
[AB/DL] Filthy Stinkin' Rich, Part 1

May 8th, 2019
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  1. “Filthy Stinkin’ Rich”
  3. My name's Emily. Emily Barnes. I'm your average college student; I run on a few hours of sleep, I work like there's no tomorrow, and I party whenever I can. University life is fulfilling, but what I really needed was a job.
  5. When I asked my friends what I could do on the side, they all seemed to say the same thing: a babysitter. I wasn't surprised. I had watched over them during countless drunken parties with a vigilant eye and a diaper bag. I was pretty surprised that Littles like them made it all the way to University. Made me wonder if they were secret geniuses when they weren't filling up their diapers.
  7. Anyways, I couldn't pass down an opportunity to meet new faces, and to earn a good load of cash, so I decided to place some posters around town.
  9. In spite of my best efforts, however, no callers came through. I guess I expected this to happen, as there were daycares and professional babysitting companies all throughout town.
  11. With all of these things, who would need a personal babysitter anymore?
  13. As it turned out, there was one family that did. The Bambinos, who lived in the extremely exclusive side of town. From what I’ve heard, they had enough money to buy out half the real estate in town, and yet, they were the ones that called me.
  15. The lady of the house, Maria, was the one who called me.The sound of her call woke me up at three in the morning, disturbing my peaceful sleep. I thought, 'Who the hell calls at this hour?' As I was about to let it go to voicemail, I remembered...
  17. The only people who call this late are people with emergencies.
  19. And so, the next day, there I was on the front porch of a marble-gold mansion, backpack and diaper bag in tow. In my head, I repeated what Maria had told me the night before;
  21. "We'll be gone for three days. Her food's in the fridge, but use the oven to heat it up. You may change her only when she says so. There's no curfew, but make sure that you two are gonna be okay the next day. Our butler is on break, so it's just you and Sophia, alright? And don't forget, have fun! Think of this as a playdate, or somethin' like that."
  23. "Three days. There's no turning back, now." I said to myself, about to ring the doorbell. I hesitated, realizing that I had to relieve myself.
  25. The pressure only seemed to rise as I stood there in silence. I didn't have an iron bladder like most Bigs did. My friends knew this well, and they often offered me their diapers in times of trouble. That gave me an idea, but could I really do that here…?
  27. I looked around to make sure no one was watching. The sunny, lazy morning had seemingly kept everyone in bed for a little longer. Not a soul, Big or Little, was on the street. I grabbed a pair of Pampers Cruisers from my diaper bag. These were meant to be for Sophia, but I didn’t have a choice! I swiftly pulled down my sweatpants and taped up the giant piece of padding over my panties before pulling my pants back up. Immediately, I let out what felt like a waterfall of pee into my diapers, and the Little’s padding absorbed it like a warm, cushy sponge. At that point, I didn’t care that my underwear was soaking wet. The warmth and satisfaction spread between my legs, and as my bladder relaxed, so did I. Is this why Littles never wanted to get out of diapers? I patted my heavy, soggy butt as I pondered that question.
  29. Quickly remembering why I was here, I snapped out of it before anyone could see me indulging in my poofy, fully soaked pampers. I moved forward to ring the doorbell, waddling slightly, but the door opened on its own. I staggered back, and felt a little more pee squirt into my diapers.
  31. A short, curly-haired lady in a blue nightgown stood in front of me, rubbing her large, amber eyes. A white pacifier dangled from her lips, as she leaned against the doorway.
  33. "G'mornin. You're da one mommy called, right?" She asked in a high-pitched voice.
  35. "Yup! I'm Emily. Nice to meet you, Sophia."
  37. "Hihi! Only mommy calls me that. Sophie will do." She giggled as she let me in the mansion.
  39. I looked around, and the place reminded me of Richie Rich's house. There were statues made of gold against marble walls, and a surplus of extremely expensive paintings were hung on each side of the room.
  41. "Woah. Nice place you have."
  43. "Thanks! My daddy is a great designew, don't you think?" She asked, still nibbling on her binky.
  45. "Sure looks like one. Wait, now that you mention it, where are your parents, Sophie?"
