☺: i added u to ask if ur karambit is for sale
  606. Dawty: Why would you ask if it was for SALE
  607. Dawty: if you already bought it
  608. Dawty: Does not make any sense.
  609. ☺: because i was trying to see if im reaching the right dude that put it on sale
  610. ☺: how is that not obv
  611. ☺: you did put it on SALE
  612. ☺: did you not
  613. Dawty: let me explain
  614. Dawty: when there is a transaction via paypal
  615. Dawty: they give you a transaction NUMBEr
  616. Dawty: the guy who payed me matched up the transaction number to my paypal account
  617. Dawty: which means that money is HIS
  618. Dawty: not yours
  619. Dawty: there is no record of your transaction as I showed you on the screenshot
  620. ☺: then you have his money right?
  621. ☺: i showed u record
  622. ☺: well why are you dealing with him then how many times are you selling your knife
  623. Dawty: Only once.
  624. ☺: Not from what youre telling me
  625. ☺: doesnt seem that way
  626. Dawty: you are misundertanding me.
  627. ☺: youre dealing with multiple people
  628. Dawty: Yes, you and one other. The other dude actually PAYED for his item
  629. Dawty: while you did not
  630. Dawty: I thought you payed (but was his) and traded you the item
  631. ☺: you are lucky people trusted you for having a brand new acc
  632. ☺: i payed for a karambit tiger tooth
  633. Dawty: man I hate this shit
  634. ☺: and we traded bc we made a deal
  635. Dawty: this is why I hate trading
  636. Dawty: and never gotten into it\
  637. Dawty: I have no record of your money man
  638. Dawty: eeither in paypal
  639. Dawty: or ebay
  640. ☺: i know its frustrating u gotta know what ur doing, you konw how ebay and paypal work...
  641. ☺: they can be linked together
  642. Dawty: Yes
  643. Dawty: Did you get any confirmation emails?
  644. Dawty: that you bought an item?
  645. ☺: i cant sign into the paypal email like i told you earlier let me check the ebay email
  646. Dawty: its not paypal email
  647. Dawty: just your regular email
  648. Dawty: please check it
  649. Dawty: you should of receieved a confirmation email CONFIRMING payment
  650. ☺: nothing in my personal email i do have a confirmation email for something else that was bought on august 20th
  651. Dawty: SEE
  652. Dawty: THERES NOTHING
  653. ☺: but that isnt related to you i believe
  654. Dawty: YOU DIDNT BUY IT :(
  655. ☺: but i paid for knife
  656. Dawty: I trade dyou the knife for free :( :( :(
  657. ☺: wait for the paypal
  659. ☺: how is it free when i pay
  660. Dawty: I showed you screenshot
  661. Dawty: Theres nothing on paypal man
  662. Dawty: notta! Its the other dudes cash
  663. Dawty: not yours
  664. Dawty: Check your account man
  665. Dawty: You didin't actually pay for it
  666. Dawty: You would of receieved a transaction email
  667. Dawty: please listen to me
  668. Dawty: you would of receieved a transaction email
  669. ☺: but it shows payment was sent through ebay. it might go to the paypal email
  670. ☺: you saw the screenshot
  671. ☺: money was sent
  672. ☺: for the knife
  673. ☺: cs go knife tiger tooth karambit
  674. Dawty: That screenshot does not actually show any real info man
  675. Dawty: yes
  676. ☺: a 250 and another 200
  677. Dawty: theres no transaction
  678. Dawty: for money anywhere in that screenshot
  679. Dawty: send it to me again
  680. ☺: i mean i dont know what to tel you what do you want to do now
  681. Dawty: im really thankful your still talking to me
  682. Dawty: because im freaking out
  683. ☺: naw man dont mention it something isnt right here
  684. Dawty: there is no record in my paypal account
  685. Dawty: for your transaction
  686. Dawty: anywhere
  687. Dawty: not ebay
  688. Dawty: not paypal
  689. Dawty: its all the other dudes info
  690. Dawty: I swear
  691. ☺: but the money was taken out you even said the money is pending and u checked at the beginning and i waited for u
  692. Dawty: yes
  693. Dawty: I checked
  694. Dawty: and that money that I saw
  695. Dawty: was NOT yours
  696. ☺: .....
