
Anon Wins the Lottery P1

Jul 17th, 2014
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  1. >When you first became a part of the civilization of Equestria you were asked, politely, to sign and come into agreement about certain things.
  2. >"Nothing odd or specific based on your species; it's merely a part of being a citizen under the royal diarchy."
  3. >You signed, because what else could you do?
  4. >Sit in a dangerous wildland and try to make it in a world with foreign flora and fauna?
  5. >Nah, you'll pay some taxes or whatever if it means you can get some edible food and a home to keep the mosquitoes out.
  6. >One of the things that you agreed to when signing, apparently, was entry into some manner of lottery.
  7. >The asshole bureaucrat you'd been assigned never explained this, nor what the lottery was for.
  8. >It was therefor, a great surprise to you when after a couple months getting used to everything, you received a letter from Canterlot.
  9. >It read thusly:
  10. > "Dear citizen,
  11. You have been selected to receive a month long stay at decadent and hospitable Canterlot castle. Your home and belongings will be kept where they are, and kept clean during your vacation. You will be met at the train by the royal sisters, who will be playing host to you, and who will discuss the activities you will be asked to attend to during your stay as their guest. Enclosed is one first-class train ticket good at all stations to be used post-haste on your journey to your destination.
  12. Sincerely,
  13. Some name you don't recognize or care to read aloud"
  14. >Needless to say, you were confused.
  15. >You had a number of questions for the local expert on Canterlot, having grown up there, likely within the castle itself at that.
  16. >Twilight Sparkle.
  17. >She admitted to having never received such a letter herself, and explained in an entirely un-convincing way that she had no idea what it meant for you, or the next month of your life.
  18. >She did however offer to help you get ready for the trip, citing that "One should never keep royalty waiting."
  19. >A surprising show of kindness from a mare whom you've had a strained relationship with.
  20. 1/?
  22. >By the end of the day, your bags had been packed, your fare-wells said, and your nerves thoroughly rattled.
  23. >It didn't help that literally all of your friends denied understanding and fore-knowledge in the exact same way that Twilight did.
  24. >It was almost enough to keep you from boarding the train in the evening, but a quick shove from a certain purple unicorn, and the choice was no longer important.
  25. >The doors had shut closed before you could complain, and all you could do was wave lamely as the shuttle pulled out of station, and began it's overnight trip to the capital city.
  26. >You were pretty much stuck at that point so you did the only sensible thing you could.
  27. >You found yourself a nice empty seat in first class, and laid your head down for the night.
  28. >You slept soundly for what must have been at least six hours, because when you next awoke, to the sound of the train's choo-choo horn thing, you were pulling into Canterlot station, and it was a bright & early morning.
  29. >You shook the sleep from your eyes, and grabbed your bag before making your way off the station.
  30. >What awaited you was a good deal more than you'd expected, honestly.
  31. >Standing tall [for ponies] and proud before you were the two royal sisters.
  32. >You'd met them a few times since arriving, mostly them asking you if you were settling in alright, asking some about your people, yadda yadda yadda.
  33. >You were literally unique in this world, so you tolerated it, and they were always nice, if not always regal in their behavior.
  34. >You didn't actually think that they'd show up at a train station to meet you though, they are figures in government, so you thought they'd delegate it to some guards or a lesser nobleman or something.
  35. >But no, there they stand, looking lovely [as far as horses go] and smiling as you draw closer.
  36. >The larger, pure-white coated mare, whom you know as Princess Celestia speaks in a calm and dignified tone, welcoming you to Canterlot, and pulling you close with a wing.
  37. 2/?
  39. >It's a very awkward hug, the hug you share with royalty, but not unpleasant.
  40. >The leader of this nation you now inhabit smells like milk and roses.
  41. >And her coat is warm and soft against you.
  42. >You almost forget to pull away from the hug in time to preserve modesty, and when you do, you note a slight pinkness to her cheeks.
  43. >Luna pulls you into a hug as well, and you note that of the two royal sisters, Celestia may smell a bit better, but Luna's fur is softer than practically anything you've ever felt before.
  44. >Such that you do actually forget to let go for modesty's sake.
  45. >It's only when Celestia clears her throat that you recall you're in public, and currently gripping tight to the soft warm blue-berry scented flank of one of the country's two rulers.
  46. >Suffice it to say, you feel your cheeks burn in embarrassment.
  47. >Luna seems very pleased at this however, and you manage to catch a glance shared between the mares that speaks of a good deal more than simple maternal kindness.
  48. >Then again, you could just be crazy.
  49. >The princesses ask if you've got what you need from the train, and after confirming that you do indeed, you all begin walking at a relaxed pace through town.
  50. >The day seems to be characterized by festivities wherever you go.
