
Nickel Mines Timeline

Nov 19th, 2013
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  1. According to state police (October 3, 2006)
  3. 3 A.M.: Charles Carl Roberts IV of Bart finishes delivering milk from Amish farms to a processing plant and drives home.
  5. 7:30-7:45 A.M.: Roberts and his wife, Marie, get their children ready for school.
  7. 8:45 A.M.: He walks his children to the school bus stop.
  9. 9 A.M.: Marie Roberts leaves their home to attend a prayer group, picking up a friend along the way; Charles Roberts was to leave the house for a random drug test, a requirement for his job, but did not do so.
  11. 9:15 A.M.: Marie Roberts arrives at church.
  13. 10 A.M.: Roberts enters the West Nickel Mines Amish School in Bart Twp. with a semiautomatic handgun, a shotgun, a rifle, two knives, a stun gun and 600 rounds of ammunition, and takes hostages. There are 15 boys and 11 girls, ages 6 to 13, a teacher and teacher's aides at the school.
  15. MINUTES LATER: Roberts tells the students to line up at the blackboard. He ties the girls' feet together but lets the boys, a pregnant woman and three women with infants leave. The teacher flees.
  17. 10:30 A.M.: Marie Roberts leaves church with her friend and drops off the friend before returning home.
  19. AT THE SAME TIME: The teacher and another adult at the school escape to a nearby farmhouse, and someone calls 911 to report a hostage situation.
  21. 10:45-10:50 A.M.: Marie Roberts tries to call her husband from the couple's home phone; Charles Roberts had taken her cell phone with him. The first police units arrive.
  23. 10:45 A.M.: State police arrive at the school and set up a perimeter. Police try unsuccessfully to talk with Roberts, using public address systems in the police cars.
  25. 10:50 A.M.: Roberts calls his wife, says he left notes for her and his children. "I'm not coming home. The police are here" he tells her. He then tells her he molested two young family members 20 years earlier and tells her where to find suicide notes he has left in the house for her and each of their children.
  27. A FEW MINUTES LATER: Marie Roberts finds and reads some of the suicide notes, calls her mother, then calls 911. As she is on hold with the police dispatch center, she hears sirens wailing in the background.
  29. JUST AFTER 11 A.M.: Roberts calls 911, telling state police he will shoot students if they don't leave in 10 seconds.
  30. A state police negotiator calls him on his cell phone.
  31. Within seconds, rapid shots are fired. Students are shot execution-style, many of them in the head.
  32. State police storm the school. Roberts has barred the doors with boards, so troopers go through windows. They find Roberts, a student and a teen aide dead. Another student dies en route to a hospital. Two others died early yesterday. Five more remain in serious or critical condition.
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