

Sep 15th, 2014
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  1. [23:36] <deadEmmara> [It's a cold fall day here. The air is grey, overcast, and threatening rain. Not that you'll be outside much longer. The drain at the base of the long-forgotten dam is big enough for you to walk in, and the water pouring out only comes up to your shins. Low enough that the rubber boots you're wearing'll keep you dry. You push your brown hair out of your eyes and start scrambling over the slippery rocks to make it over.]
  2. [23:36] * Muss ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  3. [23:38] * Seshdiowar is now known as Sesh
  4. [23:38] <deadEmmara> [You're well aware you could just fly over, but thats defeating the point. You take a short break on a rocky outcropping to catch your breath and look up at the cracked windows and crumbling stonework.]
  5. [23:45] <GodtierNate> [A few moments after you close your eyes, you open them, the dreamlike haze of your surroundings fogging up your vision. It's been so long since you were a fully realised Mage... but your clothes are different. They're blue, not red. What an odd dream. You smile as you step across the rubble, tracing your hand on the building beside you.]
  6. [23:45] <GodtierNate> [You don't recall having dreams like this as a Mage, not any more. The timelines and the dreams bled together, so in knowing one, you forgot the other. For now, you sit back and hum to yourself, leaning back to peer through one of the broken windows from below.]
  7. [23:48] <deadEmmara> [Well something that bright certainly stands out. "Hé là!" You call out to the man in blue. Voice carying over the sound of the slow trickle of water. Waving at him.]
  8. [23:51] <GodtierNate> [You start, and tug the Seer's hood away from your eyes, tilting your head and grinning at the newcomer. "Em?" you ask, and start to move over, landing lightly on the ground with every step. Your gaze is politely curious, almost expectant, as you don't know what this dream apperation of your co-player will do.]
  9. [23:57] <deadEmmara> ["Quoi?" You peer at him. There certainly hints of the Emmara he knows, but you're less than half her age. Having only had your fourteenth birthday a month or two before dying and coming here. You're standing around five foot three, and your hair is brown and hanging loose instead of in a ponytail. No tattoos, no scars, and no recognition on your face. Though your fashion sense is about the same. Favouring practical and heavy duty clothing. Especially with the late-fall feeling in the air.]
  10. [00:02] <GodtierNate> [You pause once you're close enough to see this, and your brows furrow. Another doomed timeline? Are you dead? No, you're not a Time player anymore. You rub at your eyes to help clear your head, and look a little closer. "...Em? Emmara?" you ask, quieter, and then you notice her eyes. You back up a pace, something tugging at your memory.]
  11. [00:02] <GodtierNate> [Without thinking about it, your favourite sword from last session, coloured black with gears for a handle, appears in your hand, but hovering slightly away from your palm. You've no intention of attacking, but you are scared and confused.]
  12. [00:03] <deadEmmara> ["Oui..." You say slowly, not looking all that concerned at the sword. "Et vous êtes?" You slide off the rock and start walking towards them.]
  13. [00:06] * Keleviel ( Quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  14. [00:07] <GodtierNate> [You stand your ground, breathing out slowly. "I... don't understand. Is that... French? Francis?" you attempt to say the word, and butcher it in a rather amazing fashion. Your sword goes into the ground beside you, within easy reach, as you inspect the girl before you. You close your eyes for a moment, thinking.]
  15. [00:09] <deadEmmara> [Oh, okay then. "Yes. Do you understand English better?" You say, another difference now apparent as your accent is much, much stronger. Still picking your way towards him. It's slow going though.]
  16. [00:10] <GodtierNate> [The look of relief on your face is almost painful. "Yes. Yes, I do." you smile, and open your eyes again. "I... didn't know you knew French."]
  17. [00:11] <deadEmmara> ["Why wouldn't I know French?" You ask, curiously. "And I still don't know who you are."]
