

Jul 19th, 2017
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  1. Covet: "Thanks Man. I'm trying not to rub it in too much over here, but there's pretty much nothing that can bring me down right now." He looked at Adam, "You feeling alright over there? I thought I noticed you dragging a little bit. I haven't been over working you have I?"
  2. Alexithymiaa: "Nope, alls good." He fixed a very fake smile on his face because it was about all he could muster, pulling out a stack of comics from the box and beginning to sort through them, keeping his eyes down on his work. "I don't think you could ever overwork me."-
  3. Covet: "Are you sure? I know you were picking up a lot of hours while I was gone. Which I appreciate." Eli added, patting his hands on the counter. "You sure you don't need a paid vacation day? I'm sure you've more than earned it."
  4. Alexithymiaa: "No, I'm fine. But I appreciate the offer. You really are a great boss, Eli. And I great friend." He lifted his head to smile at Eli again before returning to his organization of the new stock.-
  5. Tsaaq: Hayley was over where the back issues were reogranizing them while she had her headphones plugged into her ears. // Bliss came from the bathroom with her bucket and walked around the counter as she put it away. She looked between Adam and Eli with a smile. "Alright, what else needs to be done?"
  6. Covet: "Of course. And thanks, anything to help out." Eli said with a smile then looked over as Bliss came up with a smile. "Well, Actually, I wanted to ask you a quick question in private. Then we'll go from there." He said taking the envelope from under the counter and headed back to the office holding the door open for Bliss.
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Adam twisted to watch as Eli walked off into the back room, opening his mouth to speak before cutting himself off. "I'll just be... here.. working on this stock...." Falling into silence, he looked across the shop, seeing Hayley working before dropping his eyes to the box.-
  8. Tsaaq: She sighed as she leaned against the wall, looking over the comics to make sure they weren't out of order. // Her eyebrows rose as she looked over to Adam then to Eli. "Oh yes, of course. Let's go." She said as she went towards the back office and stepped inside. Waiting on Eli. "Is that what I think it is?" She asked with a grin but also spoke in a low whisper.
  9. Covet: Eli closed the door and nodded his head, "And honestly.. It couldn't have come at a better time. I don't know about you but Hayley and Adam seem just a little off. I think this could perk them both right up. Have you been able to get the hotel arrangements and everything set up?" He asked her as he opened up the envelope to see all four passes attached to their lanyards. Complete with schedules and a map of the event for each of them.
  10. Alexithymiaa: (YAAAAAAAAAS Im jealous)
  11. Alexithymiaa: -Letting out a sigh, he moved the now empty box down onto the floor, nudging it out of the way with his foot to make room for his sorting stacks. He grabbed the first stack, moving around the counter and out onto the floor in the new release section, beginning to load them onto the rack.-
  12. Tsaaq: Hayley looked up and saw Adam then quickly lowered her head she nodded once she saw everything was in order and moved to the couch, propping her feet up on the coffee table and resuming in reading her book. // "Yes I did." She nodded her head. "All expenses covered, they have their own room. Everything is all set up. Just as I promised." She grinned. "So! Let's get out there and tell them!" She squealed. Bliss' smile faltered a bit. "What? Do you think something's wrong?"
  13. Covet: "I'm not sure. But I think they could both use some good happy news right now. I think too much time in Portland can drive people a little batty." He said with a laugh and handed Bliss the envelope. "Since this was all your idea, I'm letting you give the big reveal."
  14. Alexithymiaa: -Aligning the comics on the rack neatly, he turned and walked back to the counter to grab the next stack he wanted to put away, sorting through them a bit to make sure they were grouped together properly before lifting them off the counter and hugging them to his chest.-
  15. Tsaaq: She opened up whatever page she left off on and sputtered her lips softly, sort of trying to tune out everyone around her. // Bliss inhaled deeply and nodded her head slowly. "Right, this will help." She smiled. She looked down at the passes then hid them behind her back as she went out of the office and over to the counter. "Shift huddle!" She called out to Adam and Hayley. "Come on over to the counter, we have to talk." She said, looking over to Hayley and signaling her to take out her earbuds. "We're having a shift huddle!" She waved the other female over.
  16. Covet: Eli kept a smile on his face as he waited for Adam and Hayley to come over. He watched Hayley sort of ignoring them until Bliss finally got her attention. "We've got a small matter of business to attend to real quick." He said reassuringly.
