Guest User


a guest
Nov 27th, 2017
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text 19.60 KB | None | 0 0
  1. servers = (
  2. {
  3. address = "";
  4. chatnet = "Ubuntu";
  5. port = "6697";
  6. use_ssl = "yes";
  7. },
  8. { address = ""; chatnet = "DALnet"; port = "6667"; },
  9. { address = ""; chatnet = "EFNet"; port = "6667"; },
  10. { address = ""; chatnet = "EsperNet"; port = "6667"; },
  11. {
  12. address = "";
  13. chatnet = "Freenode";
  14. port = "6667";
  15. },
  16. {
  17. address = "";
  18. chatnet = "GameSurge";
  19. port = "6667";
  20. },
  21. { address = ""; chatnet = "IRCnet"; port = "6667"; },
  22. { address = ""; chatnet = "IRCnet"; port = "6667"; },
  23. {
  24. address = "";
  25. chatnet = "IRCSource";
  26. port = "6667";
  27. },
  28. { address = ""; chatnet = "NetFuze"; port = "6667"; },
  29. { address = ""; chatnet = "OFTC"; port = "6667"; },
  30. {
  31. address = "";
  32. chatnet = "QuakeNet";
  33. port = "6667";
  34. },
  35. { address = ""; chatnet = "Rizon"; port = "6667"; },
  36. { address = ""; chatnet = "SILC"; port = "706"; },
  37. {
  38. address = "";
  39. chatnet = "Undernet";
  40. port = "6667";
  41. },
  42. {
  43. address = "";
  44. chatnet = "EFNet";
  45. port = "6667";
  46. use_ssl = "no";
  47. ssl_verify = "no";
  48. autoconnect = "yes";
  49. },
  50. {
  51. address = "";
  52. chatnet = "EFNet";
  53. port = "6667";
  54. use_ssl = "no";
  55. ssl_verify = "no";
  56. autoconnect = "yes";
  57. },
  58. {
  59. address = "";
  60. chatnet = "Supernets";
  61. port = "6667";
  62. use_ssl = "no";
  63. ssl_verify = "no";
  64. autoconnect = "yes";
  65. },
  66. {
  67. address = "";
  68. chatnet = "Umbrellanet";
  69. port = "6667";
  70. use_ssl = "no";
  71. ssl_verify = "no";
  72. autoconnect = "yes";
  73. }
  74. );
  76. chatnets = {
  77. Ubuntu = {
  78. type = "IRC";
  79. max_kicks = "1";
  80. max_msgs = "4";
  81. max_whois = "1";
  82. };
  83. DALnet = {
  84. type = "IRC";
  85. max_kicks = "4";
  86. max_msgs = "20";
  87. max_whois = "30";
  88. };
  89. EFNet = {
  90. type = "IRC";
  91. max_kicks = "1";
  92. max_msgs = "4";
  93. max_whois = "1";
  94. };
  95. EsperNet = {
  96. type = "IRC";
  97. max_kicks = "1";
  98. max_msgs = "4";
  99. max_whois = "1";
  100. };
  101. Freenode = {
  102. type = "IRC";
  103. max_kicks = "1";
  104. max_msgs = "4";
  105. max_whois = "1";
  106. };
  107. GameSurge = {
  108. type = "IRC";
  109. max_kicks = "1";
  110. max_msgs = "1";
  111. max_whois = "1";
  112. };
  113. IRCnet = {
  114. type = "IRC";
  115. max_kicks = "1";
  116. max_msgs = "1";
  117. max_whois = "1";
  118. };
  119. IRCSource = {
  120. type = "IRC";
  121. max_kicks = "1";
  122. max_msgs = "4";
  123. max_whois = "1";
  124. };
  125. NetFuze = {
  126. type = "IRC";
  127. max_kicks = "1";
  128. max_msgs = "1";
  129. max_whois = "1";
  130. };
  131. OFTC = { type = "IRC"; max_kicks = "1"; max_msgs = "1"; max_whois = "1"; };
  132. QuakeNet = {
  133. type = "IRC";
  134. max_kicks = "1";
  135. max_msgs = "1";
  136. max_whois = "1";
  137. };
  138. Rizon = {
  139. type = "IRC";
  140. max_kicks = "1";
  141. max_msgs = "1";
  142. max_whois = "1";
  143. };
  144. SILC = { type = "SILC"; };
  145. Undernet = {
  146. type = "IRC";
