

Aug 27th, 2015
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  1. [b][url=""]Jericho[/url][/b] vs [b][url=""]Vader[/url][/b] started off with Jericho repeatedly pinballing off of Vader, as he kept hitting the ropes and going for flying wheel kicks in an effort to budge the Mastodon, unsuccessfully. Vader eventually got sick of the "watch this tiny man bounce off me" game and went into his conventional offense, tossing Jericho into a corner and peppering him with hard shots to the head. A hard corner avalanche later, and Jericho is set up for a series of stomps. The first connected, but the second missed as Jericho rolled out of the ring. Vader exited the ring in pursuit, only to have Jericho jump onto the apron and drill him with a dropkick. A now stunned Vader rolled to the floor as Jericho re-entered the ring, hit the ropes, and hit a stunning flying plancha into the big man, knocking him down! After they both re-entered the ring, Jericho did his best to keep the big man grounded by working on the legs. Eventually, Vader was able to kick him off into a turnbuckle, but the damage was done. Vader staggered to his feet, hit a avalanche, and dropped Jericho to the mat with a powerslam!
  3. 1...2, Jericho kicked out. Vader kept on the offensive, dragging Jericho to his feet and raining down clubbing blows, until Jericho was able to dodge one and go for the Codebreaker! Vader still had his wits about him, though, and kept Jericho aloft, hooking him in for a Powerbomb! Jericho was too smart for him, and slipped out the back, attempting, of all things, a sleeper hold on the big guy. Vader swung around, trying to escape the hold, before slamming Jericho into the turnbuckle! Vader ran to the opposite corner to follow up with another avalanche, but Jericho charged out of the corner, drilling him with a flying forearm before following up with a Lionsault!
  5. 1...2...2.9, Vader kicked out! Another codebreaker attempt was reversed into a double handed chokeslam, before Vader attempted to follow up with a powerbomb. Jericho was still too canny, and reversed into a Yoshi Tonic before flipping Vader over and locking in the Walls! Vader tried to fight it but Jericho had it locked on tight, and Vader was eventually forced to tap out, conceding the win to Chris Jericho.
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