
eden & ur dad chat

Aug 3rd, 2015
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  1. X0HarleyQuinnX0 has joined the chat
  2. AldenIceWolf: -looks at the door and closes my eyes back shut-
  3. HarperRayneCreed: hii eden
  4. X0HarleyQuinnX0: hai
  5. X0HarleyQuinnX0: is it alright if I stay, or should I go...?
  6. HarperRayneCreed: not my room but i have nps
  7. AldenIceWolf: up to you i have no issue on it
  8. X0HarleyQuinnX0: well, uhm hi I guess.
  9. EllysettaNightStarr: ii
  10. EsmeRaeCreed whispers: I need to leave this room. It's lagging out mine and Aqua's Room.
  11. EsmeRaeCreed: ii
  12. AldenIceWolf: ii
  13. EsmeRaeCreed: be back soon family
  14. HarperRayneCreed: tytyty
  15. EsmeRaeCreed has left the chat
  16. HarperRayneCreed: tyt tiffy
  17. AldenIceWolf: tyt bg
  18. EllysettaNightStarr: brb
  19. HarperRayneCreed: tyt
  20. AldenIceWolf: mmm
  21. AldenIceWolf: kiss
  22. HarperRayneCreed: kiss
  23. AldenIceWolf: so what can we do you for eden
  24. AldenIceWolf: yes old ass i do know who im talking to :P
  25. HarperRayneCreed: brb coffee
  26. AldenIceWolf: tyt baby
  27. AldenIceWolf: -yawn-
  28. AldenIceWolf: -throws a pillow at eden-
  29. AldenIceWolf: growl
  30. X0HarleyQuinnX0X0HarleyQuinnX0 : o-o
  31. X0HarleyQuinnX0: can I not be here...
  32. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._.
  33. AldenIceWolf: why?
  34. X0HarleyQuinnX0: why what..
  35. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._.
  36. AldenIceWolf: what you last said .
  37. X0HarleyQuinnX0: well you asked what brought me here...
  38. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and I asked if I can't be here..
  39. AldenIceWolf: no i said what can we do you for last i checked it was a greeting on if you need help with anything
  40. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._.
  41. X0HarleyQuinnX0: oh nothing....just wanted to chill...
  42. AldenIceWolf: lol k then
  43. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._.
  44. X0HarleyQuinnX0: So uhm, how's everyone
  45. AldenIceWolf: what that face for lil one
  46. AldenIceWolf: im good just tired
  47. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._. <-? I always do this face now -shrugs-
  48. AldenIceWolf: just was a wonder
  49. AldenIceWolf: how is you
  50. X0HarleyQuinnX0: i'm alive, all that matters I guess.
  51. AldenIceWolf: well im happy to know that you are still in the liveing
  52. X0HarleyQuinnX0: yeah, that was a different story a few days ago
  53. X0HarleyQuinnX0: -shrugs-
  54. AldenIceWolf: on what on how you twisted up what iv said?
  55. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ^ I didn't twist.
  56. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I took it on how I felt it ment.
  57. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and a few days ago I had a bottle of my moms pills in my hand rying.
  58. X0HarleyQuinnX0: crying*
  59. X0HarleyQuinnX0: that's what I ment.
  60. X0HarleyQuinnX0: i'm not here to argue...
  61. AldenIceWolf: same thing as twisting it and yes i know you have
  62. X0HarleyQuinnX0: i'm just trying to escape reality.
  63. X0HarleyQuinnX0: How did I twist it?
  64. X0HarleyQuinnX0: you pretty much told me to unfriend you
  65. AldenIceWolf: and im glad that your still among with us
  66. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and you didn;t give a shit if I left
  67. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._.
  68. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I take that as a big fuck you.
  69. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and anna
  70. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I dont talk to her
  71. X0HarleyQuinnX0: so where that came from, idek
  72. AldenIceWolf: baby do u want to take over cause clearly all i say gets mistook
  73. X0HarleyQuinnX0: no...
  74. X0HarleyQuinnX0: this is me and you talk.
  75. X0HarleyQuinnX0: like we use to have
  76. HarperRayneCreed: i read the messages alden sent u and and he never said fuck off
  77. X0HarleyQuinnX0: "If you are talking to that...then you better unfriend me"
  78. X0HarleyQuinnX0: 1) I didn't even have contat with her
  79. X0HarleyQuinnX0: contact*
  80. X0HarleyQuinnX0: 2) Idgaf if you leave
  81. X0HarleyQuinnX0: shows ho much you cared about me
  82. X0HarleyQuinnX0: 3) I always start drama
  83. X0HarleyQuinnX0: yes I might have drama
  84. AldenIceWolf: 3 is true
  85. X0HarleyQuinnX0: but you guys are the only ones I got to talk to
  86. X0HarleyQuinnX0: you have drama too
  87. X0HarleyQuinnX0: so dont start
  88. HarperRayneCreed: but we have not got u involed in our agurments
  89. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I was before
  90. HarperRayneCreed: when
  91. X0HarleyQuinnX0: i'm not going to do a 2v1
  92. X0HarleyQuinnX0: i'm not in the mood to argue
  93. HarperRayneCreed: its just me talking mow
  94. HarperRayneCreed: now*
  95. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I just want to sit here, and just chill.
