
Ponies in the Cupboard - Chapter Two

Apr 14th, 2014
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  1. Chapter Two – Why Can’t You Be Transformers?
  4. Running; that’s all Anon knows right now as he pants heavily from fatigue. It feels like forever with how long he’s been running down these dark streets, trying to get rid of his pursuer. Turning to look behind him, he sees something in the distance, likely the thing hunting him down currently. Loud, reverberating clicks can be heard all around Anon, slowly getting closer to him…
  6. Trying to quicken his pace, he trips, falling flat on his face. Standing back up, he can hear the clicking of wheels loudly in the air, making its way to him. His legs feel heavy, but he continues to push them to the limit, running back down the same, dark streets.
  8. Hoping to lose his pursuer, he rushes down an alleyway, thinking it might allow him someplace to hide or go to. After running down it, he’s met with a chain linked fence blocking his path. Grabbing onto it, he tries to climb over, only finding that his strength immediately leaves him with his arms feeling weak.
  10. A shadow stretches down the alleyway, going past the chain linked fence and under Anon’s feet, making him nervous at how close he is to whoever this is. Turning around, Anon finally gets a good look at the person that’s been chasing him.
  12. It was the oddest thing Anon’s ever seen: a white unicorn with rollerblades and a cap on, covering most of its face with only its unnaturally wide smile being shown. He also notices a bent, golden bat lifted in the air, almost seemingly by magic, right beside the unicorn. Standing there, Anon’s breathing starts to turn heavy, staring at whatever this is. The unicorn tilts its head, never removing the unnatural smile from its face. It starts to move slowly towards Anon down the long alleyway as the bat bounces alongside it in the air.
  14. I’m coming for you.
  16. There’s nothing you can do about it.
  18. Stand there, wait, it’ll be over soon…
  20. Pushing his back to the fence, Anon looks around for a way to escape from the madness making its way to him. The air from his lungs feel like they were punched out of him as his eyes widen in horror to what he finds. The buildings alongside the alleyway all house multiple rows of windows along the walls, with each person he’s ever met in his life in them. Every family member, friend, and people he’s disliked or just passerbies in his life are all there for him.
  22. Their heads are turned to him, silently laugh at him with eyes closed and mouths wide. The walls feel like they were growing around him, getting tighter with every passing second, but the faces remain, forever laughing.
  24. They knew what was going to happen. They knew that he would end up here. And they were here to witness it with glee, laughing at his demise…
  26. Anon, unable to come to full terms with everything happening, lets out a guttural scream, wanting nothing more but to be out of this horrid scene. The unicorn now hovers over Anon, as if it had jumped the last moment, its smile even wider than before. Turning to the side, the hovering golden bat now swings full force towards Anon. He can only scream at it as the bat reaches his head in a sickening crunch.
  28. As his vision goes dark, the very last thing he saw was the smile of the unicorn, forever smiling at him.
  30. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  32. Feeling something tapping rapidly against his forehead, Anon tries to shake it off. He opens his eyes, flinching at the light being shoved into them. With his throat feeling sore and dry, he coughs a few times while blinking to regain his vision. Letting out a groan, he tries to rub his throat, only finding his hands bound to something.
  34. Giving a tug on his arm, Anon finds it tied to what looks like his bed sheet up against his bedframe, with his other arm tied in the same manner to his computer stand. Hearing a cough, he feels something jumping off of his forehead and onto his chest. Wide-eyed, he sees that it’s one of the toys from before now glaring at him.
  36. “Finally!” the blue toy squeaks out with its voice breaking. “You giants scream all the time or just when you go to sleep?”
  38. Anon doesn’t answer, only staring up at the toy still standing on his chest. It lets out a grunt before jumping off, flying up to the bed above him. Looking up, he can see two of the other toys up there as well, the one who slapped him with the bat and that pink one from before, peeking from the edge.
  40. The three of the toys start whispering to one another, gesturing towards Anon who lies there, trying to figure things out. Examining his room, he looks for two other toys, thinking that with those three there, the other two are likely around someplace nearby. He finds them up on the computer stands edge, also whispering to one another.
  42. Grimacing at the headache that’s starting to pound away at his head, along with the injury, he lays his head back down, staring up at the ceiling, wanting all of this to go away. After a few moments of silence, he feels something thump on his chest once more. Looking down, he sees it’s the blue colored toy from before, still looking mad at him.
