
U.S. Congress Subpoenas FBI for Clinton Emails On The SPOT F

Sep 15th, 2017
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  1. U.S. Congress Subpoenas FBI for Clinton Emails On The SPOT Friday September 15 2017
  5. Trey Gowdy Official Started streaming on 10 Sep 2017 [?? live now Sept 15]
  7. U.S. Congress Subpoenas FBI for Clinton Emails On The SPOT
  10. Live chat
  11. hiddendrawers schenkiz​years and years of nobody ever saying anything
  12. Integrity Truth-seeker​I thought that we were no longer a country of LAWS....But these Elite FBI/CIA/HRC aka Political elites. Drain the swamp, IMMEDIATELY
  13. hiddendrawers schenkiz​thank you
  14. Integrity Truth-seeker​Cummings is a part of the swamp, RETIRE or Go Home, He does nothing for the American PPL
  15. Integrity Truth-seeker​HRC BROKE THE we select who breaks the law and follows it...SMH
  16. Integrity Truth-seeker​FBI/Government YOU ALL WORK FOR THE PEOPLE T
  17. Integrity Truth-seeker​Don't forget it! We The People VOTE, then you act...other go to Saudi Arabia
  18. lue lunsford​Puppet government works for Bankster's the ones that are depopulating the planet with GMO fluoride Kim trails war vaccine abortion hundred other things and don't forget Obama care has beheadings 😡
  19. Integrity Truth-seeker​It's Time we the people fix this ignorance
  20. Integrity Truth-seeker​👺👺👺👺👺
  21. lue lunsford​Trillions of dollars go to Afghanistan and the Middle East but they take away the poor housing in the USA the phones are next then Obama care has beheadings
  22. Integrity Truth-seeker​FBI needs to be drained IMMEDIATELY, Voters need to take back the country OBAMA destroyed
  23. lue lunsford​You're paying for mandatory health care that has beheadings an A medical number they will get paid to kill us 😡😡😡⚔😡⚔😡⚔😡⚔😡⚔
  24. Integrity Truth-seeker​OBAMA Care must be destroyed, fix, replaced. Pharma/Lobbyist has too much power.
  25. Integrity Truth-seeker​LOCK HER UP
  26. Integrity Truth-seeker​Grand Jury Time
  27. Integrity Truth-seeker​Tribunals Time
  28. Charmella McLean​how is this live??? this is an old proceedings.
  29. Fabien Eldridge​it's clear he thinks your a joke. FBI are running things.
  30. Fabien Eldridge​your a dumby ,the law has gone rouge
  31. Fabien Eldridge​they answer to no one
  32. Integrity Truth-seeker​FBI needs to be destroyed, TIME to go home Herrings
  33. Fabien Eldridge​you better be careful Hillary is giving the orders, clearly there is a conspiracy inside the FBI
  34. Integrity Truth-seeker​HERRINGS/LYNCH/FBI/HRC get 👺👺👺👺👺👿🤕😴😴😴😴
  35. Fabien Eldridge​just who does he work for, Hillary, Comey, who because it's not the citizens, nor the government
  36. Fabien Eldridge​there is two laws, rich no law, poor you'd be laughed at
  37. Fabien Eldridge​Fichtner go free, poor goes to Prison
  38. Fabien Eldridge​thank you for what?
  39. Charmella McLean​lol!!! this is funny
  40. Fabien Eldridge​it's clear who's getting paid, we shouldn't even ask, investigate this guy fine his money
  41. Merle Mitchell​Lol, Lynch somehow forgot to mention the jail cells in the basement, the authority of Congress to issue a warrant for arrest, and order that warrant to be carried out by the US Marshalls. It's called
  42. Merle Mitchell​contempt of Congree.
  43. Merle Mitchell​Congress*
  44. Fabien Eldridge​We should fire Congress, yeah so is equal justice
  45. Fabien Eldridge​Obama did everyone, guess it's legal, FBI are what works for who
  46. Charmella McLean​i find it funny that politicians are like preachers......they pick and choose from the "book" what suits to manipulate the situation.
