
Like Father Like Daughter - Complete Edition

Apr 14th, 2017
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  1. >you be Top Boss
  2. >You are the owner of the greatest Hoofball franchise that ever existed
  3. >Well, you like to think of it as such
  4. >You are the proud owner of the Canterlot Royals
  5. >Your club has a rich history, and a good number of Hoof Bowls to its name
  6. >Unfortunately, in recent years, your team hasn't been doing so great
  7. >You're on your third coach in five seasons
  8. >Your GM hasn't been the best at Free Agency signings as of late
  9. >Not to mention that most of his Academy Picks have been complete busts
  10. >The last season that your team played was a complete train wreck
  11. >Once upon a time, it was a tradition for the Royal Sisters to attend your team's home games.
  12. >Once
  13. >This season, they stopped showing up after the home opener
  14. >Which wasn't actually that bad, mind you
  15. >But it's /almost/ as if they already knew just how bad the next home game would be
  16. >And the one after that
  17. >And the next four after that.
  18. >As if it wasn't obvious enough, you were in a bit of a rough spot.
  19. >To top it all off, your team hadn't beaten those damn Zephyrs in seven years
  20. >Seven
  21. >Years
  22. >This is probably what kept you up at night the most.
  23. >That old smug rat who calls himself "Stacked Bit" never let you forget it
  24. >The owner of the Manehattan Zephyrs had been your rival for years before you had both bought the most spiteful rival hoofball teams in Equestria.
  25. >You had both grown up as neighbors, which is where your strife with him started
  26. >How fitting was it that you were both now the most famous rivals in Equestria?
  27. >Princess Twilight didn't care much for your famous and bitter clash, on account for the fact that it did cause quite a bit of derision amongst ponies sometimes
  28. >Whenever you met with her, which admittedly wasn't too often, you and he halfheartedly explained that it was all in good fun
  29. >You could tell that she didn't buy it, but that she pretended to in order to get on with it.
  30. >You knew that Twilight didn't even care much for your team, even though she was from Canterlot herself
  31. >No, she likes the Ponyville Elements.
  32. >Your team also has a minor rivalry with Ponyville for really that exact reason
  33. >The Royals haven't beaten the Elements for an astounding 15 seasons in a row, though
  34. >If it wasn't any more obvious, you were in a bad spot
  35. >Your team was losing favor amongst the Canterlot Elite, whose once favorite pastime was going to Royals games, and seeing them beat the Zephyrs.
  36. >More than a few sponsors have threatened to pull out if you didn't make a change quickly
  37. >This offseason, you had had multiple meetings on the subject
  38. >Nothing much came from your employees in the way of ideas
  39. >What were you going to do?
  41. >One day, you're sulking about your team's situation at a Wonderbolts performance
  42. >A few of your regular fans are there, some of them talk to you
  43. >they have mixed things to say
  44. >Nonetheless, you need to do something
  45. >You're sure that the amount of time you spend worrying about your work is unhealthy
  46. >But when any of your friends or family raise the issue, you simply use your team's absolutely horrid position as an excuse
  47. >You're looking around the crowd when you spot a familiar mare
  48. >She's got a curly purple mane, blue eyes, and three diamonds for her Cutie Mark
  49. >She owns three dress shops, and has helped save Equestria countless times.
  50. >None other than Rarity is sitting a few rows away from you
  51. >She's sitting with her dad, who you happen to know very well
  52. >It's Hondo Flanks, the legendary quarterback of one of the greatest hoofball teams in Equestrian history
  53. >Three time Hoof Bowl champion, and Hoof Bowl MVP of each
  54. >Father to one of the Elements of Harmony
  55. >And a surprisingly fast talker, for whatever reason
  56. >It helped a lot with his infamous Hard Count.
  57. >It's a shame that his daughter didn't appreciate the sport of Hoofball much, there's so much she could've learned from him
  58. >Or so most ponies thought
  60. >Rarity actually did learn a lot about hoofball from her father
  61. >Not many ponies knew, but Hondo, Rarity, and Rarity's mother, Cookie Crumbles, kept a closely guarded secret about Rarity's past
  62. >Once upon a time, when Rarity was still barely a moon old, Hondo was still playing with the Royals
  63. >He ended up retiring as soon as she got a bit older, when fatherhood became more demanding of him
  64. >After that, though, he taught her all that he could about Hoofball
  65. >It helped that she became an avid fan of Hoofball, eating up whatever he taught her.
  66. >You remember seeing the two at quite a lot of Royals home games for many moons
  67. >Even Cookie Crumbles went along with sometimes
  68. >This continued until Cookie was in foal with her second filly, Sweetie Belle.
  69. >Hondo and Cookie decided to move to Ponyville, so that they could raise Sweetie, as well as continue to raise Rarity, in a calmer town, and in a more settled home
  70. >There was no Hoofball team in Ponyville at the time, so nopony really knew who Hondo was
  71. >It also meant that nopony at school knew who Rarity was either, so it was a fresh start for her.