  44. “Okay bub, we want to know why you took us here and how to get back!” He stares at the toy with a blank expression, not answering its question.
  46. Seeing some movement out of the corner of his eye, he looks to his left where the other four toys somehow got to, standing there and staring at him.
  48. “We don’t have all day!” the toy squawks out, tapping its hooves on his chest.
  50. “I haven’t got a clue where any of you toys came from,” Anon says, unsure how to take all of this. “I just bought you from some random person online.” He looks the toys over before letting out a sigh. “You toys are the worst purchase I’ve ever made...”
  52. The other toys look confused at that. “What do you mean by buying us?” the blue toy asks, narrowing its eyes.
  54. “Why couldn’t you have been Transformers? At least then I’d have Optimus Prime fucking my shit up and doing the talking. THAT would have been a dream come true! Bumblebee could have been his go to man to help out with the talking, doing some double team action with Cliffjumper. But noooo! I got the castoffs of Crayola Land smacking my face into oblivion. This shit sucks…”
  56. The toys look back and forth between themselves and Anon, unsure of what to say to that. At just that moment, Anon feels something slithering down the side of his head.
  58. A gasp can be heard from the colorful group, staring at the blood dripping down his head. “T-that’s a lot of blood,” the yellow one says, staring at Anon’s head.
  60. “I am SO lucky I got a place with no carpeting, no blood stains to deal with.”
  62. “Doesn’t that hurt?” the white one from before asks.
  64. Anon stares at the unicorn, making it feel nervous. “No, I feel absolutely astounding right now so long as the pounding in my head from the crack in my skull isn’t counted into things.”
  66. “It’s not my fault you intimidated me into hitting you! I was just… protecting myself!”
  68. Anon sputters hearing that. “You’re shitting me, right? I intimidated you into hitting me?!” The toy, looks hesitant, but nods. “The only thing that happened was that stupid pink toy yelled out—”
  70. “I’m not stupid, you big meanie!”
  72. “—I turned to it, turned back to you, and then was met with a fucking face full of bat!”
  74. “Ehr, to be fair, your height alone intimidates us,” the one wearing a Stetson says with an odd accent, getting a murmur of agreement from the others. “You’re the tallest living thing we’ve ever seen, and that alone is a mite bit intimidating.”
  76. “You look tall enough to even touch the moon!” the pink one says, widening its forelegs high into the sky.
  78. “Yeah, sure, whatever,” Anon mutters out.
  80. “I have a question for you,” the blue one asks. “Why do you keep calling us toys?”
  82. “Because that’s what you all are, toys.”
  84. “…I don’t get it.”
  86. “When I purchased you all, you were nothing but a lump of plastic. And now you’re all lumps of talking plastic.”
  88. The blue one blinks at you for a few seconds before looking at her shoulder and lightly biting it. “…I sure don’t taste or feel like plastic.”
  90. “It might have been a magic spell!” the pink one says loudly, gaining the attention of everyone. “Um, at least, that’s what I would think had happened…”
  92. “You’re telling me that some magic spell managed to turn my toys into talking little shits that like to beat on its owner?”
  94. “We’re not toys, we’re ponies!” the blue one says gruffly. “And… that’s more than likely what happened.”
  96. “Yep, wouldn’t be the first time something like this happens to us,” Stetson pony says. “We just need to figure out how to get back.”
  98. “The, um, box we were in might be a transporter of some kind… maybe?” the yellow one shyly mutters out.
  100. “My cupboard magically transported you to my world…”
  102. The five of them shrug at that. “Sounds about right,” Stetson pony says, looking up to the cupboard. “Maybe we just need to… go back into it and it’ll transport us back home.”
  104. “Worth a try,” the blue one says right before the five of them makes their way to the stand.
  106. The pony toys, now with something in mind on how to get back, walk over to where the cupboard is and start flying everyone up to it. Anon, hearing them talking up above, looks back at his hands, thinking with them distracted, he can get his hands free.
  108. Examining his bindings, he feels like an idiot when he realizes he just needs to wiggle his right hand and it slips easily out of it with only a little effort. The other has no such luck, but it’s not so difficult to untie it with one hand undone. After that, he looks down, just now realizing they didn’t even bind his legs down.
  110. Holding his aching head, he slowly stands up, feeling like he just went a few rounds with Jack all liquored up. Turning around, Anon sees the four of them staring at the cupboard with the pink one looking at them with a smile.