  697. Dawty: it was the other dudes 450!
  698. ☺: well then what did you do with mine
  699. Dawty: that I THOUGHT WAS YOURS :(
  700. ☺: whos this other dude
  702. Dawty: theres NO RECORD OF IT
  703. Dawty: please listen
  704. Dawty: if you PAYED FOR SOMETHING
  705. Dawty: yo would of receieved a transaction email
  706. Dawty: or SOMETHING staying that you payed for it
  707. Dawty: You JUST checked your account
  708. Dawty: you didnt SEE ANYTHING
  710. ☺: ughhhhh but money was taken out like i told u it said thanks for payment and ebay shows it too we talked about it and i showed you
  711. ☺: transaction id 181871843776
  712. ☺: ??
  713. Dawty: Thats not the transaction ID
  714. Dawty: thats the ebay ID
  715. Dawty: which anyone can get just by looking at the link.....
  716. Dawty: dude, you never actually payed for the item
  717. Dawty: check your bank
  718. Dawty: check your accounts
  719. Dawty: Please do.
  720. ☺: well how would anyone just know at this exact right time like u dont sound right
  721. Dawty: You will see.
  722. ☺: you know what i mean
  723. ☺: haha
  724. Dawty: lol I do
  725. Dawty: Do you have access to your bank account
  726. Dawty: There wont be any transaction like you said man
  727. Dawty: There wont, because theres nothing in my ebay account from you OR paypal!
  728. ☺: no like i said it was not my paypal i do not have my own paypal it was payed through someone elses therefore i do not have access to bank accs i paid money in cash so they can pay with their paypal since they have one
  729. ☺: there was a first 250 taken out then another 200
  730. Dawty: You physically the deductions or are you just saying that
  731. Dawty: Because I don't believe it. Theres nothing showing in my account for you
  732. Dawty: nothing from justin
  733. Dawty: I showed you via screenshot
  734. ☺: at that time on paypal it showed the minues 250 and the money
  735. ☺: and on ebay if u check it says payment was sent
  736. ☺: and u had to mark it as shipped since its not physical
  737. Dawty: yes I marked it as shipped thinking the cash in my paypal account was yours... When it was not
  738. ☺: just wait a bit then we'll figure something out i guess i dont know what to tell you
  739. ☺: well whos was it
  740. ☺: then
  741. ☺: ????????
  742. Dawty: His name is Nathan
  743. Dawty: and he's confirmed everything about the paypal payment
  744. Dawty: the NAME
  745. Dawty: the transaction number
  746. Dawty: EVERYTHING
  747. Dawty: The money is his man
  748. Dawty: not yours.
  749. ☺: well confirmed what? the money that he sent?
  750. ☺: or his info
  751. ☺: or what
  752. Dawty: Yes the money he sent was his on the account
  753. ☺: then what did you do with my money
  755. Dawty: I showed you via screenshot man
  756. Dawty: theres no record of it
  757. Dawty: becfause it was never sent
  758. Dawty:
  759. Dawty: That is a screenshot from 15 minutes ago showing the name of Carola
  760. Dawty: which is NOT you
  761. Dawty: theres ZERO record of your money :(
  762. ☺: im not nathan youre dealing with someone else then im justin
  763. Dawty: Yes I know your not nathan lol
  764. ☺: what happened to our deal then
  765. ☺: ???
  766. Dawty: believe it or not, there was no deal because there was no transaction made
  767. Dawty: you would of receieved a transaction email
  768. Dawty: stating that tyou payed for the item
  769. Dawty: which remember
  770. Dawty: you checked and you didnt see one
  771. Dawty: you just litterelly checked 10 minutes ago
  772. Dawty: I've been trying to tell you this entire time
  773. ☺: i chcked my personal email i told u i dont have my own paypal it was someone elses
