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  1. Reasonably Selenium added Jacklack3 to the group.11/03/2016
  2. Reasonably Selenium added ohcrapitsyou to the group.11/03/2016
  3. Reasonably Selenium changed the channel name: Marin Rant Chat11/03/2016
  4. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  5. Hello world!(edited)
  6. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  7. yoyo
  8. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  9. How is it going?
  10. Reasonably Selenium changed the channel name: Mar... [Name Censored by the NSA Jail] Rant Chat11/03/2016
  11. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  12. Good.
  13. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  14. So, you want to know more about why Exley isn't a good person?
  15. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  16. sure
  17. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  18. Well @nkrs200 and @ohcrapitsyou will tell you everything.
  19. (Just note we might not have evidence.)
  20. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  21. Also if we're gonna show evidence.
  22. We're gonna have to prove it's not fake.
  23. Marin could either delete the message, or say we made up the evidence.
  24. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  25. Well, I can tell you a story from what happened to me on the Text-to-Speech Community Chat. Marin and his pals from the Computer Clan were added in to said chatroom. Part of the rules were that users who don't have roles can manage messages. However, CC members only had the ability to ban people. Here are some of the chat logs.
  37. That is the entire chat log. When I woke up the next day, I was banned from the community for involvement with Aclevo, which is technically not a crime.
  38. Due to Marin's actions, I almost left Aclevo, but I changed my mind at the last second. I decided to take matters into my own hands by creating my own TTS Community around a fanbase that is small enough to have a small following, and I started it with my own channel name.
  39. That is my story.
  40. Also, you are more than welcomed to join my Discord chat.
  41. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  42. Cool, i'll think bout it.
  43. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  44. The user in those photos that has no username is Marin, btw.(edited)
  45. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  46. @ohcrapitsyou How about you share your story?
  47. ohcrapitsyou - 11/03/2016
  48. Not really much to say. I was in the CC for a year or 2 and a lot of them were really rude to me.
  49. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  50. Including Marin, right?
  51. ohcrapitsyou - 11/03/2016
  52. Can't really remember tbh.(edited)
  53. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  54. Well, this isn't really relevant but if you wanna join my server, Funcord here is the link. (make sure to read #rules-and-info, yes i know it's long but it's not as long as you think it is.)
  55. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  56. brb bathroom
  57. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  58. kay
  59. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  60. back
  61. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  62. cool :3
  63. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  64. Which one is better to you @Jacklack3 : Aclevo, Ovelca, or Mebi?
  65. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  66. Aclevo
  67. Mebi looks like we have no idea what we're doing
  68. and Ovelca is basically for people who are inactive.
  69. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  70. Would you consider switching?
  71. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  72. Uhh... well...
  73. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  74. Maybe after some time?
  75. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  76. Could we merge Mebi and Aclevo if Altro and Cooltile are okay with it?
  77. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  78. I planned that way before you had that idea.
  79. That was actually the original plan for Ovelca.
  80. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  81. Oh!
  82. Well, how would we even merge it?
  83. Do it like how Ovelca did it and have our own subdomain?
  84. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  85. Well, it depends on what you exactly mean by "merge"?
  86. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  87. Well maybe have a subdomain or something.
  88. Or put our projects into Aclevo
  89. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  90. Aclevo Studios? :wink:
  91. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  92. Kinda sounds the same :p
  93. Mebievo?
  94. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  95. Hmm...
  96. Here's my plan: If they want to merge with Aclevo, we have a meeting to decide how it's going to work.
  97. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  98. Do you want me to tell Mebi about this?
  99. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  100. Sure.
  101. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  102. Alright.
  103. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  104. Gimmie screenshots on their reactions and their decision please.
  105. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  106. Okay, i'll wait till they reply.
  107. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  108. Cool.
  109. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  110. Any response yet?(edited)
  111. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  112. No. :p
  113. They aren't online so.
  114. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  115. Oh.
  116. What would your reaction be if they declined the offer?
  117. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  118. I am here still. I think that merging would be a good idea.
  119. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  120. They declined before, but I'm not sure if you were here at that time.
  121. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  122. No, I wasn't.
  123. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  124. I guess I would try to convince them.
  125. If it didn't work i would say okay then and, we just wouldn't merge.
  126. nkrs200 - 11/03/2016
  127. Alright.
  128. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  129. Mebi Studios could also merge with Ovelca instead if they so choose.
  130. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  131. Well with Acvelo it looks like they actually know what their doing.
  132. Ovelca would prob make it only worse.
  133. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  134. We'll have to look at how professional Mebi Studios is.
  135. Then we'll have a board meeting to discuss the merge/accquision.
  136. That's only if they accept the idea though. xD
  137. Let's put this discussion on hold until a formal decision is reached.
  138. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  139. Alright.
  140. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  141. @Jacklack3 Working on a remake of the Mebi Studios' Website in HTML/CSS/PHP.
  142. Jacklack3 - 11/03/2016
  143. Nice! :D
  144. Welp, i'm going to go to bed. Good night! :D
  145. Reasonably Selenium - 11/03/2016
  146. Good night.
  147. November 4, 2016
  148. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  149. Hey everyone.
  150. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  151. Anyone @here ?
  152. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  153. @Jacklack3 Tell me when you get online please.
  154. Jacklack3 - 11/04/2016
  155. @Reasonably Selenium Online! :D
  156. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  157. Hi
  158. Did you get a response from Mebi yet?
  159. Jacklack3 - 11/04/2016
  160. lemme post some more
  162. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  163. Ok.
  164. Jacklack3 - 11/04/2016
  165. ill try to keep convicing
  166. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  167. I got something that will convince them.
  168. Jacklack3 - 11/04/2016
  169. What is it? :o
  170. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  171. It's a suprise.
  172. Jacklack3 - 11/04/2016
  173. Oh i know it, the website!
  174. Reasonably Selenium - 11/04/2016
  175. Yeah.
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