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a guest
Oct 9th, 2019
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  1. menu_title: '&e&lEnchantments'
  2. open_command:
  3. - enchant
  4. - enchants
  5. - enchantment
  6. - enchantments
  7. - crazyenchantment
  8. - crazyenchantments
  9. - ce
  10. - crazye
  11. - book
  12. update_interval: 1
  13. size: 27
  14. items:
  15. 'Glasses':
  16. material: 160
  17. data: 1
  18. slot: 0
  19. display_name: ''
  20. lore:
  21. - ''
  22. slots:
  23. - 1
  24. - 2
  25. - 6
  26. - 7
  27. - 8
  28. - 9
  29. - 17
  30. - 18
  31. - 26
  32. - 0
  33. - 4
  34. 'Glasses2':
  35. material: 160
  36. data: 0
  37. slot: 0
  38. display_name: ''
  39. lore:
  40. - ''
  41. slots:
  42. - 3
  43. - 5
  44. - 11
  45. - 15
  46. - 19
  47. - 20
  48. - 24
  49. - 25
  50. - 15
  51. - 12
  52. - 14
  53. 'tier1':
  54. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTZlMGQ1ZmU4N2QyZDIxZTJiZGU2Mzc0NDI1YTM0MWE3NTczYjM3NWQ1YmI3ZDQ3ZjRiOGRhZTM1Mjk3ZWE0In19fQ==
  55. slot: 21
  56. update: true
  57. priority: 1
  58. view_requirement:
  59. requirements:
  60. anythinghere:
  61. type: has money
  62. amount: 50000.0
  63. display_name: '&e&lGem &f| &a[Tier 1]'
  64. lore:
  65. - ''
  66. - '&8&7Rarity: &e✰&7✰✰'
  67. - ''
  68. - '&7Cost: &e$50.000 ⛁'
  69. - ' '
  70. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  71. left_click_commands:
  72. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lGem &f| &a[Tier 1]'
  73. - '[console] ce lostbook Tier-1 1 %player_name%'
  75. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 49999'
  76. - '[close]'
  77. right_click_commands:
  78. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lGem &f| &a[Tier 1]'
  79. - '[console] ce lostbook Tier-1 1 %player_name%'
  81. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 49999'
  82. - '[close]'
  83. 'tier1-1':
  84. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTZlMGQ1ZmU4N2QyZDIxZTJiZGU2Mzc0NDI1YTM0MWE3NTczYjM3NWQ1YmI3ZDQ3ZjRiOGRhZTM1Mjk3ZWE0In19fQ==
  85. slot: 21
  86. priority: 2
  87. update: true
  88. display_name: '&e&lGem &f| &a[Tier 1]'
  89. lore:
  90. - ''
  91. - '&8&7Rarity: &e✰&7✰✰'
  92. - ''
  93. - '&7Cost: &e$50.000 ⛁'
  94. - ' '
  95. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  96. left_click_commands:
  97. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  98. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  99. right_click_commands:
  100. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  101. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  102. 'tier2':
  103. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTc0MTJhZTc1YjgyMmNlOWM5YWQ0Y2JhZTg3NTA2MWI2YmYzZGUyMzMzYWIxMzdjODJkNjYxZGQ5YmVmIn19fQ==
  104. slot: 22
  105. priority: 1
  106. update: true
  107. view_requirement:
  108. requirements:
  109. anythinghere:
  110. type: has money
  111. amount: 100000.0
  112. display_name: '&e&lGem &f| &6[Tier 2]'
  113. lore:
  114. - ''
  115. - '&8&7Rarity: &e✰✰&7✰'
  116. - ''
  117. - '&7Cost: &e$100.000 ⛁'
  118. - ' '
  119. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  120. left_click_commands:
  121. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lGem &f| &6[Tier 2]'
  122. - '[console] ce lostbook Tier-2 1 %player_name%'
  124. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 99999'
  125. - '[close]'
  126. right_click_commands:
  127. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lGem &f| &6[Tier 2]'
  128. - '[console] ce lostbook Tier-2 1 %player_name%'
  130. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 99999'
  131. - '[close]'
  132. 'tier2-1':
  133. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTc0MTJhZTc1YjgyMmNlOWM5YWQ0Y2JhZTg3NTA2MWI2YmYzZGUyMzMzYWIxMzdjODJkNjYxZGQ5YmVmIn19fQ==
  134. slot: 22
  135. update: true
  136. priority: 2
  137. display_name: '&e&lGem &f| &6[Tier 2]'
  138. lore:
  139. - ''
  140. - '&8&7Rarity: &e✰✰&7✰'
  141. - ''
  142. - '&7Cost: &e$100.000 ⛁'
  143. - ' '
  144. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  145. left_click_commands:
  146. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  147. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  148. right_click_commands:
  149. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  150. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  151. 'tier3':
  152. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTlmMjlmNGFjZDRlNGIyOGVjMGMxYjcyMjU4ZGEzZDM1ZTNiNmE3MWI1Yjk4ZmNlZWFlYjhiYTllMmE2In19fQ==
