
Boat Ponies

Jul 13th, 2014
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  1. On the high seas, a boat poni sighed contentedly, eyes closed in a moment of relaxation as she simply drifted on the waves. A mass of metal, flesh, and might, the boat ponies were a rare breed indeed and a fabulous prize for any would-be admiral. At present, it was some time in the morning and she had not quite awakened yet, drifting in and out of a lazy sleep.
  3. Something bumped against her side and she lazily turned her head to look at who was so bold as to interrupt her nap. What she saw made her heavy eyelids snap open in curiosity. An old wooden sailing ship was parked up against her side. Nothing moved across it’s empty deck and the only sound was from the creaks and groans typical of such a vessel. Strangely, it was utterly deserted.
  5. She was squinting at the intrusive ghost ship when a slight ticklish sensation of something in her mane made her gasp. As soon as she did, something dropped onto her snout. Her eyes strained to focus on the new object when it started to move, rising from a crouched position on her nose. “Hello?”
  7. The figure turned around just in time for her eyes to get a decent picture of what it was. A human. Tiny. The man on her snout pulled his hat snug on his head and drew a wicked cutlass. Her eyes went wide and more than a little cross-eyed trying to focus on him. “Yar, ye’ve been boarded, seahorse!" he yelled at her. "We’ve come for yer booty and yer ship!”
  9. “Oh,” she said, “but I don’t have any booty, mister pirate. No treasure at all.”
  11. Something tapped rudely on the top of her rear, near the part where her tail connected with the body. She turned her head around to see a rather large gathering of other pirates. One of them stomped again on her back, hollering over the din of the rest, “She’s lying captain!” He began pointing at her flank. “I can see it right there, sir!”
  13. “That was terrible,” the boat pony grumbled.
  15. The little pirate captain on her nose laughed triumphantly. “Yar, he be right though. Good eye, first mate!” He took his hat off and bowed while she looked on questioningly. “Now if you’d kindly calm down, you’re under new management.”
  17. Before she could protest a voice from on her back called. “Captain! Boat ponies to the East, sir!”
  19. “What?! Let me see.” He climbed up the bridge of her face despite her angry glare following him like a laser trying to lock on to his head, and scrambled up her forehead into her wispy mane. Pulling out a spyglass, he looked around his position while she tried her angry face on the pirates below. One of them returned her stare with one of quiet wonder rather than fury, but she took the challenge just the same. They had gone only a few seconds when the figure on her head shuffled through her mane like a bug crawling on her scalp. The wave of revulsion that traveled through her body rattled more than a few of her unwelcome crew, eliciting a series of outcries. Even worse, it made her blink. She noted with sour contempt that the one in particular who had locked eyes with her dared to walk across her boat costume parts with an air of smug superiority.
  21. She tried to leer after him but he didn't care. He had won the battle of eye contact and that was that. Before she could formulate some way to get back at him the pirate captan on her head let out a whoop. He spotted shapes on the horizon. “Boat ponies lads! A whole fleet of ‘em! Hard to starboard!”
  23. She didn't budge.
  25. “Hey, I said, go!”
  27. “No.”
  29. “Fine, then feel the wrath of this sword as I … muss up your hair!”
  31. Her eyes shot upwards in dread, searching for a humanoid figure she couldn’t see atop her head. “No! Not my mane! I give!”
  33. The boat pony felt a tickling sensation by her ear as he whispered. “I’m glad we could come to an accord. I have a special job for ye, seahorse.”
  35. The boat poni and her unwelcome crew slid through the water with grace. Personally, she was steaming, biting back various angry mumbles and commentary. She rotated her ears to hear the murmurs of excitement by the pirates moving about from her back to the metallic ship parts wrapped around her body like armor. If they ask her if they were there yet one more time… conning tower be damned, she was going to turn right around and pony paddle the other direction.
  37. “Destroyer! Destroyer!” a voice called to interrupt her thoughts. It was none other than an even larger ship pony, one with many batteries of powerful cannons across her larger, thicker hull. A proud and well kempt unicorn horn sprouted from her head, polished with a sheen that only someone obsessed about their reputation might maintain. She always made the smaller destroyer feel rather self-conscious.
  39. “Oh, hey, Battleship, how are you?”