  47. Charmella McLean​old video....I'm out
  48. Merle Mitchell​That they do. Grandstanding.
  49. Fabien Eldridge​he got the SS Troop part right but we the people pay all of you, time to grow up
  50. Fabien Eldridge​quit making excuses do your job
  51. Fabien Eldridge​enough it is with people like him
  52. Fabien Eldridge​you can't ask questions an expect asnsers
  53. Merle Mitchell​Yep. Gotta go. Any longer then 30-minutes of this and I start itching.
  54. Fabien Eldridge​we know it was closed before it was opened
  55. Fabien Eldridge​most people have to go to court an tell the truth
  56. Fabien Eldridge​most people haven't paid everyone off before court, nor found not guilty before the case is heard, Comey started drafting her not guilty three months ahead of being found innocent
  57. Fabien Eldridge​that America now?
  58. Fabien Eldridge​Herring is acting like Hillary, He is above the law playing stupid laughing at Congress
  59. Fabien Eldridge​put them in jail until everything is in your hands, ha, ha, ha funny
  60. Fabien Eldridge​He has made a fool of Congress
  61. Fabien Eldridge​you guys should of just slept end as this is a waste of time
  62. Fabien Eldridge​either shit or get off the pot
  63. Fabien Eldridge​the world isn't laughing with you but at you
  64. Fabien Eldridge​FBI has basically just said screw you to Congress, Clinton has paid them all off
  65. Fabien Eldridge​she gave the world our top secrets, there never was a investigation
  66. Mad Kiwi​isthisrealtieoralreadyhappend
  67. Mad Kiwi​sorry stuck spacebar
  68. Fabien Eldridge​yeah try this without being rich and having personal information on major players, you'd never see daylight
  69. Mad Kiwi​is this recent or real time?
  70. Fabien Eldridge​either Hillary new she was not using the government email system or not, that's it no more no less, that's it NO THEY WON'T
  71. Fabien Eldridge​Hillary told the employees to make sure about their emails, but she didn't have to
  72. Fabien Eldridge​used twenty different hones an computers, I'm nearly sixty and haven't owned twenty in my life time
  73. Fabien Eldridge​this is the land of the free and brave or A NEW WORLD ORDER ?
  74. Fabien Eldridge​no not ever, you'd have to investigate but they didn't sounds like the SS OF HITLER NEW WORLD ORDER
  75. Fabien Eldridge​this isn't anything but a joke
  76. Fabien Eldridge​guess if you got rich as in billions like Hillary and never worked you'd be quite too
  77. Fabien Eldridge​He is right just for show all of it has been halirious !!!! still is
  78. Fabien Eldridge​no body will has been prosecuted people will know it's called conspiracy
  79. Fabien Eldridge​our greatest secrets given to our enemies, but Congress can't know ??
  80. Fabien Eldridge​especially honest citizens that they steal the money from
  81. J M​we need less government is what we need
  82. Fabien Eldridge​looks like communism has came to the the USA ,Hitler wins, ask the Bushes, NEW WORLD ORDER, this is how it works
  83. Fabien Eldridge​911, good for New York, good for America
  84. J M​he is reading what he was given to say
  85. J M​chaffetts is a liar
  86. J M​playing the people for fools
  88. J M​and this is old when is the New hearing
  89. Mad Kiwi​how long ago was this?
  91. Mad Kiwi​I thought it was, this is months old?
  92. Shawn Imboden​Drain the swamp, put Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, and the other treasonous ones in jail.
  93. Mad Kiwi​Gitmo!
  96. Live chat
  97. AmericaNWO​this shit is all about drugs.
  98. AmericaNWO​gangsterment in putting drugs in your food.
  99. AmericaNWO​jail all of them for printing money
  100. robert j robertson sr​MR GOWDY WHY ARE YOU NOT ATTORNEY GENERAL????
  101. AmericaNWO​dog tag all of them with a RFID scan we can link it to Google map
  102. Mutlap​this is an old video the chairman resigned
  103. AmericaNWO​what..I'm wasting time here
  105. B​Herpdie derp
  106. B​That stashe
  107. Kik Stitch​Now we gotta listen to this blow hard.
  108. Kik Stitch​I wonder how much of the documents they turned over were blacked out.
  109. Aleciaspicks​Jason chafetts is no longer in Congress. is this really live
  110. Kik Stitch​Nah... it is a live stream of an older Congressional hearing.
  111. Ricky Ric​This is an OLD meeting on the hill. Why are you calling it live as if its happening now? This happened last year!
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