
Session 07: Come Into My Parlor...

Feb 14th, 2014
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  1. [2014-01-31 15:45:51] * DontAskForCookies >> Signal Detected
  2. [2014-01-31 15:46:10] * DontAskForCookies >> Accessing Bronco Network_
  3. [2014-01-31 15:46:19] * DontAskForCookies _
  4. [2014-01-31 15:48:56] * DontAskForCookies In a tiny dust coated room that she was tied up to a young mare squirmed against her bindings. While she could not see anything past the blind fold secured to her face she could still put her deduction skills to work.
  5. [2014-01-31 15:50:30] * DontAskForCookies Mold, rust, and other telling sents of age mixed with something... else, something she was not familure with that made her want to gag. And of course there were the distant noises past the walls around her that put her on edge, the voice from before had warned about being to loud and while she had no trust for the foalnapper she was to scared to put his words to the test.
  6. [2014-01-31 15:51:42] <DontAskForCookies> From the damp wind that found its way inside she knew she must be at least near the river, she could even hear the sounds of waves somewhere in the distance.
  7. [2014-01-31 15:53:28] * DontAskForCookies shaking in the corner she curled up as tightly as she could to stave off the growing coldness that seeped into her limbs but the ropes made it dificult for her. For all her observations she was still no closer to escape.
  8. [2014-01-31 15:54:13] * DontAskForCookies "Come on textbook", she thought to herself over the equally disheartening beeping that had begun a few minutes ago, "Dont worry, somepony will find you"
  9. [2014-01-31 15:54:30] * DontAskForCookies >> Singal Interupted_
  10. [2014-01-31 15:54:47] * DontAskForCookies >> Reconecting to Bronco Network_
  11. [2014-01-31 15:55:21] * DontAskForCookies >> Sighning in as system Admin_
  12. [2014-01-31 15:55:34] * DontAskForCookies >> _
  13. [2014-01-31 15:57:42] * Cap_Rat fiddles with another boat to no avail. He snorts in frustration, it didn't seem like he could use them. He looks out to the docks to check if the path is clear.
  14. [2014-01-31 16:00:18] * DontAskForCookies Cap_Rat sees nopony who would spot him exit the ship he was on.
  15. [2014-01-31 16:00:22] * Midnight_Bliss turns to the city. this bomber is creative and insane, two elements that make a terrorist shine out.
  16. [2014-01-31 16:00:28] * Thomas_OMalley slips on his armor and battle saddle, getting things ready for a rough reception. He does what he can to increase the speed of the little boat, trying to get this mad bomber back to his boat as fast as possible.
  17. [2014-01-31 16:00:44] * The_Blossom looks to the Mad Bomber. "What do you want specifically?"
  18. [2014-01-31 16:01:07] * Cap_Rat scurries out towards the city
  19. [2014-01-31 16:01:34] * Gerlinde frowns. "Any idea where to go, Midnight?"
  20. [2014-01-31 16:02:32] * DontAskForCookies Nitro Yawns, his face still swelling and blodies from Gerlindes rough handling, "Well the same most ponies do I guess, house with a white picket fence, someone to call my own.... oh yes, and to make it out of here free as a bird with what I want from your boats cargo, think I worked out what it is im after this time"
  21. [2014-01-31 16:02:41] * Midnight_Bliss shakes her head "This isn't a warzone, I doubt the bomber is out to destroy this city so the normal targets are likely out"
  22. [2014-01-31 16:03:13] <The_Blossom> "I mean what do you want from our cargo." She says simply, calmly.
  23. [2014-01-31 16:03:28] * Thomas_OMalley calls out as he continues to work "And that ting is... what? Need to be sure it wasn't accidentally destroyed when your folk hit da boat."
  24. [2014-01-31 16:03:35] * Heartmend with her supplies in tow, the rest will need none of her skills she hoped.
  25. [2014-01-31 16:03:36] * DontAskForCookies a tiny ship carrying Thomas Omalley, a strange pony most have never seen before, and the Blossom cruses closer and closer to the ship.
  26. [2014-01-31 16:04:32] * DontAskForCookies Nitro smiles, "Well a map of sorts I should think, as well as a key if my sources can be belived"
  27. [2014-01-31 16:06:05] * Thomas_OMalley looks over from the pilot's box and shrugs. He didn't see anything like that in the cargo.