  112. “Okay girls, clooooose sesameeeeeee!”
  114. The four of them run straight at the door, slamming up against it and shoving it all the way closed.
  116. Looking at the door, Anon can see a fairly large gouge of it gone where the lock used to be, something he missed before getting knocked out. Resisting the urge to act on seeing that, he continues to watch the ponies. Holding themselves against the door for a few seconds, the four of them back away from it, staring at the cupboard.
  118. “…Did it work?” the quiet yellow one asks.
  120. Without warning, the cupboard door creaks open, surprising them. The unicorn glows its horn, struggling to open the door for them to look inside better. Seeing that makes Anon curious. If the toy had trouble with the door, how did it lift the bat…?
  122. Standing there in the middle of the cupboard is the pink pony, stiff as a board and staring straight ahead with a small smile, looking exactly as it did before it started talking.
  124. The blue one looks at the others before walking up to the pink one hesitatingly. “I… I think it worked, girls!” it says, standing in front of the pink one.
  126. The pink toy immediately jumps up in the air with a yell, scaring the ever loving fuck out of the blue one. It immediately drops to the ground, rolling in laughter. “I totally fooled you!”
  130. Anon lets out a chuckle at the scene, making the other ponies stiffen up before slowly turning around, staring at him.
  132. “AH! THE GIANT PONY EATING MONSTER WALKS AGAIN!” the pink one yells out again, making Anon narrow his eyes at her.
  134. “S-stay back!” the unicorn says, backing away, “o-or I’ll hit you with the bat again!”
  136. “Do it and I’ll punt you across the fucking room after snapping your horn off,” Anon says, making it stop in its tracks, eyes widening at his words.
  138. Turning to his side, he looks around his unpacked boxes, seeing the one he wants, and starts going through it. Finding a small first aid kit, he grabs it and leaves the room for the bathroom to fix up his split head. Once inside, he grabs a washrag and gets it wet before cleaning up his wound, wincing at the touch.
  140. Seeing that the cut on his head isn’t bleeding too badly any longer, he applies rubbing alcohol on the cut, hissing at the pain before wiping away any excess and putting on a large bandage.
  142. “Stupid pony toys, bashing in my skull… It should’ve been Starscream that did it…” He inspects the bandage on the left side of his head, humming at it right before wrapping it with bandage tape to hold it better. “That should do for the time being,” he says, closing up his kit and cleaning up the blood still on the sink.
  144. Putting the first aid kit away in the medicine cabinet for the time being, he turns to leave, stopping at seeing the pony toys on the ground at the entrance, staring up at him. Frowning at them, he starts walking out of the bathroom, forcing the ponies to make haste in retreat of his feet.
  146. Walking past them, Anon heads straight for the fridge, opening it up and looking around. He grumbles, grabbing a cola before slamming the fridge shut and walking to the couch.
  148. Plopping himself down onto it, he opens the can, inhaling half of the drink before letting out a loud sigh of relief. “Should’ve bought the booze over food…”
  150. Pausing to drink some more, he notices the ponies now on the other side of the couch, currently staring at him. Still holding the can up to his lips, he lowers it, looking between each of the ponies. “What do you want?” he asks, frowning at them. “Shouldn’t you be, I don’t know, teleporting home or whatever?”
  152. “…It’s not working,” the blue one says.
  154. “Ain’t that great to hear,” Anon mutters out, taking another gulp from his drink. “Maybe you should try harder to leave, like doing some stupid dance or whatever the hell it is your magic stuff works on.”
  156. “There’s no reason to be grumpy about this,” the blue one remarks, making Anon glare at it.
  158. “You’re shitting me, right? I get woken up by a bunch of Andy’s reject toys, get slugged in the face by my own bat, tied down after the fact, and now you’re telling me not to be grumpy? I’ve got every damn right to be upset!”
  160. The other toys ponies flinch back at that, looking down in shame.
  162. “I’m sorry for hitting you with your bat,” the unicorn says, not looking at Anon.
  164. “A bit late for that, don’t you think?” he asks, taking another sip from his drink. The unicorn lets out a whine, scuffing the cushion with its front hoof.
  166. Letting out a groan, feeling a headache coming on, Anon chugs the rest of his cola throws the can on the table before getting up and going back to the bathroom. Looking around his medicine cabinet, he grabs some Tylenol before snagging another cola from the fridge and dropping back down on the couch.
