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#TPMods till Dec. 30 - 2015

a guest
Dec 30th, 2015
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  1. * dedsfall has quit (Quit: Cya Nerds)
  2. * Trondby (Trondby@unaffiliated/trondby) has joined
  3. * cz (~roxy@2602:30a:c0b5:40a0:55a4:bb55:ee60:1995) has joined
  4. * ChanServ gives voice to cz
  5. * ChanServ removes voice from cz
  6. * vCarbon has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  7. * Robin_Hood has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  8. * Detective (4750df49@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  9. * Now talking on #TPmods
  10. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  11. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  12. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  13. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  14. * CamWatts has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  15. * PussyLover_ (4a6532b2@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  16. * tpnoobie (5ec578eb@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  17. <tpnoobie> hello?
  18. <PussyLover_> hi
  19. <PussyLover_> i am an assistant moderator
  20. <PussyLover_> how can i help you?
  21. <tpnoobie> !mods I don't know if I'm doing this right but Airpex and Yapara(?) first voted me for regrabbing differently to airpex
  22. <Smalls> tpnoobie - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  23. <tpnoobie> then they started telling people to vote for me
  24. <KINGPRO> I'll look at it
  25. <PussyLover_> hi tpnoobie what is your in-game name?
  26. <tpnoobie> thank you, shall I wait here or can I play and just keep this chat open
  27. <tpnoobie> I'm still thinking of something to put
  28. <tpnoobie> just a someball for now with no number
  29. <tpnoobie> will IRC still make a noise if I go play?
  30. <KINGPRO> probs
  31. <tpnoobie> haha thanks
  32. <KINGPRO> you can play, ill just start typing to no one until you check it after your game is ovr
  33. <KINGPRO> I'm assuming you were the some ball with no number?
  34. <KINGPRO> what is your style of regrabbing?
  35. <PussyLover_> as an experienced tagpro player i like to regrab using boosts
  36. * czaway is now known as cz
  37. <KINGPRO> tpnoobie game almost over?
  38. <tpnoobie> sorry
  39. <tpnoobie> i left when i heard this
  40. <KINGPRO> its ok
  41. <tpnoobie> I was trying to regrab with boosts
  42. <tpnoobie> the map is kinda set upo for it so i can also see behind and work with the team
  43. <tpnoobie> he said i need to stay in the re square
  44. <KINGPRO> so were you sitting behind a boost towards the flag?
  45. <tpnoobie> i wasn't rude but said no and have diff style
  46. <tpnoobie> he voted and things started getting nasty
  47. <tpnoobie> yes
  48. <tpnoobie> i dont know maps v.well yet
  49. <tpnoobie> but it was the one with an opposing boost very near
  50. <KINGPRO> "wasn't rude"...... well
  51. <tpnoobie> well?
  52. <KINGPRO> but, if you can get a recording of this next time that would be great
  53. <tpnoobie> he flase voted me for regrabbing differently, I was more polite than i;ve seen
  54. <KINGPRO> I really can help you at this point
  55. <KINGPRO> cant*
  56. <tpnoobie> you can look at chat history
  57. <KINGPRO> I looked at it, but unless I can see a recording or I was watching I cannot be sure that any of your claims are tru
  58. <tpnoobie> you can make sure I haven't got false votes from people trying to gang up
  59. <KINGPRO> you have 3 votes
  60. * cz is now known as czaway
  61. <tpnoobie> in the chat he says, stay on the re square and I respond saying I have diff style
  62. <tpnoobie> also in the chat you see a user saying, "vote for someball"
  63. <tpnoobie> I thought these were all agaisnt the rules but you're now saying otherwise?
  64. <KINGPRO> in your response.. i dont want to put it in this channel
  65. <tpnoobie> what?
  66. <KINGPRO> I never said vote brigading is ok
  67. <tpnoobie> but theres nothing you're gonna do about it so thats basically the same thing
  68. <tpnoobie> well thanks anyway
  69. <KINGPRO> I can spec you for a little bit and see your style of regrab
  70. * tpnoobie has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  71. <PussyLover_> hi kingpro i would like to spec with you as well
  72. <PussyLover_> as a moderator-in-training
  73. <KINGPRO> um
  74. <KINGPRO> i wouldn't know how to let you
  75. <PussyLover_> well it is simple
  76. <PussyLover_> you tell me which game you are watching and which server it is on
  77. <PussyLover_> and i will type it in the address bar
  78. <KINGPRO> it doesn't work that way
  79. <KINGPRO> trust me, i wish it did
  80. <PussyLover_> hi kingpro
  81. <KINGPRO> hi PussyLover
  82. <PussyLover_> as a moderator-in-training, i would like to volunteer my time to help evaluate ban appeals
  83. <PussyLover_> i understand it is a difficult and time-consuming process
  84. <KINGPRO> I think we are fine with handling appeals currently
  85. <PussyLover_> i see
  86. <PussyLover_> as a moderator-in-training i would like to volunteer my time to moderate arc
  87. <PussyLover_> i have noticed there are never enough moderators spectating arc
  88. <czaway> as a moderator in training you should know we dont evaluate ban appeals. Sure we pretend to give a shit but really we dont. We pretty much just sit in the mods irc channel on our lardy asses laughing at you guys and your appeals
  89. <PussyLover_> okay thank you cz
  90. * czaway has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  91. * bizkut has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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  93. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut_
  94. * bizkut_ has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  95. * PussyLover_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  96. * RightNow (6029b721@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  97. * bizkut ( has joined
  98. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  99. * cz (~roxy@2602:30a:c0b5:40a0:88dc:c7fa:96cb:4503) has joined
  100. * ChanServ gives voice to cz
  101. * ChanServ removes voice from cz
  102. * Now talking on #TPmods
  103. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  104. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  105. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  106. * nlfn has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  107. * Hootie has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  108. * DeezAFK is now known as DeezNutz
  109. * n00b has quit (Quit: baiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii)
  110. * Leafs has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  111. * defense_bot ( has joined
  112. * bizkut has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  113. * Ballkenende has quit (Quit: I am getting the fuck out)
  114. * tim-sanchez_ has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  115. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  116. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  117. * hannahmontanna (5c28f925@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  118. <hannahmontanna> hello this is hannahmontanna
  119. <hannahmontanna> my name shows sorry
  120. <hannahmontanna> hello this is about tagpro
  121. <hannahmontanna> ?
  122. <hannahmontanna> !mods
  123. <Smalls> hannahmontanna - Please recall !mods with a reason to notify a moderator.
  124. <KINGPRO> hannahmontanna please wait for a response on the support site
  125. <hannahmontanna> !mods I have been banned for an hour (ffs) and been told off by a mod in game but they didn't tell anybody about tellig me to shut up
  126. <Smalls> hannahmontanna - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  127. <hannahmontanna> why tell me to chill out but not deal with the source of the aggrevation?
  128. <KINGPRO> hannahmontanna please wait for a response on the support site
  129. <hannahmontanna> what kinda logic is that, chill ot and dont mind those people telling you to stfu and being rude
  130. <hannahmontanna> how?
  131. <KINGPRO> we will answer your appeal there
  132. <KINGPRO> go check your ticke
  133. <hannahmontanna> how do i get back on to it?
  134. <KINGPRO> you keep the link
  135. <KINGPRO> one sec
  136. <hannahmontanna> there was a big long number and text box
  137. <hannahmontanna> Where have I spammed? Where is "hanahmontana" offensive? You mods came and told me off but told no one else about their rude language or bad sportsmanship. You are so one sided you're not even 2D, bend your tiny little cocks round and go fuck yourselves
  138. <Cignul9> hannahmontanna, I told you that you needed to relax.
  139. <KINGPRO> dont lose that link
  140. <hannahmontanna> bno you told me to chill
  141. <hannahmontanna> and didn;t rectify anything that was making me "unchilled" like the 3 or 4 people being insulting
  142. <KINGPRO> did you check the link that i sent you?
  143. <Cignul9> You need a break, because you're apparently taking this game way too seriously. Besides, your ban was for working against own team, not offensive name or chat.
  144. <hannahmontanna> no link has shown up
  145. <hannahmontanna> why lie?
  146. <KINGPRO> on IRC ?
  147. <Redkiwi> check your pms on top of the screen
  148. <hannahmontanna> it says clearly, spamming, offensive name and a whole host of others
  149. <hannahmontanna> be honest you make it up with me as you go along, theres no equality or fairness
  150. <KINGPRO> I've sent you the link twice now
  151. <KINGPRO> just look at the top tabs
  152. <hannahmontanna> your pals get let off scott free and others need to "relax"
  153. <KINGPRO> one should be red titled with KINGPRO
  154. <hannahmontanna> I see no link in this chat history so ...
  155. <Cignul9> No one on chord is my "pal". I don't play on chord.
  156. <hannahmontanna> sure
  157. <Redkiwi> oi Cignul9
  158. <Cignul9> You're def not my friend, Redkiwi. I thought we were so much more...
  159. <Cignul9> <3
  160. <Redkiwi> <33
  161. <hannahmontanna> see
  162. <KINGPRO> Do you see tabs at the top saying freenode and #tpmods?
  163. <hannahmontanna> fucking up each others areses and when a genuine player is in need you blame them
  164. <hannahmontanna> LOGIC
  165. <hannahmontanna> KINGPRO
  166. <Cignul9> hannahmontanna, pls. Redkiwi is a moderator.
  167. <hannahmontanna> and you're not?
  168. <Cignul9> As has now been clearly demonstrated, you need to chill out and relax.
  169. <hannahmontanna> you need to stop projecting onto me
  170. <Cignul9> Take an hour off, lose some stress, come back and enjoy yourself. There's no need to get this worked up about a game.
  171. <KINGPRO> ^
  172. <Redkiwi> ^
  173. <hannahmontanna> you have some issues but not me, I'm very chilled at home on my laptop trying to play agame, maybe what you need to do is deal with your community of users (read friends) that have no manners
  174. <hannahmontanna> you guys make me stressed not the game, mods are so fucking unfair and onesided
  175. <Cignul9> k, so this is going nowhere fast. hannahmontanna, enjoy your hour off.
  176. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cignul9
  177. * Cignul9 has kicked hannahmontanna from #TPmods (hannahmontanna)
  178. <KINGPRO> fun
  179. <Cignul9> !served
  180. <[TagPro]> Congrats Cignul9, you served another tagpro user. Total Users Served: 616 Time To Resolution: 5mins 49secs.
  181. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Cignul9
  182. * ModsBumSucker (5c28f925@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  183. <ModsBumSucker> !mods i think you guys need to chill
  184. <Smalls> ModsBumSucker - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  185. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to KINGPRO
  186. <KINGPRO> Hannahmontanna please just take your time off and chill
  187. <ModsBumSucker> tell cinglluar09 or whatever he's a prick with issues he needs to seek professional help and not project onto internet strangers
  188. <Redkiwi> nice try hannah
  189. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cignul9
  190. <KINGPRO> lol
  191. * Cignul9 sets ban on *!*@gateway/web/freenode/ip.
  192. * Cignul9 has kicked ModsBumSucker from #TPmods (ModsBumSucker)
  193. <Cignul9> Bye.
  194. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Cignul9
  195. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from KINGPRO
  196. * Now talking on #TPmods
  197. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  198. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  199. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  200. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  201. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  202. * OmicroN___ ( has joined
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  204. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  205. * Now talking on #TPmods
  206. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  207. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  208. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  209. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  210. * dodsfall2 has quit (Quit: Cya Nerds)
  211. * Trondby (Trondby@unaffiliated/trondby) has joined
  212. * Psychiatrist has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  213. * n00b has quit (Quit: I'm gonna buy a parrot. YOU CAN'T STOP ME)
  214. * Ballzilla (442cf14f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  215. * _slop (6029b721@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  216. * DeezNutz has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  217. <_slop> !mods someone should spec orchid. He is trolling pretty hard.
  218. <Smalls> _slop - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  219. <Redkiwi> classic orchid
  220. <Ballzilla> ^
  221. <Ballzilla> _slop: i think orchid stopped playing, but will keep an eye on them
  222. <_slop> oh ok. I imagine he racked up quite a few reports in one game. He refused to cap to end the game. Had a tp escort that killed all four of us and spiked himself.
  223. <_slop> chat went nuts so I imagine he got a few votes
  224. <Ballzilla> yeah, just reviewed chat from that game. seems to match what you sais
  225. <_slop> you guys see the sb calling people "fegs"?
  226. <Ballzilla> said
  227. <Ballzilla> no, was it recent game that you played? i will look
  228. <_slop> yes just this game
  229. <_slop> last game
  230. <_slop> i reported
  231. <Ballzilla> ah, see it
  232. * Now talking on #TPmods
  233. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  234. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  235. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  236. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  237. * bizkut ( has joined
  238. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  239. * defense_bot (~defense_b@ has joined
  240. * vCarbon (~vCarbon@unaffiliated/carbon/x-4123543) has joined
  241. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  242. * Now talking on #TPmods
  243. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  244. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  245. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  246. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  247. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
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  249. * playa (48e40fe9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  251. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez_
  252. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
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  254. * ChanServ gives voice to timsanchez
  255. * timsanchez is now known as tim-sanchez
  256. * tim-sanchez_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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  265. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  266. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  267. * MKo_ ( has joined
  268. * Disconnected (Network is down)
  269. * Now talking on #TPmods
  270. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  271. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  272. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  273. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  274. * wut (~wut@ has joined
  275. * n00b (~n00b_@unaffiliated/n00b-/x-8656745) has joined
  276. * ChanServ gives voice to n00b
  277. * Now talking on #TPmods
  278. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  279. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  280. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  281. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  282. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  283. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  284. * Trondby (Trondby@unaffiliated/trondby) has joined
  285. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  286. * Now talking on #TPmods
  287. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  288. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  289. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  290. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  291. <Guest97366> hey KINGPRO whats up
  292. * Ballkenende_ (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  293. <KINGPRO> Hey Guest97366, nothing much
  294. <KINGPRO> just finished thanksgiving lunch and am feeling pretty fat
  295. <Guest97366> nice, wanna help me with a guy in my game earlier?
  296. <KINGPRO> sure
  297. <Guest97366> i was just in a game where i reported a player for killing me on my own team which seemed like on purpose
  298. <Guest97366> he left right after it
  299. <Guest97366> next game i was in the same game as him so i reported him
  300. <Guest97366> at the end of the game i got reported for offensive chat after asking that player to stop spamming chat
  301. <Guest97366> he then said "an eye for an eye"
  302. <KINGPRO> so what is your name?
  303. <Guest97366> so it was clearly a false report with no other intentions other than to get even with me
  304. <Guest97366> Anne Frank
  305. <KINGPRO> k
  306. <Guest97366> the player was moodie
  307. <KINGPRO> alrighty
  308. <Guest97366> and i know you guys have rules against banning for one false report and stuff
  309. <Guest97366> but when the player says 'an eye for an eye' it kinda self incriminates letting you know he purposfully false reported
  310. <KINGPRO> thanks for brining this guy up
  311. <KINGPRO> he made like 10 mod calls
  312. <KINGPRO> i'll have to keep an eye on him
  313. <Guest97366> yeah he spammed for a good 3 min in game
  314. <KINGPRO> Thanks Anne
  315. <Guest97366> when asked to stop he continued and told me to stfu
  316. <Guest97366> np buddy
  317. <KINGPRO> yea, I can see his chat
  318. * AFKenende has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  319. >chanserv< voice #tpmods
  320. * JessyS (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  321. * JessyS is now known as Guest63585
  322. * Ballkenende_ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  323. * Guest97366 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  324. * jv (~jv@ has joined
  325. * tagpro_BG ( has joined
  326. * chelseafc (944a4a71@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  327. * chelseafc is now known as Guest59729
  328. <KINGPRO> hi Guest59729
  329. <Guest59729> hey any mod wanna help out
  330. <KINGPRO> yea sure
  331. <KINGPRO> whats up?
  332. <Guest59729> two guys in my game
  333. <Guest59729> smurfing as niceguy and humble guy are bing trolly
  334. <Guest59729> just ragging on me and shit
  335. <KINGPRO> I'll take a look
  336. <Guest59729> radius 8006
  337. <KINGPRO> did you reoprt them?
  338. <Guest59729> ah i will
  339. <KINGPRO> im in it
  340. <Guest59729> it's been multiple games
  341. <Guest59729> I was a little afk trying to type that's mb
  342. <KINGPRO> thats fine
  343. <KINGPRO> im looking into the chat logs rn
  344. <Guest59729> btw the "good games are sarcastic
  345. <KINGPRO> yea
  346. <KINGPRO> they stopped playing
  347. <KINGPRO> I'll keep an eye on them though
  348. <Guest59729> appreciated
  349. <Guest59729> thanks kingpro i remember when you were just a small nltp FA
  350. <Guest59729> and look at you now
  351. <KINGPRO> <3
  352. * Guest59729 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  353. <KINGPRO> im on mumble if you need anything else and cant type in game :)
  354. <KINGPRO> k
  355. * jv has quit (Quit: jv)
  356. * Now talking on #TPmods
  357. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  358. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  359. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  360. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  361. * tagpro_BG ( has left ("Textual IRC Client:")
  362. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  363. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  364. * Now talking on #TPmods
  365. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  366. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  367. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  368. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  369. * defense_bot ( has joined
  370. * Now talking on #TPmods
  371. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  372. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  373. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  374. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  375. <DeezNutz> hey Envy_
  376. <DeezNutz> I'll check it out
  377. * tagpro_BG has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  378. * Now talking on #TPmods
  379. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  380. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  381. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  382. * Squirrely__ ( has joined
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  384. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
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  419. * sisu (82e1f4b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  420. <sisu> !mods halp
  421. <Smalls> sisu - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  422. <KINGPRO> YEa?
  423. <sisu> i got this guy in my game before
  424. <sisu> very activly working against just me
  425. <KINGPRO> replay?
  426. <sisu> so i figured a report wouldn't do it, as it was just from me
  427. <sisu> yes 5 replays.
  428. <sisu> 2 sec
  429. <dodsfall2> 1
  430. <dodsfall2> 2
  431. <KINGPRO> render 1 at a tie
  432. <dodsfall2> TIMES UP
  433. <KINGPRO> time
  434. <sisu>
  435. <KINGPRO> oh nice
  436. <sisu> kingpro
  437. <sisu> i've rendered a replay before :)
  438. <KINGPRO> lol
  439. <KINGPRO> yea in that case
  440. <KINGPRO> get a replay and you can do a mods call
  441. <dodsfall2> nah
  442. <dodsfall2> this is better
  443. <KINGPRO> yea ill get him
  444. <sisu> all good? i don't do mods call ingame
  445. <sisu> don't wanna get banned.
  446. <KINGPRO> lol you wont
  447. <KINGPRO> is your in game name sisu?
