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Jul 10th, 2019
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  1. python --low_mem
  2. Arguments:
  3. enc_model_fpath: encoder/saved_models/
  4. syn_model_dir: synthesizer/saved_models/logs-pretrained
  5. voc_model_fpath: vocoder/saved_models/pretrained/
  6. low_mem: True
  7. no_sound: False
  9. Running a test of your configuration...
  11. Found 1 GPUs available. Using GPU 0 (GeForce MX150) of compute capability 6.1 with 2.1Gb total memory.
  13. Preparing the encoder, the synthesizer and the vocoder...
  14. Loaded encoder "" trained to step 1564501
  15. Found synthesizer "pretrained" trained to step 278000
  16. Building Wave-RNN
  17. Trainable Parameters: 4.481M
  18. Loading model weights at vocoder/saved_models/pretrained/
  19. Testing your configuration with small inputs.
  20. Testing the encoder...
  21. Testing the synthesizer... (loading the model will output a lot of text)
  22. WARNING: Logging before flag parsing goes to stderr.
  23. W0710 12:56:14.965464 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.RNNCell instead.
  25. W0710 12:56:14.969801 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/ The name tf.reset_default_graph is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.reset_default_graph instead.
  27. Constructing model: Tacotron
  28. W0710 12:56:14.969986 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/ The name tf.placeholder is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.placeholder instead.
  30. W0710 12:56:14.974001 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/ The name tf.variable_scope is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.variable_scope instead.
  32. W0710 12:56:14.980313 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ py_func (from tensorflow.python.ops.script_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  33. Instructions for updating:
  34. tf.py_func is deprecated in TF V2. Instead, there are two
  35. options available in V2.
  36. - tf.py_function takes a python function which manipulates tf eager
  37. tensors instead of numpy arrays. It's easy to convert a tf eager tensor to
  38. an ndarray (just call tensor.numpy()) but having access to eager tensors
  39. means `tf.py_function`s can use accelerators such as GPUs as well as
  40. being differentiable using a gradient tape.
  41. - tf.numpy_function maintains the semantics of the deprecated tf.py_func
  42. (it is not differentiable, and manipulates numpy arrays). It drops the
  43. stateful argument making all functions stateful.
  45. W0710 12:56:14.985866 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.train.replica_device_setter is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.train.replica_device_setter instead.
  47. W0710 12:56:14.986169 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.get_variable is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.get_variable instead.
  49. W0710 12:56:14.986651 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ calling VarianceScaling.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  50. Instructions for updating:
  51. Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor
  52. W0710 12:56:14.995551 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ LSTMCell.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.rnn_cell_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  53. Instructions for updating:
  54. This class is equivalent as tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell, and will be replaced by that in Tensorflow 2.0.
  55. W0710 12:56:14.996792 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ conv1d (from tensorflow.python.layers.convolutional) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  56. Instructions for updating:
  57. Use `tf.keras.layers.Conv1D` instead.
  58. W0710 12:56:15.090229 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ batch_normalization (from tensorflow.python.layers.normalization) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  59. Instructions for updating:
  60. Use keras.layers.BatchNormalization instead. In particular, `tf.control_dependencies(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)` should not be used (consult the `tf.keras.layers.batch_normalization` documentation).
  61. W0710 12:56:15.146689 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ dropout (from tensorflow.python.layers.core) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  62. Instructions for updating:
  63. Use keras.layers.dropout instead.
  64. W0710 12:56:15.252574 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ bidirectional_dynamic_rnn (from tensorflow.python.ops.rnn) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  65. Instructions for updating:
  66. Please use `keras.layers.Bidirectional(keras.layers.RNN(cell))`, which is equivalent to this API
  67. W0710 12:56:15.252838 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ dynamic_rnn (from tensorflow.python.ops.rnn) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  68. Instructions for updating:
  69. Please use `keras.layers.RNN(cell)`, which is equivalent to this API
  70. W0710 12:56:15.324985 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ calling Zeros.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.init_ops) with dtype is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  71. Instructions for updating:
  72. Call initializer instance with the dtype argument instead of passing it to the constructor
  73. W0710 12:56:15.755512 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple instead.
  75. W0710 12:56:15.755714 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/ops/ add_dispatch_support.<locals>.wrapper (from tensorflow.python.ops.array_ops) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  76. Instructions for updating:
  77. Use tf.where in 2.0, which has the same broadcast rule as np.where
  78. W0710 12:56:16.229463 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.layers.Conv1D is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.layers.Conv1D instead.
  80. W0710 12:56:16.229856 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.layers.Dense is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.layers.Dense instead.
