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a guest
Nov 12th, 2013
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  1. MACRO 16777223 "Death Coil Focus" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  2. /cast [@focus] Death Coil
  3. END
  4. MACRO 16777217 "Dispel" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  5. /cast [mod:shift,@party1] Devour Magic, [@player] Devour Magic
  6. /cast [mod:ctrl, @party2] Devour Magic
  7. /cast [mod:alt] Devour Magic
  8. /cast Lesser Invisibility
  9. END
  10. MACRO 16777222 "Fear" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  11. /cast [modifier:shift, @focus] [mod:ctrl, @mouseover] [ ] Fear
  12. END
  13. MACRO 16777219 "Petfocus" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  14. /cast [@focus,exists,harm,nodead] Spell Lock
  15. /cast Consume Shadows
  16. /cast [@focus,exists,harm,nodead] Axe Toss
  17. /cast [@focus] Seduction
  18. /stopmacro [@focus
  19. END
  20. MACRO 16777220 "Pets" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  21. #showtooltip
  22. /cast Fel Domination
  23. /castsequence [nomod] Summon Felhunter , Soul Link
  24. /castsequence [mod:shift] Summon Succubus, Soul Link
  25. /castsequence [mod:ctrl] Summon Voidwalker, Sacrifice, Soul Link
  26. /castsequence [mod:alt] Summon Felguard, Soul Link
  27. END
  28. MACRO 16777218 "Petspell" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  29. #show
  30. /dismount [mounted]
  31. /cast [pet:Felhunter] Spell Lock
  32. /cast [pet:Imp,@player] Singe Magic
  33. /cast [pet:Felguard] Axe Toss
  34. /cast [pet:Voidwalker] Consume Shadows
  35. /cast Seduction
  36. END
  37. MACRO 16777221 "Tele" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  38. #show Demonic Circle: Teleport
  39. /cast [mod:shift] Demonic Circle: Summon; [] Demonic Circle: Teleport
  40. END
  41. MACRO 16777225 "Totem Kill" INV_Misc_QuestionMark
  42. #showtooltip Shadow Bite
  43. /petattack
  44. /cast Shadow Bite
  45. /cast Lash of Pain
  46. /petattack [target=mouseover]
  47. END
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