  774. Dawty: I traded you the knife for free thinking you were the one who payed
  775. Dawty: i unnderstand that
  776. ☺: how is it free if i payed
  777. Dawty: Listen
  778. Dawty: You fat fucking pice of shit. You didn't get that knife from the Chroma cas
  779. Dawty: case
  780. Dawty: And you are not "Lucky"
  781. Dawty: piece*
  782. ☺: ??? i got my shit from chroma case check my inv
  783. ☺: vulcan
  784. ☺: ak
  785. Dawty: lol
  786. Dawty: Were in lobby
  787. Dawty: And you said you got that knife from the Chroma case
  788. Dawty: You damn liar
  789. ☺: i know odins in lobby bro i said im lucky for unboxing a chroma case
  790. Dawty: You dont unbox a chroma case...?
  791. Dawty: what?
  792. ☺: i dont unbox???? wtf do you mean
  793. ☺: i had a key i unboxed a chroma case i got lucky
  794. Dawty: What item are you talking about
  795. ☺: p250 muertos and now i have a vulcan ak
  796. ☺: check my inventory
  797. ☺: click on my profile and my inv
  798. ☺: ???
  799. Dawty: You had a mic 2 min ago
  800. ☺: yeah you were here
  801. Dawty: no I wasnt
  802. Dawty: that was odin
  803. ☺: odin is the other guy right?
  804. ☺: well where did he go
  805. Dawty: he left
  806. Dawty: Dude, is there any chance I can prove to you that I never receieved ANY type of payment from you
  807. Dawty: or are you just going to keep the knife and just scam me
  808. Dawty: theres no record of you paying me
  809. Dawty: on ebay
  810. Dawty: or paypal
  811. ☺: yeah there is and you can refund the money that was sent to u and get ur knife back dont accuse me of scamming when i was and still am patient with you i didnt hurry you into anything i said take your time and whenever you check and ready we can trade
  812. Dawty: Okay well thank you for that but how can I refund you if there is ZERO / NO transaction of you paying me?
  813. Dawty: 1. if you bought something on ebay, you would of gotten an email stating that
  814. Dawty: 2. You never got that email
  815. ☺: you can refund the money that is pending on your account and once my money is back you get ur knife back and you can figure out what you wanna do with it?
  816. ☺: you get an email with the account that was paid with do you not?????????
  817. Dawty: That money is not yours!
  818. ☺: i just told u i chcked my personal
  819. Dawty: That money is not yours. That money was transfered by another buyer who i thought was you!!!!!
  820. Dawty: There is NO transaction history of your payment dude
  821. ☺: well he can transfer 3 billion if he wants to im saying what happened to my transaction
  822. Dawty: That is a good question
  823. Dawty: There is no transaction from you man at all
  824. Dawty: I've check paypal (which I gave you screenshots) AND ebay
  825. ☺: you wanna add that odin guy to this chat
  826. Your chat with ☺ is now a multi-user chat.
  827. ☺ has been invited to chat.
  828. Odin has been invited to chat.
  829. Odin entered chat.
  830. Dawty: hey Odin
  831. ☺: Odin
  832. Odin: Yo
  833. ☺: Ey so what happened to your money? is it pending?
  834. Odin: It says payment received, and I'm out of 450 USD
  835. Dawty: Which is currently in my paypal account
  836. Dawty: (pending)
  837. Dawty:
  838. Dawty: See. That's from 15 minutes ago man :(
  839. ☺: i paid a 250 and another 200 and i can show that with paypal later... i showed a screenshot of the item it said the money was sent
  840. Odin: You just said in csgo lobby you got it out of chroma case, but that is clearly a lie.
  841. Dawty: I just want my knife back.
  842. ☺: i got a p250 puerto out of it and i did get lucky check my inv i have a vulcan now
  843. Odin: and I want what I paid for
  844. Odin: don't try and bullshit me
  845. Dawty: Smiley, did you receieve any email stating that you bought the item?
  846. Dawty: And if so, can you forward the contents.
  847. ☺: okay well i spent a long time talking to him about it and trying to figure out whats going on so if ur gonna be a bitch then i wont waste time i was doing okay talking with dawty about this
  848. Dawty: Because I dont believe you ever actually "payed" for it
  849. ☺: i sent you a screenshot
  850. ☺: of ebay
  851. ☺: money was sent
  852. Dawty: Can you show me again
  853. Dawty:
  854. Dawty:
  855. Dawty:
  856. Dawty: Those are the screenshots correct?
  857. Dawty: Because they do not show any details what so ever.
  858. ☺: u posted the same thing 3 times
  859. Dawty: No payment. No transaction number
  860. Dawty: Nothing.
  861. ☺: it shows the item and that the money was sent
  862. ☺: it shows payment was sent
  863. Dawty: Are you serious?
  864. ☺: i sent u too pics
  865. Dawty: Theres red everywhere
  866. Dawty: Okay
  867. ☺: i see that.
