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Apr 27th, 2017
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  1. 水,無所不在!Water, Water, Everywhere!
  2. 挑戰
  3. 為災害應變管理人員設計工具,在選定的區域範圍測繪並隨時更新洪水風險地圖。Develop a tool that provides emergency management personnel with an up-to-date flood-risk map for an area of interest.
  4. 背景
  5. 洪水是相當普遍的自然災害,不時對民眾的生命、家園和生計造成重大衝擊。對於地方和區域層級的管理人士和救災人員而言,一套精準的洪水警示範圍繪測工具是非常重要的,能夠幫助他們找出受創最為嚴重的區域,以便做出適當的人力配置。此外,也可針對較易受到波及的區域進行監控,掌握水質污染的情況和霍亂等水媒疾病的擴散情勢。
  6. Flooding is a pervasive natural hazard with devastating consequences on people’s lives, homes, and livelihoods. Mapping floodwater extent for active floods is critical for local and regional officials, and also for disaster relief workers who are trying to determine where to focus their efforts. Additionally, it can be critical to monitor vulnerable regions for water pollution, or the spread of water-borne illnesses like cholera.
  9. 您的挑戰是設計方便操作及使用工具,顯示特定區域的即時更新洪水風險的警示地圖,讓大眾能夠隨時掌握最新的洪水訊息。最理想的解決方案是要能全世界通用,並能提供充足的相關資訊。
  10. Your challenge is to develop a tool that displays an up-to-date flood-risk map for an area of interest and is easy for the public to use and understand. The ideal solution should be general enough to apply to any area worldwide for which sufficient relevant data are available.
  12. 聯合國大會為建立世界各國和利益關係者之間的合作夥伴關係,採納了永續發展目標(Sustainable Development Goals, SDG)決議,期盼藉此在經濟、社會和環境三個面向取得永續發展,增進全球的團結合作,為人類打造一個更美好的未來。此項挑戰呼應了以下的永續發展細項目標:
  13. This challenge addresses the following Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly to engage all countries and all stakeholders in a collaborative partnership. The SDGs aim to build a better future for all people by achieving sustainable development in three dimensions – economic, social, and environmental – in the spirit of strengthened global solidarity:
  14. 目標1.5:在2030年前,增進貧窮及弱勢族群災後的復原能力,並減少極端氣候事件和其他經濟、社會、環境災難事件對這些族群的影響和衝擊。
  15. Goal 1.5: By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters.
  16. 目標11.5:在2030年前,大幅降低重大災難(例如:水患)所造成的死亡人數和受災人數,並大幅減少這些災害造成的與GDP有關的直接經濟損失,將重點放置在保護貧窮與弱勢族群上。
  17. Goal 11.5: By 2030, significantly reduce the number of deaths and the number of people affected and substantially decrease the direct economic losses relative to global gross domestic product caused by disasters, including water-related disasters, with a focus on protecting the poor and people in vulnerable situations.
  18. 目標13.1:強化世界各國對於氣候災難和天然災害的災後復原能力與調適能力。
  19. Goal 13.1: Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries.
  20. 考量重點
  21. 您可以試著結合衛星觀測資料、空測資料、和各種不同的現場觀測資料或模擬資料。這些資料可包含:
  22. Consider combining satellite, airborne, in situ and/or simulation data from different sources. These may include:
  23. Local presence of hazardous chemicals or other dangerous materials
  24. 天氣/降雨預測
  25. Meteorological/rain forecasts
  26. 該地形的地質與幾何特徵
  27. Geological and geometric characteristics of the terrain
  28. 土壤含水量
  29. Soil moisture content
  30. 與河流和/或水壩的距離,以及該河流/水壩的飽和程度
  31. Proximity to a river and/or dam, and saturation level of that river and/or dam
  32. 河床條件
  33. Riverbed conditions
  34. 是否有橋墩或其他阻礙水流的建築結構
  35. Presence of bridges and other flow-disrupting structures
  36. 市區的排水和下水道系統
  37. Urban sewage and drainage infrastructure
  38. 洪水模擬結果
  39. Flood model outcomes
  40. 該地區的洪水歷史
  41. Flooding history of the area
  43. 您亦可將易引發水災的人為因素資料一同進行比對,例如:
  44. Consider overlaying data on human factors that influence flood-related hazards, such as:
  45. 人口密度
  46. Population density
  47. 地區性的疾病,尤其是水媒傳染疾病和病媒傳播疾病
  48. Endemic diseases, particularly water-borne illnesses and vector-borne diseases
  49. 該區域是否存有有害化學物質或其他危險物品
  50. Local presence of hazardous chemicals or other dangerous materials
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