  147. max_kicks = "1";
  148. max_msgs = "1";
  149. max_whois = "1";
  150. };
  151. Supernets = { type = "IRC"; };
  152. Umbrellanet = { type = "IRC"; };
  153. };
  155. channels = (
  156. { name = "#lobby"; chatnet = "EsperNet"; autojoin = "No"; },
  157. { name = "#freenode"; chatnet = "Freenode"; autojoin = "No"; },
  158. { name = "#irssi"; chatnet = "Freenode"; autojoin = "No"; },
  159. { name = "#gamesurge"; chatnet = "GameSurge"; autojoin = "No"; },
  160. { name = "#irssi"; chatnet = "IRCNet"; autojoin = "No"; },
  161. { name = "#ircsource"; chatnet = "IRCSource"; autojoin = "No"; },
  162. { name = "#netfuze"; chatnet = "NetFuze"; autojoin = "No"; },
  163. { name = "#oftc"; chatnet = "OFTC"; autojoin = "No"; },
  164. { name = "silc"; chatnet = "SILC"; autojoin = "No"; },
  165. { name = "#sysadmins"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  166. { name = "#LRH"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  167. { name = "#blackberry"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  168. { name = "#ambient"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  169. { name = "#chats"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  170. { name = "#argue"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  171. { name = "#2600"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  172. { name = "#fiddychan"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  173. { name = "#x-files"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  174. { name = "#cockmasters"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  175. { name = "#Umbrellanet"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  176. { name = "#gods"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  177. { name = "#infrared"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  178. { name = "#newscrew"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  179. { name = "#EFNetNews"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  180. { name = "#superbowl"; chatnet = "Supernets"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  181. { name = "#sysadmins"; chatnet = "Sysadmins"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  182. { name = "#chat"; chatnet = "Umbrellanet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  183. { name = "#hackers"; chatnet = "Umbrellanet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  184. { name = "#mental"; chatnet = "Umbrellanet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  185. { name = "#ass"; chatnet = "EFnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  186. {
  187. name = "#0";
  188. chatnet = "EFnet";
  189. autojoin = "yes";
  190. password = "socialite";
  191. },
  192. { name = "#trojan"; chatnet = "EFnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  193. { name = "#anji"; chatnet = "EFnet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  194. {
  195. name = "#1337juice";
  196. chatnet = "EFnet";
  197. autojoin = "yes";
  198. password = "whirred";
  199. },
  200. { name = "#noʎʞɔnɟ"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; },
  201. { name = "#metal"; chatnet = "EFNet"; autojoin = "yes"; }
  202. );
  204. aliases = {
  206. ADDALLCHANS = "SCRIPT EXEC foreach my \\$channel (Irssi::channels()) { Irssi::command(\"CHANNEL ADD -auto \\$channel->{name} \\$channel->{server}->{tag} \\$channel->{key}\")\\;}";
