
The Switcharoo criticism

Feb 26th, 2017
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  1. Alrighty, get ready for a lengthy feedback to make up for the lack of it on your previous one (which I took screenshots of but I was too lazy to write a criticism).
  3. Starting off, I'm gonna assume the visuals are rudimentary because you're playing with the mechanics. But even still, as cool as it looks, I'd advise against that redirection tube on the floor unless you're going for Wheatley-themed. Otherwise it looks out of place in modern Aperture (Wheatley-themed would justify with chaos and smashing chambers together).
  5. Next up is lighting: ya gotta work on it. Also, don't forget to always compile your maps as "Full compile -both -final (slow)". I mean, not all the time cuz it takes a while to compile, but when testing lighting and when uploading, ALWAYS use that one. Either you didn't in this case or there's barely any lighting on parts of the chamber:
  7. Only case in which I found this: unaligned textures/brushes at the exit door:
  9. On this panel: you should probably use a panel instead of a slant. Or if you wanna use the slant, make it so that it looks more natural, by maybe extending it, and not having the lights adjacent: it makes it look off in contrast with the other elements.
  11. The funnel: first, don't use funnel music as your main song, it looks out of place and also doesn't feel good when you actually enter the funnel. shooting a portal there doesn't feel right, it's as if you're trying to aim at a needle in a haystack. Okay, exaggerated, but even though there are no actual obstacles, it doesn't feel right shooting through the panels like that, so you should probably make them either open outwards or take care of their mechanical arms. And even though the "wiring" instead of blocks is a nice way around it, I think you should instead work on the puzzle geometry to make sure it fixes the unintended solutions and improves visibility.
  13. Now onto the "geometry". First this is kinda bad. You should fine-tune the flinging so that the player can easily get up there without having to crouch. I know this sounds easy for me to say, but on my own map I literally spent hours fine-tuning a fling to make sure that *only* the intended solution worked. It had to be very, very precise in terms of angle of the ramp, distance to target, size of the ramp, etc. But it definitely paid off, and it doesn't require crouching or precise flinging, but still only works with the right solution. Likewise, you'll need to work your map's geometry around alternative solutions. That [b]won't[/b] be easy or fast, but to prevent unintended solution, you'll most likely have to redesign the puzzle's layout. The only thing that genuinely bothered me (other things were too small and I just saw them as things to improve, nothing that really annoyed me) was that clip around the cube dropper. You'll definitely have to remove that entirely. Maybe you did that to prevent unintended solutions, but having the cube hit or get stuck in an invisible block is no good. I tried getting up with the funnel, then flinging myself while grabbing the cube on the way, but it hit me on the way. Also, you may want to make this surface easier to shoot at from the top:
  15. But overall, I really like the premise of the map, but just make sure that you have a layout that always work for your intended solution. Try it in PeTI first to get the right proportions (cuz it's easy to use and test on the go and make small adjustments, unlike Hammer), then get whatever layout you had and remake it in Hammer. Keep up the good work, though :)
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