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Aug 28th, 2016
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  1. --Sly's reactor--
  3. --peripherals
  4. local m = {44,42,43}
  5. local monitors = {}
  6. for i=1,3 do
  7. monitors[i] = peripheral.wrap("monitor_"..m[i])
  8. end
  9. local rMon = monitors[2]
  10. local bMon = monitors[3]
  11. local t = {11,10}
  12. local turbines = {}
  13. for i=1,2 do
  14. turbines[i] = peripheral.wrap("BigReactors-Turbine_"..t[i])
  15. end
  17. local r = peripheral.wrap("BigReactors-Reactor_4")
  19. local core = peripheral.wrap("draconic_rf_storage_2")
  20. local prevT = core.getEnergyStored()
  21. local prev = {prevT,prevT,prevT,prevT,prevT}
  22. --variables
  23. local cols = {,colors.lightBlue,,,}
  24. local c = {1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4,5}
  25. local dir = {"Upper","Lower"}
  26. local cmode = {,}
  27. local rActive = false
  28. local startupState = 0
  29. local Lclock = 0
  30. local sInfo = {"Basic Mainframe: ","Reactor Interface: ","Turbine Interfaces: ","Global Reactor Control: ","Safety Systems: ","Attempting to link computer"}
  31. local bInfo = {}
  32. for i=1,5 do bInfo[i] = true end
  33. bInfo[1] = false
  35. function drawButton(id,txt,pos)
  37. bMon.setBackgroundColor(
  38. bMon.setCursorPos(pos[1],pos[2])
  39. bMon.write(txt)
  40. if bInfo[id] then
  41. colsT = {,colors.gray}
  42. else
  43. colsT = {colors.gray,}
  44. end
  45. bMon.setCursorPos(pos[1]+10,pos[2])
  46. bMon.setBackgroundColor(colsT[1])
  47. bMon.write(" ")
  48. bMon.setCursorPos(pos[1]+11,pos[2])
  49. bMon.write(" ON ")
  51. bMon.setCursorPos(pos[1]+16,pos[2])
  52. bMon.setBackgroundColor(colsT[2])
  53. bMon.write(" ")
  54. bMon.setCursorPos(pos[1]+17,pos[2])
  55. bMon.write(" OFF ")
  56. bMon.setBackgroundColor(
  57. end
  58. function toRead(l)
  59. local pow = math.floor(math.log(l)/math.log(1000))
  60. local temp = {"","K","M","B","T"}
  61. return (math.ceil( ( ( l/ (1000^pow) )*100 )-0.5)/100)..temp[pow+1]
  62. end
  64. function drawGauge(i,n,pos)
  65. local tur = turbines[i]
  66. --local mon = monitors[m]
  67. --mon.setTextScale(0.5)
  68. if tur.getActive() then
  69. act = 1
  70. else
  71. act = 2
  72. end
  73. local RPM = tur.getRotorSpeed()
  74. local energyLastTick = tur.getEnergyProducedLastTick()
  75. local enT = ""
  76. if energyLastTick<1000 then
  77. enT = math.ceil(energyLastTick-0.5).."RF/t"
  78. else
  79. enT = (math.ceil((energyLastTick/10)-0.5)/100).."kRF/t"
  80. end
  81. local flowRate = tur.getFluidFlowRate()
  82. if tur.getInductorEngaged() then
  83. coils = "Engaged"
  84. else
  85. coils = "Disengaged"
  86. end
  88. --[[local RPMp = math.ceil(((RPM/2000) * 30) - 0.5)
  89. mon.setTextColor(
  90. for y = 0,31 do
  91. if y/3 == math.ceil(y/3) then
  92. txt = math.ceil((y/30)*2000).." "
  93. posx = pos[1] - (#txt-1)
  94. else
  95. posx = pos[1]
  96. txt = " "
  97. end
  98. mon.setCursorPos(posx,pos[2]+(32-y))
  99. mon.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  100. mon.setTextColor(
  101. mon.write(txt)
  102. if y==0 or y == 31 then
  103. mon.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  104. elseif y<=RPMp then
  105. mon.setBackgroundColor(cols[c[y] ])
  106. else
  107. mon.setBackgroundColor(
  108. end
  109. mon.setTextColor(colors.white)
  110. mon.write(string.rep(" ",8))