  28. [2014-01-31 16:06:19] * Cap_Rat dashes into the city to check the scene of the explosion.
  29. [2014-01-31 16:06:28] * Gerlinde frowns, not sure what that leaves. "Then... what?"
  30. [2014-01-31 16:06:48] <DontAskForCookies> By this point some order had been returned to Batpony Rougue so Cap Rat is met with mostly emptied streets, NCR still patroling for further dangers.
  31. [2014-01-31 16:06:54] * Midnight_Bliss looks to the approaching bot and flies down to it "I assume this is our explosive adversary?"
  32. [2014-01-31 16:06:55] <The_Blossom> "A map? We have plenty of maps, but none were included in the cargo."
  33. [2014-01-31 16:07:12] * DontAskForCookies the sight of the bombing is currently taped off, NCR investigating the blast.
  34. [2014-01-31 16:07:25] <Midnight_Bliss> boat*
  35. [2014-01-31 16:08:19] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Bliss. "Aye, de pony be wired, I tink. And he have anoter bomb somewhere else... which, now dat you are at de boat, where dat oter bomb be at?" Thomas pulls the little skiff over to the dock near the captain's boat, cutting the engine.
  36. [2014-01-31 16:08:24] * Gerlinde follows Midnight and shrugs! She's clueless.
  37. [2014-01-31 16:08:30] * DontAskForCookies Nitro Looks up to the newly arrived peagus and giver her a bloodied grin, his vest reading 8 mins till detonation. "Thats me"
  38. [2014-01-31 16:09:30] * DontAskForCookies looks back to Thomas, "The bomb, oh Ill tell you as soon as I see what im after, better hurry and find it as a matter of fact"
  39. [2014-01-31 16:09:42] * Midnight_Bliss ignores the bloodied grin to examine his chest and timer
  40. [2014-01-31 16:10:10] * Cap_Rat strokes under his muzzle, observing the demeanor of the NCR officers, as well as looking out for any NCR outpost
  41. [2014-01-31 16:12:39] * DontAskForCookies the timer seems to be a simple, but effective, electronic timer cobbled together from scrap electronics of various sizes all wired up to a few blocks of c4 straped to his chest along with a wireless transmiter hooked up to a radio broadcaster. Wherever the other bomb is it couldnt be much farther away than a mile form there location for it to be within range.
  42. [2014-01-31 16:12:59] * Heartmend paces back and forth along the ship's deck, watching for the rest of the crew.
  43. [2014-01-31 16:13:07] * The_Blossom smiles at Nitro, though it's hard to see. "Nitro. How about we make this a game, since you seem to enjoy games."
  44. [2014-01-31 16:13:39] * DontAskForCookies Nitro looks to the blossom, "Oh a game is it, I do like those. Share wont you?"
  45. [2014-01-31 16:14:22] * Midnight_Bliss well practiced eyes examine the device "Explosive is relativly close, this device couldn't reach farther than a mile to activate the bomb, we have a short time but that narrows it significantly"
  46. [2014-01-31 16:14:49] * The_Blossom nods. "You give me and only me a hint. One nice hint to where the bombs are." She tells him. "And I race your clock. If I find the bombs and disarm them, you lose. If they go off... you win."
  47. [2014-01-31 16:14:54] * DontAskForCookies Cap Rat sees a triage tent set up just outside the taped off area near where they have set up a small forward command post for there investigation.
  48. [2014-01-31 16:16:19] * Thomas_OMalley walks over to Midnight_Bliss, looking at the timer. "We 'bout half mile out from de dock when he hit de switch. Dat help as well?"
  49. [2014-01-31 16:16:40] * DontAskForCookies Nitro smiles, "Oh shes smart, real smart. Could almost count that as a hint but I tell you what, Ill play ball so long as you pony up one of the two items I asked for and Ill give you a niiiiice hint"
  50. [2014-01-31 16:17:03] * Midnight_Bliss turns to Thomas_OMalley "Well, assuming the explosive isn't out in the water, it means the explosive is within a half mile of the shore"
  51. [2014-01-31 16:18:11] * Thomas_OMalley nods to Midnight_Bliss. "Well den, dat narrows it down." He looks over at The_Blossom and nods. "Alright... dat be a game we can play."