  868. Dawty: Can you show me the screenshots showing the TRANSACTION number or ANYTHING else?
  869. ☺: you can refund the money and get your knife back if this is too complicated for you man i dont know what to do right now
  870. Dawty: um.
  871. ☺: you said it shows the trans on paypal
  872. ☺: i told you ^
  873. Dawty: Have you not been part of this conversation? There is NO TRANSACTION I CAN REFUND
  874. Dawty: That paypal screenshot was from the other person who i thought was you
  875. Dawty: christ
  876. ☺: well you can show my screenshot too then
  877. ☺: my transaction
  878. Odin left chat.
  879. ☺: wtf is this odin dude doing
  880. Dawty: he just left
  881. ☺: ...
  882. Dawty: That's his money showing in the paypal screenshot I gave you
  883. Dawty: There is no transaction of your money smiley
  884. Dawty: Zero
  885. Dawty: None
  886. Dawty: The screenshots you gave me were all Red
  887. Dawty: Showing no details what so ever.
  888. Dawty: Show me a screenshot where that info is valid
  889. Dawty: please
  890. ☺: well i said i can show u paypal proving that money was sent if u can wait a bit
  891. Dawty: Yes pls
  892. ☺: okay great
  893. ☺: add odin again later
  894. Dawty: I will.
  895. Dawty: How long do you think?
  896. ☺: a couple hours or so
  897. Dawty: Ok.
  898. Dawty: I can wait.
  899. Dawty: You going to be here the whole time?
  900. ☺: yeah
  901. Dawty: ok
  902. Dawty: I really appreciate you keeping calm
  903. ☺: i got u man i know its frustrating
  904. Dawty: I have a feeling that you will see that there is no payment record
  905. Dawty: Because I dont see any sort of record on ebay or paypal from you :(
  906. Dawty: (only from Odin)
  907. ☺: yeah i know ill check it well see what we can do
  908. ☺: ur buddy odin spammed my profile with scammer lmao
  909. Dawty: I saw that :(
  910. Dawty: thank you btw
  911. Dawty: hey hey
  912. Dawty: You there? lol
  913. ☺: yeah im here!
  914. Dawty: hows it going
  915. ☺: not bad look at this
  916. ☺:
  917. Dawty: Hmm. That's interesting.
  918. Dawty: Can you show me the transaction number
  919. Dawty: if its the same, it should match up with mine on paypal
  920. Dawty: And thank you for showing me that.
  921. ☺: yeah let me get the trans number
  922. ☺: 7JD0412921210994F
  923. ☺: does that ring any bells
  924. Dawty: checking my paypal account
  925. ☺: ohkay
  926. ☺: hahaha that dude got his friend to add me and he spammed me to
  927. ☺: join a teamspeak server so he can get my information
  928. ☺: what an idiot
  929. Dawty: uhg
  930. Dawty: im sorry man
  931. Dawty: He's just as confused as I am
  932. Dawty: and angry at me
  933. Dawty: This is what my paypal account is showing:
  934. Dawty: Express Checkout Payment Received (Unique Transaction ID #9619268533487340U
  935. Dawty: That does not seem to match up :(
  936. ☺: its in two payment what about 71R375781L665214E
  937. ☺: any of those two match anything
  938. Dawty: I don't see those transaction numbers anywhere :(
  939. Dawty: Only Express Checkout Payment Received (Unique Transaction ID #9619268533487340W
  940. Dawty: and U
  941. Dawty: Sorry #9619268533487340U
  942. Dawty: In your screenshot
  943. Dawty: it says an address??
  944. Dawty: You dont need to give me the whole address
  945. Dawty: but that should be MY address.
  946. Dawty: errr.
  947. ☺: where it says ship to?
  948. Dawty: nvm... why does it say ship to?
  949. Dawty:
  950. ☺: that has my name and address
  951. Dawty: Why would it say ship to your own address?
  952. ☺: its my first last name and my address.
