

May 16th, 2016
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  1. <*buffextras> [18:21:13] ChanServ set mode: +v DWMagus
  2. <+Naed> [18:21:17] that you do
  3. <+Talvieno> [18:21:17] DWMAGUS :D
  4. <+Naed> [18:21:22] welcome back DWMagus
  5. <+Talvieno> [18:21:23] :DDDDDDDDDDDD
  6. <+DWMagus> [18:21:43] o/
  7. <+DigitalDuck> [18:21:45] DWMagus! \o
  8. <+Quack_Bot> [18:21:45] \o Quack!
  9. <+Taiya> [18:21:46] pantsless, Cornflakes wanted me to tell you
  10. <+Taiya> [18:21:49] o/
  11. <+Talvieno> [18:21:49] o/
  12. <+Jimmy42> [18:21:50] o/
  13. <@Bele> [18:21:57]
  14. <+DWMagus> [18:22:01] It's been a long fuckin' week
  15. <@Bele> [18:22:09] I have finally encountered the unbidden
  16. <@Bele> [18:22:12] and they were pushovers
  17. <+DigitalDuck> [18:22:15] Ahahaha. :D
  18. <+DV> [18:22:44] Whoops, haha
  19. <+DV> [18:23:02] For GoT's high production values, everyone's still human. :P
  20. <+Talvieno> [18:23:31] We'd wondered where you were.
  21. <+Talvieno> [18:23:38] Thought maybe your work had blocked IRC or something.
  22. <+Talvieno> [18:23:50] Or worse :V
  23. <+DWMagus> [18:23:58] Trial
  24. <+DWMagus> [18:24:01] In court.
  25. <+Talvieno> [18:24:04] yep
  26. <+Talvieno> [18:24:06] that's worse :V
  27. <+DWMagus> [18:24:12]
  28. <+Saoirse> [18:24:16] Family of slain Denver woman praises jury for guilty verdict in Robert Perez murder trial - 7NEWS Denver
  29. <+DWMagus> [18:24:28] He was my team lead for a few years.
  30. <+Talvieno> [18:25:45] Yikes.
  31. <+Talvieno> [18:25:53] I wouldn't be sure how to feel about that.
  32. <+DWMagus> [18:26:07] The media will only report on one side.
  33. <+DigitalDuck> [18:26:09] Who was your team leader?
  34. <+DWMagus> [18:26:12] What can I say?
  35. <+Talvieno> [18:26:24] Yeah.
  36. <+DWMagus> [18:26:27] The Robert Perez convicted of premeditated murder.
  37. <+DWMagus> [18:26:33] I was there for quite a bit of it.
  38. <+Talvieno> [18:26:33] That's the media for you though.
  39. <+DWMagus> [18:26:36] Yep.
  40. <+DigitalDuck> [18:26:37] The media reporting on one side is nothing new.
  41. <+Talvieno> [18:26:41] They hype everything up.
  42. <+DigitalDuck> [18:27:08] No, they completely fabricate it.
  43. <+Talvieno> [18:27:14] They do that too.
  44. <+DWMagus> [18:27:23] Pretty much the entirety of the prosecution's case was based on discrediting expert witnesses and hyperbole as well as heresy.
  45. <+DWMagus> [18:27:27] Er, hearsay.
  46. <***> Buffer Playback Complete.
  47. <+DWMagus> While the defense kept going back to the evidence time and time again.
  48. <+DWMagus> I'm really surprised at the conviction.
  49. <+DigitalDuck> Any chance of an appeal?
  50. <+DWMagus> Doubt it.
  51. <+DWMagus> He had trouble raising the funds for his first lawyer.
  52. <+DWMagus> And that lawyer bailed halfway through so he had to go with a public defender for the rest.
  53. <+DWMagus> And yes, it was discovered some evidence was completely fabricated.
  54. <+DigitalDuck> Honestly, I think you should be automatically discredited the instant you're found fabricating evidence.
  55. <+DigitalDuck> Even if the rest is solid.
  56. <+Talvieno> Should be.
  57. <+DigitalDuck> If you believe something to be true, you should be able to get enough evidence to prove it.
  58. <+DWMagus> Their key witness was already convicted of 12 counts of dishonesty and was waiting to be held accountable for 8 more counts.
  59. <+Talvieno> If you fabricate [any] evidence it should be obvious that you're a liar and nobody should believe you.
  60. <+Cha0zz> afk for food
  61. <+DWMagus> Needless to say, it was a pretty rough week.
  62. <+DigitalDuck> I can imagine.
  63. <+DWMagus> Coupled with the depression and the bullshit my medical practitioners have put me through...
  64. <+DWMagus> Oh yeah, and on top of that, my basement is leaking.
  65. <+DWMagus> So yeah, one helluva fuckin' week.
  66. <+Talvieno> yeah, I was worried about you.
  67. <+Talvieno> didn't know about the basement though.
  68. <+Talvieno> that's new.
  69. <+Talvieno> Ours did the same thing last year.
  70. <+Talvieno> well
  71. <+DWMagus> Mine is <6 months old though.
  72. <+Talvieno> technically not ours. stepgrandma's. but my folks store tons of garbage furniture from auctions in there.
  73. <DWMagus> Apparently our sump pump was saturating the ground outside of an area, and that made the wayter start seeping through the concrete.
  74. <+Talvieno> yikes. o.O well, at least you're getting taken care of early in its life.
  75. <+Talvieno> yeah, that's what happened with ours.
  76. <+DWMagus> Warranty with our home.
  77. <+Talvieno> ooh, so it's free to take care of?
  78. <+DWMagus> Yep.
  79. <+Talvieno> nice. :) There's that then at least. It didn't ruin anything, did it?
  80. <+DWMagus> But in the meantime I'm switching out towels over the leak every 8 hours and running my dryer damn near constantly.
  81. <+DWMagus> No, didn't ruin anything.
  82. <+DWMagus> So they moved the drainage pipe to a different spot, but the ground is still saturated.
  83. <+DWMagus> Supposed to clear up starting today, so we'll see.
  84. <+DWMagus> That started over a week ago on the previous saturday.
  85. <+DigitalDuck> When it rains, it pours.
  86. <+DWMagus> :V
  87. <+DigitalDuck> I'm sorry, I couldn't resist. :D
  88. <+DWMagus> Fair enough
  89. <+DWMagus> The good news though is that my face numbness is almost gone at this point.
  90. <+DigitalDuck> That's good to know.
  91. <+Talvieno> <DWMagus> But in the meantime I'm switching out towels over the leak every 8 hours and running my dryer damn near constantly. <--- I did this too
  92. <+Talvieno> except it was more often than 8 hours. usually every hour or so. we had a bad leak. old basement too.
  93. <+Talvieno> fortunately it was only during heavy rains.
  94. <+DWMagus> This one isn't too bad. I'm sure if I didn't catch when I did, it might be worse.
  95. <+Zorathex> Good morning everyone. o/
  96. <+DWMagus> Pretty sure a recent heavy rain triggered it.
  97. <+Taiya> o/
  98. <+DWMagus> [18:43:00] o/
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