

Jan 5th, 2019
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  1. Greetings. I am the Monitor of Installation 04. I am 343 Guilty Spark.~
  2. The Flood must not escape the Installation. They would consume all.~
  3. This Installation's research facilities are most impressive! Perhaps we'll have time to see them later.~
  4. Your environment suit should serve you well when the Flood begins to alter the atmosphere. You are a good planner.~
  5. The installation was well-conceived. It is surely the only way to end the Flood threat.~
  6. A construct? In the Core? That is absolutely unacceptable!~
  7. What impertinence! I shall purge you at once!~
  8. Last time, you asked me, if it was my choice, would I do it? Having had considerable time to ponder your query, my answer has not changed. There is no choice. We must activate the ring.~
  9. If you are unwilling to help, I will simply find another. Still, I must have the Index. Give your construct to me, or I will be forced to take her from you.~
  10. So be it. Save his head. Dispose of the rest.~
  11. Hello. I am 343 Guilty Spark. I am the monitor of Installation 04.~
  12. More Questions? Splendid. I will be happy to assist you!~
  13. This mining facility predates Installation Alpha by several hundred years. It was retrofitted to research possible offensive and defensive measures against the Flood. Indeed, I designed and oversaw the construction of this facility's various outbreak management systems.~
  14. The cable on top of this mine was designed as a fail-safe in case an outbreak took place. I am glad someone had the foresight to cut it!~
  15. The Flood will not survive once this mine descends into the liquid hydrogen core of the planet. Then again, neither will we. What a pity...~
  16. Oracle? Great Journey? Why do you meddlers insist on using such inaccurate verbiage?~
  17. Please use caution! This Reclaimer is delicate.~
  18. After exhausting every other strategic option, my creators activated the rings. They, and all additional sentient life within three radii of the galactic center, died, as planned. Would you like to see the relevant data?~
  19. Under more controlled circumstances, I would suggest the Reclaimer simply remove the Index.~
  20. In the event of unexpected shutdown, the entire system will move to standby status. All remaining platforms are now ready for remote activation.~
  21. We must act quickly before your construct suffers any further trauma!~
  22. While I had a complete understanding of Installation 04, my Makers wisely limited my knowledge of all other strategic facilities. Compartmentalization - in case was ever I captured, by the Flood.~
  23. Calamity! If only we had more time!~
  24. Then, we are agreed! A tactical pulse will completely eradicate the local infestation! I will personally oversee the final preparations.~
  25. Oh, hello. Wonderful news. The Installation is almost complete.~
  26. But, but, but... a premature firing will destroy the Ark!~
  27. Unacceptable! Unacceptable! Absolutely unacceptable!~
  28. Protocol dictates action! I see now that helping you was wrong!~
  29. You are the child of my Makers. Inheritor of all they left behind. You are Forerunner! But this ring... is mine!~
  30. You do not deserve this ring! I have kept it safe! It belongs to me!~
  31. Warning! By order of Ecumene Council, proximity to Installation 04 is forbidden. Your continued presence will result in most unpleasant countermeasures. I must insist that you immediately change course and return to a minimum safe distance of one light-year.~
  32. We have much to discuss, humans. I have been away far too long. You have been away far too long.~
  33. This is quite unsatisfactory, Construct. Your core shows no hint of understanding the gravity of this situation. I will return later for your proper decommissioning... Well, unless the Flood kills us all first, in which case the point will be moot. Good day, Construct.~
  34. Prior to this total communications shutdown, the only messages I received in the preceding 4,573 years were incomplete and quite perplexing transmissions from Installation 05. I suspected that monitor 2401 Penitent Tangent was not functioning correctly for some time before his messages ceased.~
  35. Ow! That feelings. ..Oh, my God, I have feelings?! I'm a real boy!~
  36. Maybe you should try playing on 'Easy' before you search for the Cartographer.~
  37. You suck, Reclaimer!~
  38. I'm being bitch slapped!~
  39. You're pissing me off! Oh, my. I didn't know I had cursing in my vocal structure.~
  40. I wish I had lips. Then, I could whistle.~
  41. Oh, I see. You're a moron.~
  42. Reclaimer. Finish this particular fight.~
  43. Bullets do not grow on perennial woody plants.~
  44. Reclaimer, why must you be such a dumbass?~
  45. Oh! That's a good idea.~
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