  17. Alexithymiaa: -Turning back to the counter, he slid the stack of comics on the surface to relieve his arms of the weight, looking between Bliss and Eli. "Everything alright? There hasnt been any theft, has there?"-
  18. Tsaaq: Hayley looked up from the book and pulled out her earbud once she saw Bliss' lips move. She put her book down and shut off her music and went over to the counter, leaning in it listlessly and waiting for Bliss to speak. // She shook her head at Adam and waved her free hand at him. "No no, just listen." She said then looked between the two of them. "I just wanted to say something very important to the two of you." Bliss said sternly. "After much planning and deliberation I must inform you that..." She trailed off before revealing the passes. "The four of us are going to San Diego Comic-con!" She shouted, jumping up and down. "It's all expenses paid. You both get your own suite! And Eli and I will be right next door. I've planned everything thoroughly." Bliss went to drape the pass over Adam's head then did the same for Hayley.
  19. Alexithymiaa: (You've been LEID)
  20. Covet: Eli grinned as he watched Bliss Lei both Hayley and Adam with their Staff level passes and watched their reactions. "Your shifts have been covered, and you're still getting paid as this is kind of a work related event, so it justifies under paid training."
  21. Alexithymiaa: -Adam just stood dumbfounded and in shock as Bliss placed the lanyard over his head, slowly looking down at the pass that hung from the end. "International Comic Con?" He asked, surprised as fuck. "But how? This is..." He tried desperately to find his words, utterly grateful. "Ya'll are the best. Thank you so much."
  22. Tsaaq: Hayley looked a little perplexed as she looked at the pass then up to Bliss. "I know you guys were talking about it... But I didn't know you were actually gonna do it." She muttered. "Thanks guys." Hayley smiled. // "We pulled strings and did what we had to. The point is pack your bags! We'll be there Friday to Sunday." She told the two of them. "Stop looking so shocked. This is going to be so much fun. Let's think about that!" She clapped.
  23. Covet: "I was able to pull some strings at Bliss' behest. She wanted to make this happen for you guys, and so I worked my magic and traded some slave labor. For normal admittance and the different grades of passes... yes, they're sold out. But these are Staff passes, and they pretty much get you anywhere you want to go at SDCC."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Anywhere?" He repeated, moving his hand to lift the pass so he could look at it. "I don't know what to say. I don't think I could ever repay y'all for this. Really, thank you." He turned his head to look at Hayley before looking to Eli. "I guess it's good to have friends in high places."_
  25. Tsaaq: Hayley smirked and nodded her head. "That's kind of bitchin." She said as she continued to inspect her badge. "I can see anybody I want? Do we have to pay for the hotel room or something?" // "No, no. Don't be ridiculous. I told you. This is all expenses paid!" Bliss cheered. "And you don't have to repay us. It's a trip for all of us to enjoy together."
  26. Covet: "Yep. The only thing you'll need money for is if you want to hit up merchants row. But a lot of the pannels give out swag bags so you really don't even have to do that unless there's something you really want." Eli added seeing their moods picked up. He put his arm around Bliss because he was proud of her thoughtfulness.
  27. Alexithymiaa: (I have this proud parent image in my head right now of them two)
  28. Alexithymiaa: "Wow... just... wow..." He spoke softly, admiring his badge like it was made of gold. "And we're leaving Friday? That doesn't give us a lot of time to put together any cosplays. I guess we should get started as soon as possible."-
  29. Tsaaq: "Yeah." She said softly before sighing. She nodded her head again. "Thanks again guys..." Hayley trailed off. Her smile faded a bit as she pulled off her lanyard so she could put it away. "Can't wait until Friday." She forced a smile again. // "Yes, well... Early Friday morning. A Thursday red eye. So make sure you're ready!" She waved her finger at them. She went over to Eli and kissed his cheek. "Don't thank me. It was nothing realy"
  30. Covet: "If you guys need help with anything costume wise let me know and I'll speak to Tae in her barred tower. I'm sure she'd like to know that the outside world still exists." Eli said with a soft shake of his head. "She's probably got plenty for you to wear Hayley."