  82. W0710 12:56:16.230358 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ MultiRNNCell.__init__ (from tensorflow.python.ops.rnn_cell_impl) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  83. Instructions for updating:
  84. This class is equivalent as tf.keras.layers.StackedRNNCells, and will be replaced by that in Tensorflow 2.0.
  85. W0710 12:56:16.340025 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ dense (from tensorflow.python.layers.core) is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  86. Instructions for updating:
  87. Use keras.layers.dense instead.
  88. W0710 12:56:16.568230 140347480831744] Entity <bound method ZoneoutLSTMCell.__call__ of <synthesizer.models.modules.ZoneoutLSTMCell object at 0x7fa52c390ba8>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutgoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: converting <bound method ZoneoutLSTMCell.__call__ of <synthesizer.models.modules.ZoneoutLSTMCell object at 0x7fa52c390ba8>>: ValueError: Failed to parse source code of <bound method ZoneoutLSTMCell.__call__ of <synthesizer.models.modules.ZoneoutLSTMCell object at 0x7fa52c390ba8>>, which Python reported as:
  89. def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
  90. """Runs vanilla LSTM Cell and applies zoneout.
  91. """
  92. # Apply vanilla LSTM
  93. output, new_state = self._cell(inputs, state, scope)
  95. if self.state_is_tuple:
  96. (prev_c, prev_h) = state
  97. (new_c, new_h) = new_state
  98. else:
  99. num_proj = self._cell._num_units if self._cell._num_proj is None else \
  100. self._cell._num_proj
  101. prev_c = tf.slice(state, [0, 0], [-1, self._cell._num_units])
  102. prev_h = tf.slice(state, [0, self._cell._num_units], [-1, num_proj])
  103. new_c = tf.slice(new_state, [0, 0], [-1, self._cell._num_units])
  104. new_h = tf.slice(new_state, [0, self._cell._num_units], [-1, num_proj])
  106. # Apply zoneout
  107. if self.is_training:
  108. # nn.dropout takes keep_prob (probability to keep activations) not drop_prob (
  109. # probability to mask activations)!
  110. c = (1 - self._zoneout_cell) * tf.nn.dropout(new_c - prev_c,
  111. (1 - self._zoneout_cell)) + prev_c
  112. h = (1 - self._zoneout_outputs) * tf.nn.dropout(new_h - prev_h,
  113. (1 - self._zoneout_outputs)) + prev_h
  115. else:
  116. c = (1 - self._zoneout_cell) * new_c + self._zoneout_cell * prev_c
  117. h = (1 - self._zoneout_outputs) * new_h + self._zoneout_outputs * prev_h
  119. new_state = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(c, h) if self.state_is_tuple else tf.concat(1, [c,
  120. h])
  122. return output, new_state
  124. This may be caused by multiline strings or comments not indented at the same level as the code.
  125. W0710 12:56:16.605508 140347480831744] Entity <bound method ZoneoutLSTMCell.__call__ of <synthesizer.models.modules.ZoneoutLSTMCell object at 0x7fa52bfc8198>> could not be transformed and will be executed as-is. Please report this to the AutgoGraph team. When filing the bug, set the verbosity to 10 (on Linux, `export AUTOGRAPH_VERBOSITY=10`) and attach the full output. Cause: converting <bound method ZoneoutLSTMCell.__call__ of <synthesizer.models.modules.ZoneoutLSTMCell object at 0x7fa52bfc8198>>: ValueError: Failed to parse source code of <bound method ZoneoutLSTMCell.__call__ of <synthesizer.models.modules.ZoneoutLSTMCell object at 0x7fa52bfc8198>>, which Python reported as:
  126. def __call__(self, inputs, state, scope=None):
  127. """Runs vanilla LSTM Cell and applies zoneout.
  128. """
  129. # Apply vanilla LSTM
  130. output, new_state = self._cell(inputs, state, scope)
  132. if self.state_is_tuple:
  133. (prev_c, prev_h) = state
  134. (new_c, new_h) = new_state
  135. else:
  136. num_proj = self._cell._num_units if self._cell._num_proj is None else \
  137. self._cell._num_proj
  138. prev_c = tf.slice(state, [0, 0], [-1, self._cell._num_units])
  139. prev_h = tf.slice(state, [0, self._cell._num_units], [-1, num_proj])
  140. new_c = tf.slice(new_state, [0, 0], [-1, self._cell._num_units])
  141. new_h = tf.slice(new_state, [0, self._cell._num_units], [-1, num_proj])
  143. # Apply zoneout
  144. if self.is_training:
  145. # nn.dropout takes keep_prob (probability to keep activations) not drop_prob (
  146. # probability to mask activations)!