  207. B = "BAN";
  208. BACK = "AWAY";
  209. BANS = "BAN";
  210. BYE = "QUIT";
  211. C = "CLEAR";
  212. CALC = "EXEC - if command -v bc >/dev/null 2>&1\\; then printf '%s=' '$*'\\; echo '$*' | bc -l\\; else echo bc was not found\\; fi";
  213. CHAT = "DCC CHAT";
  214. CUBES = "SCRIPT EXEC Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_bases\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { join '', map { \"%x0\\${_}0\\$_\" } '0'..'9','A'..'F' }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_cubes\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { my \\$y = \\$_*6 \\; join '', map { my \\$x = \\$_ \\; map { \"%x\\$x\\$_\\$x\\$_\" } @{['0'..'9','A'..'Z']}[\\$y .. \\$y+5] } 1..6 }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) for 0..5 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_grays\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print( do { join '', map { \"%x7\\${_}7\\$_\" } 'A'..'X' }, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\"%_mIRC extended colours\", MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; my \\$x \\; \\$x .= sprintf \"\00399,%02d%02d\",\\$_,\\$_ for 0..15 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\\$x, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) \\; for my \\$z (0..6) { my \\$x \\; \\$x .= sprintf \"\00399,%02d%02d\",\\$_,\\$_ for 16+(\\$z*12)..16+(\\$z*12)+11 \\; Irssi::active_win->print(\\$x, MSGLEVEL_NEVER | MSGLEVEL_CLIENTCRAP) }";
  215. DATE = "TIME";
  218. DHL = "DEHILIGHT";
  219. EXEMPTLIST = "MODE $C +e";
  220. EXIT = "QUIT";
  223. HL = "HILIGHT";
  224. HOST = "USERHOST";
  225. INVITELIST = "MODE $C +I";
  226. J = "JOIN";
  227. K = "KICK";
  228. KB = "KICKBAN";
  229. KN = "KNOCKOUT";
  230. LAST = "LASTLOG";
  231. LEAVE = "PART";
  232. M = "MSG";
  233. MUB = "UNBAN *";
  234. N = "NAMES";
  235. NMSG = "^MSG";
  236. P = "PART";
  237. Q = "QUERY";
  238. RESET = "SET -default";
  239. RUN = "SCRIPT LOAD";
  240. SAY = "MSG *";
  241. SB = "SCROLLBACK";
  242. SBAR = "STATUSBAR";
  243. SIGNOFF = "QUIT";
  244. SV = "MSG * Irssi $J ($V) -";
  245. T = "TOPIC";
  246. UB = "UNBAN";
  247. UMODE = "MODE $N";
  248. UNSET = "SET -clear";
  249. W = "WHO";
  250. WC = "WINDOW CLOSE";
  251. WG = "WINDOW GOTO";
  252. WJOIN = "JOIN -window";
  253. WI = "WHOIS";
  254. WII = "WHOIS $0 $0";
  255. WL = "WINDOW LIST";
  257. WQUERY = "QUERY -window";
  258. WW = "WHOWAS";
  259. 1 = "WINDOW GOTO 1";
  260. 2 = "WINDOW GOTO 2";
  261. 3 = "WINDOW GOTO 3";
  262. 4 = "WINDOW GOTO 4";
  263. 5 = "WINDOW GOTO 5";
  264. 6 = "WINDOW GOTO 6";
  265. 7 = "WINDOW GOTO 7";
  266. 8 = "WINDOW GOTO 8";
  267. 9 = "WINDOW GOTO 9";
  268. 10 = "WINDOW GOTO 10";
  269. 11 = "WINDOW GOTO 11";
  270. 12 = "WINDOW GOTO 12";
  271. 13 = "WINDOW GOTO 13";
  272. 14 = "WINDOW GOTO 14";
  273. 15 = "WINDOW GOTO 15";
  274. 16 = "WINDOW GOTO 16";
  275. 17 = "WINDOW GOTO 17";
  276. 18 = "WINDOW GOTO 18";
  277. 19 = "WINDOW GOTO 19";
  278. 20 = "WINDOW GOTO 20";
  279. 21 = "WINDOW GOTO 21";
  280. 22 = "WINDOW GOTO 22";
  281. 23 = "WINDOW GOTO 23";
  282. 24 = "WINDOW GOTO 24";
  283. 25 = "WINDOW GOTO 25";
  284. 26 = "WINDOW GOTO 26";
  285. 27 = "WINDOW GOTO 27";
  286. 28 = "WINDOW GOTO 28";
  287. 29 = "WINDOW GOTO 29";