  448. <sisu> playing with the display name sis right now
  449. <KINGPRO> and sisu if you see anything like this, do not be scared to do a mods call
  450. <sisu> easy for you to say, you're on the other side of the table mate
  451. <KINGPRO> but your other name starts with a p?
  452. <sisu> Peshmerga right now
  453. <KINGPRO> yea ok
  454. <KINGPRO> thank
  455. <sisu> you guys didn't like that i was called Daesh
  456. <sisu> so i changed it
  457. <KINGPRO> oh its you?
  458. * Squirrely__ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  459. <sisu> what's that suppose to me
  460. <sisu> oh well
  461. <sisu> i'm off, thanks bye
  462. <KINGPRO> cya
  463. * sisu has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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  476. * Now talking on #TPmods
  477. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  478. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  479. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  480. * Squirrely__ has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  481. * Now talking on #TPmods
  482. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  483. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  484. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  485. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  486. * Labrador (4635f0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  488. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  489. * Disconnected (Network is down)
  490. * Now talking on #TPmods
  491. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  492. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  493. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  494. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  495. <Fleck_> oh nvm, just read the top part
  496. * tagpro_BG ( has joined
  497. <Fleck_> so I can't get a false report removed??
  498. <Fleck_> oh well
  499. * Fleck_ (4c7fa529@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left
  500. * Now talking on #TPmods
  501. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  502. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  503. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  504. * Hootie has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  507. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez_
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  509. * Now talking on #TPmods
  510. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  511. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  512. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  513. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  514. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  515. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  516. * tagpro_BG ( has joined
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  519. <Redkiwi> !modin
  520. <KINGPRO> BlissMC, he got community banned, I guess your replay wont be needed
  521. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Redkiwi
  522. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Redkiwi
  523. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  524. * Schweddys (6ca2ee3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  525. * tagpro_BG has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
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  527. * DeezNutz has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  528. <BlissMC> KINGPRO: , thanks sorry was on the phone for a long time and forgot >_<
  529. <KINGPRO> its all good
  530. <KINGPRO> he was banned from 8 reports anyways
  531. <KINGPRO> but if you have the replay that would be nice
  532. <BlissMC> yeah it will be awhile probably, Ill message you when I have it. Im trying to delete all my old ones because the thing seems to take forever/barely respond
  533. <KINGPRO> Good Luck
  534. <BlissMC> well i deselected like 5 of them that could have possibly been useful but "delete selected" seems to be "delete all" or I screwed up some how.
  535. <BlissMC> but Im glad he got himself banned anyways, thanks for you rtime and help
  536. <BlissMC> your time*
  537. * bozlit has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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  540. * _Sloppy (6ca2f572@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  541. <_Sloppy> !mods
  542. <Smalls> _Sloppy - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  543. <ContessaTP> hey _Sloppy
  544. <_Sloppy> hello
  545. <_Sloppy> that's still frowned upon isn't it?
  546. <ContessaTP> !served _Sloppy
  547. <[TagPro]> _Sloppy, your issue has been taken care of by ContessaTP. Total Users Served: 625 (by ContessaTP: 141 (22.56%)) Time To Resolution: 2mins 54secs.
  548. <ContessaTP> b&
  549. <_Sloppy> thank you. Have a nice night!
  550. * _Sloppy has quit (Client Quit)
  551. * DO (adf5384e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  552. * DO is now known as Guest9079
  553. <Guest9079> !mods there is a player going by K on pi that has spent the last 3 games working against.
  554. <Smalls> Guest9079 - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  555. <ContessaTP> hey Guest9079
  556. <ContessaTP> Did you get a replay?
  557. <KINGPRO> do you have a replay?
  558. <KINGPRO> oh
  559. <Guest9079> just watch him he is trolling and has to have 3-4 reports already
  560. <KINGPRO> ok
  561. <Guest9079> we called for mods multiple times while he sat and did nothing
  562. <ContessaTP> What is your account name?
  563. <Guest9079> he pushed the fc into the defender multiple times
  564. <Guest9079> His 'K' maybe with a .
  565. <Guest9079> Mine is Ike13
  566. * tagpro_BG ( has joined
  567. <ContessaTP> speccing right now
  568. <Guest9079> Jagpro was the other player who was calling for yall in the first game. We were basically 4v2
  569. * SHOUT_TO_WIN (adf534a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  570. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i was reported falsely in a pub game just now
  571. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> and i wanted to report a player who harrassed me all game
  572. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i actually just found out about the way to call moderators in game
  573. <ContessaTP> Hey Guest9079
  574. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> hello
  575. <ContessaTP> WE've had some technical difficulties today so mods calls don't work right now
  576. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> okay
  577. <ContessaTP> also hi SHOUT_TO_WIN
  578. <ContessaTP> I'll check out your report
  579. * tagpro_BG has quit (Client Quit)
  580. <ContessaTP> What is your account name SHOUT_TO_WIN?
  581. * SHOUT_TO_WIN_ (adf5384b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  582. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> i had to reload
  583. <ContessaTP> What is your account name SHOUT_TO_WIN?
  584. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> but anyway the player who reported me was named gman2163 and he threatened me in team chat saying dont report me again
  585. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> and yes
  586. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> i actually dont know if it was 2163
  587. * tagpro_BG ( has joined
  588. <ContessaTP> btw SHOUT_TO_WIN, please unglue your capslock in-game
  589. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> oh ok
  590. <ContessaTP> :P
  591. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> no problem
  592. <ContessaTP> the reporter hasn't been very active. Issued only 1 report this week (against you)
  593. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> in the game
  594. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> i was on re
  595. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> and he pushed me off
  596. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> then i reported him for working against team
  597. <ContessaTP> Did you get a replay?
  598. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> and he reported me and threatened me in team chat
  599. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> i dont have the extension
  600. <ContessaTP> :-(
  601. * SHOUT_TO_WIN has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  602. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> is there any way you can see in chat?
  603. * Guest9079 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  604. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> what he said
  605. <ContessaTP> We can see chat, but we don't record replays
  606. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> well he openly threatened me
  607. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> and im sure other players in the game can attest to it
  608. <ContessaTP> reading through chat
  609. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> ive been playing tagpro on and off and this is the first time ive had to come here
  610. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> thank you so much
  611. * Common (adf5365e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  612. <ContessaTP> I don't see any threat
  613. <ContessaTP> just 'DONT REPORT ME AGAIN'
  614. <ContessaTP> A threat would be 'OR I'LL CUT YOUR EARS OFF'
  615. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> ok alright in the moment it was more like kid
  616. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> dont do that again
  617. <ContessaTP> yeah :P
  618. <dodsfall2> keep your ears safe too
  619. <ContessaTP> lol
  620. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> despite the fact that he false repoted
  621. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> im sure this player will have moments in the future
  622. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> and it will come back to him
  623. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> but thank you for looking into it
  624. <ContessaTP> of course, but please try to get extension installed for replays
  625. <Common> !mods i played a game with a guy named evil pancake. He was AFK did nothing all game but sit for the most part, idc about that though. What I care about is every time someone voteed him he would vote you for a false reason
  626. <Smalls> Common - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  627. <ContessaTP> ooh
  628. <ContessaTP> Hiey Common
  629. <ContessaTP> I'll check it out
  630. <Common> Hey friend :D
  631. <SHOUT_TO_WIN_> thank you again for your advice
  632. <Common> I am rendering a replay of him just sitting for a solid 30 seconds as well
  633. * SHOUT_TO_WIN_ (adf5384b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left
  634. <ContessaTP> thanks
  635. <ContessaTP> btw we do still have the mods call. We've just had some technical difficulties today
  636. <Common> Really? Last time I tried to use it(a couple weeks back) it said "You can not say that in chat" or something down those lines
  637. <ContessaTP> wat
  638. <ContessaTP> That's for slurs
  639. <ContessaTP> not mods call
  640. <Common> nope. I typed !mods
  641. <ContessaTP> Are you sure it wasn't !mods someone said nigger?
  642. <ContessaTP> because that would be blocked
  643. <Common> Could be it. I think it was for someone saying that over and over and over
  644. <Common> to an obsessive point
  645. <Common> ill have to keep that in mind tho, didnt know that
  646. <Common> vidme is being slow -.p
  647. <Common> -.-*
  648. <Common> here you go
  649. <ContessaTP> normal :P
  650. <ContessaTP> ok thanks
  651. <Common> lol true, well unless you need anything else, im gonna grab some dinner
  652. <dodsfall2> what you gonna get for dinner?
  653. <Common> but before i go, tell me my cap was pretty
  654. <ContessaTP> I'm gonna go spec him, because that replay is not strong enough yet. I'll log it on his profile though
  655. <Common> and idk, chipotle maybe
  656. <dodsfall2> nice
  657. <Common> Sound good, thanks Contessa. But maybe not chipotle, its like a 10 minute drive and i dont feel like driving
  658. * SoCoTP (6ca2ed60@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  659. <Common> anyway, cya guys around. Thanks again.
  660. <SoCoTP> !mods false reporter
  661. <Smalls> SoCoTP - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  662. * Common has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  663. <KINGPRO> I'll look at it
  664. <SoCoTP> thanks
  665. <KINGPRO> he made only 1 report
  666. <KINGPRO> but ill keep an eye on him
  667. <SoCoTP> I think my only chat was wait, pls, and guys please
  668. <SoCoTP> but thank you
  669. <ContessaTP> if he makes some more false reports, we can get him
  670. <KINGPRO> and on a side note, going to IRC would not always result in a ban
  671. <SoCoTP> Haha I know
  672. <KINGPRO> :P
  673. <SoCoTP> but I thought it was him so I figured I'd give him a scare
  674. <KINGPRO> anyways have a good day :)
  675. <SoCoTP> you too!
  676. <ContessaTP> Scares are good :-)
  677. <KINGPRO> ^
  678. <KINGPRO> KINGPRO(mod): b&
  679. <KINGPRO> gg all
  680. * Elafs has quit (Quit: Connection closed for inactivity)
  681. * SHOUT_TO_WIN (adf534a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  682. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> hey i recently came in here about a false report
  683. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> the same exact thing happened again
  684. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> but now i have two replays
  685. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> showing what happened
  686. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i have a feeling its the same player on a different
  687. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> account
  688. <ContessaTP> yiss
  689. <ContessaTP> give us the replays SHOUT_TO_WIN
  690. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> ok how do i do that lol
  691. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i have them on this screen that asks me to render and stuff
  692. <ContessaTP> render
  693. <ContessaTP> then download
  694. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> ok
  695. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> and then where do i send them
  696. <ContessaTP> then upload them to
  697. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> ok nice
  698. <ContessaTP> and give us the link
  699. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> thanks contessa
  700. <ContessaTP> no, thank you <3
  701. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> lol
  702. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> alright they are rendering right now
  703. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> jesus this could take a while
  704. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> halfway through
  705. <ContessaTP> yeah, go get some brandy
  706. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> why is this exciting
  707. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i have to study for a test tomorrow
  708. <ContessaTP> because it's usually good enough for an instaban
  709. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> that would be somewhat satisfying
  710. <ContessaTP> I had a case where a couple of people came in here arguing
  711. <ContessaTP> and they were pissed
  712. <ContessaTP> so one of them posts a replay
  713. <ContessaTP> it shows him coming in for final cap on geokoala
  714. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> right
  715. <KINGPRO> and waot
  716. <ContessaTP> but instead of capping, he goes next to the side bomb and tries to bomb in to the flag
  717. <KINGPRO> lol
  718. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> lol
  719. <KINGPRO> b&
  720. <ContessaTP> but a teammate hit the bomb by mistake and it killed him
  721. <ContessaTP> so I banned him for showboating
  722. <KINGPRO> nice
  723. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> lol
  724. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> thats really just bad decision making
  725. <ContessaTP> Post a replay -> get yourself banned
  726. * defense_bot has quit (Excess Flood)
  727. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> lol
  728. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i dont think that will happen here
  729. <ContessaTP> of course
  730. <KINGPRO> Contessa is good at making yourself think twice about coming to IRC
  731. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> unless i can be banned for being bad
  732. <ContessaTP> I think I've seen it only once
  733. * defense_bot ( has joined
  734. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> oh btw the video shows me really sucking
  735. <ContessaTP> we don't ban for being bad
  736. <ContessaTP> after all, we're mods
  737. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> nice
  738. <ContessaTP> I don't think you got the joke :-(
  739. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> maybe not
  740. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> im trying to multitask
  741. <ContessaTP> mods suck at tagpro
  742. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> oohh
  743. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> oh i see
  744. <KINGPRO> pls
  745. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> but i think ive seen you in game
  746. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> and youre pretty good
  747. <ContessaTP> KINGPRO is a prime example
  748. <KINGPRO> mods are atrocious at TagPro
  750. <ContessaTP> nah, I'm 15 degrees :P
  751. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i see
  752. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> are you really?
  753. <ContessaTP> yreah
  754. <KINGPRO> yes
  755. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> theres a contessa at like
  756. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> really high i though
  757. <KINGPRO> lowest amount of degrees of all mods
  758. <ContessaTP> I play with stats off
  759. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> with the heart
  760. <ContessaTP> not me
  761. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> oh
  762. <KINGPRO> I have 0 now
  763. <ContessaTP> I use mod flair
  764. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> whats that look like
  765. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> im not exactly new
  766. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> im just a little quiet aroudn the community
  767. <KINGPRO>
  768. <ContessaTP>
  769. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> oh
  770. <KINGPRO> im worse than Contessa
  771. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> no witch hat?
  772. <KINGPRO> i wish
  773. <ContessaTP> I have witch hat on Witch
  774. <KINGPRO> really?
  775. <KINGPRO> nice
  776. <ContessaTP> yeah
  777. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> oh youre witch
  778. <ContessaTP> yup :P
  779. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i played with you so many times
  780. <KINGPRO> i worked against trying to get it
  781. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> im legit-nipple
  782. <KINGPRO> but to no avail
  783. <ContessaTP> oooh
  784. <ContessaTP> I remember you
  785. <KINGPRO> oh Shout pls
  786. <ContessaTP> you're really good
  787. <ContessaTP> I'm Charlotte
  788. <KINGPRO> you are like really foog
  789. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> im so bad
  790. <KINGPRO> good
  791. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> no im so bad
  792. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i was on nltp once
  793. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> traded
  794. <KINGPRO> ik
  795. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> because inactive
  796. <KINGPRO> you are amazing
  797. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> stahp lol
  798. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> im actually bad
  799. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i have like 50 replays of being bad
  800. <ContessaTP> I was on Black Flag. What about you?
  801. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i was on
  802. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> hold on
  803. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> whichever team had 251
  804. <KINGPRO>
  805. <ContessaTP> no idea :P
  806. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> and then i got taraded to nevermores
  807. <KINGPRO> bad pls
  808. <KINGPRO> you have the hat
  809. <KINGPRO> better than me
  810. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> lol yea i went so ham for that hat
  811. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i tried every time the event was on
  812. <KINGPRO> i did too
  813. <KINGPRO> clearly i wasnt good enough
  814. <ContessaTP> I don't have doot doot
  815. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> lol
  816. <KINGPRO> pls
  817. <ContessaTP> so that explains how much I tried :P
  818. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> alright they rendered
  819. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> heres the first one
  820. <ContessaTP> perfect
  821. <KINGPRO> download
  822. <KINGPRO> then streamable
  823. <KINGPRO> .com
  824. <ContessaTP> ^^^
  825. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> ok
  826. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> doing that
  827. <KINGPRO>
  828. <KINGPRO> there is clickable
  829. <SHOUT_TO_WIN>
  830. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> does that work?
  831. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> thats where he kicked me off of re
  832. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> and the second one is
  833. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> where he reported me
  834. <SHOUT_TO_WIN>
  835. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> well thats still uploading
  836. <SHOUT_TO_WIN>
  837. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> there it is
  838. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> sorry for 30 seconds each
  839. <ContessaTP> nah, it's fine
  840. <ContessaTP> just loading on my end
  841. <ContessaTP> besides, more footage = more evidence
  842. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> true true
  843. <KINGPRO> so the first one he just fights for re, which in itself is bannable
  844. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> alright
  845. <KINGPRO> the second one he appears to vote you
  846. <KINGPRO> lets check that
  847. <ContessaTP> I like to warn first for fighting for re
  848. <KINGPRO> its good to warn
  849. <KINGPRO> but he has stopped playing
  850. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> well to be fair i guess it looked like i was afk
  851. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> i was trying to type re
  852. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> idk
  853. <KINGPRO> I will keep an eye on him for now
  854. * tim-sanchez_ has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  855. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> its the fact this is the second time that happened in like
  856. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> an hour that got to me
  857. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> its weird ive never been here before
  858. <KINGPRO> its good that you come here
  859. <KINGPRO> to report false reports and waot
  860. <KINGPRO> especially if you have a replay
  861. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> yea lol thanks you guys are cool
  862. <KINGPRO> anyways Have a good day :)
  863. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> you too
  864. <KINGPRO> <3
  865. <SHOUT_TO_WIN> bye bby
  866. * SHOUT_TO_WIN (adf534a4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left
  867. <ContessaTP> <3
  868. <KINGPRO> lol
  869. <KINGPRO> just missed
  870. * Hootie ( has joined
  871. * ChanServ gives voice to Hootie
  872. * Now talking on #TPmods
  873. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  874. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  875. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  876. * [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support:
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  878. * Ruud__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  889. * Aaron215 has quit (Quit: I quit.)
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  892. * Now talking on #TPmods
  893. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  894. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  895. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
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  898. * Ruud__ has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  900. * ContessaTP has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  911. * Now talking on #TPmods
  912. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  913. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  914. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  915. * Ruud has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  919. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  920. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  921. * Now talking on #TPmods
  922. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  923. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
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  926. * Punster has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  927. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  928. <Tuned> Nutz, I know you were joking I was messing with you. But pocket's right that subtle burn tho.
  929. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
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  934. * kenny (~kenny@unaffiliated/kenny) has joined
  935. <kenny> Is tahhauser (or close) a mod?
  936. <kenny> they banned and threatened me for a good play
  937. <McBride36> what r u playing under?
  938. <kenny> ellipsis
  939. <kenny> 5400d46d69a67a032f23570c if it helps
  940. <McBride36> it does
  941. <McBride36> he is a mod
  942. <McBride36> and warned u
  943. <McBride36> your ban will expire shortly
  944. <kenny> he warned me because I was trying to help him
  945. <kenny> he was stuck on re with tp, so I went there to let him leave
  946. <McBride36> i mean, if you wanna get his opinion
  947. <McBride36> !ticket
  948. <Smalls>
  949. <McBride36> fill out one of those guys
  950. <kenny> I did that, but it didn't seem to submit. Can you see if my one is there?