  18. [00:13] <GodtierNate> [That brings you up short. "Y-You don't?" you blink, and your brows furrow again. "Am... I in a doomed timeline? You're... young..." your voice trails off, and your lips purse. Something doesn't add up.]
  19. [00:14] <deadEmmara> ["Dead? Yup. Though you're in the bubble than a doomed timeline." You pick at his sleeve. "You won't see many of those as a Breath player."]
  20. [00:15] * KarrinBlue ( Quit (Quit: Bye!)
  21. [00:18] <GodtierNate> ["A bubble." you furrow your brow more. "And... yes, I am a... Breath player. Ah." and suddenly it all falls into place. You're a Seer right now, not a Mage. You had forgotten. "This is where the people in doomed timelines go." and you look at Em with newfound curiousity, clasping your hands behind your back. "I'm sorry."]
  22. [00:19] <deadEmmara> ["It's alright!" You say brightly. "You can make up for it by holding my flashlight. Come on." You start heading towards the now very close drain.]
  23. [00:21] <GodtierNate> ["Eh? Flashlight?" you accept it, and hold it in your hand, looking over at the close by drain. "Dungeon diving?" you suggest, sweeping the light over the edge before peering inside properly.]
  24. [00:27] <deadEmmara> [You pull yourself up on the side of the drain and start wading through the water. "Exploring! Not a dungeon. No monsters here." You have your own flashlight now to help with the pitch dark tunnel that slopes up in to the building. "J'espère." You add, voice echoing.]
  25. [00:30] <GodtierNate> [She told you about her past, back when Bash had sparred with you back on his Land. You briefly consider floating through as not to get your clothes soaked, but... eventually you shrug, and land in the water with a faint splash and a grin. "So, I uh... I guess we haven't met. I'm Nate." you offer. "I know your future self."]
  26. [00:32] <deadEmmara> [The water is really, really cold. Only a few degrees above freezing. "Oh, so thats how you know me." You half turn in the tunnel and look at him again, shining the flashlight in his eyes. "Nice to meet you Nate. I'd introduce myself, but you already know me apparently."]
  27. [00:34] <GodtierNate> [You squeak, and gasp as the cold bites your ankles, your hands moving up to grip the walls of the pipe. A moment, and you let yourself get used to it, only to have yourself blinded by Em's younger self. "Aack! Bloody hell." you cover your eyes, and then snort with laughter.]
  28. [00:36] <deadEmmara> [You laugh and shine the light further in again. "We'll be out of the water soon. Its not too much further." Start heading up again, holding your left hand against the side of the pipe to help keep your balance.]
  29. [00:38] <GodtierNate> ["What're you searching for?" you ask, rubbing your eyes again, this time to clear them of the great green dot that takes up most of your vision. Then you remember - again - that you're a Seer, and just walk down that way. Stupid dreams.]
  30. [00:40] <deadEmmara> ["Not searching for anything! Just exploring." You find the ladder up the side. "Here, shine the light at the top would you?" You put your own flashlight in your pocket and start climbing up.]
  31. [00:43] <GodtierNate> [Humming softly, you do so, but by flying up there yourself with the flashlight held high. You end up sitting just off the side of the top of the ladder, peering down at Em as she climbs.]
  32. [00:44] <deadEmmara> [You reach out and whack him. "Thats cheating." You say accusingly. The top of the ladder is covered off, but it seems like it can be moved.]
  33. [00:45] <GodtierNate> ["Ow! It is not! The purpose is to explore, right?" you retort, rubbing your arm. "I'm using the tools that I've been given!"]
  34. [00:46] <deadEmmara> ["You're not /doing/ it right this way." You say authoritively.]
  35. [00:48] <GodtierNate> ["Says you. I don't feel like making my arms ache." you fold your arms, hovering there, back and forth. "Why bother when I can fly?"]
  36. [00:49] <deadEmmara> ["Because part of the fun is the uncomfortableness. If it were easy, anyone'd do it!"]
  37. [00:49] * Bobbin ( has joined #bubbles
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