  288. 30 = "WINDOW GOTO 30";
  289. 31 = "WINDOW GOTO 31";
  290. 32 = "WINDOW GOTO 32";
  291. 33 = "WINDOW GOTO 33";
  292. 34 = "WINDOW GOTO 34";
  293. 35 = "WINDOW GOTO 35";
  294. 36 = "WINDOW GOTO 36";
  295. 37 = "WINDOW GOTO 37";
  296. 38 = "WINDOW GOTO 38";
  297. 39 = "WINDOW GOTO 39";
  298. 40 = "WINDOW GOTO 40";
  299. 41 = "WINDOW GOTO 41";
  300. 42 = "WINDOW GOTO 42";
  301. 43 = "WINDOW GOTO 43";
  302. 44 = "WINDOW GOTO 44";
  303. 45 = "WINDOW GOTO 45";
  304. 46 = "WINDOW GOTO 46";
  305. 47 = "WINDOW GOTO 47";
  306. 48 = "WINDOW GOTO 48";
  307. 49 = "WINDOW GOTO 49";
  308. 50 = "WINDOW GOTO 50";
  309. 51 = "WINDOW GOTO 51";
  310. 52 = "WINDOW GOTO 52";
  311. 53 = "WINDOW GOTO 53";
  312. 54 = "WINDOW GOTO 54";
  313. 55 = "WINDOW GOTO 55";
  314. 56 = "WINDOW GOTO 56";
  315. 57 = "WINDOW GOTO 57";
  316. 58 = "WINDOW GOTO 58";
  317. 59 = "WINDOW GOTO 59";
  318. 60 = "WINDOW GOTO 60";
  319. 61 = "WINDOW GOTO 61";
  320. 62 = "WINDOW GOTO 62";
  321. 63 = "WINDOW GOTO 63";
  322. 64 = "WINDOW GOTO 64";
  323. 65 = "WINDOW GOTO 65";
  324. 66 = "WINDOW GOTO 66";
  325. 67 = "WINDOW GOTO 67";
  326. 68 = "WINDOW GOTO 68";
  327. 69 = "WINDOW GOTO 69";
  328. 70 = "WINDOW GOTO 70";
  329. 71 = "WINDOW GOTO 71";
  330. 72 = "WINDOW GOTO 72";
  331. 73 = "WINDOW GOTO 73";
  332. 74 = "WINDOW GOTO 74";
  333. 75 = "WINDOW GOTO 75";
  334. 76 = "WINDOW GOTO 76";
  335. 77 = "WINDOW GOTO 77";
  336. 78 = "WINDOW GOTO 78";
  337. 79 = "WINDOW GOTO 79";
  338. 80 = "WINDOW GOTO 80";
  339. 81 = "WINDOW GOTO 81";
  340. 82 = "WINDOW GOTO 82";
  341. 83 = "WINDOW GOTO 83";
  342. 84 = "WINDOW GOTO 84";
  343. 85 = "WINDOW GOTO 85";
  344. 86 = "WINDOW GOTO 86";
  345. 87 = "WINDOW GOTO 87";
  346. 88 = "WINDOW GOTO 88";
  347. 89 = "WINDOW GOTO 89";
  348. 90 = "WINDOW GOTO 90";
  349. 91 = "WINDOW GOTO 91";
  350. 92 = "WINDOW GOTO 92";
  351. 93 = "WINDOW GOTO 93";
  352. 94 = "WINDOW GOTO 94";
  353. 95 = "WINDOW GOTO 95";
  354. 96 = "WINDOW GOTO 96";
  355. 97 = "WINDOW GOTO 97";
  356. 98 = "WINDOW GOTO 98";
  357. 99 = "WINDOW GOTO 99";
  358. };
  360. statusbar = {
  362. items = {
  364. barstart = "{sbstart}";
  365. barend = "{sbend}";
  367. topicbarstart = "{topicsbstart}";
  368. topicbarend = "{topicsbend}";
  370. time = "{sb $Z}";
  371. user = "{sb {sbnickmode $cumode}$N{sbmode $usermode}{sbaway $A}}";
  373. window = "{sb $winref:$tag/$itemname{sbmode $M}}";
  374. window_empty = "{sb $winref{sbservertag $tag}}";
  376. prompt = "{prompt $[.15]itemname}";
  377. prompt_empty = "{prompt $winname}";
  379. topic = " $topic";
  380. topic_empty = " Irssi v$J -";
  382. lag = "{sb Lag: $0-}";
  383. act = "{sb Act: $0-}";
  384. more = "-- more --";
  385. };
  387. default = {
  389. window = {
  391. disabled = "no";
  392. type = "window";
  393. placement = "bottom";
  394. position = "1";
  395. visible = "active";
  397. items = {
  398. barstart = { priority = "100"; };
  399. time = { };
  400. user = { };
  401. window = { };
  402. window_empty = { };
  403. lag = { priority = "-1"; };
  404. more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; };
  405. barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
  406. usercount = { };
  407. };
  408. };
  410. window_inact = {
  412. type = "window";
  413. placement = "bottom";