  951. <McBride36> sure thing
  952. <McBride36> i don't see it
  953. <McBride36> try again
  954. <kenny> there, seemed to work that time
  955. <McBride36> yup i see it!
  956. <McBride36> so, i can't promise an unban
  957. <McBride36> but at least you can get the situation sorted
  958. <McBride36> just tell him what you told me and blah blah
  959. <kenny> I'd appreciate if someone other than him could review the game before he banned me. I really was trying to help him out so him flipping out and banning me is not what I'd expect from a mod
  960. <McBride36> unless if you or him has a replay
  961. <McBride36> we can't review it
  962. <McBride36> all i can see is game chat
  963. <McBride36> there is a replay extension though if you're interestd in that
  964. <kenny> oh, hrm. I thought I saw some game recording thing before (maybe in some reddit post). Perhaps that's only on the test server.
  965. <McBride36> i think there might be an eu thing
  966. <McBride36> no idea
  967. <McBride36> euros are strange
  968. <McBride36> and quite frankly frighten me
  969. * Snowy (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
  970. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from McBride36
  971. * OldLady (4b8cbac6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  973. <OldLady> !mods Offensive group name on Pi.
  974. <Smalls> OldLady - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  975. <ContessaTP> hi Oldlady
  976. <ContessaTP> Checking it out
  977. <OldLady> Thank you
  978. <DeezNutz> oh yeah, that's a little offensive
  979. <ContessaTP> lol
  980. <DeezNutz> thanks for letting us know
  981. <OldLady> Slightly ;)
  982. <OldLady> Anyway, thanks all <3
  983. * OldLady has quit (Client Quit)
  984. * DeezNutz has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  985. * Hootie ( has joined
  986. * ChanServ gives voice to Hootie
  987. * Now talking on #TPmods
  988. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  989. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  990. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  991. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  992. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
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  995. * Now talking on #TPmods
  996. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  997. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  998. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  999. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1000. * defense_bot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  1003. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1004. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1005. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1006. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1007. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1008. <fucingtank> No replay, just want mods to watch him because he's being a troll
  1009. * Cignul9 is now known as CigAFK
  1010. * Squeeb has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1011. * Fawlty (~Fawlty@dhcp14-54.Mines.EDU) has joined
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  1016. <kenny> How/where do I go about filing a complaint about a mod?
  1017. <KINGPRO> um
  1018. <KINGPRO> depends
  1019. <KINGPRO> what kind of complaint?
  1020. <KINGPRO> kenny ?
  1021. <kenny> for banning me without a good reason, and generally making the game less enjoyable
  1022. <KINGPRO> !ticket
  1023. <Smalls>
  1024. <KINGPRO> ^
  1025. <kenny> it seems only he sees that though
  1026. <KINGPRO> can you link your account please?
  1027. <kenny> 5400d46d69a67a032f23570c
  1028. * Squirrely_ ( has joined
  1029. <KINGPRO> um you arent banned
  1030. <kenny> not currently
  1031. <KINGPRO> ok then what is your complaint?
  1032. <kenny> My complaint is that a mod banned me without a good reason
  1033. <McBride36> did u submit an appeal when you were banned
  1034. <KINGPRO> ^
  1035. <kenny> I did
  1036. <kenny> but again, it seems that only he checked it
  1037. <McBride36> all mods can see it
  1038. <McBride36> i'm looking at it right now
  1039. <McBride36> what part are you complaining about
  1040. * Aaron215 has quit (Quit: I quit.)
  1041. <kenny> that he decided to ban me, when if anything he was the one working against the team, and then was threatening. He generally wasn't a nice mod
  1042. <McBride36> i mean
  1043. <McBride36> if you prefer that he not interact with you in the future
  1044. <McBride36> i think that can be arranged
  1045. <McBride36> as in other mods can handle u if ur naughty
  1046. <kenny> can you really arrange that?
  1047. <McBride36> yeah
  1048. <McBride36> there's another player that absolutely hates me
  1049. <McBride36> so i don't handle his stuff
  1050. <McBride36> just as simple as asking them
  1051. <McBride36> now, keep in mind, this doesn't mean you get a free pass on shit
  1052. <McBride36> just means other mods will look at your case
  1053. <kenny> which is fine. I think if he'd called any other mod at the time they wouldn't have done anything. I know they wouldn't have if they saw what happened.
  1054. <McBride36> well, it's the past, bygones be bygones and all that
  1055. <McBride36> i'll make a note on your profile
  1056. <McBride36> and we'll take it from there
  1057. <kenny> sounds good. Thanks McBride36
  1058. <McBride36> np
  1059. <McBride36> have a good night
  1060. <kenny> you too
  1061. * CigAFK has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  1062. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1063. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1064. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1065. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1066. * GIRLPOWER (4635f0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  1071. * Elafs is now known as Leafs
  1072. * [TagPro] has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  1073. <Cousky> !mods Hello, I am experiencing severe lag when playing tagpro
  1074. <Smalls> Cousky - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1075. <Fawlty> hi Cousky
  1076. <Fawlty> what server are you playing on?
  1077. <Cousky> raidus
  1078. <Cousky> I tried multiple browsers
  1079. <Fawlty> is this a new thing?
  1080. <Cousky> cant pin point when it started, but less than a month
  1081. <Fawlty> also, have you tried an MTR? sometimes it can be a problem with your ISP
  1082. <Cousky> Yeah ive tried it, ill try it again
  1083. <Cousky> im guessing radius is in atlanta
  1084. <Fawlty> radius is new jersey
  1085. <Cousky> yeah mb newark
  1086. <Fawlty> Pi is atlanta
  1087. <Fawlty> also if you're going to do an MTR let it run for a while, you'll need a good sample size
  1088. <Fawlty> 15 mins I would say
  1089. <Cousky> aight
  1090. <Fawlty> at least
  1091. <Cousky> that was going to be my next question
  1092. <Fawlty> have you had issues with any other servers?
  1093. * CamWatts (~CamWatts@2601:18c:8403:3796:bc93:4923:fbd1:5803) has joined
  1094. <Cousky> I dont play other servers due to distance
  1095. <Cousky> When I log out and then I log back in, my first game spikes in loss i get 30% loss which is weird
  1096. <Cousky> and also, usually while it does say 20-30 ping, it feels like 90
  1097. <AMorpork> I'd recommend making a post in /r/tagpro about it; this channel really isn't meant for tech support.
  1098. <AMorpork> But it sounds like a problem with a userscript or your network.
  1099. <AMorpork> Try disabling your extensions/userscripts. If that doesn't fix it, make a post.
  1100. * [TagPro] ( has joined
  1101. <Cousky> will do
  1102. <Fawlty> oh, the expert is here
  1103. <Fawlty> thanks AMorpork
  1104. <Fawlty> Cousky: we can continue to chat about it in #tagpro if you'd like
  1105. <Cousky> sure
  1106. * Cousky has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1107. <Fawlty> !served Cousky
  1108. <[TagPro]> Congrats Fawlty, you served another tagpro user. Total Users Served: 621
  1109. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1110. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1111. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1112. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1113. * ChanServ removes voice from dodsfall2
  1114. * dodsfall2 has quit (Quit: Cya Nerds)
  1115. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1116. * OmicroN_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  1118. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1119. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1120. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1121. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1122. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1123. * Anze- has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1124. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  1125. * saundy has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
  1126. * ChanServ removes voice from Redkiwi
  1127. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1128. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1129. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1130. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1131. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1132. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  1133. * Corhal has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1134. * Joris (4e3c6761@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1135. <Joris> !mods I got a free report for chat
  1136. <Smalls> Joris - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1137. <Joris> nickname: Joris_LTU
  1138. <KINGPRO> Ill check it out Joris
  1139. <KINGPRO> Joris thanks for alerting us, have a good day :)
  1140. <KINGPRO> !served Joris
  1141. <[TagPro]> Joris, your issue has been taken care of by KINGPRO. Total Users Served: 624 (by KINGPRO: 2 (0.32%)) Time To Resolution: 5mins 49secs.
  1142. <Joris> was it removed?
  1143. <ContessaTP> we don't remove reports here
  1144. <KINGPRO> no we do not remove false reports
  1145. <ContessaTP> we just investigate for report abuse
  1146. <KINGPRO> ^
  1147. <ContessaTP> the report against you will fall off in 24 hours though
  1148. <Joris> What about 8 false reports?
  1149. <Joris> those don't fall off in 24h
  1150. <ContessaTP> That's when you file an appeal :P
  1151. <ContessaTP> because 8 reports = community ban
  1152. <Joris> Why don't you wanna do any work? :/
  1153. <ContessaTP> Look at the channel topic
  1154. <ContessaTP> It's in there
  1155. <ContessaTP> No report removals
  1156. <Joris> Yea, you did work before, but not anymore
  1157. <Joris> and you put it in the topic
  1158. <Joris> wow
  1159. * Joris has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1160. <ContessaTP> lol
  1161. * defense_bot has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  1164. * dObe (b8aa44b0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1165. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  1166. * dObe has quit (Client Quit)
  1167. <pooppants> AYYYYYYYY
  1168. <pooppants> oops wrong channel
  1169. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  1170. * Anne (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1171. <Anne> hey KINGPRO angel is back playing as contessa
  1172. <Anne> evading
  1173. <KINGPRO> we got him
  1174. <ContessaTP> yup
  1175. <ContessaTP> banned already
  1176. <KINGPRO> Thanks Anne
  1177. <ContessaTP> I banned him too :P
  1178. <Anne> ty
  1179. <ContessaTP> no, ty
  1180. <KINGPRO> Have a good day :)
  1181. * saundy ( has joined
  1182. * ChanServ gives voice to saundy
  1183. <Anne> dont tell me what to do KINGPRO
  1184. <KINGPRO> ?
  1185. <KINGPRO> oh
  1186. <KINGPRO> pls
  1187. * AJH (45391967@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1188. * AJH has quit (Client Quit)
  1189. * Anne has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1190. * Cyanide_ (~Cyanide_@2605:6000:6d11:ed00:ac49:7552:87e3:ab84) has joined
  1191. * ChanServ gives voice to Cyanide_
  1192. * You are now known as Smurf
  1193. * You are now known as KINGPRO
  1194. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1195. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1196. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1197. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1198. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1199. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1200. * n00b (~n00b_@unaffiliated/n00b-/x-8656745) has joined
  1201. * ChanServ gives voice to n00b
  1202. * n00b has quit (Quit: Bai ☜(゚ヮ゚☜))
  1203. * Snuggles has quit (Quit: I must Snuggle others now....May my Snuggles be with you...)
  1204. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1205. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1206. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1207. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1208. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1209. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1210. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1211. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1212. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  1213. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1214. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1215. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1216. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1217. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1218. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1219. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1220. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1221. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1222. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1223. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1224. * SIGSEGV (5ad68707@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1225. * SIGSEGV is now known as Guest81940
  1226. <Guest81940> !mods a player ('Take') in my last game fought me for regrab (I have replay). I then reported him for waot, and he falsely reported me back afterwards.
  1227. <Smalls> Guest81940 - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1228. <KINGPRO> Thanks SIGSEGV/Guest81940 I'll take care of it
  1229. <KINGPRO> do you have a replay of the waot?
  1230. <Guest81940> yeah, just rendering now
  1231. <KINGPRO> thanks
  1232. <Guest81940>
  1233. <Guest81940> replay extension keeps botching the rendering :/
  1234. <KINGPRO> thanks
  1235. <KINGPRO> thats enough
  1236. <Guest81940> thanks
  1237. <KINGPRO> !served Guest81940
  1238. <[TagPro]> Guest81940, your issue has been taken care of by KINGPRO. Total Users Served: 626 (by KINGPRO: 3 (0.48%)) Time To Resolution: 4mins 33secs.
  1239. <KINGPRO> Have a good day :
  1240. <KINGPRO> :)
  1241. <Guest81940> you too :)
  1242. * Guest81940 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1243. * Hootie has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1244. * bizkut has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1245. * Koalatags ( has joined
  1246. * ChanServ gives voice to Koalatags
  1247. * Ballkenende has quit (Ping timeout: 244 seconds)
  1248. * DeezNutz has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1249. * Ballzilla has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1250. * saundy has quit (Quit: My Mac has gone to sleep. ZZZzzz…)
  1251. * Schweddys (32b483c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1252. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  1253. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1254. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1255. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1256. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1257. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1258. * vCarbon (~vCarbon@unaffiliated/carbon/x-4123543) has joined
  1259. * dodsfall2 (~dodsfall2@2600:8800:ff10:500:2df6:f8ae:11f8:4594) has joined
  1260. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  1261. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  1262. * bizkut ( has joined
  1263. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  1264. * Cignul9 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1265. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1266. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1267. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1268. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1269. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1270. * saundy ( has joined
  1271. * saundy has quit (Client Quit)
  1272. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1273. * vCarbon has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1274. * Anze- (63f17bd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1275. * bizkut has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  1278. * Ballkenende (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  1279. * mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has joined
  1280. * ChanServ gives voice to mocl4
  1281. * defense_bot ( has joined
  1282. * mocl4 has quit (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  1283. <bizkut> test
  1284. * Koalatags has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1285. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  1286. * Schweddys has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1287. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to McBride36
  1288. * McBride36 removes ban on tagpro_BG*!*@*$##fix_your_connection
  1289. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from McBride36
  1290. * Fuzz_Ball ( has joined
  1291. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  1292. * Professor_L (32bbdb22@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1293. <Professor_L> !mods was playing on radius under alias "Professor M" and I just had a 12 minute scoreless game on hyper reactor. I think someone is false reporting because I got reported for offensive name.
  1294. <Smalls> Professor_L - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1295. <Cyanide_> hey prof
  1296. <ContessaTP> hey Professor _L
  1297. <KINGPRO> Hey Prof
  1298. <Professor_L> tessie ^-^
  1299. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  1300. <Professor_L> hi king
  1301. <ContessaTP> Cyanide's got it :-)
  1302. <Professor_L> kk
  1303. <Professor_L> ty
  1304. <Professor_L> luv u all <3
  1305. <Cyanide_> i was joking prof
  1306. <Cyanide_> stau
  1307. <Cyanide_> stay*
  1308. <Professor_L> im staying lol
  1309. <Professor_L> just saying thank you
  1310. <Professor_L> and that i luv u all
  1311. <Professor_L> bc its tru
  1312. <KINGPRO> <3
  1313. <Professor_L> <3
  1314. * tagpro_BG ( has joined
  1315. * ChanServ gives voice to tagpro_BG
  1316. <Professor_L> the 12 min game was so much fun too
  1317. <Professor_L> glad i got hyper reactor as throwback :P
  1318. <Cyanide_> thanks for bringing up the issue, Professor_L; i'll keep an eye on the reporter
  1319. <Professor_L> ty ty
  1320. <Cyanide_> is there anything else i can help you with while you're here?
  1321. <Professor_L> no that was all >.<
  1322. <Professor_L> <3
  1323. <Cyanide_> alright then, you have a great day!
  1324. <Cyanide_> !served Professor_L
  1325. <[TagPro]> Professor_L, your issue has been taken care of by Cyanide_. Total Users Served: 627 (by Cyanide_: 9 (1.44%)) Time To Resolution: 2mins 28secs.
  1326. <Professor_L> you too
  1327. <Professor_L> dont drink yourself or ull die tho
  1328. <Professor_L> ba dum CRASH
  1329. <Professor_L> ill b here all week
  1330. <Professor_L> bye <3
  1331. * Professor_L has quit (Client Quit)
  1332. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  1333. * Professor_L (32bbdb22@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1334. <Professor_L> !mods okay sorry im back but theres a guy on radius named remrem who was being a general butt and stuff and its possible hes new but if not hes a trouble maker and i thought u deserved to know :P
  1335. <Smalls> Professor_L - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1336. <ContessaTP> ayy Lemur
  1337. <Hootie__> I'll look at it
  1338. <Professor_L> lol hi again tessie
  1339. * Hootie__ is now known as Hootie
  1340. <Hootie> He has quit playing for now, but I will keep an eye on his account and spec him. His chat is annoying
  1341. * defense_bot ( has joined
  1342. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1343. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1344. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1345. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1346. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1347. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1348. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1349. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1350. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1351. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1352. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1353. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1354. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1355. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1356. * defense_bot ( has joined
  1357. * noname (893623b9@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1358. <noname> !mods Player Yasiin was being super pretty poisonous in pubs. Also, may have false reported me and a few other players.
  1359. <Smalls> noname - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1360. <KINGPRO> I'll look at it
  1361. <noname> I was playing under a smurf called Nobody.
  1362. <noname> Idk if he reported me or not, of course.
  1363. <noname> Just saw him freeze and then got a report. Other players mentioned similar things.
  1364. <KINGPRO> thanks for letting us know
  1365. <KINGPRO> I'll keep an eye on him
  1366. <noname> Yeah np! Was it him who reported me?
  1367. <KINGPRO> Sorry I cant disclose that
  1368. <KINGPRO> reports are private
  1369. <noname> bby pls if he did it was a false report... I wasn't afk at all that game except to type when on regrab.
  1370. <KINGPRO> Ok
  1371. <noname> Just keep that in mind I guess. No problem if you can't tell me!
  1372. <KINGPRO> Have a good day :)
  1373. <KINGPRO> !served noname
  1374. <noname> ily
  1375. <[TagPro]> noname, your issue has been taken care of by KINGPRO. Total Users Served: 629 (by KINGPRO: 4 (0.64%)) Time To Resolution: 2mins 35secs.
  1376. <noname> bai
  1377. <KINGPRO> <3
  1378. * noname has quit (Client Quit)
  1379. * dodsfall_bbiaj is now known as dodsfall2
  1380. * _Sloppy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1381. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1382. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1383. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1384. * [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
  1385. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1386. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1387. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1388. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1389. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1390. * Ballkenende_ (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  1391. * Ballkenende has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  1392. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1393. * ChanServ gives voice to Anze-
  1394. * Hootie ( has joined
  1395. * ChanServ gives voice to Hootie
  1396. * ChanServ removes voice from Hootie
  1397. * Anze- has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1398. * InshaAllah (4635f0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1399. * Schweddys (32b483c8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1400. * InshaAllah (4635f0aa@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has left
  1401. * Aaron215 ( has joined
  1402. * ChanServ gives voice to Aaron215
  1403. * Aaron215 has quit (Quit: I quit.)