  153. slot: 23
  154. update: true
  155. priority: 1
  156. view_requirement:
  157. requirements:
  158. anythinghere:
  159. type: has money
  160. amount: 150000.0
  161. display_name: '&e&lGem &f| &d[Tier 3]'
  162. lore:
  163. - ''
  164. - '&8&7Rarity: &e✰✰✰'
  165. - ''
  166. - '&7Cost: &e$150.000 ⛁'
  167. - ' '
  168. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  169. left_click_commands:
  170. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lGem &f| &d[Tier 3]'
  171. - '[console] ce lostbook Tier-3 1 %player_name%'
  173. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 149999'
  174. - '[close]'
  175. right_click_commands:
  176. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lGem &f| &d[Tier 3]'
  177. - '[console] ce lostbook Tier-3 1 %player_name%'
  179. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 149999'
  180. - '[close]'
  181. 'tier3-1':
  182. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOTlmMjlmNGFjZDRlNGIyOGVjMGMxYjcyMjU4ZGEzZDM1ZTNiNmE3MWI1Yjk4ZmNlZWFlYjhiYTllMmE2In19fQ==
  183. slot: 23
  184. update: true
  185. priority: 2
  186. display_name: '&e&lGem &f| &d[Tier 3]'
  187. lore:
  188. - ''
  189. - '&8&7Rarity: &e✰✰✰'
  190. - ''
  191. - '&7Cost: &e$150.000 ⛁'
  192. - ' '
  193. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  194. left_click_commands:
  195. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  196. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  197. right_click_commands:
  198. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  199. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  200. 'info':
  201. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvOGExNjAzOGJjOGU2NTE4YWZhOTE0OThkYWI3Njc1YzAxY2IzMWExMjVkMjFjNDliODYxMjk0ZDM5ZTFjNTYwYyJ9fX0=
  202. display_name: '&eEnchantments&f | Info'
  203. lore:
  204. - '&7Preview all enchants and'
  205. - '&7enchantable items.'
  206. - ''
  207. - '&6&l* &aRight click to open'
  208. data: 0
  209. slot: 13
  210. left_click_commands:
  211. - '[player] ce info'
  212. - '[close]'
  213. right_click_commands:
  214. - '[player] ce info'
  215. - '[close]'
  216. 'white':
  217. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTEzYzdhNDAwNDQ3OGRhNTIyOTM3NGE5NGY3OWY4MjEwZGRiZDdjNjk5NmEwMDBlYTBmMTY5Mzg3ZDRjY2E1NyJ9fX0=
  218. slot: 1
  219. update: true
  220. priority: 1
  221. view_requirement:
  222. requirements:
  223. anythinghere:
  224. type: has money
  225. amount: 25000.0
  226. display_name: '&e&lWhite &f| Scroll'
  227. lore:
  228. - '&7White scrolls allow you to'
  229. - '&7protect items from breaking.'
  230. - ''
  231. - '&7Cost: &e$25.000 ⛁'
  232. - ' '
  233. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  234. left_click_commands:
  235. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lWhite &f| Scroll'
  236. - '[console] ce scroll white 1 %player_name%'
  238. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 24999'
  239. - '[close]'
  240. right_click_commands:
  241. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lWhite &f| Scroll'
  242. - '[console] ce scroll white 1 %player_name%'
  244. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 24999'
  245. - '[close]'
  246. 'white1':
  247. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTEzYzdhNDAwNDQ3OGRhNTIyOTM3NGE5NGY3OWY4MjEwZGRiZDdjNjk5NmEwMDBlYTBmMTY5Mzg3ZDRjY2E1NyJ9fX0=
  248. slot: 1
  249. update: true
  250. priority: 2
  251. display_name: '&e&lWhite &f| Scroll'
  252. lore:
  253. - '&7White scrolls allow you to'
  254. - '&7protect items from breaking.'
  255. - ''
  256. - '&7Cost: &e$25.000 ⛁'
  257. - ' '
  258. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  259. left_click_commands:
  260. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  261. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  262. right_click_commands:
  263. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  264. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  265. 'black':
  266. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzBjZjc0ZTI2MzhiYTVhZDMyMjM3YTM3YjFkNzZhYTEyM2QxODU0NmU3ZWI5YTZiOTk2MWU0YmYxYzNhOTE5In19fQ==
  267. slot: 10
  268. update: true
  269. priority: 1
  270. view_requirement:
  271. requirements:
  272. anythinghere:
  273. type: has money
  274. amount: 15000.0
  275. display_name: '&e&lBlack &f| Scroll'
  276. lore:
  277. - '&7Black scrolls allow you to'
  278. - '&7take off random enchantments.'