  168. Popping the pills in his mouth, he washes it down with his drink, hoping the headache goes away soon. Looking to his side, he sees the ponies are now huddled in a circle around one another talking quietly.
  170. Anon turns away from them to drink his soda, staring at the plain, white wall. “I should’ve set up my television,” he mumbles before looking at the table in front of him.
  172. Seeing his phone, he grabs it and looks at the signal bar: a good three out of five are glowing green. Sliding his finger to unlock it, he goes to his contacts, thinking texting the guys might help him out with this.
  174. He immediately pauses, staring blankly at the few names in it, wondering just what he’d actually text. Oh hey, remember those pony toys? Yeah, funny story, they’re now walking around and talking, and they even managed to bash my skull in with my own bat! Hilarious, right? Could you come over and help me out with it? Just watch out, two of them can fly and another uses magic!
  176. Shaking his head, Anon decides to try Andrew first, thinking he’d likely be up right now playing with some friends online; he’d be the most helpful.
  178. ~Hey, could you come over right now? I’ve got a little pest problem that I need help with~
  180. Waiting a few moments while taking a sip from his drink, his phone lets out a beep and a shake.
  182. ~Sorry Anon, Jack’s my ride since my car broke down two weeks ago remember? You might have some difficulty fucking him up right now for us to come over~
  184. Smirking, Anon starts to quickly tap away. ~I’m pretty certain Jack doesn’t swing that way, Drew. Maybe you could try it out for me and tell me how it goes~
  188. Chuckling, Anon flips over to Jacks contact and starts tapping away.
  190. ~Jack~
  192. ~Jakie~
  194. ~Jaaaaack-meister~
  196. ~Yo Jack~
  198. ~JackJackJackJackJackJackJackJackJackJackJackJackJack~
  200. Anon nods to himself, thinking the mass amount of texts would surely wake him up. Sure enough, he gets an immediate response
  202. ~wut n da fuq u want ass it fukin 5~
  204. Looking up at the wall, he does see that the clock says it’s now five-fifteen in the morning.
  206. ~Could you come over and bring Andrew right now? I’ve got a pest problem I need help with~
  208. Drinking some more of his cola, he waits for a good few minutes for a reply.
  210. ~…Dude, you there?~
  212. ~man fuk u ass it fukin 2 erly 4 this shit we b thre next weak on weddsday now fuk off~
  214. ~Seriously man, these pests are really bugging me I need help~
  216. ~u r a damn pest, fuk off~
  218. After trying to text back to him to come over, Jack simply ignores him. Going back to Andrew, he starts to text quickly.
  220. ~Hey, Jack’s not coming over, can you borrow his car for now?~
  222. It doesn’t take long for a reply. ~Told you he wasn’t going to get up, and there’s no way in hell he’d lend me his car with how I totaled my other car~
  224. ~Thanks anyways~
  226. ~Sorry I can’t help~
  228. Letting out a loud sigh, he reluctantly goes to Sandra’s contact, not wanting to text her but knowing she’s his last hope for some help.
  230. ~Hey Sandra, you up right now? I need you to come over if possible~
  232. Chugging the rest of his soda, he places the can down on the table just as a text pops up.
  234. ~I am not giving you a birthday fuck~
  236. Sputtering from reading that, his face grows bright red, typing quickly in response. ~I’ve got a pest problem I really need help with, it’s very urgent~
  238. ~I’m regretting Jack not getting you an actual fleshlight, you’re so damn needy~
  240. Anon lets out a groan reading that. ~I’m being serious right now~
  242. ~I can’t come over until at least Tuesday to help out with whatever nasty rats are in your walls~
  244. Screwing his face up, he slides his phone back onto the table before leaning into the couch and closing his eyes, trying to think of something to do.
  246. Locking the toys up in something could work if they didn’t have that unicorn that can apparently use magic, Anon thinks. The pegasus ones would give me too much difficulty trying to collect anyways. I’m not interested in harming them either, no matter how fucking annoying they may be. Damn it… what in the hell do I do…?
  248. “Um… Mister giant… whatever you are?”
  250. Slitting his eyes open, Anon turns his head to the ponies once more who stare back at him. “Whaaaaat?”
  252. Flinching back, the yellow one tries to speak again. “W-we were thinking of some way to get back home, you know, to, um, get out of your hair and w… i…” It slowly starts becoming harder and harder to hear, making Anon groan.