  414. position = "1";
  415. visible = "inactive";
  417. items = {
  418. barstart = { priority = "100"; };
  419. window = { };
  420. window_empty = { };
  421. more = { priority = "-1"; alignment = "right"; };
  422. barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
  423. };
  424. };
  426. prompt = {
  428. type = "root";
  429. placement = "bottom";
  430. position = "100";
  431. visible = "always";
  433. items = {
  434. prompt = { priority = "-1"; };
  435. prompt_empty = { priority = "-1"; };
  436. input = { priority = "10"; };
  437. };
  438. };
  440. topic = {
  442. type = "root";
  443. placement = "top";
  444. position = "1";
  445. visible = "always";
  447. items = {
  448. topicbarstart = { priority = "100"; };
  449. topic = { };
  450. topic_empty = { };
  451. topicbarend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
  452. };
  453. };
  454. awl_0 = {
  455. items = {
  456. barstart = { priority = "100"; };
  457. awl_0 = { };
  458. barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
  459. };
  460. };
  461. awl_1 = {
  462. items = {
  463. barstart = { priority = "100"; };
  464. awl_1 = { };
  465. barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
  466. };
  467. };
  468. awl_2 = {
  469. items = {
  470. barstart = { priority = "100"; };
  471. awl_2 = { };
  472. barend = { priority = "100"; alignment = "right"; };
  473. };
  474. };
  475. };
  476. };
  477. settings = {
  478. core = {
  479. real_name = "trust me";
  480. user_name = "erased";
  481. nick = "eraser";
  482. hostname = "";
  483. };
  484. "fe-text" = {
  485. actlist_sort = "refnum";
  486. actlist_names = "yes";
  487. paste_verify_line_count = "0";
  488. };
  489. "perl/core/scripts" = {
  490. awl_shared_sbar = "OFF";
  491. usercount_show_zero = "no";
  492. usercount_show_ircops = "yes";
  493. usercount_show_halfops = "no";
  494. awl_viewer = "no";
  495. awl_hide_data = "0";
  496. hilightwin_showprivmsg = "no";
  497. toilet_gay = "yes";
  498. toilet_font = "smmono12";
  499. awl_hide_empty = "0";
  500. awl_all_disable = "no";
  501. awl_block = "15";
  502. awl_custom_xform = "";
  503. };
  504. "fe-common/core" = {
  505. theme = "default";
  506. activity_hide_level = "QUITS JOINS PARTS MODES TOPIC NICKS";
  507. completion_char = " ";
  508. autolog = "yes";
  509. activity_hide_targets = "#argue (status)";
  510. hilight_act_color = "%9%y";
  511. };
  512. "irc/core" = {
  513. auto_whowas = "yes";
  514. ctcp_version_reply = "how much for 2?";
  515. cmd_queue_speed = "10msec";
  516. cmds_max_at_once = "10";
  517. alternate_nick = "eraser_";
  518. };
  519. "fe-common/irc" = {
  520. hide_netsplit_quits = "no";
  521. netjoin_max_nicks = "0";
  522. netsplit_max_nicks = "0";
  523. };
  524. };
  525. hilights = (
  526. { text = "eraser"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; },
  527. { text = "erased"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; },
  528. { text = "ersr"; nick = "yes"; word = "yes"; }
  529. );
  530. logs = { };
  531. windows = {
  532. 1 = {
  533. immortal = "yes";
  534. name = "(status)";
  536. };
  537. 2 = {
  538. items = (
  539. {
  540. type = "CHANNEL";
  541. chat_type = "IRC";
  542. name = "#EFNetNews";
  543. tag = "EFNet";
  544. }
  545. );
  546. };
  547. 3 = {