  111. mon.setBackgroundColor(colors.white)
  112. mon.write(" ")
  113. mon.setBackgroundColor(
  114. end ]]--
  115. local m3 = monitors[n]
  116. info = {dir[i],math.ceil(RPM-0.5).."RPM",enT,flowRate.."Mb/t",coils}
  117. for l = 1,#info do
  118. m3.setBackgroundColor(cmode[act])
  119. m3.setCursorPos(-9+(i*12),l+2)
  120. m3.write(string.rep(" ",10))
  121. m3.setCursorPos(-9+(i*12),l+2)
  122. m3.write(info[l])
  123. m3.setBackgroundColor(
  124. end
  126. end
  128. while true do
  129. Lclock = Lclock + 1
  130. if Lclock >= 8 then Lclock = 0 end
  131. --Turbines
  132. --monitors[1].setBackgroundColor(
  133. --monitors[1].clear()
  134. local m2 = monitors[1]
  135. m2.clear()
  136. m2.setCursorPos(4,1)
  137. m2.write("Turbine Information")
  138. m2.setTextScale(1.5)
  139. for i=1,2 do
  140. drawGauge(i,1,{-13+(i*32),3})
  141. end
  144. --Reactor
  145. local Active = r.getActive()
  146. rMon.setTextColor(colors.white)
  147. if Active and not rActive then
  148. if startupState == 0 then
  149. rMon.clear()
  150. end
  151. startupState = startupState + 1
  152. if startupState <12 then
  153. if startupState/2 ~= math.ceil(startupState/2) then
  154. local line = (startupState+1 )/ 2
  155. rMon.setTextColor(colors.white)
  156. rMon.setCursorPos(1,line)
  157. rMon.write(sInfo[line])
  158. else
  159. rMon.setTextColor(
  160. rMon.write("Active")
  161. end
  162. elseif startupState<15 then
  163. rMon.write(".")
  164. elseif startupState == 16 then
  165. rMon.setCursorPos(1,8)
  166. rMon.write("Successful!")
  167. end
  168. if startupState == 18 then
  169. startupState = 0
  170. rActive = true
  171. for i=1,2 do bInfo[i+1] = true end
  172. end
  173. else
  174. rMon.clear()
  175. end
  177. if rActive and not Active then
  178. rActive = false
  179. for i=1,2 do bInfo[i+1] = false end
  180. end
  182. if rActive then
  183. rMon.clear()
  184. rMon.setTextScale(1)
  185. rMon.setTextColor(colors.white)
  186. rMon.setCursorPos(15,1)
  187. rMon.write("Reactor Information")
  188. rMon.setCursorPos(6,3)
  189. rMon.write("Reactor Status: ")
  190. rMon.setTextColor(
  191. rMon.setCursorPos(32,3)
  192. rMon.write("ONLINE")
  193. local En = 0
  194. local enD = ""
  195. for i=1,2 do En = En+turbines[i].getEnergyProducedLastTick() end
  196. enD = toRead(En).."rf/t"
  197. local rInfo = {
  198. "Fuel Amount: ",r.getFuelAmount().."mB ("..(math.ceil((r.getFuelAmount()/r.getFuelAmountMax()*100)-0.5)).."%)",
  199. "Waste Amount: ",r.getWasteAmount().."mB ("..(math.ceil((r.getWasteAmount()/10)-0.5)).."%)",
  200. "Water Amount: ",r.getCoolantAmount().."mB ("..(math.ceil((r.getCoolantAmount()/r.getCoolantAmountMax()*100)-0.5)).."%)",
  201. "Steam Amount: ",r.getHotFluidAmount().."mB ("..(math.ceil((r.getHotFluidAmount()/r.getHotFluidAmountMax()*100)-0.5)).."%)",
  202. "Core/Casing Temper: ",math.ceil(r.getCasingTemperature()-0.5).." / "..math.ceil(r.getFuelTemperature()-0.5),
  203. "Fuel Used/tick: ",math.ceil(r.getFuelConsumedLastTick()-0.5).."mB/t",
  204. "Steam Produced/tick: ",math.ceil(r.getHotFluidProducedLastTick()-0.5).."mB/t",
  205. "Fuel Reactivity: ",math.ceil(r.getFuelReactivity()-0.5).."%",
  206. "Total Energy/tick: ",enD
  207. }
  208. for i=1,#rInfo do
  209. if i/2 ~= math.ceil(i/2) then
  210. line = (i+1)/2
  211. rMon.setCursorPos(6,line+3)
  212. rMon.setTextColor(colors.white)