  1404. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1405. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1406. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1407. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1408. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  1409. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1410. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1411. * Fawlty ( has joined
  1412. * pengwin (32b21e0c@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  1413. <pengwin> !mods I think hulzy did something shitty
  1414. <Smalls> pengwin - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1415. <pengwin> well somewhat shitty
  1416. <mocl4> whats that
  1417. <pengwin> idk
  1418. <pengwin> maybe im just a stickler
  1419. <pengwin> but
  1420. <pengwin> someball in our last game was playing badly
  1421. <pengwin> I was a some ball as well
  1422. <pengwin> and I saw hulzy say leave
  1423. <pengwin> and then the some ball left
  1424. <pengwin> i think he told the rest of it in team chat
  1425. <pengwin> that i couldnt see
  1426. <mocl4> he sent only 1 message that entire game
  1427. <pengwin> wut
  1428. <pengwin> -_-
  1429. <pengwin> well
  1430. <pengwin> thats interesting
  1431. <mocl4> it was kinda rude but idk that its bannable
  1432. <pengwin> ye
  1433. <pengwin> i get it
  1434. <pengwin> ty anyway
  1435. <mocl4> yw
  1436. * pengwin has quit (Client Quit)
  1437. * ChanServ removes voice from mocl4
  1438. * defense_bot ( has joined
  1439. * Cignul9 is now known as CigAFK
  1440. * fdsa (688e77b6@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1441. <fdsa> !test cloud
  1442. <fdsa> !test Cloud
  1443. <fdsa> !test boosterdome
  1444. * fdsa has quit (Client Quit)
  1445. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1446. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1447. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1448. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1449. * defense_bot ( has joined
  1450. * OceanicNoob has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1451. * statix has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1452. * Guest77749 is now known as McBride36
  1453. * McBride36 has quit (Changing host)
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  1458. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  1459. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1460. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1461. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1462. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1463. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1464. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1465. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1466. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1467. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1468. <McBride36> !mods test
  1469. <Smalls> McBride36 - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1470. <KINGPRO> !served McBride36
  1471. <[TagPro]> McBride36, your issue has been taken care of by KINGPRO. Total Users Served: 632 (by KINGPRO: 5 (0.79%)) Time To Resolution: 19secs.
  1472. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1473. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1474. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1475. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1476. <KINGPRO> !mods test
  1477. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  1478. * Guest4735 is now known as McBride36
  1479. * McBride36 has quit (Changing host)
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  1482. * Smalls (~Smalls@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has joined
  1483. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1484. * ChanServ gives voice to McBride36
  1485. * Smalls has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  1487. * ChanServ removes voice from McBride36
  1488. * ChanServ gives voice to McBride36
  1489. * ChanServ removes voice from McBride36
  1490. * ChanServ gives voice to McBride36
  1491. * ChanServ removes voice from bizkut
  1492. * ChanServ removes voice from bizkut
  1493. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  1494. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  1495. * ChanServ removes voice from bizkut
  1496. * ChanServ removes voice from McBride36
  1497. * ChanServ gives voice to McBride36
  1498. * ChanServ removes voice from McBride36
  1499. * ChanServ removes voice from McBride36
  1500. * ChanServ gives voice to McBride36
  1501. * ChanServ removes voice from McBride36
  1502. <KINGPRO> !optin
  1503. <Smalls> Sorry! This command is not authorized here.
  1504. * ChanServ removes voice from KINGPRO
  1505. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1506. * ChanServ removes voice from KINGPRO
  1507. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1508. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1509. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1510. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1511. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1512. * defense_bot ( has joined
  1513. * Ballzilla ( has joined
  1514. * dodsfall2 has quit (Quit: Cya Nerds)
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  1517. * Anne (186bae24@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1518. <Anne> hey mocl4
  1519. <Anne> oops wrong chat
  1520. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1521. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1522. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1523. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1524. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1525. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1526. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1527. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1528. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1529. * n00b (~n00b_@unaffiliated/n00b-/x-8656745) has joined
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  1542. * [TagPro] has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  1545. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1546. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1547. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1548. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1549. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1550. * cheather (1893b0fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  1562. * gives voice to Anze-
  1563. * harry_ball (470a2440@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1564. <harry_ball> hello
  1565. <KINGPRO> hello
  1566. <Ballkenende> its me
  1567. * bizkut ( has joined
  1568. * ChanServ gives voice to bizkut
  1569. * wut (~wut@ has joined
  1570. <Anze-> hey bizkut
  1571. <Anze->
  1572. <bizkut> yeah I kno
  1573. <KINGPRO> Anze- wrong channel
  1574. <Anze-> im bad
  1575. <KINGPRO> :P
  1576. <Ballkenende> he has some good stats tho
  1577. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
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  1580. * turtlemansam has quit (Quit: turtle's out!)
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  1584. * harry_ball has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1585. * ContessaTP has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1586. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1587. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1588. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1589. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1590. * sis (82e1f4b4@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1591. * sis has quit (Client Quit)
  1592. <Joris> Where's carbon?
  1593. <Joris> !mods where's carbon/
  1594. <Smalls> Joris - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1595. <KINGPRO> um
  1596. <McBride36> idk not in here
  1597. <KINGPRO> ^
  1598. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1599. <McBride36> we don't have trackers on the mods 24/7
  1600. <Joris> I want to know who dealt with sisu's case please
  1601. <KINGPRO> no one
  1602. <KINGPRO> well
  1603. <Joris> someone did
  1604. <KINGPRO> we do not have to reveal that
  1605. <McBride36> and furthermore we won't
  1606. <KINGPRO> that is up to the mod who dealt with the case
  1607. <Joris> ok, mod, please answer
  1608. <McBride36> answer what
  1609. <Joris> answer to my call
  1610. <Joris> for the mod that banned me on sisu's request
  1611. <McBride36> mods don't ban on request
  1612. <McBride36> but if you're banned, i suggest filling out a ticket
  1613. <McBride36> !ticket
  1614. <Smalls>
  1615. <KINGPRO> ^
  1616. <Joris> ok thanks
  1617. <KINGPRO> Joris before you go, what is your in game name?
  1618. <Joris> SomeBall 007
  1619. <KINGPRO> oh
  1620. <Joris> Kingpro, I was redirected to my last appeal
  1621. <KINGPRO> ok im looking into it
  1622. <Joris> I haven't added anything new there
  1623. <KINGPRO> ok
  1624. <Joris> the ticket is just still open
  1625. <Joris> as I can't fill a ticket I'll just talk here a bit
  1626. <McBride36> general chat is in #tagpro
  1627. <Joris> after my false report wore of I got no new reports. A few minutes ago me and "not sisu" were playing in one team. It was a map with triple spikes and pup in mid. I took a pup and not sisu smashed into me. I tried to go out of the spikes and not sisu was pushing me in the other direction, towards the corner. So we're pushing for a sec and then he popped. He went reported me for waot. After that he came here and I was banned by some mod.
  1628. <Joris> That is all I know
  1629. <Joris> I made a few typos
  1630. <Joris> KINGPRO please look into it as I can't open a ticket
  1631. <KINGPRO> um?
  1632. <KINGPRO> can you take a screenshot for your screen of the support site?
  1633. <bizkut>
  1634. <bizkut> mfw
  1635. <KINGPRO> well
  1636. <KINGPRO> there ya go Joris
  1637. <Joris>
  1638. <Joris> KINGPRO ^
  1639. <KINGPRO> try again Joris
  1640. <Joris> ok, it's closed now
  1641. <Joris> thanks
  1642. <Joris> KINGRPO
  1643. <KINGPRO> Joris, the mod that banned you will get on soon and respond to it
  1644. <Joris> can a mod even consider banning someone after 2 players from the same team push each other like that/
  1645. <Joris> that's beyond me
  1646. * vCarbon (~vCarbon@unaffiliated/carbon/x-4123543) has joined
  1647. <Joris> oh hi
  1648. * Squirrely_ has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  1649. * Joris has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1650. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1651. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1652. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1653. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1654. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1655. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  1656. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1657. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1658. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1659. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1660. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1661. * mocl4 has quit (Quit: Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  1662. * ChanServ removes voice from Cyanide_
  1663. * Cyanide_ is now known as Cyanide|away
  1664. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  1665. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1666. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1667. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1668. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1669. * Sundancer (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
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  1676. * ChanServ removes voice from Contessa
  1677. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1678. * statixmas has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  1680. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  1681. * Ashy_ (43f97f8c@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1682. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1683. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1684. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1685. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1686. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  1687. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1688. * Pill (49986b30@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  1694. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1695. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1696. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1697. * [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support:
  1698. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1699. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1700. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  1701. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1702. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1703. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1704. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1705. * defense_mas is now known as defense_bot
  1706. * defense_bot is now known as defense_mas
  1707. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  1708. * some (18a0be93@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  1709. <some> would this be an okay place to ask about my MTR results?
  1710. <KINGPRO> go to #tagpro
  1711. <KINGPRO> or rather click on it
  1712. * some (18a0be93@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left
  1713. * You are now known as KINGELF
  1714. * Yule_Daddy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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  1722. * ChanServ gives voice to Hootie
  1723. * DeezNutz (c0ead66e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
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  1725. * DeezNutz is now known as DeezChestNutz
  1726. * Hootie is now known as HoHoHootie
  1727. * n0el is now known as n0elAFK
  1728. * celebratIon_ is now known as decoratIon_
  1729. * Cignul9 (~Cignul9@ has joined
  1730. * You are now known as Some
  1731. * Cignul9 is now known as Santal9
  1732. * You are now known as KINGELF
  1733. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1734. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1735. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1736. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1737. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1738. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  1739. * Now talking on #TPmods
  1740. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  1741. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  1742. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  1743. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  1744. * Professor_L (32bbdb22@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1745. <Professor_L> !mods I'm playing on Radius, under my alias of choice "Professor M", and someone is false reporting.
  1746. <Smalls> Professor_L - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1747. <Professor_L> was just in a really long game
  1748. <Professor_L> forget the name of the map
  1749. <ContessaTP> ayy Prof Lemur
  1750. <Professor_L> hi tessie :P
  1751. <ContessaTP> I'll check it out
  1752. <Professor_L> thanks bae
  1753. <ContessaTP> ooh this looks good
  1754. <Professor_L> lol what now
  1755. <Professor_L> is he a troll
  1756. <Professor_L> oh no xD
  1757. <ContessaTP> did you get a replay Prof L?
  1758. <Professor_L> i did not
  1759. <Professor_L> i dont have the replay extention
  1760. <Professor_L> but multiple people were complaining of being reported
  1761. <Professor_L> and i noticed i was reported for working against
  1762. <Professor_L> >.<
  1763. <KINGPRO> Ayy Professor_L
  1764. <Professor_L> king what it do
  1765. * You are now known as KINGELF
  1766. <KINGELF> its good, hbu
  1767. <ContessaTP> currently speccing the reporter btw
  1768. <Professor_L> ty ty
  1769. <Professor_L> he did it right at the end of the game
  1770. <Professor_L> so
  1771. <Professor_L> if he reports a bunch of ppl at the end of the game again
  1772. <ContessaTP> I'm not gonna get him for report abuse, since I can understand the spammy chat cases
  1773. <ContessaTP> but I am looking at him for offensive language
  1774. <ContessaTP> I issued a warning to him
  1775. <Professor_L> okay :P thank you
  1776. <Professor_L> love you as always
  1777. <ContessaTP> <3
  1778. <ContessaTP> ty for the info
  1779. <Professor_L> gotta do violin practice
  1780. <ContessaTP> have fun :-)
  1781. <Professor_L> anytime <3
  1782. <Professor_L> i will
  1783. <Professor_L> bye bae
  1784. <Professor_L> bye king
  1785. <ContessaTP> bai
  1786. <KINGELF> cya Prof
  1787. * Professor_L has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1788. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGELF
  1789. * CamBlitzen has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1790. * Hootie ( has joined
  1791. * ChanServ gives voice to Hootie
  1792. * ChanServ removes voice from Hootie
  1793. * CamWatts (~CamWatts@2601:18c:8403:3796:60a7:96e3:887a:b1c8) has joined
  1794. * ChanServ removes voice from ContessaTP
  1795. * Tuned (18be5a6d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1796. <Tuned> !join #mods
  1797. <Tuned> !mods I was trying to be nice and reset the game so it was even it was 3v2 so I went to the other side and suicided. To give the other team a chance. I got reported for working against by the other team. I dont know if this is irc worthy
  1798. <Smalls> Tuned - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1799. <Tuned> I had the flag btw
  1800. <saundy> hi tined
  1801. <saundy> tuned*
  1802. <Tuned> hola
  1803. <KINGELF> do you have a replay?
  1804. <bizkut> So, you, uhh
  1805. <bizkut> worked against your own team
  1806. <bizkut> and got reported for it
  1807. <Tuned> I wanted to give them a chance
  1808. <Tuned> And get it reset
  1809. <bizkut> So, you, uhh
  1810. <Tuned> I'm not sure if this is irc worthy
  1811. <bizkut> worked against your own team
  1812. <bizkut> and got reported for it
  1813. <Tuned> Okay fine ban me whatever.
  1814. <MKo_> Tuned - one report isn't major; don't worry about it
  1815. <MKo_> It'll expire soon - you need 8 reports to be banned
  1816. <MKo_> You can keep playing without having to worry about being banned as long as you don't receive 7 more reports from different players
  1817. <Tuned> I dont know I was trying to be helpful to the other team or respectful, I guess I shouldn't have done that, thanks mko :)
  1818. <MKo_> Don't worry about it; most of the time doing that won't get you a report and most players are understanding
  1819. <Tuned> Respectful is the better word
  1820. <MKo_> It just sounds like that player wasn't :P
  1821. <Tuned> Idk
  1822. <Tuned> I was just trying to be nice lol
  1823. <MKo_> Yeah - most players appreciate that so don't sweat it
  1824. <Tuned> Okay thanks a lot!
  1825. <Tuned> I should probably turn off chat now lol
  1826. <MKo_> No worries, you're welcome
  1827. <Tuned> Have a good day!
  1828. * Tuned has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  1829. * Snuggles (~Snuggly@ has joined
  1830. * carbonshater (bc1da52b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1831. <carbonshater> hi
  1832. <carbonshater> !mods I was just playing your game and voted someone afk, they then put the mod green text thing on and then said you shouldn;t have done that.
  1833. <carbonshater> is it fair that mods are bullying people, if they play against rules we should be able to vote regardless of mod or not
  1834. <carbonshater> ?
  1835. <Redkiwi> ill ban him
  1836. <Redkiwi> hue
  1837. <carbonshater> sorry?
  1838. <carbonshater> what do you mean by hue?
  1839. <Redkiwi> hue hue
  1840. <Redkiwi> as in hue
  1841. <carbonshater> so you're not bothered?
  1842. <Redkiwi> yes, ill tell carbon to git gud
  1843. <KINGELF> lol mfw i just got his name
  1844. <carbonshater> or to stop trying to intimidate players with silly green text?
  1845. <KINGELF> ?
  1846. <carbonshater> is that a fair community within a game to you?
  1847. <Redkiwi> what are you talking about fair?
  1848. <carbonshater> and then when I ask about it I get 'hue hue' instead of anything intelligable
  1849. <Redkiwi> did anyone tell you this is supposed to be fair?
  1850. <ContessaTP> ayy, what's up
  1851. <carbonshater> games are emant to be fair, that's the whole point in playing
  1852. <ContessaTP> Hey carbonshater
  1853. <carbonshater> hi
  1854. <Redkiwi> ContessaTP, can u ban carbon
  1855. <ContessaTP> Carbon did mess up
  1856. * Curry4Three (~Curry4Thr@2601:647:4f00:2611:fd57:1cd6:ffe9:f860) has joined
  1857. <carbonshater> i dont want anyone banned
  1858. <ContessaTP> We're not supposed to warn people for report abuse before banning
  1859. <ContessaTP> We're supposed to instaban for that
  1860. <carbonshater> i want people to not have to worry about voting mods if they mess around in game or break rules
  1861. <ContessaTP> I'll tell Carbon to ban first and warn later for report abuse from now on
  1862. <carbonshater> what r u on about?
  1863. <ContessaTP> because warning first releases that reporter's identity to others
  1864. <ContessaTP> and identifying reporters is a big no-no
  1865. <carbonshater> he didn't warn me he put mod on when he was voted and said you shouldn;t have done that
  1866. <ContessaTP> so to protect all parties we ban the report abuser without warning
  1867. <carbonshater> and leave your mod buddy to carry on being douchey to players?
  1868. <ContessaTP> The idea is that if you were abusing the report system, he should have just banned you
  1869. <ContessaTP> not warned you
  1870. <ContessaTP> and even then, he would need a strong case for a report abuse ban
  1871. <carbonshater> how is reporting someone who is afk abusing the system?
  1872. <ContessaTP> I don't know the context
  1873. <carbonshater> or is reporting someone you dont know is a mod abuse to you?
  1874. <ContessaTP> I'm jsut stating our policy
  1875. <carbonshater> you shouldn;t get away with breaking rules if we get voted for it why can;t you?
  1876. * Snuggles has quit (Quit: I must Snuggle others now....May my Snuggles be with you...)
  1877. <ContessaTP> Just stating that warning someone for reporting is not standard practice
  1878. <KINGELF> ContessaTP :
  1879. * [TagPro] has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  1880. <ContessaTP> lol, wrong channel KINGELF
  1881. <ContessaTP> but thanks :-)
  1882. <KINGELF> pls
  1883. <KINGELF> ik what channel im in
  1884. * tpmodsrsadpricks (bc1da52b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1885. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to ContessaTP
  1886. <tpmodsrsadpricks> hi, I seem to be the butt of some mod joke because instead of answering me or talking to me with any decency you just go "hue" or mute me
  1887. <ContessaTP> I know who you are tpmodsrsadpricks
  1888. <ContessaTP> I did not mute you
  1889. <ContessaTP> I told you I would do something about it
  1890. <tpmodsrsadpricks> sure
  1891. <tpmodsrsadpricks> no you didnt
  1892. <ContessaTP> when I see Carbon I'll pass on my advice to him
  1893. <ContessaTP> I'm not joking around
  1894. <tpmodsrsadpricks> in other words do nothing
  1895. <tpmodsrsadpricks> sure "hue"
  1896. <ContessaTP> That is something
  1897. <tpmodsrsadpricks> messy game, with messy mods
  1898. <ContessaTP> Us mods moderate each other
  1899. <ContessaTP> That's how we keep each other in check
  1900. <ContessaTP> We've even had abusive mods demodded
  1901. <tpmodsrsadpricks> you seem to just make people feel like the butt of your jokes
  1902. <KINGELF> ^
  1903. <KINGELF> wait
  1904. * tpmodsrsadpricks has quit (Client Quit)
  1905. <KINGELF> ugh i cannot carrot the right lines
  1906. <ContessaTP> lol
  1907. <ContessaTP> KINGELF, pls don't side against us :P
  1908. <KINGELF> ...
  1909. <Hootie> it's not important, really, I don't carrot all if you get it right
  1910. * carbonshater has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  1911. * enjoyingurlife (bc1da52b@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  1912. <enjoyingurlife> who owns tagpro?
