
Arbitrary Category Rules

Jul 24th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. Arbitrary Category Rules:
  2. Can't be really hard
  3. Can't take longer then 1 hour
  4. Can't use OoB
  5. Can't be an existing category/category extension
  6. Can't require beating the game
  7. Can't Rely entirely on RNG (like get ER as fast as possible)
  8. Can't Be Version Exclusive (EG: get crown theft as fast as possible)
  9. Can't be too similar to No OoB and then change 1 small thing (Eg: Die on King Boo as fast as possible) (Excluding things that can be done in the first few rooms)
  10. Can be on All Doors Unlocked
  11. Can be as arbitrary as you want it to be
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