  213. else
  214. line = (i)/2
  215. rMon.setCursorPos(32,line+3)
  216. rMon.setTextColor(
  217. end
  218. rMon.write(rInfo[i])
  219. end
  220. st = core.getEnergyStored()
  221. ma = core.getMaxEnergyStored()
  222. stored = toRead(st)
  223. max = toRead(ma)
  224. rMon.setBackgroundColor(
  225. rMon.setCursorPos(4,15)
  226. rMon.write(stored.."rf / "..max.."rf ("..math.ceil(((st/ma)*100)-0.5).."%)")
  227. pStored = math.ceil(((st/ma)*30)-0.5)
  228. for i=1,3 do
  229. rMon.setCursorPos(3,15+i)
  230. if i==2 then
  231. rMon.write(" ")
  232. rMon.setBackgroundColor(
  233. rMon.write(string.rep(" ",pStored))
  234. rMon.setBackgroundColor(
  235. rMon.write(string.rep(" ",30-pStored))
  236. rMon.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
  237. rMon.write(" ")
  238. else
  239. rMon.setBackgroundColor(colors.gray)
  240. rMon.write(string.rep(" ",32))
  241. end
  242. end
  243. rMon.setBackgroundColor(
  244. enLastTick = (st - prev[1])
  245. for i=1,#prev-1 do
  246. enLastTick = enLastTick + (prev[i]-prev[i+1])
  247. end
  248. enLastTick = enLastTick / #prev
  249. if enLastTick>0 then
  250. enToFill = ma-st
  251. ticksToFill = enToFill/enLastTick
  252. minsToFill = "ETA to fill: "..math.ceil((ticksToFill/(20*60))-0.5).." minutes"
  253. else
  254. minsToFill = "ETA to fill: Infinity"
  255. end
  256. rMon.setCursorPos(4,19)
  257. rMon.write(minsToFill)
  258. table.insert(prev, 1, core.getEnergyStored())
  259. table.remove(prev, 6)
  260. else
  261. if not Active then
  262. if Lclock < 4 then
  263. rMon.setTextColor(
  264. rMon.setTextScale(4)
  265. rMon.setCursorPos(4,2)
  266. rMon.write("REACTOR")
  267. rMon.setCursorPos(4,3)
  268. rMon.write("OFFLINE")
  269. end
  270. end
  271. end
  272. bMon.clear()
  273. bMon.setCursorPos(18,1)
  274. bMon.write("Controls")
  275. drawButton(1,"Reactor:",{10,2})
  276. bMon.setCursorPos(15,4)
  277. bMon.write("Upper Turbine")
  278. drawButton(2,"Active:",{10,5})
  279. drawButton(4,"Coils:",{10,6})
  281. bMon.setCursorPos(15,8)
  282. bMon.write("Lower Turbine")
  283. drawButton(3,"Active:",{10,9})
  284. drawButton(5,"Coils:",{10,10})
  286. r.setActive(bInfo[1])
  287. for i=1,2 do turbines[i].setActive(bInfo[i+1]) end
  288. for i=1,2 do turbines[i].setInductorEngaged(bInfo[i+3]) end
  289. os.startTimer(0.35)
  290. while true do
  291. local evt = {os.pullEvent()}
  292. if evt[1] == "timer" then
  293. break
  294. elseif evt[1] == "monitor_touch" then
  295. if evt[2] == "monitor_43" and redstone.getInput("right") == true then
  296. local x = evt[3]
  297. local y = evt[4]
  298. if y==2 then
  299. if x>=23 and x<=26 then
  300. bInfo[1] = true
  301. elseif x>=29 and x<=33 then
  302. bInfo[1] = false
  303. end
  304. elseif y==5 then
  305. if x>=13 and x<=16 then
  306. bInfo[2] = true
  307. elseif x>=19 and x<=23 then
  308. bInfo[2] = false
  309. elseif x>=38 and x<=41 then
  310. bInfo[3] = true
  311. elseif x>=44 and x<=48 then
  312. bInfo[3] = false
  313. end
  314. elseif y==6 then
  315. if x>=13 and x<=16 then
  316. bInfo[4] = true
  317. elseif x>=19 and x<=23 then
  318. bInfo[4] = false
  319. elseif x>=38 and x<=41 then
  320. bInfo[5] = true
  321. elseif x>=44 and x<=48 then
  322. bInfo[5] = false
  323. end
  324. end
  325. end
  326. end
  327. end
  328. end
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