  96. AldenIceWolf: anyway so hows shonn
  97. X0HarleyQuinnX0: Oh shonn, we talked
  98. X0HarleyQuinnX0: asked him how the job is
  99. X0HarleyQuinnX0: talked about the stuff me and you were arguing about
  100. X0HarleyQuinnX0: -shrugs-
  101. AldenIceWolf: and he knows i still whant to shove his head up his ass right
  102. X0HarleyQuinnX0: yeah,
  103. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I told him you still hate him.
  104. AldenIceWolf: why you talking to him about stuff that aint even his bissniss
  105. X0HarleyQuinnX0: because I had nobody else.
  106. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and he listened
  107. AldenIceWolf: yeah and offerd you as his dad right
  108. X0HarleyQuinnX0: yeh
  109. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I'm here
  110. X0HarleyQuinnX0: so that says something
  111. X0HarleyQuinnX0: 2nd time you hurt me..
  112. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and i;m still here.
  113. EllysettaNightStarr has left the chat
  114. X0HarleyQuinnX0: beause I give a damn about u
  115. AldenIceWolf: nope you hurt me by going behind my back
  116. X0HarleyQuinnX0: you have hurt me before too
  117. AldenIceWolf: like when you left me for that joey bitch
  118. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I came back
  119. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I said my sorry
  120. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I stuck with u
  121. X0HarleyQuinnX0: even when that last fight we had happened
  122. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and i'm still with u
  123. X0HarleyQuinnX0: am I not?
  124. EllysettaNightStarr has joined the chat
  125. HarperRayneCreed: wb ma
  126. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: i would just stay quite like me and let them hash it out and im sorry it in ur room
  127. AldenIceWolf: that fight you brught upon your self you know how pissed i was and you wouldent stop trying to challenge me
  128. EllysettaNightStarr: tys
  129. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: tazz is on about logging off
  130. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: .why
  131. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: his reply.........just cuz
  132. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: his not talking wabb not talking
  133. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: .yea well he could always leave the room and he aint talking to me so IDGF if he does or doesnt log off
  134. EllysettaNightStarr whispers: yeah but i do
  135. HarperRayneCreed > EllysettaNightStarr: i know u do ma and im sorry he's a big twat
  136. X0HarleyQuinnX0: challenge you?
  137. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I told you straight up how I felt
  138. AldenIceWolf has left the chat
  139. X0HarleyQuinnX0: -sighs-
  140. X0HarleyQuinnX0: ._.
  141. X0HarleyQuinnX0: imma go...
  142. HarperRayneCreed: okies
  143. HarperRayneCreed: :/
  144. EllysettaNightStarr: why
  145. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I love you guys..
  146. X0HarleyQuinnX0: I don't want to start a fight..
  147. X0HarleyQuinnX0: i'm just having a bad day
  148. EllysettaNightStarr: stay
  149. X0HarleyQuinnX0: :/
  150. EllysettaNightStarr: me too
  151. AldenIceWolf has joined the chat
  152. X0HarleyQuinnX0: wb.
  153. EllysettaNightStarr: wbs
  154. HarperRayneCreed: wb baby
  155. AldenIceWolf: ty and sorry imfu being a royal bitch towards me
  156. AldenIceWolf: anyways im done over it im moveing past all that bull shit
  157. AldenIceWolf: so eden i have not kicked you out or disowned you i love and would like for you to stay but if you dont then i understand
  158. AldenIceWolf: brb puttoing on coffee
  159. HarperRayneCreed: tyt baby
  160. AldenIceWolf: take it as a no then owell
  161. AldenIceWolf: going on elsword
  162. X0HarleyQuinnX0: idk what to say
  163. X0HarleyQuinnX0: idk if I should stay
  164. X0HarleyQuinnX0: sine I bring drama
  165. X0HarleyQuinnX0: since*
  166. X0HarleyQuinnX0: and I don't want to leave
  167. X0HarleyQuinnX0 has left the chat
  168. AldenIceWolf: well great
  169. AldenIceWolf: -sighs-
  170. EllysettaNightStarr: she crashed
  171. AldenIceWolf: not on that the answer mightg as well just go leave and cry alone and cut my losses once againg]\
  172. EllysettaNightStarr: why she wants to stay
  173. AldenIceWolf: she is unsure
  174. EllysettaNightStarr: only cos she knows she's made a mistake
  175. the rest of elly and ur dads convo was in whisper
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