  1913. <enjoyingurlife> !mods
  1914. <Smalls> enjoyingurlife - Please recall !mods with a reason to notify a moderator.
  1915. <enjoyingurlife> !mods who owns tagpro?
  1916. <Smalls> enjoyingurlife - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  1917. <KINGELF> LuckySpammer
  1918. <KINGELF> and a few devs
  1919. <bizkut> Well
  1920. <ContessaTP> Hi enjoyingurlife
  1921. <enjoyingurlife> has he got an email
  1922. <bizkut> Koalabeast LLC
  1923. <ContessaTP> I know who you are
  1924. <enjoyingurlife> I want to write my thoughts to someone in charge and share these chats
  1925. <KINGELF> ContessaTP we all do
  1926. <ContessaTP> Just wanted to make it clear to him
  1927. <Hootie>
  1928. <saundy> !ticket
  1929. <Smalls>
  1930. <enjoyingurlife> contessa please enlighten me because other than retoric u have not added much with what u say
  1931. <enjoyingurlife> thnx smalls
  1932. <enjoyingurlife> I'd rather not go thorugh mods
  1933. <bizkut> then use the support email
  1934. <enjoyingurlife> you've made it clear that you take nothing seriously or don't care unless it involves u or ur friends
  1935. <bizkut> not the appeals site
  1936. <Hootie> enjoyingurlife, we have dedicated enough time to this. Thank you for bringing your complaint to our attention, it will be addressed. We won't discuss it further in here.
  1937. <enjoyingurlife> ok thnx and thnx hootie
  1938. <Hootie> You bet
  1939. <Hootie> have a good evening
  1940. <enjoyingurlife> okay don't worry I know you mute people when you're trying to wind them up
  1941. <enjoyingurlife> messy mods make a messy game
  1942. <Hootie> I dont mute them, I just kick them
  1943. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  1944. <Hootie> cuz, you know, nazi and all
  1945. <enjoyingurlife> its morning
  1946. <enjoyingurlife> excuse me?
  1947. <ContessaTP> we're nazis :P
  1948. <ContessaTP> it's a job requirement
  1949. <enjoyingurlife> I get that you may be trying to make a joke but how is that relevant in this context?
  1950. * bizkut ( has left ("Leaving")
  1951. <enjoyingurlife> That's the problem, you try to make everything a joke and then end up taking it too far
  1952. <Hootie> I assure you this, I am not joking.
  1953. <enjoyingurlife> wtf has nazi got to do with anything in the chat?
  1954. <Hootie> I said we werent discussing this any further
  1955. <enjoyingurlife> and then you said you were a nazi
  1956. <KINGELF> So this is what is happening so far, you were doing something wrong in a game, were warned for it then banned. Now you are coming to this channel to complain about the ban and how you feel it was undeserved?
  1957. <Hootie> I thanked you for filing your complaint and I said we will handle it
  1958. <enjoyingurlife> no i came here to make sure you knew a mod was acting up, and i see that it was actually normal douchbaggery behavior I should have expected
  1959. <Hootie> Message received. Thank you. Have a good morning.
  1960. <enjoyingurlife> nah you said you'd give advice, that is not taking action or dealing with anything
  1961. <Hootie> I said no such thing, and I resent you saying I did
  1962. <enjoyingurlife> and then you brought nazi into the conversation for some reason I still can;t explain
  1963. <enjoyingurlife> sorry you & contessa then
  1964. <enjoyingurlife> you are colleauges no?
  1965. <Hootie> So why are you joking about it with me?
  1966. <Hootie> I dont see how that's relevant
  1967. <enjoyingurlife> joking about what? I have been serious throughout
  1968. <Hootie> You are joking and said I said something I didn't
  1969. <Hootie> I dont think that's funny
  1970. <enjoyingurlife> I got confused after so many of you spoke at the same time, look in the chat and see it was said regardless
  1971. <KINGELF> !ticket
  1972. <Smalls>
  1973. <KINGELF> ^ go here end of story
  1974. <enjoyingurlife> how is it?
  1975. <enjoyingurlife> explain your nazi comment
  1976. <KINGELF> we will take care of your complaint and hand it to the developers of the game
  1977. <enjoyingurlife> explain the disrespectful conversation and tone
  1978. <Hootie> I will xplain before I kick you
  1979. <KINGELF> They will take necessary actions
  1980. <Hootie> Everyone thinks mods are nazis
  1981. <Hootie> so, we go along with the joke
  1982. <enjoyingurlife> nah thanks, mods of tp are not to be trusted from my experience tonight
  1983. <Hootie> end of story
  1984. <ContessaTP> we actually do have memberships to be fair
  1985. <KINGELF> go to #banthemods4real
  1986. <enjoyingurlife> I said nothing about nazis or anyone
  1987. <KINGELF> go to the channel i just linked
  1988. <enjoyingurlife> why
  1989. <Hootie> or #banthemods
  1990. <KINGELF> 6
  1991. <KINGELF> ^
  1992. <KINGELF> ugh
  1993. <enjoyingurlife> ?
  1994. <KINGELF> just look at the channel 'comment;
  1995. <enjoyingurlife> no thanks I honestly dont trust you
  1996. <KINGELF> ok
  1997. <enjoyingurlife> who the heck says I am a nazi I am not joking
  1998. <KINGELF> then you wont get the nazi joke
  1999. <enjoyingurlife> specifically said he wasnt joking
  2000. <KINGELF> he wasnt joking earlier
  2001. <KINGELF> but the nazi thing is always a joke
  2002. <enjoyingurlife> I don't think I have the sense of humour to enjoy your jokes "hue hue"
  2003. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Hootie
  2004. <KINGELF> hue is an IRC thing
  2005. <KINGELF> please stop complaining here
  2006. <Hootie> have a good day, thanks for coming by
  2007. * Hootie sets ban on *!*@*.
  2008. <KINGELF> send the email or go to the support site linked above
  2009. * Hootie has kicked enjoyingurlife from #TPmods (enjoyingurlife)
  2010. <KINGELF> then get banned
  2011. * mocl4 (802ec252@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2012. * ChanServ gives voice to mocl4
  2013. * ChanServ removes voice from mocl4
  2014. * defense_mas has quit (Ping timeout: 255 seconds)
  2015. * CamWatts has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2016. * mocl4 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2017. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2018. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2019. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2020. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2021. * vCarbon (~vCarbon@unaffiliated/carbon/x-4123543) has joined
  2022. * Cignul9 (~Cignul9@ has joined
  2023. * THE1GREATEST (5d535f45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2024. <THE1GREATEST> he mods if "SIGSEV" or how this ball is called me here to complain about me, please let me know
  2025. * keithstoned1 (46c408ca@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2026. <n0el> No one has complained here and even if they did we won't tell you
  2027. <keithstoned1> greetings, Just got a false vote on origin, no major issue, but may want to look at who did that
  2028. <Cignul9> n0el pls
  2029. <Cignul9> don't be a jerkface
  2030. <THE1GREATEST> forget it keith this system is completely full of loopehols. the voter actually can do what he wants
  2031. <n0el> Don't tell me how to live my life Cignul9
  2032. <n0el> keithstoned1 I'm keeping an eye out for the voter
  2033. <Cignul9> don't make me beat you, n0el
  2034. <Cignul9> Make me a sammich
  2035. <n0el> Do it
  2036. <n0el> I enjoy it
  2037. <Cignul9> hue
  2038. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  2039. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cignul9
  2040. <Cignul9> n0el, I'ma rek u
  2041. <Cignul9> hue
  2042. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Cignul9
  2043. * ChanServ gives voice to Cignul9
  2044. * DeezReindeerNutz has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2045. * THE1GREATEST has quit (Client Quit)
  2046. * ChanServ removes voice from n0el
  2047. * SIGSEGV (5ad99d5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2048. * SIGSEGV has quit (Client Quit)
  2049. * SIGSEGV (5ad99d5f@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2050. * SIGSEGV is now known as Guest37916
  2051. <Guest37916> !mods The player THE_GREATEST frequently attempts to kill me in pubs, and reports me back falsely when I report him (I have replays of all). At the start of my last game he asked me how my mother is. This guy is a complete troll and anyone would vouch for this.
  2052. <Smalls> Guest37916 - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2053. <Guest37916>
  2054. <Guest37916>
  2055. <Guest37916> and my last game
  2056. <Guest37916>
  2057. <n0el> oh snap evidence
  2058. <Guest37916> and I know he came on just now
  2059. <Guest37916> but he is a complete troll
  2060. <Cignul9> I'ma ban that foo
  2061. <Guest37916> thanks :)
  2062. <n0el> Best day ever
  2063. <Guest37916> it really is
  2064. <n0el> INSANE ban
  2065. <Cignul9> bant
  2066. <Guest37916> how long are they banned for, out of curiosity?
  2067. <n0el> week
  2068. <Guest37916> best christmas present ever.
  2069. <Guest37916> ty mods
  2070. * Guest37916 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2071. * theg (5d535f45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2072. * defense_bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  2073. <theg> where is a mod???
  2074. * ChanServ gives voice to vCarbon
  2075. <theg> i neeed IMMEDIATE assistence im furious
  2076. <Cignul9> <- mod
  2077. <n0el> bhaha
  2078. <vCarbon> What seems to be the problem?
  2079. <theg> i want to know WHY i was banned this time
  2080. <Cignul9> You were banned for working against own team
  2081. <theg> jesus crhist i will destroy the PC i swear on godd
  2082. <theg> ?????
  2083. <theg> i want aninvestigiotin ITS LUDACRIS
  2084. <Cignul9> There was a complaint with replay evidence submitted.
  2085. <Cignul9> The evidence was enough to warrant the ban.
  2086. <n0el> Ludacris?
  2087. <n0el> Move bitch!
  2088. * vCarbon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  2089. <theg> the EVIDENCE is just part of the story
  2090. <Cignul9> Is it?
  2091. * vCarbon (~vCarbon@unaffiliated/carbon/x-4123543) has joined
  2092. <theg> he offended me last time i saw him so i SLIGHTY pushed him ONCe, yes...but you therfore bann me for a week?
  2093. <Cignul9> Please elaborate.
  2094. <theg> its too harsh!
  2095. <theg> way to harsh
  2096. <Cignul9> We have three separate replays, indicating that it happened at a minimum of three times.
  2097. <theg> LOL
  2098. <n0el> Including a revenge report
  2099. <Cignul9> ^
  2100. <theg> YES revenge report on a report for nothing
  2101. <theg> he reported me for nothing in the first place
  2102. <theg> why is this not a point
  2103. <vCarbon> You were MONSTER blocking your own teammate.
  2104. <n0el> yeah that was an INSANE revenge report there
  2105. <theg> the thing is i have not recorded all he did, so it seems pretty one sided
  2106. <Cignul9> In addition to that, the mods did not choose to ban you for a week. Your ban count was incremented by one. It just so happens that, due to your 8 (EIGHT) previous bans, the new length is a week.
  2107. <theg> oh jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez no not again a week
  2108. <n0el> your next ban will be 3 months
  2109. <Cignul9> THREE months
  2110. <theg> oh jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez
  2111. <Cignul9> They increment AUTOMATICALLY
  2112. <n0el> three HUGE months
  2113. <theg> come on guys!!!! let me play
  2114. <n0el> nope
  2115. <Cignul9> I'm sorry, but that kind of behaviour is UNACCEPTABLE
  2116. <theg> lol which exactlx<ß
  2117. <n0el> Don't call us mod tho. It's your majesty.
  2118. <Cignul9> The kind of behaviour that results in SO many previous bans
  2119. <theg> lol
  2120. <Cignul9> I'd THINK you would probably try to check your behaviour after the first seven
  2121. <vCarbon> Some might say, you were " as lethal as mike tysons right hook"
  2122. <theg> yeah many believe so
  2123. <theg> if it werent for jelaous reports for NOTHING
  2124. <Cignul9> Do you have any OTHER questions?
  2125. <theg> causing some trouble
  2126. <theg> yeah !
  2127. <theg> cignul!
  2128. <Cignul9> I'm listening...
  2129. <Cignul9> WATCHING, actually, not listening
  2130. <theg> YOU CAN SUCK MY DICK!
  2131. <n0el> we're all EARS
  2132. <n0el> oh
  2133. * theg has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2134. <n0el> well
  2135. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to Cignul9
  2136. <vCarbon> lool
  2137. <Cignul9> Aww, and here I was coming with the ban
  2138. <imagoat> !Mods Thanks for putting up with this shit.
  2139. <Smalls> imagoat - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2140. <Cignul9> Yes?
  2141. <Cignul9> Oh
  2142. <n0el> no worries imagoat
  2143. <imagoat> Just laughing.
  2144. <Cignul9> Haha
  2145. <n0el> we enjoyed it
  2146. <Cignul9> yeah
  2147. <Cignul9> How funny was that shit?
  2148. <n0el> INSANE appeal
  2149. <Cignul9> INSANE
  2150. * ChanServ removes channel operator status from Cignul9
  2151. * McScrooge36 (~McBride36@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has left ("Leaving")
  2152. * vCarbon has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  2153. * vCarbon (~vCarbon@unaffiliated/carbon/x-4123543) has joined
  2154. * n0el has quit (Quit: n00b OUT bitches ☜(゚ヮ゚☜))
  2155. * vCarbon has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2156. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2157. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2158. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2159. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2160. * mocl4 (~mocl4@unaffiliated/mocl4) has joined
  2161. * ChanServ gives voice to mocl4
  2162. * BALL9000 (459c166d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2163. <BALL9000> HELLO
  2164. <BALL9000> !mods false vote
  2165. <Smalls> BALL9000 - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2166. <mocl4> it doesnt appear to be someone spamming reports
  2167. <mocl4> theres nothing to worry about
  2168. <BALL9000> no i got a false vote
  2169. <BALL9000> on my account
  2170. <BALL9000> BALL 9000
  2171. <mocl4> yes i see
  2172. <mocl4> you arent in danger of getting banned
  2173. <BALL9000> 'working against my own team'
  2174. <BALL9000> which is comeplete bullshit
  2175. <mocl4> i can read
  2176. <BALL9000> if it had been offensive chat or something
  2177. <BALL9000> i wouldnt bother
  2178. <BALL9000> but its a comeplete false reprot
  2179. <mocl4> are you planning on getting 7 more within 24 hours?
  2180. <BALL9000> doubtful
  2181. <mocl4> then there is no reason to worry whatsoever
  2182. <BALL9000> okay
  2183. <BALL9000> when do reprots go away
  2184. <BALL9000> usually
  2185. <mocl4> they expire 24 hours after they are issued
  2186. <BALL9000> ah
  2187. <BALL9000> k thanks
  2188. <BALL9000> g nite
  2189. <mocl4> gnight
  2190. * BALL9000 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2191. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  2192. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  2193. * Santal9 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2194. * Pocketweed has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2195. * KittenPanda ( has joined
  2196. * KittenPanda is now known as KittenPandafk
  2197. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2198. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2199. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2200. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2201. <sirquine> well, the game is over but there should be a report on him
  2202. <Fuzz_Ball> one second sirquine let me look into it
  2203. <sirquine> <3
  2204. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  2205. <Fuzz_Ball> what is your in game name?
  2206. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2207. <KINGPRO> sirquine?
  2208. <sirquine> my reserved name is quine
  2209. <Fuzz_Ball> sirquine i took care of it
  2210. <sirquine> thanks Fuzz_Ball
  2211. <Fuzz_Ball> thank you for notifying us :)
  2212. <sirquine> sure thing
  2213. <sirquine> sorry you guys are getting star wars spoiled over and over
  2214. <Fuzz_Ball> all good!
  2215. * sirquine ( has left ("Leaving")
  2216. * TG__ (5d535f45@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2217. <TG__> who is a mod pls?
  2218. <KINGPRO> Here
  2219. <KINGPRO> well
  2220. <KINGPRO> anyone with a + next to their name
  2221. <KINGPRO> whats up TG__
  2222. * Snowy is now known as dim-manjizz
  2223. * Cignul9 has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  2224. * wutmas has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
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  2229. * TG__ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2230. * Psychiatrist has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  2231. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2232. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2233. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2234. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2235. <Snowy> oh. maybe i'll take a trip over someday
  2236. <Oozy> King you saw moon right?
  2237. <Oozy> I dont know how my ping is on chord
  2238. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2239. * Snowy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  2240. * Snowy (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
  2241. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2242. * Fuzz_Ball ( has joined
  2243. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  2244. * Snowy has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  2245. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Ping timeout: 246 seconds)
  2246. * Anze- (63f17bd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2247. * ChanServ gives voice to Anze-
  2248. * asfegre (63eb7091@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2249. * KittenPandafk has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  2250. * Fuzz_Ball ( has joined
  2251. <asfegre> !mods InN'Out Showboating on final cap, so WAOT:
  2252. <Smalls> asfegre - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2253. <KINGPRO> Thanks
  2254. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Client Quit)
  2255. <asfegre> Np
  2256. <KINGPRO> Have a good day :)
  2257. <KINGPRO> !served asfegre
  2258. <[TagPro]> asfegre, your issue has been taken care of by KINGPRO. Total Users Served: 622 (by KINGPRO: 2 (0.32%)) Time To Resolution: 48secs.
  2259. <asfegre> Was he banned? Or is he already?
  2260. * Fuzz_Ball ( has joined
  2261. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  2262. <KINGPRO> I got him
  2263. <asfegre> Thank you!
  2264. <KINGPRO> np
  2265. <KINGPRO> Thanks for the replay
  2266. <asfegre> Np
  2267. * asfegre has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2268. * wut has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
  2269. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2270. * Curry4Three has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  2271. * Ruud_ ( has joined
  2272. * Ruud has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  2273. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2274. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2275. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2276. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2277. * [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
  2278. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2279. * kittenpanda has quit (Client Quit)
  2280. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2281. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2282. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2283. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2284. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2285. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2286. * Ruud__ has quit (Quit: k bye)
  2287. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  2288. * Anze- (63f17bd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2289. * TrondBahHumbug (TrondBahHu@unaffiliated/trondby) has joined
  2290. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  2291. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  2292. * Anne (1777c895@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2293. <Anne> !mods this some ball i just reported was bring the flag to his base to get popped for an enemy cap last game
  2294. <Smalls> Anne - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2295. <ContessaTP> Hi Anne
  2296. <ContessaTP> Do you have footage?