  254. “We were wondering if you had an idea on how to get back,” the Stetson one asks in place of yellow pony.
  256. He looks back at his open bedroom door for a moment before looking back down to them. “Did you see that nice big chunk that’s now missing from the cupboard?” The five of them look to one another, then back to him with nods. “Maybe whatever the hell that brought you five abominations here isn’t working due to the fact that it’s now missing a chunk from it. I wonder how it got like that…”
  258. The five of them shirk, seeing him narrow his eyes at them. “I may have blasted it out to… get us free from there,” the unicorn says.
  260. “Of course it was you…”
  262. “It was really dark and we didn’t know what was happening, and just… wanted out and…” The pink loud one slowly stops talking, looking down at the ground. “I wish Twilight was here…” The other five sulk, hearing that name.
  264. “…Do you know how to fix the door?” the quiet yellow one asks, gaining the attention of everyone.
  266. “…Maaaaybe. I’m used to working on model kits though. And if this darn cupboard was actually magicked in any way, you might just need every single bit that was blown off. It might be impossible even then.” Standing up, Anon stretches his limbs before making his way to the bathroom for a third time.
  268. The pony toys jump down off the couch, following him to the bathroom. Looking into the mirror, Anon checks out his bandage to make sure it’s still good to go for a while.
  270. Not seeing anything majorly wrong or the bandage needing changing, he turns to go back to his bedroom. The pony toys of course follow him along, annoying him.
  272. Standing outside his door, he turns to them. “I am now going to go back to sleep. I’m too tired to deal with this shit and a small part of me believes doing so will make you all disappear like you were nothing more than a bad dream. So go do… whatever, I don’t care.”
  274. “W-wait!” blue pony yells out. “We need help to get home!”
  276. “And I need some goddamn sleep.”
  278. “Help us home and then go to sleep!”
  280. “Figure out how to get home on your own, it’s not my problem.”
  282. The blue one humphs at that. “He’s not going to help us; we should try getting help from someone else.”
  284. “Yeah, good idea. I’m certain they also have an identical cupboard you all came out of too. Just watch out for anything that are bigger than you like rodents and other animals along the way, I hear they’ll give you a case of the deaths!”
  286. “I can probably talk to them, they could also help us,” the yellow one says with confidence.
  288. The others give out agreements to this, only making Anon look down at them like he’s staring at the village idiots.
  290. “Look, I haven’t the slightest clue where the hell you all came from, but it’s pretty clear my world is vastly different from yours.” If you’re really not just talking toys now that is, Anon thinks. “We don’t have pets or creatures that can understand others, they’re more than likely to fuck with you until they decide they’re bored and eat you bit-by-bit. You go out this door here,” he says, pointing to his apartment door, “and you’re not going to meet anything friendly out there.”
  292. “B-but they could be reasoned with, right?” the yellow one asks in hopes that there may be something it can do to help.
  294. Anon leans down to them. “Pony toy… thing… you’re in a new world. That means new rules, new… everything. We humans are the only true sapient creatures in this world; anything else is only going to look at you like your food. You go out there, I can’t see any of you coming out well in the end.”
  296. The yellow one looks like it’s about to cry now, along with the others looking shocked.
  298. “W-what about another giant if you’re not going to help us?” the blue one asks.
  300. Anon stares blankly at that one. “Anyone else would have locked you five up with plans on getting rid of you somehow, maybe to sell and turned into exotic pets, or some other stupid thing. Hell, for all I know, the government would take you all and you’d never be heard from again. Just be lucky I’m not interested in doing that…” And now they’re all shaken up hearing that. “You can look for pieces to the cupboard after I get some damn sleep,” Anon says, slamming the door closed.
  302. Taking a step, he stops and looks back at the door. Grabbing a shirt from a nearby box, he throws it on the ground and shoves it in the crack of the door, to hopefully keep them out of his room for the time being.
  304. Making his way to the bed, he examines it, seeing it stripped with only a blanket and pillow barely hanging off of it, his sheets still down on the ground tied up.
  306. Grabbing the blanket and pillow, he lies down on the bed and covers up, staring at the ceiling. Turning slightly to the side, he looks over at the broken cupboard.
  308. “…Stupid toys,” he says before closing his eyes and quickly falling asleep from exhaustion.