  72. >Hondo and Rarity still tried to attend as many Royals games as they could, but they couldn't make the trip as often due to how long the journey was
  73. >Cookie also went along with them sometimes, and they would make a day out of it
  74. >Things were going well for the three in Ponyville for a while.
  75. >It was then, when Cookie had been in foal for about four moons, that a couple of Cookie's friends from Canterlot convinced her to convince Rarity to "begin to pursue more ladylike interests"
  76. >Cookie didn't want to do it at first, because she loved seeing her husband and daughter happy together and enjoying something that they both loved
  77. >However, her friends argued that Rarity's Hoofball fandom could cause her to be a bad role model as Sweetie Belle's older sister
  78. >Cookie dismissed this notion as ridiculous at first, but was eventually convinced by... other means.
  79. >Conveniently, Rarity had also always had a love for fashion, so it wasn't too hard for Cookie to nudge Rarity into clothing design
  80. >The hard part was convincing Rarity to give up Hoofball
  81. >When Hondo caught wind of what Cookie was trying to do, he fought her vehemently over it
  82. >The couple ended fighting over the issue many a time before the birth of Sweetie Belle
  83. >But about a week before the day finally came, the three finally came to an agreement
  84. >Rarity was to give up and hide any interest she had in Hoofball, and instead focus on clothing fashion and design
  85. >Hondo was to never mention Rarity's hoofball fandom, especially not to Sweetie Belle
  86. >Cookie was not to talk further with her friends in Canterlot, who had convinced her to do all of this in the first place, about the issue.
  87. >After that, their family wasn't the same again
  88. >Sweetie Belle came, and the three of them almost slipped up a few times on the Hoofball issue
  89. >Rarity almost forgot about her passion for the sport at times, while at others, it made her heartsick that she couldn't delve into her once-favorite hobby
  90. >She kept up her ladylike appearance, though
  91. >Hondo's and Cookie's marriage was never the same after that, and you honestly felt sorry for them
  92. >And yet time went by anyway
  93. >Sweetie began going to school, Rarity opened her own dress shop, and Hondo and Cookie moved back to Canterlot
  94. >Some time after that, Twilight showed up in Ponyville
  95. >Rarity went along with her on the fateful night of that year's Summer Sun Celebration, and the rest is history
  96. >You remember that Ponyville got their EHL team soon after that historic event.
  97. >The Royals beat the brand new Ponyville Elements for the first and only time in the history of the rivalry that year.
  98. >You remember going to that game
  99. >You remember seeing Hondo at that game, with Cookie and Sweetie in tow.
  100. >You remember seeing Rarity at that game, sitting not with her father, but with her new friends.
  101. >You remember seeing her looking around the stadium, looking for her father, knowing that he would be in attendance
  102. >You remember seeing the two exchange a knowing, sad glance with each other before turning back to the action on field
  103. >You remember seeing Rarity trying so hard to suppress how she /really/ felt about that game (which, to be fair, it was very exciting and close), almost slipping a few times.
  105. >So yes, Rarity did know quite a bit more about Hoofball than she let on.
  106. "Wait a minute..."
  107. >You got an idea
  108. >A brilliant idea
  109. >it was pretty damn risky, you had to admit
  110. >But if you pulled it off, it could be very well worth it
  111. >You could save a friend's family, as well as your Hoofball team, at the same time.
  112. >There weren't any other choices, so you had to do it.
  113. >You got up, turned around, and hiked up the stairs towards the exit, near where Hondo and Rarity were seated.
  114. >Making sure to lazily glance around, you pretend to spot the two of them by surprise.
  115. "Oh, hey! If it isn't my old friend Hondo Flanks, and his oh so beautiful and famous daughter Rarity! How are you two doing today?"
  116. >They both turn to you, and Hondo breaks out into a great big grin
  117. >"Why hello there, Boss, we're doing great! I must say, this is beautiful weather we're having!"
  118. "Indeed it is! I must say, the Weatherponies really outdid themselves today!"
  119. >"Absolutely. Well, what is the ol' stallion upstairs up to nowadays?"
  120. "Ahh, not much is new, just the usual to deal with. You know, the PR department getting up my tail about the state of things, the GM and Head Coach getting into fights over players, you know the drill."
  121. >"I see, just a day in the life."
  122. "Heh, yeah. By the way, Rarity, how are you doing, my dear lady," you say, bowing in courtesy.
  123. >You're used to bowing to ladies
  124. >After all, it /used/ to be normal for the Princesses to come and watch your team's games.
  125. >"Oh, uh, I'm doing fine sir, thank you. You konw, there's really no need to bow to /me/, darling," she sputters, blushing.
  126. >You have to admit, she's really cute when she's flustered
  127. "Oh, but it would be impolite of me to show you any less respect. After all, you've helped save Equestria countless times, and your boutique is-"
  128. >"Okay, okay, that's enough flattery. Really, there is no need."
  129. "Oh, I'm sorry about that. Anyway, so, how is Retirement treating you, Mister Butterhooves?"
  130. >"Ack! You just have to bring up THAT play, don't you?"
  131. "Yeah, those were fun times."