  52. [2014-01-31 16:18:22] * The_Blossom looks to the others. "Get him one of the things he asked." She demands. "We don't have much time."
  53. [2014-01-31 16:19:08] * Thomas_OMalley looks back to Nitro. "So, what do de items look like?"
  54. [2014-01-31 16:19:48] * Cap_Rat trots closer to the tent, peeking in discreetly.
  55. [2014-01-31 16:20:23] * DontAskForCookies Nitro giggles at something before calming down and looking to Thomas, "Hum? Oh I dont know, a key and a map of some kind, something about being hidden past a ship? Not sure what that means from the clues I got out of her"
  56. [2014-01-31 16:21:38] * DontAskForCookies the bomb chest is infuriating to try and disarm, filled with supplmented power sources, false leads and wires, it is either the work of a proffesional or a madman and resists her attempts at disarming.
  57. [2014-01-31 16:21:42] * Thomas_OMalley blinks for a moment. "Oh. Well den..." The stallion flies over to the ship, and into where The_Blossom's strawberries are to retrieve the odd painting.
  58. [2014-01-31 16:22:13] * Midnight_Bliss growls silently to herself as the bomb vest thwarts her skills...for the moment.
  59. [2014-01-31 16:23:26] * DontAskForCookies Cap Rat sees a few medical tables that have been set up along with a few boxes of supplies, sitting not to far inside the tent Cap sees a small rack of fresh clean scrubs, NCR medic badges proudly displayed on them.
  60. [2014-01-31 16:23:54] * Thomas_OMalley flies back to the dinghy, carrying the painting. "De hint, den de painting."
  61. [2014-01-31 16:25:08] =-= DontAskForCookies is now known as GreatAndPowerfulGM
  62. [2014-01-31 16:25:49] * Midnight_Bliss Looks from the bomb vest to the docks, knowing the bomb is within a half mile of the shore. she flies up now, heading to the shore quickly and examining the area from above for possible bombing locations
  63. [2014-01-31 16:26:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM nods, "Very well then, so its a game after all. The hint is this.... Many Cross me but but only one do I cross, hope you like riddles!"
  64. [2014-01-31 16:27:26] * Thomas_OMalley looks over at The_Blossom. "A bridge?"
  65. [2014-01-31 16:27:27] * The_Blossom stops as soon as she hears the riddle, thinking hard and quickly, entering a small mental santuary
  66. [2014-01-31 16:28:12] <The_Blossom> "Are there any bridges in town?"
  67. [2014-01-31 16:28:17] <The_Blossom> She asks Thomas.
  68. [2014-01-31 16:28:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro whistles, "Some thinker you have there, yup, The bomb is set up in the center of the abandoned bridge... not very threatening I know, with lack of civilian collateral.... so I supplemented some of my own, picked up a special somepony in town to sit at ground 0"
  69. [2014-01-31 16:29:27] * Heartmend asks Captian Fathom if he thinks their all right.
  70. [2014-01-31 16:29:39] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the party remembers passing under a massive bridge that spanned the Missipony as they sailed into port, its large frame can be seen in the distance from the ship.
  71. [2014-01-31 16:29:44] <The_Blossom> "Textbook." She says.
  72. [2014-01-31 16:29:55] * The_Blossom remembers the note from the sewers.
  73. [2014-01-31 16:31:21] * Midnight_Bliss grumbles and flies back to the boat "Any luck getting it out of him?
  74. [2014-01-31 16:31:47] * The_Blossom nods. "The Big Bridge." She points. "He set it up there."
  75. [2014-01-31 16:32:09] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom shrugs and tells Heartmend that the best he can hope for is to be clear of this town and the madpony now near his ship as soon as possible.
  76. [2014-01-31 16:32:16] * Thomas_OMalley flies back to the pilot's box. "Yeah! At de bridge!" The batpony kicks on the engine. "All aboard, one rescued cherie, coming up!"