  2297. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2298. <Anne> it was on the other side of the map
  2299. <Anne> but i was hoping you could spec them
  2300. <Anne> see if they do it again
  2301. <ContessaTP> Yeah, it's a legit someball
  2302. <ContessaTP> looks like they went AFK
  2303. <ContessaTP> they came in your last game as an AFK sb9
  2304. <Anne> ah ok
  2305. <ContessaTP> yup, stopped playing
  2306. <Anne> alright, thanks tessa
  2307. * wut (~wut@ has joined
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  2309. * wut is now known as wutmas
  2310. * ChanServ removes voice from ContessaTP
  2311. * Anne has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2312. * MKo_ has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  2313. * Anze- has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  2314. * ChanServ removes voice from cz
  2315. * cz is now known as czzzzz
  2316. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  2317. * cheather (1893b0fe@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2318. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2319. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2320. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2321. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2322. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2323. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2324. <sockofleas> thank you Curry4Three
  2325. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  2326. * wut (~wut@ has joined
  2327. * wut is now known as wutmas
  2328. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2329. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2330. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2331. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2332. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2333. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2334. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2335. * turtlemansam (~turtleman@unaffiliated/turtlemansam) has joined
  2336. * ChanServ gives voice to turtlemansam
  2337. * AFKenende is now known as Ballkenende
  2338. * josh61616 ( has joined
  2339. * n00b has quit (Quit: n00b OUT bitches ☜(゚ヮ゚☜))
  2340. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  2341. * Odrevan (56541d58@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2342. <Odrevan> hello is anyone here?
  2343. * josh61616_ ( has joined
  2344. <Odrevan> !mods ive an issue with a ban hoping to talk about it
  2345. <Smalls> Odrevan - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2346. <turtlemansam> !support
  2347. <turtlemansam> !ticket
  2348. <Smalls>
  2349. * josh61616__ ( has joined
  2350. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  2351. <Odrevan> no i already have a ticket
  2352. <Odrevan> this isnt off topic
  2353. <Odrevan> i dont even use irc just here to talk about ban and leave
  2354. <Fuzz_Ball> we are addressing your appeal ticket. no need to come to IRC
  2355. <Odrevan> ah im not familiar with this
  2356. <Odrevan> i thought this was quicker for everyone involved no?
  2357. * josh61616 has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  2358. <Fuzz_Ball> sadly there is nothing we can do. Whether it was you or your sister it was on your account.
  2359. * josh61616 ( has joined
  2360. <Odrevan> ah come on please read the chat logs they were prompting and coaxing her she said
  2361. <Odrevan> she knew no better
  2362. <Odrevan> a week is too harsh
  2363. * josh61616_ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  2364. <Fuzz_Ball> I understand, but the rules still apply to everyone. The post is on the main tagpro sight saying to not give spoilers
  2365. <Fuzz_Ball> We gotta give everyone the same ban time for that offense
  2366. * josh61616__ has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  2367. <Odrevan> but why theres different levels like some people might come on and spoil on their own accord, and other oblivious players might just cos someone asked what happened in the movie
  2368. <Odrevan> this game is too cult-ish how are new players suposed to know
  2369. <Fuzz_Ball> by reading the code of conduct
  2370. <Odrevan> who in their right mind is gnna read a code of conduct before playing a game
  2371. <Ballkenende> lmao Odrevan
  2372. <Odrevan> pls i cant be up to ban 6 im gonna fuck up and get more bans and a week each time is too long, plus ive the neext week off i wanted to play tp ofc
  2373. <Ballkenende> this is why i am not meeting up with you
  2374. <Corhal> :(
  2375. <Fuzz_Ball> well Odrevan the best thing is for other mods to see your appeal ticket on the appeal site.
  2376. <Fuzz_Ball> just keep the appeals off #TPmods
  2377. <Odrevan> i put up the appeal with all relevant info is there any chance given the context this can be stifled a bit, not reversed rules are rules but a week like rly :(
  2378. <Odrevan> ballk not now pls ;_;
  2379. <Corhal> I'll try to get some more opinions on it
  2380. <Odrevan> perfect thanks a million
  2381. * lume (c29641bc@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  2382. <ContessaTP> hi lume
  2383. <Corhal> no worries
  2384. <lume> hi contessa
  2385. <Odrevan> like this is discouraging for new players
  2386. <Odrevan> my sister was genuinely shocked that posting a polt point after somebody asked about it would get you a week ban
  2387. <Fuzz_Ball> well before she hit play now. the post was stickied on the main site
  2388. <Odrevan> it was on my acc i just pressed play to make sure she got a decent map
  2389. * josh61616 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2390. <ContessaTP> we have a zero tolerance policy for spoilers
  2391. <Odrevan> wasnt gona give her a chase fest before i left and saif glhf
  2392. <ContessaTP> and you are responsible for your own account
  2393. <Odrevan> yeah but a week? and putting me onto ban 6?
  2394. <ContessaTP> yup, clearly stated in the rules
  2395. <ContessaTP> right on the front page of tagpro
  2396. <Odrevan> she didnt read the rules it her first tie playing she just needed to know the controls and the goal and off with her who reads the rules before playing
  2397. * Ruud ( has joined
  2398. * Odrevan has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2399. <Fuzz_Ball> !served
  2400. <[TagPro]> Congrats Fuzz_Ball, you served another tagpro user. Total Users Served: 624
  2401. <ContessaTP> Fuzz_Ball, gotta do !served player_name
  2402. <ContessaTP> and before they quit :P
  2403. * turtlemansam has quit (Quit: turtle's out!)
  2404. * turtlemansam (~turtleman@unaffiliated/turtlemansam) has joined
  2405. * ChanServ gives voice to turtlemansam
  2406. * turtlemansam has quit (Client Quit)
  2407. * Corhal has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2408. * lume has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  2409. * cz has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2410. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2411. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  2412. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2413. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2414. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2415. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2416. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2417. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2418. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2419. * Ballkenende is now known as ZzZkenende
  2420. * ChanServ removes voice from ContessaTP
  2421. * josh61616 ( has joined
  2422. * ChanServ gives voice to josh61616
  2423. * wutmas has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
  2424. * Sloppy (6029b721@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2425. * cz (~roxy@2602:30a:c0b5:40a0:61dd:89dc:dd67:8fdc) has joined
  2426. * ChanServ gives voice to cz
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  2430. * Curry4Three has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2431. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  2432. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  2433. * Fuzz_Ball ( has joined
  2434. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  2435. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2436. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2437. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2438. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2439. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2440. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2441. * Ballkenende has quit (Quit: I am getting the fuck out)
  2442. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2443. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2444. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2445. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2446. * n0el has quit (Quit: n00b OUT bitches ☜(゚ヮ゚☜))
  2447. * Snowy (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
  2448. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2449. * Snowy has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  2450. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  2451. * tim-sanchez is now known as Guest60934
  2452. <KINGPRO> Hi Guest60934
  2453. * Snowy (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
  2454. * OmicroN-Work ( has joined
  2455. * Snowy_ (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
  2456. * Snowy has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  2457. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2458. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2459. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2460. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2461. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2462. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2463. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2464. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2465. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2466. * defense_bot ( has joined
  2467. * Ultron (6c13b1ee@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2468. <Ultron> Hey, does anyone know if the ban appeal system is down?
  2469. <cz> one sec
  2470. <cz> nope not down
  2471. <cz> ultron ^^^
  2472. <Ultron> Got it, just had to try a second time
  2473. <Ultron> First time it gave me a "you're not banned" message
  2474. <cz> ok cya there im the one that banned ya :)
  2475. <Ultron> Welp this isn't going to go anywhere then
  2476. <KINGPRO> lol
  2477. * Ballkenende_ (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  2478. * JessyS (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  2479. * SnowBallk has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
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  2488. <cz> heh
  2489. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2490. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2491. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2492. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2493. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2494. * ChanServ removes voice from cz
  2495. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2496. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2497. * ball9000 (459c166d@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2498. <ball9000> njvnhyj
  2499. <ball9000> !mods ball 9000 here, need some help
  2500. <Smalls> ball9000 - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2501. <KINGELF> Whats up ball?
  2502. <ball9000> hi
  2503. <ball9000> where can i find out
  2504. <ball9000> how many reports are on my account
  2505. <ball9000> ?
  2506. <KINGELF> Right here
  2507. <KINGELF> one second
  2508. <vCarbon> Four
  2509. <KINGELF> ^
  2510. <ball9000> and 8 means a ban right
  2511. <vCarbon> Yeah
  2512. <KINGELF> ^
  2513. <ball9000> k
  2514. <ball9000> thanks guys
  2515. <KINGELF> !served ball9000
  2516. <[TagPro]> ball9000, your issue has been taken care of by KINGELF. Total Users Served: 632 (by KINGELF: 1 (0.16%)) Time To Resolution: 1min 19secs.
  2517. <ball9000> jsut wanted to know when to stop palying
  2518. <KINGELF> um
  2519. <KINGELF> well
  2520. <KINGELF> if you are getting that many reports, are you deserving?
  2521. <ball9000> 3 more reports to go
  2522. <KINGELF> of them?
  2523. <ball9000> well im just angry sometimes
  2524. <KINGELF> hmm
  2525. <cz> pls no mad
  2526. <vCarbon> A majority of your reports are for being afk. Make sure if you have to leave, to actually leave the game
  2527. <ball9000> ah
  2528. <ball9000> ye prob from connecting to a game
  2529. <vCarbon> Yeah
  2530. <ball9000> and going on reddit or soemthing
  2531. <ball9000> and forgetting
  2532. <vCarbon> Yeah, just click exit after a game and then play now when ready or w/e
  2533. * Cignul9 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2534. <ball9000> ye mb
  2535. <ball9000> i click play now
  2536. <ball9000> and go browsing
  2537. <ball9000> and forget
  2538. <ball9000> but thanks for the help
  2539. <ball9000> later mods
  2540. <vCarbon> cya
  2541. * ball9000 has quit (Client Quit)
  2542. * Sloppy has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  2543. * Ansleigh (63f17bd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2544. * Ansleigh is now known as An-sleigH
  2545. * An-sleigH is now known as An-sleigh
  2546. * ErroneousNickNam (5c10efe4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  2547. <ErroneousNickNam> Goo
  2548. <cz> ?
  2549. <KINGELF> ?
  2550. <ErroneousNickNam> !mods I was told to come back in one month to see if I can get my ban removed. It has been a few weeks I think and I want to see if I can get it removed now. :) I have the ticket link with me if required.
  2551. <Smalls> ErroneousNickNam - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2552. <vCarbon> What's your registered name?
  2553. <KINGELF> ^
  2554. <ErroneousNickNam>
  2555. <ErroneousNickNam> Pumpking :)
  2556. <ErroneousNickNam> Aka bad apple :c
  2557. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2558. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  2559. <ErroneousNickNam> Do you want the ticket?
  2560. <vCarbon> Got it thanks
  2561. <KINGELF> ^
  2562. <ErroneousNickNam> :)
  2563. <vCarbon> ErroneousNickNam, that moderator isn't here at the moment, but next time I see them I will let them know. On a side note, I think the moderator meant that you should appeal in 1245 hours time, i.e: when you have 800 hours remaining, but we'll see if they are in a Christmas mood :)
  2564. <ErroneousNickNam> Okie dokie. Thank you. I will return in a few days. Happy holidays!
  2565. <vCarbon> You too!
  2566. * ErroneousNickNam (5c10efe4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has left
  2567. * Snowy (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
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  2575. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  2576. * Ernousname (5c10efe4@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  2577. <Ernousname> !mod Hi, I was here earlier. Just checking if I can be unbanned or not. I know I said I'l check in two days but I couldn't wait :3
  2578. <Ernousname> !mods This is my profile
  2579. <Smalls> Ernousname - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2580. <Ernousname> !mods Hi, I was here earlier. Just checking if I can be unbanned or not. I know I said I'l check in two days but I couldn't wait :3
  2581. <Smalls> Ernousname - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2582. <Ernousname> !mods ??
  2583. <Smalls> Ernousname - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2584. <KINGELF> Ernousname, the mod that banned you is not online at this moment, I will make sure he sees this though when he gets online
  2585. * Ernousname has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  2586. <KINGELF> Also, it has been 6 minutes, I can understand your situation, but not only is this channel not for ban appeals, but you should wait the full 12 minutes before using another mod call
  2587. <KINGELF> leaving is also acceptable
  2588. <KINGELF> !served Ernousname
  2589. <[TagPro]> Congrats KINGELF, you served another tagpro user. Total Users Served: 622 Time To Resolution: 1min 39secs.
  2590. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
  2591. * Snowy has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  2595. * FrozenYogurt_ (4a6eafb8@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2596. <FrozenYogurt_> !mods Only the second time I've ever had to come here but....
  2597. <Smalls> FrozenYogurt_ - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2598. * FrozenYogurt has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  2599. <FrozenYogurt_> There is a user smurf on origin as "small ankles" who was spamming during a game, I warned him then reported him. Then he revenge reported me
  2600. <FrozenYogurt_> and was a general asshole, just figured I'd let you know
  2601. <KINGELF> ok
  2602. <KINGELF> Thanks FrozenYogurt_
  2603. <KINGELF> !served FrozenYogurt_
  2604. <[TagPro]> FrozenYogurt_, your issue has been taken care of by KINGELF. Total Users Served: 623 (by KINGELF: 2 (0.32%)) Time To Resolution: 3mins 36secs.
  2605. <FrozenYogurt_> Thanks, Appreciate all the work you guys do
  2606. <KINGELF> Oh and one last thing
  2607. <FrozenYogurt_> yup?
  2608. <KINGELF> If you do make another mods call, try to make it in the middle of the game, we wont be able to get there at the last 20 seconds :P
  2609. <KINGELF> anyways Have a good day :)
  2610. <FrozenYogurt_> haha yeah figured, that's why I came here. I was gonna let it slide until he said some off color remarks at the end.
  2611. <FrozenYogurt_> thanks again, you too!
  2612. <KINGELF> Happy Holidays!
  2613. * FrozenYogurt_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2614. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  2615. * TrondBahHumbug has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  2616. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2617. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2618. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2619. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2620. * keith___ (46c40dd0@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2621. <keith___> !mods
  2622. <Smalls> keith___ - Please recall !mods with a reason to notify a moderator.
  2623. <keith___> pudongboy on origin needs a timeout
  2624. <n0el> he's banned
  2625. <keith___> ds
  2626. <keith___> lok, k thanks
  2627. * Cignul9 has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  2628. * n0el is now known as n0elAFK
  2629. * ChanServ removes voice from n0elAFK
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  2631. * Cignul9 ( has joined
  2632. * Anne_ (1777c895@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2633. <Anne_> !mods this guy in my last game was making holocaust jokes so i reported him and then i got met with a revenge report, and he kept on making holocaust jokes
  2634. <Smalls> Anne_ - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2635. <Hootie_> his name?
  2636. <Anne_> love monkey? i repoted him
  2637. <Hootie_> found him
  2638. <Hootie_> ty, i will spec a bit
  2639. <Anne_> he probably wont say anthing unless im in his game but thanks
  2640. * Cignul9_ ( has joined
  2641. * ChanServ removes voice from OceanicNoob
  2642. * OceanicNoob has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2643. * Cignul9 has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  2645. * poopprancer is now known as ballkennedy
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  2650. * Anne_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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  2652. * Anne_ (1777c895@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2653. <Anne_> !mods just a heads up, two players trolling hard both using dick symbols as thier names, one rpeorted me so they should be easy to find
  2654. <Smalls> Anne_ - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2655. <KINGELF> ok
  2656. <KINGELF> thanks Anne_
  2657. <KINGELF> !served Anne_
  2658. <[TagPro]> Anne_, your issue has been taken care of by KINGELF. Total Users Served: 624 (by KINGELF: 3 (0.48%)) Time To Resolution: 35secs.
  2659. * ChanServ removes voice from poopprancer
  2660. <KINGELF> Anne_ they stopped playing
  2661. * ChanServ gives voice to poopprancer
  2662. * ChanServ removes voice from poopprancer
  2663. * TrondBahHumbug (TrondBahHu@unaffiliated/trondby) has joined
  2664. * Aniball ( has joined
  2665. <Anne_> ah good
  2666. <Anne_> thanks KINGELF
  2667. * Anne_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2668. * nice_ (bc817005@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2669. <Aniball> !mods idk if you're on this already, but i played with a guy named Ant(i re)man who was constantly working against his team
  2670. <Smalls> Aniball - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2671. <KINGELF> ok
  2672. <KINGELF> do you have a replay?
  2673. <KINGELF> that would be amazing
  2674. <Aniball> sorry i don't
  2675. <KINGELF> ok
  2676. <Aniball> i can link you the .eu game
  2677. <KINGELF> I'll spec him
  2678. <Aniball> shows how selfish he was in holding flag
  2679. <KINGELF> thanks for the alert Aniball
  2680. <KINGELF> !served Aniball
  2681. <[TagPro]> Aniball, your issue has been taken care of by KINGELF. Total Users Served: 625 (by KINGELF: 4 (0.64%)) Time To Resolution: 46secs.
  2682. <KINGELF> geez i feel the like the served number of mine keeps going down
  2683. <Aniball> pls
  2684. <KINGELF> Have a good day Aniball :)
  2685. <Aniball> thx
  2686. * Squirrel_ is now known as SquirrelAFK_
  2687. * Corhal (57b07a3a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2688. * ChanServ gives voice to Corhal
  2689. * cz (~roxy@2602:30a:c0b5:40a0:3188:cff:5ac:ad5) has joined
  2690. * ChanServ gives voice to cz
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  2695. * Ballkenende is now known as BallkaClaus
  2696. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  2697. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2698. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2699. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2700. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2701. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2702. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2703. * czcz (~roxy@2602:30a:c0b5:40a0:f8ad:9816:d4f6:ac9d) has joined
  2704. * ChanServ gives voice to czcz
  2705. * cz has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  2711. * sirquine ( has joined
  2712. <sirquine> !mods just got blatantly false reported twice on origin for working against own team, word on the street is that there are some serial false reporters going around
  2713. <Smalls> sirquine - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2714. <KINGELF> Hi sirquine do you have a replay of those reports?
  2715. <sirquine> dunno if this is something to check out, but i thought i'd mention it since other players have been complaining about it
  2716. <sirquine> i didn't think to take one
  2717. <KINGELF> here is something that might come of usefulness:
  2718. <KINGELF> and I will check it out
  2719. <sirquine> neat
  2720. <KINGELF> thanks for the heads up
  2721. <sirquine> thanks, i don't care about the reports, just that there may be serial false reporters
  2722. <sirquine> my registered ingame name is quine if that helps
  2723. <KINGELF> Yea, thanks for that, the person might just be a serial reporter I'll look into that close
  2724. <KINGELF> thanks again
  2725. <sirquine> cheers
  2726. <KINGELF> closely*
  2727. <KINGELF> Have a good day :)
  2728. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGELF
  2729. <KINGELF> !served sirquine
  2730. <[TagPro]> sirquine, your issue has been taken care of by KINGELF. Total Users Served: 626 (by KINGELF: 5 (0.8%)) Time To Resolution: 3mins 14secs.
