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May 31st, 2016
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  1. Game 1
  2. ChromeWave: invade
  3. ChromeWave: kindred
  4. ChromeWave: did u no
  5. ChromeWave: ur ult stops ppl from dying
  6. ChromeWave: fyi
  7. ChromeWave: that's pretty young to be playing league
  8. ChromeWave: replicating what this thresh does to my ass
  9. ChromeWave: pushes far up
  10. ChromeWave: why do u go annie lane
  11. ChromeWave: against
  12. ChromeWave: fizz
  13. ChromeWave: water > fire
  14. ChromeWave: no u
  15. ChromeWave: lol
  16. ChromeWave: you're such a tryhard fizz
  17. ChromeWave: so?
  18. ChromeWave: nautilus
  19. ChromeWave: I will report you
  20. ChromeWave: for extreme negativity and toxicity
  21. ChromeWave: you just said you're 3-1
  22. ChromeWave: that is ahead
  23. ChromeWave: for what?
  24. ChromeWave: there is no basis for Riot to ban me on
  25. ChromeWave: just you being salty
  26. ChromeWave: smh naut
  27. ChromeWave: reported
  28. ChromeWave: that kind of language will not be tolerated on the rift
  29. ChromeWave: a ban may be imminent summoner
  30. ChromeWave: who's trolling?
  31. ChromeWave: please show me how we've been trolling?
  32. ChromeWave: that's not trolling
  33. ChromeWave: just because it's a dup lane you ahven't seen often doesn't mean it's trolling
  34. ChromeWave: I find it funny that this annie and naut keep wanting to report me
  35. ChromeWave: yet nothing will come of it
  36. ChromeWave: NICE
  37. ChromeWave: NICE
  38. ChromeWave: NICE
  39. ChromeWave: the only one who may get banned is annie
  40. ChromeWave: extreme toxicity
  41. ChromeWave: you're silver 1
  42. ChromeWave: calm down bjergsen
  43. ChromeWave: report nautilus for trolling
  44. ChromeWave: nautilus
  45. ChromeWave: no
  46. ChromeWave: you are the lowest rank on our team
  47. ChromeWave: you have no say in any team related matter
  48. ChromeWave: bro
  49. ChromeWave: you have ult
  50. ChromeWave: and I'm the one trolling?
  51. ChromeWave: smhg
  52. ChromeWave: you being bad makes me mad
  53. ChromeWave: higher rank than you
  54. ChromeWave: talk to me when that changes
  55. ChromeWave: you're silver 4
  56. ChromeWave: silver 2
  57. ChromeWave: rekt
  58. ChromeWave: still higher than you
  59. ChromeWave: cmon team
  60. ChromeWave: we can still win
  61. ChromeWave: silver 4
  62. ChromeWave: you're*
  63. ChromeWave: nice ult naut
  64. ChromeWave: reported for trolling
  65. ChromeWave: gg
  67. Game 2
  68. ChromeWave: team pls
  69. ChromeWave: sick invade
  70. ChromeWave: bye
  71. ChromeWave: wtf are these keybindings holy shit mai
  72. ChromeWave: ok
  73. ChromeWave: :^)
  74. ChromeWave: reported
  75. ChromeWave: what a nerd
  76. ChromeWave: I wish my testicles were as far up my body as they are in yours
  77. ChromeWave: that way I could play heimer
  78. ChromeWave: you're literally braindead if you think he's as easy as heimer
  79. ChromeWave: so is your team lmfao
  80. ChromeWave: gj draven
  81. ChromeWave: JUKESSSS
  82. ChromeWave: ikr
  83. ChromeWave: np lee
  84. ChromeWave: us challenger players have to stick together
  85. ChromeWave: gj xin
  86. ChromeWave: smh draven
  87. ChromeWave: thx for gank velkoz
  88. ChromeWave: call me faker
  89. ChromeWave: ty
  90. ChromeWave: I will give u honor after this game jax
  91. ChromeWave: T Bag Warrior
  92. ChromeWave: lookin
  93. ChromeWave: lookin
  94. ChromeWave: lookin lookin
  95. ChromeWave: LOOKIN FOR REVENGE
  96. ChromeWave: and that's why volibear is broken
  97. ChromeWave: and how I didn't get an assist?
  98. ChromeWave: lmfao
  99. ChromeWave: this game is beyond garbage
  100. ChromeWave: oops
  101. ChromeWave: missed my Q
  102. ChromeWave: chill
  103. ChromeWave: volibear
  104. ChromeWave: how small is ur peepee
  105. ChromeWave: rekt
  106. ChromeWave: u r the tank
  107. ChromeWave: lmfao
  108. ChromeWave: volibear
  109. ChromeWave: this is why we ban him
  110. ChromeWave: stfu
  111. ChromeWave: mai
  112. ChromeWave: u banned
  113. ChromeWave: ezreal
  114. ChromeWave: goodbye
  115. ChromeWave: gg draven fed
  116. ChromeWave: ez
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