  77. [2014-01-31 16:32:30] * Cap_Rat lights up his horn. Suddenly a firecracker sounds on the crater and a high pressure leak whistles. He stays on the sidelines, awaiting for the reaction
  78. [2014-01-31 16:32:33] * Midnight_Bliss smacks her self "Targeting a monument... of course..." jumps up and begins flying towards it quickly
  79. [2014-01-31 16:35:01] * GreatAndPowerfulGM NCR snap to attention, guards calling civillians to retreat and most guard on duty ducking behind cover while waiting to see if the whole place was ready to blow again.
  80. [2014-01-31 16:35:05] * Thomas_OMalley looks over to Nitro. "How high you put dat cherie? De spiders can be mal pris..."
  81. [2014-01-31 16:36:23] * Cap_Rat takes opportunity of the distraction to scurry in and fetch an outfit
  82. [2014-01-31 16:36:29] * Thomas_OMalley looks over to the captain's ship. "Oy! Heartmend! You coming? Might have a patient for you!"
  83. [2014-01-31 16:36:36] * The_Blossom smirks a bit as she rides in the boat, hoping they can get there in time.
  84. [2014-01-31 16:36:48] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Nitro Shrugs, "Leave me be here with that painting or you will never know, also you probably dont want to be to close to me should I get to blose to the bridge myself. I wander to close and my secondary triggers will detonate."
  85. [2014-01-31 16:37:20] * Heartmend nods to Thomas "On my way."
  86. [2014-01-31 16:37:47] * Thomas_OMalley stops the dinghy. "Damn..." He reverses the boat to get it back to the dock, letting the bomber pony off.... and then grinning. "Eh, Gerlinde? You tink you ken do me a favor?"
  87. [2014-01-31 16:38:03] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Cap Rat finds a set of Standard issue olive green t-shirt and doctors coat complete with a pair of reading glasses.
  88. [2014-01-31 16:38:56] * Gerlinde flies out towards the bridge!
  89. [2014-01-31 16:39:21] * Midnight_Bliss is so determined, her flight leaves a contrail of smoke in her wake
  90. [2014-01-31 16:39:48] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom Stands on deck, "Dont worry lad, I ken watch this one just fine". As he speaks he pulls out a wicked looked hunting rifles that has been cut down to pistol size from his coat.
  91. [2014-01-31 16:40:10] * Thomas_OMalley raises a hoof... and then lowers it. "Well... nevermind den." Thomas smiles at Fathom, saluting the captain, and kicking the engines into high gear.
  92. [2014-01-31 16:40:48] * The_Blossom keeps on the boat. "We have to save her."
  93. [2014-01-31 16:40:57] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Fathom waves to the group as they sail and fly of together to the bridge.
  94. [2014-01-31 16:41:35] * Midnight_Bliss begins to examine the bridge for possible explosives or hidey holes
  95. [2014-01-31 16:43:08] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Dosent see explosives but dose see something very strange about the bridge, as she comes closer she realizes the entirety of the higher portions of the bridges contruction are covered in....webs
  96. [2014-01-31 16:44:05] * Midnight_Bliss raises an eyebrow and floats higher to examine the webs
  97. [2014-01-31 16:44:06] * Gerlinde catches up with Midnight and follows her!
  98. [2014-01-31 16:45:14] * Cap_Rat changes into the full get-up, stepping out, cassting Soft Light on himself and mixing with the group of officers. "Should we move away?" He asks one of the officers.
  99. [2014-01-31 16:45:29] * Midnight_Bliss looks to Gerlinde "Can you cut these wbs with your claws?"
  100. [2014-01-31 16:47:08] * Gerlinde nods, brandishing her brass talons. "Yup." She smirks, diving in, ready to slash!
  101. [2014-01-31 16:47:25] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the officer looks up at the building and shrugs, "No clue but I sure wouldnt mind if you would stand by in case something ells happens. As is I think we are in the clear but best to be carful"
  102. [2014-01-31 17:24:16] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Gerlindes strong tallons slash again and again at the webs creating an opening to move into the bridge. Chittering noises however sound of from withing the thick maze of spun silk...
  103. [2014-01-31 17:28:00] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The next files contains photos of journal entries from Lazy Bones father who moved with his son up north to get away from the fall out when Crimson Cleaver disapeared. Notes from Proffessor Hidden tomb reveal this find of the journal at there family home was teh start of his research and makes mention of a map and key. The map being "hidden beyond the ship" and the key being
  104. [2014-01-31 17:28:29] * GreatAndPowerfulGM "The opener of Hidden Knowledge", there are some rubbings to go along with the second clue that seem familure...