  132. >"Sure," he says with a hearty chuckle. "Well, to answer your question, I've been doing just fine. Sure, I miss playing, but I won't miss getting hit all the time! Speaking of, I've heard that the team has been getting hit pretty hard by some bad luck, huh?"
  133. >Your mood drops
  134. "Yeah, it sure has. The team has been in a slump ever since you left, and the princesses have come to games less and less frequently, to the point that they don't even come at all anymore. It's really wearing me out, I have to say. Anyway, I have to go, there's a player meeting that I have to attend in about an hour."
  135. >"Mmkay then. I guess i'll see you later then. If there's anything you need help with, you know where to find me."
  136. "Thank you, Hondo. Well, i'll see you two later then. Take care of your old man, Rarity, my dear, he'll sure need it."
  137. >"Will do, Boss," she grins.cheerfully.
  138. >And with that, you turn and take your leave.
  139. >As it turns out, you did need Hondo's help. Him and his daughter both.
  141. "I swear, this time, I have an idea that could really help us!"
  142. >"Look Boss, we appreciate that you're trying your hardest to help, we really do. But at the same time, your last couple attempts at saving the franchise have... backfired. *Hard*."
  143. >You bow your head momentarily and sigh.
  144. "I know, Jet Set, you don't have to remind me. I just- I just want to do something to help."
  145. >"I know sir, we all know. And the fact that you care so much for the state of the team is flattering, really. The first team I was on, the owner wasn't so kind.
  146. >"But anyway, I'm getting sidetracked. My point is, maybe there are times when you don't need to do anything to fix the team-"
  147. "IT'S /MY/ TEAM THOUGH! THE TEAM, THE FRANCHISE, THE BRAND, IT IS MINE! I at least have to have something to do with fixing it!"
  148. >"But you already have," now your General Manager, Check Mark, speaks up. "You've hired the right ponies, and gotten the team set up with some pretty favorable academy deals. That should be enough for us to be at least a decent team in a couple of years down the road."
  149. "We can't just wait though! If we keep drawing the kinds of crowds we're currently getting, we'll lose the stadium in two years! Then what do you think we'll do? Besides, we can't expect everypo-body in this room to play on this team forever."
  150. "Sir, that last part is mine to worry about that, not yours."
  151. "Yes, Check Mark, I realize that."
  152. >You huff quietly, and then there's silence for some time.
  153. "Will you guys just, idunno, hear me out? One more time?"
  154. >There are a few groans, but Jet Set, the de facto captain, speaks up
  155. >"Sure, Boss. That's fine. I mean, we at least have to hear this one out, right?"
  156. >There's a quiet chorus of "right" in the room for a second.
  157. >As a side note, it's rather heartwarming to see all of the ponies on the team getting along so well with a gryphon that said gryphon is considered the team captain by default.
  158. "That's nice of you guys, thank you. By the way, before I announce what my idea is, where is Moondancer?"
  159. >"I'm here, what is it?"
  160. "Ah, yes. Moondancer, could we talk in private for a minute?"
  161. >"Uhh, sure," she says, with a bit of a nervous look on her face.
  162. >After the two of you leave the room, you close the door behind you and face her.
  163. >"So, what is it you wanted to tell me?"
  164. "I'm so sorry about this, Moondancer, I really shouldn't be the one trying to make this decision about your career-"
  165. >"Wait, what are you talking about? What's happening?"
  166. "There's no easy way to say this, but how do you feel about being a backup?"
  167. >"That's what you wanted to ask?"
  168. "Y-Yeah, why?"
  169. >"I thought you knew? I really only chose to join the team because I thought I could help the city in some way, help the community somehow. I like doing that, y'know?"
  170. "Wow, that's very noble of you."
  171. >"Oh, hush-" she blushes. "But yeah, the team winning is more important than my career to me, so it'll be fine. Besides, who is it you're planning on bringing in?"
  172. "Ah, right, it probably wasn't hard to guess my intention. Well, all I'm going to say is that you will be genuinely surprised."
  173. >"That's... ominous. Oh well, I'm sure it'll work out, right?"
  174. "It'd better," you scoff at yourself. "Else I'm going to be thrown in the dungeons below the Princesses' castle."
  175. >"That is even more ominous. You should probably just announce it now, no use in waiting any longer."
  176. "Yeah, true. I should just get to it.
  177. "Well, thank you for being so helpful and kind, Moondancer."
  178. >"No problem, Boss," she smiles and mock-salutes you.
  179. >You both enter the room smiling, and as such, you can hear one of the linebackers quietly whispering a joke about you and Moondancer doing something other than talking out in the hallway.
  180. >The clown gets a few laughs out of the ponies sitting near him, until you waywardly glance their way.
  181. >There's nothing else to be heard as you trot back to where you were standing earlier, at the head of the meeting table.
  182. "Alright, so my newest big, grand idea is this. We all know who Rarity is, right?"
  183. >There's a chorus of "Yeah, of course" from everyone at the table.
  184. "Well, my idea is this: We bring her onto the team. As a player."
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