  310. X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X-X
  312. Letting out a large yawn, Anon stretches his limbs. Scratching his head, he lets out a yelp, feeling the bandage on his head. Rubbing the bridge of his nose, he looks up at the wall, seeing that it’s now nine in the morning, having slept less than four hours. Tempted to get more sleep, he decides it’s better to get up and make sure those stupid toys haven’t wrecked his apartment.
  314. Getting out of bed, Anon looks down at his sheets and starts to undo them from his furniture. Throwing them on his bed, he walks to his door, taking his shirt out of the door, and throwing it on his dresser before walking out.
  316. He looks down at the ground, making absolutely certain he doesn’t mistakenly step on them while making his way to the bathroom. Checking his bandage once again and finding nothing, he takes a quick piss before going back out to the living room.
  318. Nothing seems particularly wrong, he thinks, looking around. Walking over to the couch, he looks around for anything the toys might have done before finding them. They’re all currently huddled in a circle on a couch cushion, sleeping quietly together. Scratching his head while taking care not to hit the wound, Anon stands there in thought of the situation.
  320. So let’s sum everything up so far. A birthday gift from Sandra turns out to turn toys into magic talking toys. Of course for all I know, the toys turned themselves and the cupboard has nothing to do with this. Two can fly and one can use magic that I need to watch out for. They’re also claiming to have been taken from their home, just now waking up here from the sounds of things. And I’ve now got to deal with this until they turn back into toys somehow or leave…
  322. “Why do I have to deal with this crap?” Anon asks himself, walking to his bedroom and looking at his boxes. Rubbing the back of his neck, he lets out a sigh, grabbing one of the boxes. “Might as well start unpacking…”
  324. For the next few hours as the toys slept, Anon began to put away his boxed possessions, hoping to put some semblance of normalcy for him right then. Looking at his clothes, he simply throws them in separate drawers, planning on folding them later.
  326. Putting the stands out to his living room, he stacks them full with his dvd’s and toys, placing posters on the wall before finally placing his television on the wall directly in the middle. Feeling a little bit better getting a lot done, he looks up at the wall and sees it’s now eleven in the afternoon. Looking at the toys, he sees they’re still soundly asleep, somewhat surprised he didn’t wake them up.
  328. Nodding to himself, he decides a quick shower wouldn’t hurt right then. Grabbing some clothes, he takes a very fast shower, not wanting to leave the toys unattended with his stuff now out there. After drying and putting on his clean clothes, he reapplies a new bandage before walking out. Looking back at the couch, he sees the ponies are now awake, standing on the back of it and staring at him. Watching them jump down onto the cushions away from him, he waits for a few seconds, watching as they run around the couch and up to him.
  330. Standing there, the Stetson pony walks up to him. “We were talking to one another and, well… we realized we really messed up. We probably should’ve evaluated the situation before jumping to conclusions… We’re mighty sorry about the head and all…”
  332. The toys stare down at the ground, looking ashamed at their actions. Anon just looks to each of them on the ground.
  334. “I’m still fairly pissed off about what happened; it’s a little hard to get over how I was beamed in the head like that and tied down.” The pony toys flinch at that. “So what’s your plan?”
  336. “Plan?”
  338. “Are you going to try and leave here to find a way home or whatever?”
  340. The Stetson pony looks back at the others, then to Anon. “We don’t know anything about where we’re at, and if everything is as bad as you made it out to be, we can’t just leave…”
  342. Anon rubs the back of his head. “Look, most people really aren’t heartless bastards, but if they saw something like you five, just out of the blue, they’d more than likely freak the hell out and call the authorities or maybe even try to stomp you out of fear. And the very few opportunists… yeah, they’d definitely sell you or keep you as pets.”
  344. “Why didn’t you do that to us?” Stetson pony asks.
  346. Anon shrugs at it. “I was looking for a damn thief last night, my brain shut down seeing walking, breathing toys. And I had time to… process this somewhat. Not all people are assholes; you just need to give them time. I’d feel like shit selling something that can talk anyways, and I’m so not interested in pets.” Especially ones that can talk and are annoying, Anon thinks.
  348. “Um, so, we can stay for the time being?” the yellow toy asks with some hope as the others stare at Anon.
  350. “…So long as no one tries anything, I don’t really care,” he says, looking mostly at Rarity.
  352. The toys let out a round of sighs before whispering to one another. Anon shakes his head at the sight, hoping he’s not going to regret what he just agreed to. They immediately stop when an odd sound comes from them. Scrunching his face, Anon sees them all hold their stomachs before looking up at him.