  47. "Oh! They went on the pwane. Gonna swim in the Bahamas. I guess it's jus' you an' me." Her binky was making her lisp even worse, much to my amusement.
  49. "I guess so! Did you have breakfast yet?"
  51. "Yeah. My tummy's full." Sophie rubbed her gut, grinning. “I gotta show you wewe you’we gonna stay!”
  53. She grabbed my hand and pulled me up the carpeted stairs.As we climbed the staircase, I couldn't help but notice what was under her gown. She was unconsciously flashing her diapered butt in my face, and it was clear that she hadn't been changed since last night. There were two long, dark strips of blue wrapped around her crotch, surrounded by a sea of yellow. Her padding drooped and squished with every step, which, to be honest, was kinda hot. Hell, it was making my own diaper warm again.
  55. We reached the top, and a hallway with three doors stood in front of us.
  57. "My woom's on da lef', an' my pawents awe on da wight. The bafwoom's right in the centew." She spoke through her pacifier, pointing for emphasis.
  59. "So...where's the guest room?"
  61. "Hehe! Silly you. You're sleepin' with me!" She giggled, and gave me a tight hug. Gently returning the hug, I lifted the back of her gown in an attempt to touch her soaked, pampered butt. Before I could, though, she noticed my hand under her skirt.
  63. "Hey! Whatta you doin'?!" She pouted, stepping away from me.
  65. "Oh! Sorry...I just wanted to check you."
  67. "Ahh, I geddit. You know my mommy's wules of da house, but did ya know I have my own wules?"
  69. "I--no. Can you tell me?" I gulped. Maybe this was why they had to resort to a private babysitter.
  71. "My daddy told me dat, when someone helps you, you gotta help 'em back. Wight? So, wule one..." Sophie reached for my jogging pants.
  73. "Hey!--" Before I could react, my sweatpants were around my ankles.
  75. "--We both gotta wear--Oh! Wow.” Sophie stared for a moment, her eyes widening in surprise.
  77. “I didn't expec' dis. You’we da fiwst gwon-up I seen dat's in diapies..." She fidgeted with my heavily-soaked pampers, pushing up the warm, weighty padding against my skin.
  79. "U-uh...I'm nineteen. Not e-exactly a g-grown up…” I stammered, trying to keep my composure.
  81. Sophie gasped, and let go of my padding.
  83. "I'm nineteen too! Wow! You'we a big giwl. I bet you'we weally smawt." She looked up at me, like a little sister would.
  85. “Hehe. I guess I am pretty--”
  87. *Pprt!*
  89. I was cut off by the unmistakable sound of a potty break. The kind that makes parents and babysitters gag and pinch their noses. My suspicions were confirmed, as I saw her squat to the ground. Her skirt was upturned slightly, giving me a front-row view to her quickly filling pamper. The yellow, blue-striped garment sagged lower, a hefty weight growing around her tiny, round butt. Strangely enough, there didn’t seem to be a strong smell. It was as if she didn’t fill her diaper at all. I sighed, pulling out a spare pair of padding from my bag.
  91. “Welp. Come on, let’s get you changed.” I held her hand, and stepped out of my fallen pants.
  93. Sophie stood up, and reached for my soaked pampers. Before I could react, she had untaped them, and held it up.
  95. “Nuh-uh! I’m changin’ you, big baby~! You’we the one that needs babysitting!” She cooed, waving her heavy, yellow diaper in my face.
  97. “N-no I don’t!”
  99. As I said that, I remembered how much money her parents promised me. Come on, Emily. Just three days of this. How bad could it be? I took a deep breath, trying to clear the blush off my face.
  101. “Okay...maybe I do.” I admitted.
  103. “Aww, dun’ be sad, big sis! It’s fun to go in your diapies! I’mma show you latew! But fiws’... we gotta put you in somethin’ mowe...appwopwiate.” She devilishly grinned, holding my hand as she tossed the wet diaper to the tiled floor. A tiny, yellow puddle formed on the marble tiles.
  105. ‘I’m gonna need to clean that up later.’ I thought to myself as I was led away to our new room. I just hoped that Sophie would have mercy on her new big sister...
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