  279. - ''
  280. - '&7Cost: &e$15.000 ⛁'
  281. - ' '
  282. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  283. left_click_commands:
  284. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lBlack &f| Scroll'
  285. - '[console] ce scroll black 1 %player_name%'
  287. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 14999'
  288. - '[close]'
  289. right_click_commands:
  290. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lBlack &f| Scroll'
  291. - '[console] ce scroll black 1 %player_name%'
  293. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 14999'
  294. - '[close]'
  295. 'black1':
  296. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzBjZjc0ZTI2MzhiYTVhZDMyMjM3YTM3YjFkNzZhYTEyM2QxODU0NmU3ZWI5YTZiOTk2MWU0YmYxYzNhOTE5In19fQ==
  297. slot: 10
  298. update: true
  299. priority: 2
  300. display_name: '&e&lBlack &f| Scroll'
  301. lore:
  302. - '&7Black scrolls allow you to'
  303. - '&7take off random enchantments.'
  304. - ''
  305. - '&7Cost: &e$15.000 ⛁'
  306. - ' '
  307. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  308. left_click_commands:
  309. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  310. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  311. right_click_commands:
  312. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  313. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  314. 'fixing':
  315. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFjNTAxM2IyMjdhNDk0ZWMxNmM0ZWFmYWIxZjg0ZGVhNTcyZWZiMmYzYzRiNWMzZmY4ODI1MmYzNTZhMDJiIn19fQ==
  316. slot: 7
  317. update: true
  318. priority: 1
  319. view_requirement:
  320. requirements:
  321. anythinghere:
  322. type: has money
  323. amount: 5000.0
  324. display_name: '&e&lMagic Fixing &f| Dust'
  325. lore:
  326. - '&7Dust allow you to bring'
  327. - '&7down your &4Destroy Rate&7.'
  328. - ''
  329. - '&7Cost: &e$5.000 ⛁'
  330. - ' '
  331. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  332. left_click_commands:
  333. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lMagic Fixing &f| Dust'
  334. - '[console] ce dust destroy 1 %player_name%'
  336. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 4999'
  337. - '[close]'
  338. right_click_commands:
  339. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lMagic Fixing &f| Dust'
  340. - '[console] ce dust destroy 1 %player_name%'
  342. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 4999'
  343. - '[close]'
  344. 'fixing1':
  345. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZmFjNTAxM2IyMjdhNDk0ZWMxNmM0ZWFmYWIxZjg0ZGVhNTcyZWZiMmYzYzRiNWMzZmY4ODI1MmYzNTZhMDJiIn19fQ==
  346. slot: 7
  347. update: true
  348. priority: 2
  349. display_name: '&e&lMagic Fixing &f| Dust'
  350. lore:
  351. - '&7Dust allow you to bring'
  352. - '&7down your &4Destroy Rate&7.'
  353. - ''
  354. - '&7Cost: &e$5.000 ⛁'
  355. - ' '
  356. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  357. left_click_commands:
  358. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  359. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  360. right_click_commands:
  361. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  362. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  363. 'success':
  364. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDYzYTRlOTg4MmYxODkyMzNmOWJmMTEyMWI5NmI3OTliYjNmZDM3NzA1NGYzOWRkMTlhNWQ4M2JlMDFmZjYifX19
  365. slot: 16
  366. update: true
  367. priority: 1
  368. view_requirement:
  369. requirements:
  370. anythinghere:
  371. type: has money
  372. amount: 5000.0
  373. display_name: '&e&lMagic Angel &f| Dust'
  374. lore:
  375. - '&7Dust allow you to bring'
  376. - '&7up your &aSuccess Rate&7.'
  377. - ''
  378. - '&7Cost: &e$5.000 ⛁'
  379. - ' '
  380. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &a&l✔"
  381. left_click_commands:
  382. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lMagic Angel &f| Dust'
  383. - '[console] ce dust success 1 %player_name%'
  385. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 4999'
  386. - '[close]'
  387. right_click_commands:
  388. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &e&lCONGRATULATIONS\n&7You bought a &e&lMagic Angel &f| Dust'
  389. - '[console] ce dust success 1 %player_name%'
  391. - '[console] eco take %player_name% 4999'
  392. - '[close]'
  393. 'success1':
  394. material: basehead-eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNDYzYTRlOTg4MmYxODkyMzNmOWJmMTEyMWI5NmI3OTliYjNmZDM3NzA1NGYzOWRkMTlhNWQ4M2JlMDFmZjYifX19
  395. slot: 16
  396. update: true
  397. priority: 2
  398. display_name: '&e&lMagic Fixing &f| Dust'
  399. lore:
  400. - '&7Dust allow you to bring'
  401. - '&7up your &aSuccess Rate&7.'
  402. - ''
  403. - '&7Cost: &e$5.000 ⛁'
  404. - ' '
  405. - "&6&l* &eRight click to buy &8| &c&l✘"
  406. left_click_commands:
  407. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  408. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
  409. right_click_commands:
  410. - '[sound] BLOCK_ANVIL_LAND'
  411. - '[console] tm msg %player_name% &c&lERROR\n&7You don''t have enough money'
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