  354. “…You wouldn’t happen to have anything to eat, would you?” Stetson pony asks.
  356. “You toys seriously need to eat?”
  358. The white one walks up to you. “Whatever you thought we were, we’re ponies now, not… toys.”
  360. Anon clicks his tongue. Turning around, he goes over to the fridge and grabs the bag from yesterday before throwing the leftover burgers in the microwave.
  362. “Is this how you make food?” Anon hears at his feet.
  364. Looking down, he sees the pink one staring at the microwave. “No, it’s how I reheat food that’s already made.”
  366. “Reheating?” The pony lets out a gasp. “You know magic?!”
  368. Anon shakes his head. “No I don’t; no one as far as I know can use magic. Magic’s something you see in fairy tales.”
  370. “Sooooo how are you doing this?”
  372. “Technology,” he says as the microwave beeps. Taking the burgers out, he pauses for a moment, looking at them. “Can you ponies… eat meat?”
  374. The ponies shirk hearing that question. “Ponies can ingest meat, though it’s not something that is normally eaten, it’s more of a rare delicacy,” the yellow one says confidently. “Our normal dietary needs require fruits, vegetables, and grains of different varieties.”
  376. “Sssssoooo, no cheeseburgers?”
  378. “S-sorry, but it wouldn’t be a good idea for the time being changing our eating habits so suddenly.”
  380. “More for me I suppose,” he says, taking the burgers out and placing them on a plate.
  382. Thinking for a moment, he snaps his fingers and grabs five apples from his fruit bowl, placing them in another bowl, and walks over to his couch. The ponies follow him into the living room, getting flown up to the couch cushions just as Anon sits down.
  384. Scooting the table closer, he places the apples individually on it for the ponies. “There you go, that should be good, or are you ponies allergic to apples?”
  386. They all stare at the Stetson pony, who sits there, wide-eyed at them. “They’re so large…” it says, walking up to it. Taking a small bite, it sits down, tasting what’s in its mouth. “It’s… not as juicy as my apples, but not bad. I suppose the size of these things makes up for it.”
  388. “They’re cheap-o’s, that’s why. They come in bigger sizes too, that’s not all that large.”
  390. All the ponies immediately go to town on their apples, having some fun eating their seemingly overly large apples.
  392. Pausing on a bite of his burger, Anon feels like he forgot something about them that might be important…
  394. “Oh… OH! Right, hey,” he says, turning to them. “Don’t eat the seeds, they have cyanide in them. While I know horses can eat them and the small doses aren’t bad, with your size, it might not be a good idea…”
  396. “What’s cyanide?” the blue one asks, its cheeks covered in apple juice.
  398. “It’s a poison.”
  400. “…Apples are poisonous?”
  402. “To a certain degree, but it’s normally harmless. With your size though, just avoid them.”
  404. They all turn to Applejack surprised, who looks equally surprised. “Maybe it’s just this world’s apples?”
  406. “What if it isn’t, Applejack?”
  408. “I… I need to check on my apples when I get back…”
  410. Shaking his head, Anon takes a bite of his burger, trying to relax. Watching the ponies, he smirks at them when a seed pops up in the pink pony’s apple. They all let out a squeak at the seed they found, doing some small talk at needing to be more careful to this world’s “dangers”. They’re now twice as careful eating their own apples with the pink one having jumped into its own apple, now digging at the core and getting rid of the core and seeds.
  412. Once having done that, it pops the middle of the apple out, sticking its head through it before giggling. And now all the other ponies are doing the same to their own apples, amused at the pink one’s actions. Anon soon has a table full of little ponies inside of apples, laughing and talking to one another as they eat the apples they’re currently in.
  414. Finishing up his burger, Anon starts on his second, watching the ponies in amusement. It’s so weird, having to deal with all of this. It feels like something straight out of a cartoon or anime.
  416. The pink one lets out a squeal, falling over on its side, and rolling around the table in a circle. The other ponies jump out of their own apples, trying to help the pink one out so it doesn’t fall off the table.
  418. If at all possible, maybe they’ll leave soon. While all of this is sort of interesting, I’m not sure how much I can take of all this oddness.
  420. “Mister Giant?” the yellow one quietly says below your plate.
  422. “…Yes?”
  424. “…I have to use the bathroom.”
  426. “…Uuuuuuuugh.”
  429. ~End Chapter Two~
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