  548. items = (
  549. {
  550. type = "CHANNEL";
  551. chat_type = "IRC";
  552. name = "#newscrew";
  553. tag = "EFNet";
  554. }
  555. );
  556. };
  557. 4 = {
  558. items = (
  559. {
  560. type = "CHANNEL";
  561. chat_type = "IRC";
  562. name = "#LRH";
  563. tag = "EFNet";
  564. }
  565. );
  566. };
  567. 5 = {
  568. items = (
  569. {
  570. type = "CHANNEL";
  571. chat_type = "IRC";
  572. name = "#infrared";
  573. tag = "EFNet";
  574. }
  575. );
  576. };
  577. 6 = {
  578. items = (
  579. {
  580. type = "CHANNEL";
  581. chat_type = "IRC";
  582. name = "#anji";
  583. tag = "EFNet";
  584. }
  585. );
  586. };
  587. 7 = {
  588. items = (
  589. {
  590. type = "CHANNEL";
  591. chat_type = "IRC";
  592. name = "#1337juice";
  593. tag = "EFNet";
  594. }
  595. );
  596. };
  597. 8 = {
  598. items = (
  599. {
  600. type = "CHANNEL";
  601. chat_type = "IRC";
  602. name = "#Ass";
  603. tag = "EFNet";
  604. }
  605. );
  606. };
  607. 9 = {
  608. items = (
  609. {
  610. type = "CHANNEL";
  611. chat_type = "IRC";
  612. name = "#chats";
  613. tag = "EFNet";
  614. }
  615. );
  616. };
  617. 10 = {
  618. items = (
  619. {
  620. type = "CHANNEL";
  621. chat_type = "IRC";
  622. name = "#2600";
  623. tag = "EFNet";
  624. }
  625. );
  626. };
  627. 11 = {
  628. items = (
  629. {
  630. type = "CHANNEL";
  631. chat_type = "IRC";
  632. name = "#cockmasters";
  633. tag = "EFNet";
  634. }
  635. );
  636. };
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  711. chat_type = "IRC";
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  720. type = "CHANNEL";
  721. chat_type = "IRC";
  722. name = "#UmbrellaNet";
  723. tag = "EFNet";
  724. }
  725. );
  726. };
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  728. items = (
  729. {
  730. type = "CHANNEL";
  731. chat_type = "IRC";
  732. name = "#gods";
  733. tag = "EFNet";
  734. }
  735. );
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  740. type = "CHANNEL";
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  760. type = "CHANNEL";
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  762. name = "#superbowl";
  763. tag = "Supernets";
  764. }
  765. );
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  779. {
  780. type = "CHANNEL";
  781. chat_type = "IRC";
  782. name = "#hackers";
  783. tag = "Umbrellanet";
  784. }
  785. );
  786. };
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  788. items = (
  789. {
  790. type = "CHANNEL";
  791. chat_type = "IRC";
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  793. tag = "Umbrellanet";
  794. }
  795. );
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  799. {
  800. type = "QUERY";
  801. chat_type = "IRC";
  802. name = "spoke";
  803. tag = "EFNet";
  804. }
  805. );
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  807. 29 = {
  808. items = (
  809. {
  810. type = "QUERY";
  811. chat_type = "IRC";
  812. name = "vap0r";
  813. tag = "EFNet";
  814. }
  815. );
  816. };
  817. 30 = {
  818. items = (
  819. {
  820. type = "QUERY";
  821. chat_type = "IRC";
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  823. tag = "EFNet";
  824. }
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  829. ignores = ( );
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