  41. “Just another day at sea.” The ship of the line sidled up closer to the destroyer, looking this way and that to make sure the rest of the already fairly distant fleet were out of earshot before she began to whisper. “Look, I wanted to ask if you noticed anything about Aircraft Carrier and Patrol Boat. I could have sworn I saw P.T. making eyes at Carrier when she wasn’t looking. I think they want to blow some ballasts, if you catch my drift.”
  43. “Well,” the destroyer began, “I-” but was cut off when a distinctly angry and salty pirate suddenly popped out of her mane.
  45. A very awkward silence draped over them as Battleship stared at the little figure. “What the-”
  47. The pirate captain interrupted with a yell. “Your days as a free boat pony are numbered, filly!”
  49. The battleship, true to her class, roared back without hesitation. “I’ve got the biggest guns in the sea; you think you can take me, tiny?!” Her massive arsenal of weapons rotated and clicked into place.
  51. Destroyer’s eyes shot from cannon battery to cannon battery, suddenly faced with enough artillery to blow several of her away in one salvo. She wasn’t alone. Several pirates popped their heads out from behind her own cannons and hull, eyes wide. She held up her hooves, shaking them feebly in surrender. “W-wait, can’t we talk this over?! Battleship, don’t!”
  53. The pirate captain held aloft his cutlass. “Aye, lass, I do! Initiate boarding operations!”
  55. A fierce warcry responded and more pirates popped out from the destroyer’s mane, wielding grappling hooks. As the torrent of boarding hooks lunged for her, the battleship gritted her teeth. "Come get me!"
  57. (Five minutes later)
  59. “I can’t believe they actually got me.” The two boat ponies were now strung together, tightly bound hull to hull by a maze of tangled cables and ropes. Pirates stepped gingerly from one to the other, various personnel climbing the battleship's mane and causing her to shiver at the creepy-crawly sensation.
  61. "Battleship? I'm so sorry," the destroyer whined.
  63. The battleship whipped around to glare at her. "And you! You gave me pirates! How could you?! I'm just so mad I-arrrgh!" She clenched her teeth.
  65. “Buh, but I-” the smaller boatpony stammered just in time for one of the boarding party to gingerly slide down from the battleship’s mane to land on her nose.
  67. “Actually, the proper way to say it is, yarrgh, ma’am," he said.
  69. “You’re lucky I don’t just eat you like a dog with a biscuit on it’s nose, pipsqueak,” she growled. He shrugged and slid down along her neck to the hull. "How is he so smug? You'd think he won a staring contest or something."
  71. Destroyer's face flushed. "I, uh, you see-"
  73. The battleship shushed her suddenly as she looked past the destroyer. “Nevermind that, look, who's that over there? It’s Minelayer! She’ll save us! Hey, Minelayer!"
  75. The pirates looked up as a new boat poni approached. She was a bulky looking ship, more like a moderately streamlined trawler than an actual fighting boat. Still, she was nothing to sneeze at, as most boat ponies knew.
  77. The captain, in particular, welcomed to this new arrival. "It's our lucky day, boys! We got another one closing fast! Stand to and ready the hooks!"
  79. Meanwhile, the two boat ponies called for their rescuer. "Minelayer! Yoohoo! Over here!"
  81. The new boat poni swam closer, to much fanfare from the others. Battleship, to her credit, actually looked happy to have company for once. "Yes! Minelayer will save the day! We'll be okay, Destroyer, Minelayer'll save the day and then we'll be free and... and..." she trailed off, face suddenly very stoic.
  83. "Battle ship? Battleship what's wrong?" The destroyer looked around as the minelayer came around to her side. Sure enough, the minelayer was floating past them in a wide circle to avoid the pirate hooks, humming a tune innocently while dropping mine after mine around them. "Ooooh no."
  85. Indeed, it had not occurred to either of them that while other ships like destroyers, patrol boats, cruisers, and aircraft carriers could serve multiple functions, the minelayer truly was a one trick pony. She was also very sore about this fact.
  87. As their help continued its wide circle, the pirate captain slid down and began waving his arms around wildly on Battleship's snout. "What are you doing?! Quick, move! Move! She'll encircle us!"
