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Feb 24th, 2019
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  1. Hello u/2builders2tools, u/Qasaur, u/CatWhisperer420
  2. Hello 2b2t community
  3. to start off: Below I stated why deleting this is against your own rules, also if you refere to any rules that might insult me I will indeed take that as an insult. I count on you acting like the adults you are!
  4. So please staff and server owner, as well as community, hear me out.
  5. I have tried to condense my feelings about the latest happenings down to a few senteces, but I feel like this was deleted, for this subreddit's rule no. 4, which I do not understand, because there are posts shorter and devoid of meaning, that did not get deleted, possibly because you didn't have anything in them to disagree with.
  6. I really like this server and I have played on here for almost a year now. I have enjoyed the freedom of being allowed to do what I want with no consequences and I enjoyed the craziness of it all. Anarchy as a concept always fascinated me and when I sarted playing on here I expierienced true anarchy for the first time and to be honest: Lag is part of it and I feel like it can not be delt with, without destroying the general idea of the server as I expierienced it.
  7. I can see how you may think, that the lag may cause people to quit, and it does, but not to an extend you may think. For example I dont like lag and it caused me to play less recently, but you yourelf, owner, stated, that the server broke, which to me means, that the hardware is defective, and you wait for a hardware replacement, which would fix the biggest lag on the server, since we seem to be playing on a replacement. It's most certainly not because of some ingame areas that your home computer cant seem to handle, because as you may realise: Home computers are not made to handle large data packages, like servers, especially more so because there have been areas deticated to lagging the server before this point in time and they didnt do remotely as much lag as is happening now, that we are playing on what I think may be an old server or a inferior replacement/ backup.
  8. Now back to the server's concept: Anarchy. What does it mean? Acording to Wikipedia:
  9. Anarchy refers to a society, entity, group of people, or a single person that rejects hierarchy. The word originally meant 'leaderlessness', but in 1840 Pierre-Joseph Proudhon adopted the term in his treatise What Is Property? to refer to a new political philosophy: anarchism, which advocates stateless societies based on voluntary associations.
  11. Why do I tell you that? Well, because you violated that concept by directly interfering with it. You removed things, you prevent things, you basically try to lead us. You try to interfere and police the server. How can you still claim to be an anarchy server, if you impose power upon the people on the server?The answer is easy: You can't! You destroyed the core idea of the server as early as introducing plugins, which I can still tolerate, as I will state below, but I can not tolerate your large scale interference in ingame, non game breaking activity.
  13. Now, I can see how I benefit from some of the plugins and how some things would make the server unplayable, but you have indeed delt with the apocalyptic exploits a long time ago. You have violated the anarchy concept unnesecarally before, in smaller scale, of cause, but now you do it in big scale.
  14. I don't know if you realize, that for most of the playerbase the everything goes mantality, like using exploits with no reprecussions, is a huge selling point of the server and by essencially forbidding people to do certain things that don't break the server you take that away. You basically turn 2b2t into an average, not special server, with a broken map, that is no fun to play anymore.
  15. And just to give you a few numbers on my own: I have bought priority queue 9 times now; this is $179,90, since april, last year.People just like me consider quitting now, because you interviened heavily. Imagine you would lose this income. Would the server still be viable?
  17. Think about it. If your interventions kill the server, there is no one to blame for you, but yourself but if you stop intervining and or turn back time by 1 day, everything is fine. people will keep buying priority queue and the server, that survived for over 8 years, will live on.
  19. Now here is the part I was talking about at the top of this letter.
  21. 1.No NSFW
  22. 2.No ignoring global reddit rules
  23. 3.Don't be an idiot
  24. 4.No SPAM or very low effort / quality submissions
  25. as well as the global reddit rules:
  26. 1. Remember the human
  27. 2. Behave like you would in real life
  28. 3. Look for the original source of content
  29. 4. Search for duplicates before posting
  30. 5. Read the community’s rules
  31. Since this is an open letter and formal i am not posting adult content, not ignoring any of the global reddit rules, I am not behaving idiotic in any way (despite the fact that I am putting a lot of work into something you will eventually discard without reading or responding to, but that is not asmuch idiotic as much as it is an act of hope.) This is not spam, because I am not posting it over and over again, which would be spam, and I am putting a lot of effort into this, which makes it not low effort, as well as checking my language, which makes it not low quality either. It may be still against your opinion, but that's not a compelling reason to delete this and would base it on none of your selfset regulations.
  33. Kind Regards, Max.
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