  51. >Banners hang across the streets, held up by street-lanterns.
  52. >Cheerful music is played on every other corner by street-side performers.
  53. >And many of the ponies out and about are noticeably well dressed.
  54. >You imagine it has something to do with the sisters' presence in town.
  55. >The royal sisters, for their part, are polite and amicable wherever you go.
  56. >Never demanding gifts or anything of the sort, and expressing gratitude wherever appropriate.
  57. >A cake here, an invitation to a free meal there, whatever you can imagine that ponies would offer, everywhere you go.
  58. >Honestly, this is the regal-ness you were more expecting when you met with them for their little surveys.
  59. >You're somehow relieved to see it come out in public, although you can't quite understand why.
  60. >After some more PR, the sisters agree that they'd like to get home and to get you situated in the room you'll be staying in.
  61. >You don't argue, and soon you three are all standing outside the castle gates, being led in by a troop of a dozen soldiers.
  62. 3/?
  64. >They break off once you enter the castle itself, and you are led to the throne room by the two sisters, both of whom seem more eager by the moment.
  65. >They take their seats and you stand at attention to hear what they will say.
  66. >"Anonymous."
  67. >Luna begins.
  68. >"As you may imagine, our sister and I do much for our people. We see to it that their days pass as they are meant to, we delegate and determine what weather is necessary where, and we maintain a peaceful relationship with neighboring kingdoms."
  69. >Celestia cuts in, and you note a look of excitement in her eyes.
  70. >"What Luna says is true, Anonymous. Of course, we are happy to take these roles; to see our little ponies happy and healthy is almost reward enough for this role."
  71. >She looks away, and a blush comes to her cheeks.
  72. >"It does however, cost us a great deal. The time required, the stress involved, the fear of accidents, and the responsibility over literally thousands upon thousands of lives. It's enough to drive a mare insane."
  73. >The sisters chuckle softly, and you join them after a few moments.
  74. "You both seem pretty level headed to me."
  75. >You say, as you collect yourself.
  76. >Luna beams at this, and Celestia puts a hoof to her sister's side to calm her down.
  77. >Luna continues after calming some.
  78. >"Indeed, but it is not without a small request on our part to our beloved subjects. You see, Anonymous. It has been centuries since I have been around, and even longer since my sister and I had any time to ourselves."
  79. >Celestia continues.
  80. >"And Anonymous, we have a deep need for our subjects' love."
  81. >You look between mares to see if they're being serious, and are met with two sets of hungry eyes looking you up and down.
  82. >"Time to see to our… needs."
  83. >Luna licks her lips as she stands from her throne and begins approaching you.
  84. "Uhh…"
  85. >Celestia follows suit, her horn glows yellow, and you hear the door to the throne room shut closed behind you.
  86. 4/?
  88. >"You will be very graciously compensated for your time and effort, Anonymous. Moreso if you are a gracious lover…"
  89. >Ok, so holy shit, you're literally being paid to fuck the royalty for a month.
  90. >For some reason, the idea doesn't fill you up with dread as much as you probably should be.
  91. >It is the princesses you're talking about after all.
  92. >If ever there was a horse you'd get a hardon for, it would be them.
  93. >No, no! Anon you sick sunovabitch.
  94. >Bestiality's not cool.
  95. >Even with such exquisite beasts…
  96. >You're still following this train of thought when the mares stand atop you, metaphorically speaking.
  97. >They come up to about your shoulders at the tops of their heads, and their shoulders[?] about waist height.
  98. >Nearly perfect should you decide to fuck the- wait a second.
  99. >No boner, bad boner!
  100. >They're looking at you with unrestrained lust in their eyes, and you can feel that against your wishes and better judgement, you're responding to the attention.
  101. >You feel a gentle tug at your waist, and are only slightly surprised to see a small bluish aura playing about to find your zipper.
  102. "Wait Wait Wait!"
  103. >The gentle tugging stops, and the mares look up at you.
  104. "What if I don't consent?"
  105. >They glance at each other, and a lascivious smile spreads across their faces.
  106. >Celestia responds in a deeper, more seductive voice than you've ever heard from her.
  107. >"Well, Anonymous… That's my fetish."
  108. >You eyes go wide, and you attempt to flee.
  109. >A tug on both your legs takes you off them, and leaves you face down on the floor, panic quickly settling into your stomach and blood.
  110. >"Oh Anonymous, don't be so scared. We promise that by the time we're through with you, you'll be begging for us to extend your stay!"
  111. >Luna chuckles, and you feel your clothes being rapidly, and forcibly removed.
  112. >Looks like you're gonna be…
  113. >Fucking royalty.
  114. 5/5
  115. End Part 1
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