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Adam let out a quick laugh, raising his brows at Eli's words. "Barred tower? I know she's good at all that cosplay stuff, but does she stay holed up in her room doing it all the time?"-
  32. Tsaaq: Hayley furrowed her eyebrows. "Yeah I guess I'll just go over there and let her pick some cosplay shit for me." She said with a shrug. "Uh, is Tae okay?" She asked awkwardly. // Bliss sighed a little and shook her head. "Oh my goodness." She sighed, not wanting to think of Drew or Tae. "I'm going to make sure everything looks alright." She said with a quick nod.
  33. Covet: "She doesn't have much of a choice at the moment, actually." Eli said to Adam, then looked at Hayley. "She's fine. She just got herself in trouble. Don't feel sorry for her, really." Eli said having the same sentiments as Bliss.
  34. Alexithymiaa: "Uhhh..." He started gently before lifting his hand to scratch his fingers roughly into the back of his head. "But didn't we only just see her Sunday? What could have happened between now and Sunday that she got into trouble?"-
  35. Tsaaq: She squinted her eyes a moment. "That sucks." She said quietly. "You guys are like... Kind of like dictators when it comes to her huh?" // Bliss went to one of the registers and went to start counting the unused till.
  36. Covet: "I...try not to be.. But.. When she's living under my Dad's roof.. and not following the rules.. and... well.. It's complicated right now." Eli said. "Things happened on Sunday that.. you really really don't want to know and I don't want to bring it up because it kind of puts a black mark on the good things that happened that day."
  37. Alexithymiaa: "Oh... okay..." Adam spoke slowly, still fairly confused, but not wanting to ask further. He yawned and covered his mouth with his hand, looking down at his lanyard again, not ready to take it off because excitement. "I guess I should be figuring out what to pack then if we leave in a couple days."-
  38. Tsaaq: Hayley continued to give Eli a skeptical look. She pouted a little and began to walk away from the group again, she plopped down onto the couch and pulled out her cellphone as she fell silent. // "Yeah..." Bliss trailed off. She pursed her lips. "You should be doing that. And you will do it with haste because we don't have much time."
  39. Covet: "Indeed, Don't worry I'm kind of in that boat too and I've known since Saturday. I think I'm still stuck in Vacation mode at the moment." Eli said with a chuckle as he looked over at Hayley, then to Bliss. "I think we intend to spend a good chunk of tomorrow getting things together."
  40. Alexithymiaa: "Well I don't need to pack much anyway. I'm pretty easy with things like that." He nodded, finally pulling the lanyard from around his neck and looping it in half to hold onto. "Ill start packing as soon as I get home though that way Ill be sure I didnt miss anything."-
  41. Tsaaq: Her eyes widened a little and she slouched a little, turning away from the group as she slouched further on the couch. // Bliss nodded. "Good. You better!" She said. "Everyone so be packed ahead of time so we can all check and make sure we have everything. We'll help each other that way. Oh and we should talk about breakfast. I want to eat breakfast together every morning. It'll be so much fun!"
  42. Covet: "I'm sure we can work that out with the hotel. have room service set us up with something nice?" Eli said with a grin as he went about wiping things down and shutting down the game systems.
  43. Alexithymiaa: "A lot of hotels have complimentary breakfast. I'm sure we can get some pancakes." Dropping the magical word, he looked to Eli and Bliss. "Really, thank you. This is exactly what this weekend needed." He moved to the computer, beginning to clock himself out.-
  44. Tsaaq: "Sounds good." Hayley sighed and went to clock out as well. She didn't speak much as she went to pat Bliss' shoulder and walked around th ecounter. // "Nooo there's a cute dining hall in our hotel. And it doubles as a resturant which has complimentary breakfast but I would rather get fresh stuff from the kitch-" Bliss stopped speaking and laughed. "Pancakes sound very good. Thats exactly what I was thinking of. Have a good night you guys. I'll text you to touch base." She called out.
  45. Covet: "Goodnight Hayley, Night Adam. Thanks for your help today. If there's pancakes, I'm there." Eli said with a chuckle then walked over to the counter with Bliss. "I think everything is ready for closing, just got to lock the door, set the alarm and hit the lights then we can head upstairs, My Love."
  46. Alexithymiaa: -Adam waved to the two before turning to walk out of the shop, lingering out front for a moment before making his way to his truck.-
  47. Tsaaq: Hayley walked
  48. Tsaaq: ((Nooo))
  49. Tsaaq: She grabbed up her things. Hayley walked out the door as well. "Night guys." She called out, quietly waiting to get in Adam's truck and head to OCH. // She nodded and went to start turning off lights and other things so they could close up for the night.
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