  147. c = (1 - self._zoneout_cell) * tf.nn.dropout(new_c - prev_c,
  148. (1 - self._zoneout_cell)) + prev_c
  149. h = (1 - self._zoneout_outputs) * tf.nn.dropout(new_h - prev_h,
  150. (1 - self._zoneout_outputs)) + prev_h
  152. else:
  153. c = (1 - self._zoneout_cell) * new_c + self._zoneout_cell * prev_c
  154. h = (1 - self._zoneout_outputs) * new_h + self._zoneout_outputs * prev_h
  156. new_state = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMStateTuple(c, h) if self.state_is_tuple else tf.concat(1, [c,
  157. h])
  159. return output, new_state
  161. This may be caused by multiline strings or comments not indented at the same level as the code.
  162. initialisation done /gpu:0
  163. W0710 12:56:16.995547 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/models/ The name tf.trainable_variables is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables instead.
  165. Initialized Tacotron model. Dimensions (? = dynamic shape):
  166. Train mode: False
  167. Eval mode: False
  168. GTA mode: False
  169. Synthesis mode: True
  170. Input: (?, ?)
  171. device: 0
  172. embedding: (?, ?, 512)
  173. enc conv out: (?, ?, 512)
  174. encoder out (cond): (?, ?, 768)
  175. decoder out: (?, ?, 80)
  176. residual out: (?, ?, 512)
  177. projected residual out: (?, ?, 80)
  178. mel out: (?, ?, 80)
  179. <stop_token> out: (?, ?)
  180. Tacotron Parameters 28.439 Million.
  181. Loading checkpoint: synthesizer/saved_models/logs-pretrained/taco_pretrained/tacotron_model.ckpt-278000
  182. W0710 12:56:17.326570 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/ The name tf.train.Saver is deprecated. Please use tf.compat.v1.train.Saver instead.
  184. W0710 12:56:17.471510 140347480831744] From Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/tensorflow/python/training/ checkpoint_exists (from is deprecated and will be removed in a future version.
  185. Instructions for updating:
  186. Use standard file APIs to check for files with this prefix.
  187. E0710 12:56:19.739237 140347480831744] Call to cuInit results in CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED
  188. multiprocess.pool.RemoteTraceback:
  189. """
  190. Traceback (most recent call last):
  191. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 230, in initialize
  192. self.cuInit(0)
  193. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 293, in safe_cuda_api_call
  194. self._check_error(fname, retcode)
  195. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 328, in _check_error
  196. raise CudaAPIError(retcode, msg)
  197. numba.cuda.cudadrv.driver.CudaAPIError: [3] Call to cuInit results in CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED
  199. During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
  201. Traceback (most recent call last):
  202. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 119, in worker
  203. result = (True, func(*args, **kwds))
  204. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 47, in starmapstar
  205. return list(itertools.starmap(args[0], args[1]))
  206. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/", line 111, in _one_shot_synthesize_spectrograms
  207. numba.cuda.select_device(0)
  208. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/", line 302, in select_device
  209. context = devices.get_context(device_id)
  210. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 194, in get_context
  211. return _runtime.get_or_create_context(devnum)
  212. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 162, in get_or_create_context
  213. return self.push_context(self.gpus[devnum])
  214. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 40, in __getitem__
  215. return self.lst[devnum]
  216. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 26, in __getattr__
  217. numdev = driver.get_device_count()
  218. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 339, in get_device_count
  219. self.cuDeviceGetCount(byref(count))
  220. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 273, in __getattr__
  221. self.initialize()
  222. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/numba/cuda/cudadrv/", line 233, in initialize
  223. raise CudaSupportError("Error at driver init: \n%s:" % e)
  224. numba.cuda.cudadrv.error.CudaSupportError: Error at driver init:
  225. [3] Call to cuInit results in CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED:
  226. """
  228. The above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:
  230. Traceback (most recent call last):
  231. File "", line 90, in <module>
  232. mels = synthesizer.synthesize_spectrograms(texts, embeds)
  233. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/synthesizer/", line 94, in synthesize_spectrograms
  234. [(self.checkpoint_fpath, embeddings, texts)])[0]
  235. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 274, in starmap
  236. return self._map_async(func, iterable, starmapstar, chunksize).get()
  237. File "Real-Time-Voice-Cloning/env/lib/python3.6/site-packages/multiprocess/", line 644, in get
  238. raise self._value
  239. numba.cuda.cudadrv.error.CudaSupportError: Error at driver init:
  240. [3] Call to cuInit results in CUDA_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED:
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