  105. [2014-01-31 17:29:44] * Cap_Rat ponders and turns to the last file.
  106. [2014-01-31 17:30:27] * Gerlinde bursts through the webs and immediately looks around, trying to survey the scene.
  107. [2014-01-31 17:31:26] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> Perception check Gerlinde?
  108. [2014-01-31 17:31:34] * Midnight_Bliss hearing the chittering noises makes her drop into a stealth flight pattern
  109. [2014-01-31 17:34:29] * GreatAndPowerfulGM looking about Gerlinde sees two scary facts about this bridge, one that it was filled with large spiders and two that the actual bridge part below is filled with mines.
  110. [2014-01-31 17:38:21] * Gerlinde grins, barreling for the closest spider and unleashing a flurry of swipes!
  111. [2014-01-31 17:41:29] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the spider stood no chance to the griffins tallons and stumbles of the threads of the web, falling down below, dead before it even hit the ground.
  112. [2014-01-31 17:46:29] * Midnight_Bliss remains in her place, taking sight through her nightvision scope at the next spider, remaining in her stealth flight formation and takes the shot
  113. [2014-01-31 17:52:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the First spider falls to dust under Midnights Blisses rain of magical death beams!
  114. [2014-01-31 17:55:41] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the second however is only injured as it rushes along with another towards Gerlinde, the fresh one reaching her first and taking a few lunging bites with its menacing fangs! Luckily for the griff both attacks are wild and miss.
  115. [2014-01-31 17:55:59] * GreatAndPowerfulGM two more spiders show up, a larger green one across the bridge is the size of a pony!
  116. [2014-01-31 17:58:23] * Gerlinde scowls, retaliating with three slashes to each spider.
  117. [2014-01-31 18:00:22] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the spiders fall in shreds, legs and torsos raining down below.
  118. [2014-01-31 18:05:28] * Midnight_Bliss now out in the open she fires off another volley at the big green spider,
  119. [2014-01-31 18:05:38] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> ok
  120. [2014-01-31 18:05:49] <GreatAndPowerfulGM> (redact)
  121. [2014-01-31 18:06:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The shots that land home spat with a sickening noise into the creature, it lunges forward to close the distance. Its smaller cousin joins in as they close in on Gerlinde and Midnight, more spiders appearing on the bridge.
  122. [2014-01-31 18:10:50] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The large spiders now press there advantage as they build up steam, leaping onto Gerlinde and sinking there fangs into her!
  123. [2014-01-31 18:11:12] * Gerlinde lets out a pained squawk and a glare, promising the spiders death!
  124. [2014-01-31 18:14:16] * Gerlinde turns on the big spider, talons ready to sink into its carapace for revenge. Brass talons lurch for the spider, attempting to rip it to pieces.
  125. [2014-01-31 18:18:46] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the larger spider screeches loud enough for those below to hear its death rattles as it falls with its breathren.
  126. [2014-01-31 18:22:03] * The_Blossom gets to the top of the bridge
  127. [2014-01-31 18:28:35] * Midnight_Bliss sees Gerlinde taking the spiders on much easier than she is, and turns her attention to the mines below
  128. [2014-01-31 18:35:24] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the first landmind explodes to early, midnight bliss luckily dodging its leathal shrapnal as she speeds to a second and disarms it.
  129. [2014-01-31 18:37:58] -->| Aqu ( has joined #CryMeARiver
  130. [2014-01-31 18:38:18] |<-- Gerlinde has left (Killed (NickServ (GHOST command used by Aqu)))
  131. [2014-01-31 18:38:22] =-= Aqu is now known as Gerlinde
  132. [2014-01-31 18:40:35] * Thomas_OMalley flies over, the webs impending his abilities even as he closes on the small spider. He gets in close and fires, the twin lasers of his rechargers burning bright holes in the spider's carapace as it twitches and dies.