  953. ☺: its not shipping tomy own its the receipt says how much was taken out and where it was suppposed to be shipped to
  954. ☺: buit this is digital
  955. Dawty: Yeah I get that.
  956. Dawty: I am not seeing any of those transaction numbers anywhere.
  957. Dawty: I never got payed by you :(
  958. ☺: the email address that it was sent to is enranging@live
  959. Dawty: Thats not my address
  960. Dawty: I used
  961. ☺: jack
  962. Dawty: lol uuuhhhhhg
  963. Dawty: did you just randomly send some dude payment?
  964. Dawty: and thinking you payed me?
  965. Dawty: LOL?
  966. ☺: last name is minecraft im assuming u didnt wanna put ur name there
  967. ☺: and u play mc
  968. Dawty: nopoeee
  969. Dawty: I dont play minecract :(
  970. Dawty: minecraft*
  971. ☺: ????????? so what does that mean
  972. ☺: lol i dont get it
  973. Dawty: lol
  974. Dawty: I think you randomly payed some dude that money man
  975. Dawty: which makes sense because I dont have any transaction of it
  976. Dawty: which is good
  977. Dawty: because you can CANCEL that
  978. ☺: but it was through ebay like it was already payment sent
  979. ☺: ........
  980. Dawty: thats crazy man
  981. Dawty: heres the listing
  982. ☺: so do i get my money back
  983. Dawty: Yes you can
  984. Dawty: if you log into your account and press cancel
  985. ☺: where do isee cancel
  986. ☺: there is no cancel lol
  987. ☺:
  988. Dawty: are you on paypal?
  989. ☺: yeah and it says You'll see "PAYPAL *ENRAGING ENRAGING" on your card statement.
  990. ☺: Paid with
  991. VISA x-2445
  992. You'll see "PAYPAL *ENRAGING ENRAGING" on your card statement.
  993. ☺: thats my card
  994. ☺: im sure
  995. Dawty: Yeah that is your card. Looking at what you just said to me though. You payed the money to enranging@live
  996. Dawty: which is not me... which makes complete sense why I dont see any transaction for you
  997. Dawty: in my ebay or paypal
  998. Dawty: the good news is that theres a good chance if you contact paypal
  999. Dawty: either through email or by looking on their site to see if you can cancel a transaction
  1000. Dawty: this makes total sense.. Do you understand now?
  1001. ☺: so whos enranging
  1002. ☺: enraging
  1003. Dawty: That is a good question. That's not me for sure.
  1004. Dawty: I use for paypal
  1005. Dawty: and ebay
  1006. Dawty: What I would do
  1007. ☺: hahahahahaha omg i said i paid through ebay so it wasnt like some random person
  1008. Dawty: omg lol
  1009. Dawty: what I would do is
  1010. Dawty: go through the links you searched earlier
  1011. Dawty: and try to find the seller by enranging@live
  1012. Dawty: or ANYTHING with that name
  1013. Dawty: Because you must of got it from somewhere
  1014. Dawty: Maybe another tiger tooth knife listing?!?!
  1015. ☺: i just searched no search results
  1016. ☺: not even a legit name on paypal
  1017. ☺: enraging enraging is the bame
  1018. ☺: name
  1019. ☺: and minecraft
  1020. ☺: wtf
  1021. Dawty: wtf?
  1022. Dawty: that's odd
  1023. ☺: Your recipient should have the money by September 20, 2015.
  1024. ☺: so its pending rn
  1025. ☺: and u said its pending
  1026. Dawty: its two totally different transactions
  1027. Dawty: one is odins
  1028. Dawty: which he rightfully payed me for.
  1029. Dawty: and some other one that you gave me that does not match mine
  1030. Dawty: Have you ever contacted Paypal before?
  1031. Dawty: Because apperently, you can do a charge back or file a claim dude
  1032. Dawty: your money is not lost, because you didnt get the item in return
  1033. Dawty: (well you got my item, but I never got payed by you lol)
  1034. Dawty: What's also interesting I noticed
  1035. Dawty: is the icon of the knife you included
  1036. ☺: well i cant cancel it on here but if i got my money back u can have the knife