  2731. * sirquine ( has left ("Leaving")
  2732. * Cignul9_ is now known as Cignul9
  2733. * BallkaClaus is now known as JessyS
  2734. * JessyS is now known as Ballkenende
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  2740. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  2741. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2742. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2743. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2744. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2745. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2746. * josh61616 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
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  2753. * rk (43ba6c32@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2754. <rk> !mods got false reported by some hoe
  2755. <Smalls> rk - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2756. <rk> !mods thank you, serious tho got false reported pls help me out mah niggas
  2757. <Smalls> rk - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2758. * rk has quit (Client Quit)
  2759. * keith___ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2760. <cz> k
  2761. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2762. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2763. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2764. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2765. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2766. * tim-sanchez ( has joined
  2767. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  2768. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGELF
  2769. * n0elafk is now known as n0el
  2770. * defense_bot has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  2771. * Snowy (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
  2772. * cz ( has joined
  2773. * ChanServ gives voice to cz
  2774. * Hootie is now known as HoHoHootie
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  2776. * anime_ (0218a553@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2777. <anime_> is cmdz mod here? he said he'd unban me wednesday if i reminded him
  2778. <n0el> cz ^
  2779. <anime_> noel = cmdz mod?
  2780. <n0el> no I'm n00b heh
  2781. <n0el> I just notified cz
  2782. <n0el> he is the mod
  2783. <n0el> that banned you
  2784. <anime_> thanx
  2785. <anime_> did he recieve the notification? is he online?
  2786. <n0el> I'm not sure if he's online
  2787. <anime_> is he the only one who can unban me?
  2788. <KINGELF> Pretty much
  2789. <n0el> yeah since he is the one that banned you.
  2790. <n0el> To make sure I'd appeal again
  2791. <n0el> And then he'll see that when he's online
  2792. <anime_> hmmm.... ok
  2793. <KINGELF> !ticket
  2794. <Smalls>
  2795. <KINGELF> if you need a link^
  2796. <n0el> Because I don't think he's around right now
  2797. <anime_> thanx just appealed also is pescis a mod or dev?
  2798. <n0el> a mod
  2799. <n0el> but he's on vacation right now
  2800. <anime_> k thanx cya
  2801. * anime_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2802. * n0el is now known as n0elafk
  2803. <BallkaClaus> -NickServ- Ballkenende! failed to login to Ballkenende_. There has been 1 failed login attempt since your last successful login.
  2804. * PopsiclePete (62c96e5e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2805. <PopsiclePete> howdy
  2806. <PopsiclePete> Donald Bump reported me for reporting him
  2807. <PopsiclePete> idk if that's allowed
  2808. * B4llk3n3nde ( has joined
  2809. <B4llk3n3nde> u wot BallkaClaus? that is outrageous. not something you do all the tiem i'm sure.
  2810. <BallkaClaus> you should be happy bizkut is too lazy to do anything and McB is gone and n00b is afk
  2811. <PopsiclePete> oh right !mods
  2812. <PopsiclePete> whatever I'll just not worry about it
  2813. <B4llk3n3nde> to do what BallkaClaus ?
  2814. * PopsiclePete has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2815. <B4llk3n3nde> speak up BallkaClaus, let us know what you expect to happen. nothing really to be done is there. just stop causing drahma.
  2816. <B4llk3n3nde> thought as much. you're just here to cause more DRAHMA and run away BallkaClaus
  2817. * OmicroN-Work ( has joined
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  2820. * Snowy is now known as SnowGlobe
  2821. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2822. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2823. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2824. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2825. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2826. * Psychiatrist ( has joined
  2827. * Psychiatrist has quit (Client Quit)
  2828. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2829. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2830. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2831. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2832. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2833. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2834. * Disconnected ()
  2835. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2836. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2837. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2838. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2839. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2840. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2841. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2842. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  2854. <cz> n0elafk, u aint afk u big fibber
  2855. <cz> hue hue
  2856. * defense_mas has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  2857. * Ballkenende_ is now known as BallkaClaus
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  2862. <n0el> cz suck my donger
  2863. <cz> 2 biiiiig
  2864. <n0el> TRUE DAT
  2865. * defense_bot ( has joined
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  2879. * Rednose is now known as Drunknose
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  2881. * ChanServ removes voice from cz
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  2883. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  2884. * vCarbon has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  2885. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2886. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2887. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2888. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  2889. * Notify: cz is online (freenode)
  2890. * [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support:
  2891. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2892. * wutmas has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
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  2897. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2898. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2899. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2900. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2901. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2902. * Now talking on #TPmods
  2903. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  2904. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  2905. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  2906. * Redkiwi (~Redkiwi@unaffiliated/redkiwi) has joined
  2907. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  2908. * You are now known as KINGELF
  2909. * SnowGlobe has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
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  2921. * porzingis (440c5853@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2922. <porzingis> !mods kingpro?
  2923. <Smalls> porzingis - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2924. <KINGELF> Yes
  2925. <KINGELF> Do you have a replay?
  2926. * Aniball ( has joined
  2927. <porzingis> i dont have a replay recorder and you saw him do it?
  2928. <KINGELF> I may have a replay
  2929. <KINGELF> yes i did see it, but he said lag so i am giving him the benefit of the doubt
  2930. <KINGELF> Actually I might have a good replay
  2931. <porzingis> that was the 2nd time he stopped a cap, and before you came into the game all he was doing was pushing him own teams balls and you could tell he wasnt new from him flag holding
  2932. <porzingis> just trying to help! he really made that a bad game and we won after he left!
  2933. <KINGELF> ok
  2934. <KINGELF> I have a good replay
  2935. <porzingis> is it when he stops my cap?
  2936. <KINGELF> But do you understand why I couldn't just ban him right there?
  2937. <KINGELF> yes
  2938. <porzingis> no i understand seedseedseeds just went nuts.
  2939. <KINGELF> Actually, I needed a replay so I had physical proof of his working against
  2940. <porzingis> if you render it i wanna see it, i would like to see it, i had a good hold leading to it lol.
  2941. <porzingis> ow ok, so its a necessary for a ban on working against?
  2942. <KINGELF> ok, I'm rendering rn
  2943. <KINGELF> Its preferred
  2944. <porzingis> makes sense
  2945. <KINGELF> because, if we went by word every time, then people would gang up on each other and get each other banned by 'word'
  2946. <porzingis> yep
  2947. <KINGELF> i think my extension just crashed
  2948. <porzingis> ouch
  2949. <KINGELF> k its working against
  2950. <KINGELF> again
  2951. <KINGELF> about 60 seconds left
  2952. <KINGELF>
  2953. <KINGELF> porzingis ^
  2954. <KINGELF> !served porzingis
  2955. <[TagPro]> porzingis, your issue has been taken care of by KINGELF. Total Users Served: 632 (by KINGELF: 6 (0.95%))
  2956. <porzingis> ayy waas just in intense pub game
  2957. <porzingis> ty kingpro!
  2958. <KINGELF> Yep, Have a good day :
  2959. <KINGELF> :)
  2960. * porzingis has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  2961. * Farmer (32b0a441@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  2962. <Farmer> !mods have no idea why i got banned. It wasn't automatic, a moderator did it.
  2963. <Smalls> Farmer - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  2964. <n0el> !ticket
  2965. <Smalls>
  2966. <n0el> go there
  2967. <KINGELF> Im answering your appeal
  2968. <Farmer>
  2969. <Farmer> okay
  2970. <KINGELF> dont post your appeal ticket publicly
  2971. <Farmer> sorry, they have never been answered
  2972. * Aniball has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  2973. <KINGELF> I'm answering it
  2974. <KINGELF> dont worry
  2975. <Farmer> alright
  2976. <Farmer> we could also just chat about it
  2977. <Farmer> if its about the some ball this morning, i have replays
  2978. * n0el has quit (Quit: n00b OUT bitches ☜(゚ヮ゚☜))
  2979. <KINGELF> Farmer, I responded
  2980. <Farmer> its possible that one or two was frustration yesterday
  2981. <Farmer> but i have a replay
  2982. <Farmer> maybe multiple
  2983. <Farmer> of clear working against team
  2984. <Farmer> the only report i made today
  2985. <Farmer> i have a great replay
  2986. <Farmer> would you like to see it?
  2987. <KINGELF> sure
  2988. <Farmer> one sec, i'll render
  2989. <KINGELF> although, one sec
  2990. <KINGELF> Farmer join #Farmer
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  2999. * Rednose has quit (Client Quit)
  3000. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3001. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3002. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3003. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3004. * seedseedseed has quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  3005. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3006. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3007. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3008. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3009. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3010. * SnowGlobe (~Snowy@unaffiliated/snowy) has joined
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  3017. * Rednose has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
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  3019. * Curry4Three (~Curry4Thr@2601:647:4f00:2611:4de4:f0bb:2837:8316) has joined
  3020. * ChanServ gives voice to Curry4Three
  3021. * wut has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
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  3026. * Laurens_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
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  3029. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  3030. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3031. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3032. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3033. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3034. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3035. * SADFSDF (4e902723@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  3036. <SADFSDF> !mods can I be unbanned now please?
  3037. <Smalls> SADFSDF - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3038. <Curry4Three> hi sadfsdf
  3039. <SADFSDF> Hello
  3040. <Curry4Three> what is your registered name in tagpro
  3041. <SADFSDF> Pumpking
  3042. <SADFSDF> Youre going to say the same as all the other mods :c
  3043. <Curry4Three> well first off
  3044. <Curry4Three> i dont see a pumpking
  3045. <KINGPRO> ^
  3046. <SADFSDF> Okay hang on
  3047. * You are now known as KINGELF
  3048. <Curry4Three> but also, have you appealed your ban using the appeals site?
  3049. <Curry4Three> !ticket
  3050. <Smalls>
  3051. <SADFSDF>
  3052. <SADFSDF> Pumking :p mb
  3053. <SADFSDF> Yes I have
  3054. <SADFSDF> They told me to come here
  3055. <SADFSDF> Look at my latest appeal
  3056. <SADFSDF>
  3057. <SADFSDF> But every night all the mods say the same thing :c
  3058. <SADFSDF> sad face
  3059. <Curry4Three> well based on that, cyanide told you to come back in a month
  3060. <Curry4Three> which is still 3 weeks from now
  3061. <SADFSDF> But its Christmas :c
  3062. <Curry4Three> ok, ill talk to cyanide
  3063. <SADFSDF> Yass
  3064. <Curry4Three> that doesnt really mean anything
  3065. <SADFSDF> Now? :p
  3066. <Curry4Three> personally, i wouldnt unban you
  3067. <SADFSDF> Yes but he should be in the Christmas spirit
  3068. <Curry4Three> and no, i have no way of contacting him right now
  3069. <SADFSDF> omg
  3070. <SADFSDF> :c
  3071. <SADFSDF> Okay last q
  3072. <Curry4Three> sure
  3073. <SADFSDF> whats your fave curry?
  3074. <Curry4Three> stephen
  3075. <SADFSDF> Stephen?
  3076. <Curry4Three> lol
  3077. <SADFSDF> You watch tvd?
  3078. <Curry4Three> wat
  3079. <SADFSDF> The vampire diaries?
  3080. <SADFSDF> best
  3081. <SADFSDF> show
  3082. <SADFSDF> ever
  3083. <Curry4Three> mk, happy holidays
  3084. <SADFSDF> Happy holidays
  3085. <SADFSDF> and may the christmas spirit bless your and cynaide heart :d
  3086. <SADFSDF> then i can get unban perhaps :P
  3087. <SADFSDF> Goodnight :)
  3088. * SADFSDF has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
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  3094. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3095. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3096. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3097. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3098. * Redkiwi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  3102. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3103. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3104. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3105. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3106. * [freenode-info] if you're at a conference and other people are having trouble connecting, please mention it to staff:
  3107. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3108. * Redkiwi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  3143. * Redkiwi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  3145. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3146. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3147. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3148. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3149. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3150. * ChanServ gives voice to Ranger_
  3151. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3152. * You are now known as KINGELF
  3153. * Redkiwi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  3179. * Kandrion (6176eb6e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3180. <Kandrion> !mods Someone named Kaiser is just killing himself over and over again on radius, purposefully, making most games 4v3 or 4v2 even
  3181. <Smalls> Kandrion - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3182. <Ranger_> ok
  3183. <Ranger_> i will take a look
  3184. <Ranger_> thanks
  3185. <Kandrion> Thank you
  3186. * Redkiwi has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
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  3195. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3196. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3197. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3198. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3199. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3200. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  3201. * wutmas has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
  3202. * tim-sanchez (~tim-sanch@ has joined
  3203. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  3204. * Checko (4431d838@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3205. <Checko> can i ask for a report to be removed here please? as in im a someball and playing with my son who is also a someball, i think we got an report for afk so we keep having to wati 2 mins
  3206. <KINGPRO> Could you make a mods call please?
  3207. <KINGPRO> As in just say !mods
  3208. <KINGPRO> Checko ^
  3209. * Ranger_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3210. <ContessaTP> Hi Checko
  3211. <Checko> ello contessa
  3212. <ContessaTP> What's your account name?
  3213. <Checko> Checko
  3214. <ContessaTP> yeah
  3215. <Checko> dimplesandchecko maybe
  3216. <ContessaTP> so even though we don't remove reports here, it doesn't look like there are any reports on Checko or your IP anyway :P
  3217. <Checko> so why do we have to wait2 mins? and cant make a group?
  3218. <ContessaTP> you're using the same computer that you're using to connect to IRC right now?
  3219. <Checko> 2 comp[uyrtd
  3220. <ContessaTP> Oh I see
  3221. <ContessaTP> your IP is flagged
  3222. <ContessaTP> but there are no reports on that IP
  3223. <ContessaTP> just log in and you should be fine, but be careful that you don't have your son get you banned
  3224. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  3225. <ContessaTP> !served Checko
  3226. <[TagPro]> Checko, your issue has been taken care of by ContessaTP. Total Users Served: 633 (by ContessaTP: 139 (21.96%))
  3227. <Checko> is there a way to unflag it, like with out logging in? I'm at my mother in laws house...and yeah long story
  3228. <ContessaTP> I don't have the power to do that
  3229. <Checko> ok, thanks contessa
  3230. <ContessaTP> np
  3231. <ContessaTP> sorry about that
  3232. <Checko> no worries
  3233. <ContessaTP> merry X-mas :-)
  3234. <Checko> You 2
  3235. * Checko has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3236. * an-sleigh (63f17bd1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3237. * ChanServ gives voice to an-sleigh
  3238. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3239. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3240. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3241. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3242. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3243. * CamWatts (~CamWatts@2601:18c:8403:3796:9dca:de7a:efea:3075) has joined
  3244. * \mSg has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  3245. * You are now known as KINGELF
  3246. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  3247. * \mSg (mSg@unaffiliated/msg/x-4576342) has joined
  3248. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3249. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3250. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3251. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3252. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3253. * defense_bot ( has joined
  3254. * Trondby (Trondby@unaffiliated/trondby) has joined
  3255. * You are now known as KINGELF
  3256. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGELF
  3257. * AnkhMoreGifts is now known as AMorpork
  3258. * You are now known as KINGPRO
  3259. * Gold_ (187fcb2a@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3260. * Gold_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3261. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3262. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3263. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3264. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3265. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3266. * [freenode-info] channel flooding and no channel staff around to help? Please check with freenode support:
  3267. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3268. * Ayy_Lmao_ (47ff8514@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3269. <Ayy_Lmao_> hello king
  3270. <Ayy_Lmao_> how do i upload it?
  3271. <KINGPRO> so
  3272. <KINGPRO> did you render it?
  3273. <Ayy_Lmao_> nah
  3274. <Ayy_Lmao_> not yet
  3275. <KINGPRO> ok, rendering will take a bit
  3276. <KINGPRO> then upload it to
  3277. <Ayy_Lmao_> ok its rendering
  3278. <KINGPRO> yea, that will take a little bit
  3279. <Ayy_Lmao_> once its done do i download and then upload it?
  3280. <KINGPRO> yea
  3281. <Ayy_Lmao_>
  3282. <Ayy_Lmao_> still uploading
  3283. <KINGPRO> oh thanks
  3284. <Ayy_Lmao_> but thats the link
  3285. <KINGPRO> k
  3286. <Ayy_Lmao_> wow it is slow
  3287. <Ayy_Lmao_> not even half way done
  3288. <Ayy_Lmao_> better be some 60fps 1080p stuff
  3289. <Ayy_Lmao_> ok its done
  3290. <Ayy_Lmao_> but we have a problem
  3291. <Ayy_Lmao_> its not showing walls or spikes
  3292. <Fuzz_Ball> how long is the replay?
  3293. <Ayy_Lmao_> 30s
  3294. <Ayy_Lmao_> you can see whats happening
  3295. <Ayy_Lmao_> though
  3296. <KINGPRO> yep
  3297. <Fuzz_Ball> yeah
  3298. <Ayy_Lmao_> "pls leave boost"
  3299. <Ayy_Lmao_> uses boost to kill teammate
  3300. <Fuzz_Ball> 1 sec, sorry about the wait!
  3301. <Fuzz_Ball> ok Ayy_Lmao_ the situation has been handled. Thank you for the replay.
  3302. <Ayy_Lmao_> thanks mate
  3303. <Fuzz_Ball> no problem!
  3304. <Ayy_Lmao_> :)
  3305. <Ayy_Lmao_> cya
  3306. * Ayy_Lmao_ has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3307. * ChanServ removes voice from Fuzz_Ball
  3308. * wut (~wut@ has joined
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  3311. * McScrooge36 is now known as McBride36
  3312. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  3313. * Ballkenende (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  3314. * tim-sanchez (~tim-sanch@ has joined
  3315. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
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  3326. * Pescis (~Pescis@ has joined
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  3329. * Psychiatrist has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  3330. * tagpro_BG has quit (Ping timeout: 264 seconds)
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  3337. * decoratIon_ is now known as Ion_
  3338. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3339. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3340. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3341. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3342. <Corhal> =
  3343. <Corhal> ?
  3344. <KINGPRO> ?
  3345. <Ballkenende> ?