  89. Battleship leered at him. "I can't, you idiots tied us up!"
  91. 'What?! Men, quick, untie the-"
  93. "Too late captain!"
  95. "What do you mean too late?! It's never-oh."
  97. They swiftly found themselves floating amongst a horde of sea mines, each wave threatening to push the menacing explosives closer towards the two boat ponies, who huddled closer together. The pirates clung to the boat ponies, trying to get to the furthest points away from the mines.
  99. Battleship was left yelling at the boat pony calmly swimming away into the distance. “You suck, Minelayer!”
  101. The retreating boat pony turned around, but only to toss something their way. Neither the destroyer, the captain, nor the pirates, saw what it was until it came to a rest. They wish they hadn't. It slapped against her chest with a bounce, landing onto the battleship’s deck, where it rolled to a stop.
  103. All eyes were left staring at one last mine, sitting on the battleship’s hull. A little red light came on, followed by a loud ticking noise. Instinctively, Battleship tried to reach with her hooves to swat it off, but realized with horror, that all the cabling that bound her to the destroyer, didn’t let her reach it. “Get it, get it, get it!” she screamed.
  105. “I got it!” Whether it was bravery, panic, or sudden inspiration, the destroyer craned her neck over and grasped it between her teeth. With a quick motion of her head, she tossed it away. All eyes optimistically followed the object as it sails through air. Unfortunately, it struck one of the other mines with a clang, causing that one to light up as well.
  107. “Destroyer, no!” the battleship cried out.
  109. “Yarrgh, ye stupid seahorse!” the pirate captain groaned.
  111. “What?” Destroyer asked.
  113. The entire mine field lit up in a chorus of ticking noises and red lights.
  115. There was a great, group scream and then everything exploded.
  117. When the smoke cleared, there were two ponies. "Ow," Battleship groaned, guns twisted around at odd angles and her entire deck smoking from the carnage. My aching everything. You okay?"
  119. "I think so," Destroyer coughed, her hull charred and mane singed. The ropes had been obliterated and the pirate ship blown to flotsam. They were free again, but she couldn't help but feel bad for the pirates.
  121. Meanwhile...
  123. A captain and his crew floated along on a large piece of wreckage from their beloved ship. His ship was destroyed, his beloved sword was bent, and everyone was quite simply in rough shape. "Stupid, boat ponies. Never again," he said, waving his still singed and smoking hat around to cool it.
  125. "Well boys, we lost our big chance. I tell ye what though, we're still here. Just in case we sink on this hunk of wood... I... it was a pleasure. Yer the finest crew there ever was."
  127. "Aw, you're the best, captain."
  129. "Ar-har, well it's settled. Come hell or high water, the devil himself will have to take me to separate us from-"
  131. Something banged against their refuge with a heavy thump. Bubbles arose from the depths and a metallic, equine form surfaced, rubbing her temples with a hoof.
  133. “Ouch, my head,” she grumbled.
  135. “What are you, some kind of horse-whale?”
  137. “No, actually, I’m a submarine.”
  139. “You sure? I can’t stop picturing a whale.”
  141. “Pretty sure."
  143. The captain looked sidelong at a very smug looking pirate beside him. "Johnny," he said.
  145. The man returned the look. "Aye, captain?"
  147. "Got any hooks?"
  149. "Aye," he returned, brandishing a grappling hook from wherever pirates hide them. He spun it and tossed, sending it flying for the newly emerged boat pony.
  151. She blinked as the hook ricocheted off harmlessly, finding nothing to grab on to for the underseahorse.
  153. "Yarrgh, she be mostly smooth,” said the captain defeatedly. “Sorry, everyone."
  155. A collective "aw" of disappointment filled the air.
  157. The submarine waited for them to settle down before speaking up. "So, uh, you guys want me to tow you somewhere?"
  159. "Aye, that'd be much appreciated, lass."
  161. She took the hook in her teeth and began to swim, pulling the wreckage with her.
  163. A hand clasped the captain's shoulder as another pirate spoke up. "Captain, according to pirate code, she got the hook on her, she's technically ours. Also, she's nice."
  165. The captain unsheathed his blade. "Yargh, he's right! We got us a boat pony, lads!"
  167. There was much cheering.
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