  1037. Dawty: You can file a paypal claim and get your money back
  1038. Dawty: but that leaves me kinda screwed.
  1039. Dawty: :(
  1040. ☺: i can message the seller see if he says anything
  1041. Dawty: Believe it or not dude
  1042. ☺: no how are you screwed if what ur saying is right then it will work out
  1043. Dawty: Yeah it will work out, but in the meantime
  1044. Dawty: Odin gave me 450 thats currently in my paypal account
  1045. Dawty: and is getting angry
  1046. Dawty: thinking I scammed him
  1047. Dawty: when clearly I didnt.
  1048. ☺: if u got him in here i can talk to him and tell him
  1049. Dawty: Heres another thing I noticed
  1050. Dawty: You know the screenshot that you gave me?
  1051. Dawty: that shows the picture of the knife?
  1052. ☺: i gave a few screenshots
  1053. ☺: from ebay yes
  1054. Dawty: Yes you recall the one with the picture of the knife
  1055. Dawty: That was NOT the picture I used in my ebay listing. Look here:
  1056. Dawty: That's the link to MY listing which the picture is COMPLETELY DIFFERENT
  1057. Dawty: In my screenshot you can clearly see my name among friends
  1058. Dawty: in your's ts completely different
  1059. Dawty: Interesting huh... What I think happened is you bought an item from a different seller
  1060. Dawty: or something happend like that because your transaction number vs my transaction number dont match up
  1061. Dawty: Also, you are not buyer lucho_r are you?
  1062. Dawty: If you look on the top, you can see buyer....
  1063. Dawty: That's not you is it?
  1064. ☺: uhhh it just says listing is closed
  1065. ☺: doesnt show buyer for me
  1066. Dawty: Listing info
  1067. Page views: 23
  1068. Buyer ID: lucho_r (10 feedback score: 10)
  1069. 0%
  1070. Duration: Good 'till cancelled
  1071. Start time: Sep 15, 2015 19:17:46 PDT
  1072. Dawty:
  1073. Dawty: Thats the buyers link to his profile
  1074. Dawty: That's not you though is it...?
  1075. Dawty: Here is a link to the closed listing and info:
  1076. ☺: no not lucho
  1077. Dawty: I just took that screenshot
  1078. ☺: im not lucho so someone else bought it but i bought this exact knife
  1079. ☺: im pretty sure its u tho
  1080. Dawty: I'm and there is no transaction history
  1081. ☺: i just sent a message to the seller (enraging)
  1082. Dawty: the transaction shows 1 payment
  1083. Dawty: Ok good
  1084. ☺: no response yet
  1085. Dawty: That's a good diea
  1086. Dawty: idea*
  1087. Dawty: LOL DUDE
  1088. Dawty: You payed twice right?
  1089. Dawty: in 2 payments of 250? or whatever
  1090. ☺: not twice in two payments one 250 one 200
  1091. Dawty: on my paypal accoun it only shows 1 payment of 450
  1092. Dawty: Yeah
  1093. Dawty: my paypal account only shows 1 payment of 450
  1094. Dawty: so thats clearly not you
  1095. Dawty: also the transaction numbers dont match
  1096. Dawty: ill take another screenshot for you
  1097. ☺: no its fine u already told the number
  1098. ☺: they dont match
  1099. ☺: but i paid still
  1100. Dawty: this is some crazy shit dude
  1101. ☺: he hasnt responded
  1102. ☺: its been like 10 mins
  1103. Dawty: and im sure you will get a response from whoever that person is
  1104. ☺: lol
  1105. Dawty: how did you send him an email
  1106. ☺: no man its a 0 feedback dude
  1107. Dawty: there must be a profile for him
  1108. Dawty: whats his profile
  1109. ☺: through paypal it sends them an email
  1110. Dawty: Yeah
  1111. Dawty: exactly
  1112. Dawty: since you emailed him
  1113. Dawty: You should see his ebay profile
  1114. ☺: where do u check for profile
  1115. ☺: on paypal it doesnt show an ebay profile shows his email tho
  1116. ☺: which i told u
  1117. ☺:
  1118. Dawty: Hm.
  1119. Dawty: Ok let me check
  1120. ☺: ok
  1121. Dawty: Im not finding much luck with that info
  1122. Dawty: let me search by name?
  1123. Dawty: 1 sec
  1124. ☺: ok
  1125. Dawty: I'm not finding much. You should be able to find a ebay listing for that person
  1126. ☺: try
  1127. ☺: enraging minecraft
  1128. ☺: lol its no real name
  1129. Dawty: I know lol
  1130. Dawty: let me try
  1131. ☺: alright
  1132. Dawty: Im not finding it.
  1133. Dawty: Do you recall the title of the listing?
  1134. ☺: how doo i
  1135. Dawty: or anything?
  1136. ☺: find the ebayname
  1137. Dawty:
  1138. ☺: i just searched cs go knife
  1139. Dawty: when did you search for this?
  1140. Dawty: today?
  1141. ☺: yes
  1142. Dawty: What browser are you using?
  1143. Dawty: There is history that's logged of what web sites you went to
  1144. ☺: chrome browser shouldnt matter
  1145. ☺: oh
  1146. Dawty: There should be history within Chrome of the listing you went to
  1147. ☺: i used ccleaner recently but let me check to see if it goes that far lol
  1148. Dawty: hm.
  1149. ☺: nope nothing interesting
  1150. Dawty: What I'm trying to get at is that you are not the buyer of my CSGO knife. Odin is which payed for it
  1151. ☺: let me use advance search
  1152. Dawty: I can prove this by this screenshot:
  1153. Dawty: :(
  1154. Dawty: this is so jacked up.
  1155. ☺: true shit
  1156. ☺: and i lost my money
  1157. ☺: basically
  1158. Dawty: no
  1159. Dawty: since you did it though payapl / ebay right?
  1160. Dawty: you did it through ebay right?
  1161. ☺: yeah
  1162. ☺: ebay doesnt cover digital shit tho
  1163. Dawty: Then you are saved dude
  1164. Dawty: paypal will
  1165. Dawty: and yes your covered
  1166. Dawty: you payed for an item you didnt recieve (yet- who knows if that guy will respond)
  1167. Dawty: You are covered
  1168. Dawty: Within your Paypal account, you can Dispute a Transaction
  1169. Dawty: I'm looking at this right now on my paypal account
  1170. Dawty: Resolution Center
  1171. Report a problem
  1173. Didn't receive your item?
  1174. Received the wrong item?
  1175. Don't recognize a payment?
  1176. ☺: i did that a few mins ago
  1177. ☺: who knows when ill hear from him
  1178. Dawty: It may take a day? like I said I've never sold anything before lol
  1179. Dawty: it wont matter if you dont hear from him actually
  1180. Dawty: you didnt get your item
  1181. Dawty: which means you payed for something you didnt get
  1182. Dawty: paypal will side with you
  1183. Dawty: aka the - Didn't receive your item?
  1184. ☺: and how long does that take
  1185. ☺: tonight?
  1186. Dawty: let me check
  1187. Dawty: This is straight from payal: How long does it take to investigate my claim? Most claims are investigated within 10-14 days or less.
  1188. Dawty: You are covered though completely given you payed for an item and have not receieved it (through that buyer - whoever that guy is lol)
  1189. ☺: two weeks rip my money
  1190. Dawty: ill still be here dude
  1191. Dawty: im not going anywhere
  1192. Dawty: I'd like to give Odin his knife though because he rightfully payed for it (again the transaction code on his account matched my paypal transaction code)
  1193. Dawty: I can still help you file a claim and get 100% your shit back
  1194. Dawty: I'll even help write the claim and provide information
  1195. ☺: thats nice of u i know this is frustrating and all
  1196. Dawty: I'm 31 years old dude
  1197. Dawty: I work 56 hours a week
  1198. Dawty: it's very frusterating because
  1199. ☺: im sorry about that
  1200. Dawty: I thought you scammed me at first
  1201. ☺: im gonna see if ill hear from the seller cause that doesnt look too legit
  1202. ☺: and tell odin that he should be patient his money wont go anywhere it wil be pending either way
  1203. Dawty: That's actually in your favor believe it or not. Paypal will look at his records
  1204. ☺: for a while
  1205. ☺ left chat.
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