  3346. -Smalls/#TPmods- Please take off-topic discussion to #tagpro
  3347. * Corhal has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3348. * Corhal (57b06329@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3349. * ChanServ gives voice to Corhal
  3350. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
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  3353. * Curveballed (~Curveball@ has joined
  3354. * ChanServ gives voice to Curveballed
  3355. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3356. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3357. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3358. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3359. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3360. * Fuzz_Ball (~kevinmay@ has joined
  3361. * n00b (~n00b_@unaffiliated/n00b-/x-8656745) has joined
  3362. * ChanServ gives voice to n00b
  3363. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Client Quit)
  3364. * Ballkenende_ is now known as Ballkenende
  3365. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3366. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3367. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3368. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3369. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3370. * Ranger_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3371. * Fuzz_Ball (~kevinmay@ has joined
  3372. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  3373. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3374. * defense_bot ( has joined
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  3376. * Ballkenende_ is now known as Ballkenende
  3377. * Corhal (57b06329@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3378. * ChanServ gives voice to Corhal
  3379. * Corhal has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3380. * Corhal ( has joined
  3381. * ChanServ gives voice to Corhal
  3382. * wut (~wut@ has joined
  3383. * ChanServ gives voice to ContessaTP
  3384. * Anti-re (a689f038@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3385. <Anti-re> !mods hi my account is not in good standing because of 3 false reports and I cannot play now, I am going for monthly and am fourth right now please help
  3386. <Smalls> Anti-re - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3387. * Anti-re has quit (Client Quit)
  3388. * Anti-re (a689f038@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3389. <Anti-re> !mods I don't know if you got what I just said I accidentally backed out of the chat room
  3390. <Smalls> Anti-re - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3391. * OmicroN-Work has quit (Ping timeout: 265 seconds)
  3392. <Fuzz_Ball> Hi Anti-re we are answering your appeal now
  3393. <Anti-re> Thank you
  3394. * Anti-re has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3395. * Anti-re (a689f038@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3396. <Anti-re> !mods I haven't dont anything wrong and I'm trying to get monthly, currently number 4 but can't play due to false reports :(
  3397. <Smalls> Anti-re - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3398. <Fuzz_Ball> Anti-re I already answered your appeal
  3399. <Anti-re> I didn't see it, I'm sorry am I good to go?
  3400. <McBride36> u could try reading the appeal
  3401. <Anti-re> Where is it?
  3402. <Fuzz_Ball> no this is mb McBride36
  3403. <Fuzz_Ball> your account is not in good standing Anti-re
  3404. <Anti-re> Yes that is why I am here it is not in good standing due to false reports and now I can't play and I've been playing all month for monthly
  3405. <Anti-re> 127hours this month and now I'm not going to get it because false reports?
  3406. <Fuzz_Ball> 1 sec
  3407. <Fuzz_Ball> alright I removed the offensive chat report on your account
  3408. <Fuzz_Ball> since i didn't find anything
  3409. <Anti-re> Thank you very much
  3410. <Fuzz_Ball> if you have recordings of you not being "afk" or "wgot" then send those
  3411. <Anti-re> <3
  3412. <Fuzz_Ball> no problem!
  3413. * Anti-re has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3414. * tim-sanchez (~tim-sanch@ has joined
  3415. * ChanServ gives voice to tim-sanchez
  3416. * Schweddys_AFK has quit (Quit: Dinnertime)
  3417. * tagpro_BG (~textual@ has joined
  3418. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3419. * wut has quit (Quit: byebye wut)
  3420. * Luke (589ce277@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3421. <KINGPRO> Hi Luke
  3422. <Luke> hi
  3423. * Luke is now known as Guest75461
  3424. <Guest75461>
  3425. <KINGPRO> ty
  3426. <KINGPRO> Ok Guest75461
  3427. <KINGPRO> Here is what happened,
  3428. <KINGPRO> there was clear wait
  3429. <KINGPRO> waot
  3430. <Guest75461> for pups
  3431. <Guest75461> we had tp
  3432. <KINGPRO> but, it was provoked because you would not suicide
  3433. <Guest75461> why would i suicide
  3434. <Guest75461> and how is it justifyable
  3435. <Guest75461> he cost us a cap
  3436. <Guest75461> and i got out after we went for it
  3437. <Guest75461> he didn't even say anything in chat
  3438. <KINGPRO> Ok, so on neutral flag maps, there is a strategy where the fc goes backwards and spikes to draw the opposite team out away from defending the regrab who should have a clear path to capture
  3439. <Guest75461> we were 2-0 up btw
  3440. <Guest75461> yeah i know about the strats but pups were spawning and we had a tp in ours
  3441. <KINGPRO> In that case, your team was waiting on re-grab and were waiting for you to suicide so they could grab the flag
  3442. <KINGPRO> But you said you were on re
  3443. <Guest75461> nah that was a joke
  3444. <KINGPRO> Then why didn't you suicide?
  3445. <Guest75461> and it was in earlier situation
  3446. <Guest75461> when wxlbz said it
  3447. <Guest75461> here's how it happened
  3448. <Guest75461> i'm in group with wxlbz
  3449. <Guest75461> we got one handoff for the second cap
  3450. <KINGPRO> ok
  3451. <Guest75461> which is what the chat said
  3452. <KINGPRO> mhm
  3453. <Guest75461> then i wait in our base when they have gates
  3454. <Guest75461> and both pups are spawning
  3455. <Guest75461> i see we have tp in ours
  3456. <KINGPRO> you typed nothing telling your team of that
  3457. <Guest75461> yeah but it's not like i should
  3458. <Guest75461> they know and can see them
  3459. <Guest75461> thing is
  3460. <Guest75461> there's no way what I
  3461. * tagpro_BG has quit (Quit: Textual IRC Client:
  3462. <Guest75461> 'm doing
  3463. <Guest75461> is against any rules, even when I'm just sitting there counting the clock down
  3464. <Guest75461> and him blocking me when I actually get out
  3465. <Guest75461> and costing us a cap
  3466. <Guest75461> clearly intentionally
  3467. <Guest75461> is not legit
  3468. <KINGPRO> Ok
  3469. <KINGPRO> I will handle this situation after I discuss it with other mods
  3470. <Guest75461> I'm not getting anything out of him being banned, just thought he should at least know he can't do that
  3471. <Guest75461> thanks for the help
  3472. <KINGPRO> Yes, that I agree with
  3473. <KINGPRO> Have a good day :)
  3474. <Guest75461> you too
  3475. * Guest75461 has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3476. * defense_bot ( has joined
  3477. * Psychiatrist has quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
  3478. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  3479. * \n (493588b1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3480. <\n> \n here, fuzz ball here?
  3481. <KINGPRO> um yea
  3482. <KINGPRO> one sec
  3483. <\n> thats you?
  3484. <\n> ok
  3485. <KINGPRO> no
  3486. <KINGPRO> hes coming
  3487. <\n> ah
  3488. <KINGPRO> He will be a minute
  3489. <KINGPRO> but hes coming
  3490. * Fuzz_Ball (~kevinmay@ has joined
  3491. <\n> hey fuzz
  3492. * ChanServ gives voice to Fuzz_Ball
  3493. <KINGPRO> There ^
  3494. <Fuzz_Ball> hey! let me look into your account \n
  3495. <\n> i got myself banned since i had crapload of hw and didnt want to tank my gpa :)
  3496. <\n>
  3497. <\n> link if u want quick lookup
  3498. <Corhal> damn you got nice summoning skills KINGPRO
  3499. <KINGPRO> im very persuasive
  3500. <\n> lol corhal fuzz and i agreed to meet here in game :)
  3501. <Corhal> ah =P
  3502. <\n> kingpro isnt THAT good
  3503. <KINGPRO> way to ruin my image
  3504. <Corhal> well that took my opinion of him down a notch
  3505. <KINGPRO> RIP KINGPRO's summoning skills
  3506. <\n> sorry dont kill me
  3507. <KINGPRO> k
  3508. <KINGPRO> you have gotten a pardon
  3509. <KINGPRO> jk
  3510. <KINGPRO> <3
  3512. <KINGPRO> <3 \n
  3513. <\n> whyd your name get red all of a sudden
  3514. <Fuzz_Ball> 1 sec
  3515. <KINGPRO> me?
  3516. <\n> yo corhal kingpro has colorshifting superpowers
  3517. <KINGPRO> cause i said your name
  3518. <KINGPRO> not har
  3519. <\n> \n
  3520. <\n> doesnt work for me
  3521. <KINGPRO> hard just have to say \n
  3522. <Corhal> :P
  3523. <Corhal> \n
  3524. <\n> \n \n \n
  3525. <KINGPRO> well, it shouldnt work for yourself
  3526. <Corhal> cant highlight yourself
  3527. <\n> KINGPRO
  3528. <KINGPRO> ugh
  3529. <KINGPRO> pinging me
  3530. <KINGPRO> lol
  3531. <\n> oh sorry
  3532. <KINGPRO> its fine
  3533. <KINGPRO> im on IRC rn so it doesnt bother me
  3534. <\n> does typing here give all mods notification or something
  3535. <KINGPRO> no
  3536. <\n> just a name
  3537. <KINGPRO> only typing !mods does
  3538. <\n> !m0ds
  3539. <KINGPRO> and that only alerts the mods with a +
  3540. <KINGPRO> anyways, I shouldn't cloud up this channel
  3541. * Louise (18d993ea@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3542. <Fuzz_Ball> still looking into it. gotta make sure we got everything
  3543. <Louise> !mods just wanted to let you know that "dad fetish" on origin is making pedophile type comments. He said "Plz penetrate my little butthole" with no context at all. Maybe worth keeping an eye on. Thanks!
  3544. <Smalls> Louise - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3545. <KINGPRO> Thanks Louise
  3546. <Louise> didn't think it needed a !mods call in game but still...
  3547. <Louise> have a good evening!
  3548. <Corhal> ty!
  3549. <KINGPRO> ^
  3550. * Louise has quit (Client Quit)
  3551. <Corhal> you want to take it KINGPRO or shall I?
  3552. <KINGPRO> You can have it
  3553. <KINGPRO> I'm gonna attempt to un-op myself on #tagpro
  3554. <\n> Fuzz_Ball any update?
  3555. <Fuzz_Ball> \n discussing things with other moderators about it
  3556. <Fuzz_Ball> Promise it won't take too much longer
  3557. <\n> alright
  3558. * Ballkenende_ (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  3559. * Ballkenende has quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
  3560. <Corhal> !served Louise
  3561. <[TagPro]> Congrats Corhal, you served another tagpro user. Total Users Served: 634 Time To Resolution: 4mins 13secs.
  3562. <\n> total users served: 634. Bans distributed: 634
  3563. <Corhal> psh way more bans
  3564. <Fuzz_Ball> \n alright your account has been unbanned.
  3565. <\n> sweet thanks everyone
  3566. <\n> enjoy holidays
  3567. <Fuzz_Ball> !served \n
  3568. <[TagPro]> \n, your issue has been taken care of by Fuzz_Ball. Total Users Served: 635 (by Fuzz_Ball: 4 (0.63%))
  3569. <Fuzz_Ball> you too!
  3570. * \n has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3571. * Sloppy (6029b721@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3572. * Corhal_ ( has joined
  3573. * ChanServ gives voice to Corhal_
  3574. * Corhal is now known as Guest80980
  3575. * Corhal_ is now known as Corhal
  3576. * Guest80980 has quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  3577. * Corhal has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3578. * defense_bot ( has joined
  3579. * Sloppy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3580. * tim-sanchez has quit (Ping timeout: 250 seconds)
  3581. * Trondby has quit (Ping timeout: 272 seconds)
  3582. * Ballzilla ( has joined
  3583. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3584. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3585. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3586. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3587. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3588. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3589. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3590. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3591. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3592. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  3593. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3594. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3595. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3596. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3597. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3598. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3599. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3600. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3601. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3602. * Notify: ContessaTP is online (freenode)
  3603. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3604. * Fawlty has quit (Quit: Fawlty)
  3605. * Hootie ( has joined
  3606. * ChanServ gives voice to Hootie
  3607. * Leafs (uid114637@gateway/web/ has joined
  3608. * poopprancer is now known as pooppants
  3609. * Psychiatrist has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  3610. * Detective (2f2111d1@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3611. <Detective> !mods sb1 is working against own team(didnt do this in chat because i have proof)
  3612. <Smalls> Detective - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3613. <McBride36> Detective, replay?
  3614. <Detective> oh sorry
  3615. <Detective> here McBride36
  3616. <McBride36> that sure is!
  3617. <McBride36> brb bannin' fools
  3618. <Detective> ty :D McBride36
  3619. <Detective> keeping those centra streets clean
  3620. <McBride36> boom
  3621. <McBride36> gottem
  3622. <Detective> thanks again
  3623. * Detective has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3624. * ChanServ gives channel operator status to McBride36
  3625. * McBride36 removes ban on Squirrely_!*@*$##fix_your_connection
  3626. * Squirrel_ is now known as Squirrely_
  3627. * hellyea (473b74db@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3628. <hellyea> !mods I can't connect to mumble. Am I banned?
  3629. <Smalls> hellyea - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3630. <McBride36> i can check
  3631. <McBride36> one sec
  3632. <McBride36> assuming you aren't using a vpn right now, no
  3633. <hellyea> Ok thanks
  3634. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3635. * Smalls has quit (Remote host closed the connection)
  3636. * hellyea has quit (Client Quit)
  3637. * Smalls (~Smalls@unaffiliated/mcbride36) has joined
  3638. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3639. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3640. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3641. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3642. * _Sloppy has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3643. * _Sloppy (6029b721@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3644. * titanblue has quit (Ping timeout: 256 seconds)
  3645. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3646. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3647. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3648. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3649. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3650. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3651. * Ballzilla has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3652. * poopie (59f28b9b@gateway/web/cgi-irc/ has joined
  3653. <poopie> !mods now can i be unbanned please?
  3654. <Smalls> poopie - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3655. <KINGPRO> um
  3656. <KINGPRO> first thing I have to say is
  3657. <KINGPRO> !ticket
  3658. <Smalls>
  3659. <KINGPRO> but I will look into it
  3660. <poopie> :c
  3661. <KINGPRO> im sorry
  3662. <poopie> ticket this ticket that , sorry the mod that banned you isnt here come back another day, *comes another day* same process :c
  3663. <poopie> Look at my latest ticket. He said he will unban me :c
  3664. <KINGPRO> ok, one second
  3665. <poopie> I can't believe I got banned for reporting my team for letting the other team scoring. :p A mod comes along and bans me for playing the game. Make sense.
  3666. <KINGPRO> one second
  3667. <poopie> Okie dokie.
  3668. <KINGPRO> Ugh, I hate to do this to you, but that mod is not here
  3669. <poopie> sadface
  3670. <poopie> :'(
  3671. <KINGPRO> one sec though, let me see if i can get a dev to take a look at it
  3672. <poopie> Yaay thankyou!
  3673. <poopie> Someone helpful here finally lol
  3674. <KINGPRO> :)
  3675. * ContessaTP (~Sundancer@unaffiliated/sundancertp) has joined
  3676. <KINGPRO> Sorry for taking so long, but if the dev answers, I think he will answer here
  3677. <poopie> Okay thanks
  3678. <poopie> Hi contessa
  3679. <ContessaTP> ayy poopie
  3680. <poopie> I miss you bud
  3681. <poopie> I am pumpking and marshmello and mistik :p
  3682. <ContessaTP> oooh
  3683. <ContessaTP> I remember you :-)
  3684. <ContessaTP> <3
  3685. <poopie> We played in private sever one time
  3686. <poopie> When i got banned :p
  3687. <ContessaTP> yes :-)
  3688. <ContessaTP> what's your registered name now?
  3689. <poopie> I am hoping to get unbanned today
  3690. <poopie> Its pumpking :p
  3691. <poopie> pumking *
  3692. <ContessaTP> good luck with that
  3693. <poopie> Thanks bro
  3694. <ContessaTP> I'm down for playing on maptest or tangent anytime
  3695. * stevepotato (182dd961@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3696. <stevepotato> first time on so whats up
  3697. <KINGPRO> Hey thanks for coming
  3698. <KINGPRO> one sec, I need to invite you to another channel
  3699. * Ranger_ ( has joined
  3700. <KINGPRO> stevepotato, #RagingBallsOfFire
  3701. * Cyanide_ ( has joined
  3702. <KINGPRO> could you click on that channel?
  3703. <KINGPRO> poopie, great news
  3704. * defense_bot has quit (Ping timeout: 245 seconds)
  3705. <poopie> Yaaaay
  3706. <KINGPRO> stevepotato, you still around?
  3707. <stevepotato> not opening
  3708. <poopie> i unban?
  3709. <KINGPRO> did you click it?
  3710. <KINGPRO> does it say invite only?
  3711. <KINGPRO> k here: #stevepotato
  3712. <Cyanide_> poopie, are you here?
  3713. <poopie> Yep
  3714. <poopie> Hi Cyanide
  3715. <Cyanide_> check your private messages
  3716. * stevepotato has quit (Quit: Page closed)
  3717. * poopie has quit (Quit: - A hand crafted IRC client)
  3718. * Fuzz_Ball (~kevinmay@ has joined
  3719. * Cyanide_ has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3720. * defense_bot ( has joined
  3721. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3722. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3723. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3724. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3725. * Farmer (32b0a441@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3726. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3727. * Fuzz_Ball has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3728. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3729. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3730. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3731. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3732. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3733. * josh61616 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  3734. * Disconnected (Connection reset by peer)
  3735. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3736. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3737. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3738. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3739. * ChanServ gives voice to KINGPRO
  3740. * Ballkenende_ is now known as Ballkenende
  3741. * Ruud_ is now known as Ruud
  3742. * Ballkenende waits for anom to come here
  3743. * Ballkenende has quit (Quit: I am getting the fuck out)
  3744. * Ballkenende (~Ballkenen@unaffiliated/ballkenende-/x-7642110) has joined
  3745. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  3746. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3747. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3748. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3749. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3750. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  3751. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3752. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3753. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3754. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3755. * PKSubball has quit (Quit: We be chillin' - IceChat style)
  3756. * Disconnected (Operation timed out)
  3758. * Loaded log from Wed Dec 30 17:14:06 2015
  3760. * Now talking on #TPmods
  3761. * Topic for #TPmods is: Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. This channel is for moderator calls ONLY, use #tagpro for other discussion | No ban appeals. Go to to open a ban appeal. | You may report mass false reporters, but we will not remove reports.
  3762. * Topic for #TPmods set by AMorpork! (Sat Sep 26 14:56:34 2015)
  3763. -ChanServ- [#TPmods] Welcome to #TPmods! Type !mods with a reason on the same line to notify a moderator. Please stay patient while waiting. You may call !mods again if you go 12 minutes without a response.
  3764. * boogieidm (322d2664@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3765. <boogieidm> !mods are you aware that like 6 servers are down?
  3766. <Smalls> boogieidm - the mods have received your request. Please stay patient while waiting. Make sure to state the user/issue to speed up the request process.
  3767. <boogieidm> Radius, Arc Segment, Orbit, Sphere, and possibly Diameter.
  3768. <boogieidm> Going in and out that is.
  3769. * DeezNutz (c0ead66e@gateway/web/freenode/ip. has joined
  3770. * ChanServ gives voice to DeezNutz
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