

Feb 1st, 2015
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  1. Sam Crowe: take over ur league until u can sort this out
  2. Sam Crowe: this has to come down to u b4 it goes too far
  3. Sam Crowe: what happened to beast is bad... and ofcourse he will be upset
  4. Sam Crowe: who wouldnt be upset in that scenario....
  5. Warden Cept: meh it was bad but he didn't react the way i would hope at all
  6. Warden Cept: and tbh i would rather see chaos then trying to run a league anymore
  7. Sam Crowe: nah..chaos solves nothing
  8. Warden Cept: i know
  9. Sam Crowe: ur not running it....
  10. Sam Crowe: just for right now....
  11. Sam Crowe: ur removing one person as the leader....
  12. Sam Crowe: let it be between all wardens
  13. Sam Crowe: but first thing.....
  14. Sam Crowe: get that warden tourney finished
  15. Sam Crowe: and once u find out who is the last warden
  16. Sam Crowe: u can calm things down
  17. Sam Crowe: fully
  18. Sam Crowe: i may not be in this league still but ive still been around...
  19. Warden Cept: i'm done taking all the heat for what happens, i did it for 6 months, i don't want to be responsible for it anymore
  20. Sam Crowe: recep
  21. Sam Crowe: ur not being the sole leader
  22. Sam Crowe: ur choose removing arcy from being sole leader
  23. Sam Crowe: 4...5 wardens
  24. Sam Crowe: group decisions
  25. Sam Crowe: like how u ppl agree on who is in warden tour
  26. Sam Crowe: and then after things die down
  27. Sam Crowe: if u want to have a sole leader...
  28. Sam Crowe: then u all choose one
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