  133. [2014-01-31 18:45:53] * Heartmend climbs up the ladder as fast as she could then flops low
  134. [2014-01-31 18:48:03] * GreatAndPowerfulGM seeing easier targests within reach the larger of the two remaining spiders lowers itself down onto the bridge and takes a few steps forward.... activating a mine
  135. [2014-01-31 18:50:50] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the beast dosent even look down as it trips the mind, its body slaming heavily as it is blown to bits against the ancient car which itself smolders for a few seconds before exploding, setting of a chain reaction of nearby mines and cars. Luckily the party is out of range of the deadly shrapnel but still feels the heat of the explosions
  136. [2014-01-31 18:52:18] * Midnight_Bliss instinctivly ducks down when she hears the explosions go off before looking onward and frowning...even the spiders were haveing more success blowing stuff up than her
  137. [2014-01-31 18:52:26] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the bridge shakes for a moment but holds.
  138. [2014-01-31 18:52:37] * Heartmend ducks and cover as best as she can
  139. [2014-01-31 18:53:30] * The_Blossom stays as steady as she can
  140. [2014-01-31 18:54:12] * Midnight_Bliss licks a hoof and puts out a small fire in the tip of a stray hair from her mane
  141. [2014-01-31 18:54:51] <Thomas_OMalley> His wings flapping up to get away from the heat instinctively, the bat pony winces at the heat. "I'll fly around, see if I can find de hostage." The bat pony flies out of the remains of the webbing that's on fire, looking for some place where a hostage might be.
  142. [2014-01-31 18:55:16] * Heartmend gets up looking around "Is any one hurt?" she calles out
  143. [2014-01-31 18:55:23] * Midnight_Bliss flaps her wings "I'll look for the bomb"
  144. [2014-01-31 18:55:59] * The_Blossom shakes her head, rushing out to go thrrugh the fire. "I'll find the hostage as well."
  145. [2014-01-31 18:57:57] <Midnight_Bliss> "After this, I'm blowing up that pony personally"
  146. [2014-01-31 18:58:30] * Gerlinde groans, looking around for Heartmend. Stupid spiders.
  147. [2014-01-31 18:58:38] * The_Blossom keeps quiet as she runs down the bridge, further down
  148. [2014-01-31 18:59:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Thomas sees several cars on the bridge to check. Midnight spots more minds but doubts the main bomb would be close to them... then she spots a room built into the uper portions of the bridge accessable only by ladder or wing.
  149. [2014-01-31 18:59:43] * Heartmend starts digging into her bag for some healing potions
  150. [2014-01-31 19:00:03] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the blossom hears more chittering around her but it seems the spiders are now to scared to make another attempt at an attack
  151. [2014-01-31 19:00:33] * Gerlinde stops near Heartmend and gives her a frown. "Healing." She huffs. "Please."
  152. [2014-01-31 19:00:44] * Thomas_OMalley starts calling out as he heads down the bridge, his ears flicking as he continues down the bridge. "Cherie! If you can here me, shout! We are here to rescue you!"
  153. [2014-01-31 19:01:02] * Midnight_Bliss looks around seeing the mines before looking at the room in the upper portion "Watch out, more mines down there, I'm checking the upper room!"
  154. [2014-01-31 19:02:19] * Thomas_OMalley looks over at Midnight_Bliss. "Upper room?" The batpony looks at The_Blossom. "Can you check dat truck?" He points at the truck she is near.
  155. [2014-01-31 19:02:34] * Heartmend nods as she administers the healing potion to Gerlinde "Here this will fix that real quick."
  156. [2014-01-31 19:04:33] * Gerlinde nods. "Thanks doc."
  157. [2014-01-31 19:04:46] * The_Blossom glances into the truck as she is near it
  158. [2014-01-31 19:04:58] * GreatAndPowerfulGM Midnight finds a small metal shed sized room with glass paned windows pointing in every direction, inside she can see a small curled up soft blue toned earth pony filly bound and gaged. Not to far away is the aformentioned bomb, a clutch of 3 stacks of C4.
  159. [2014-01-31 19:05:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The blossom moves near the truck but then hears something... a slience in the small chittering lasting but a few moments before it is broken by much louder chittering.
  160. [2014-01-31 19:05:43] * Midnight_Bliss turns and shouts to the others "The hostage is up here! so is the bomb!"
  161. [2014-01-31 19:06:09] * The_Blossom gets ready. "Watch yourselves! We have company coming!"
  162. [2014-01-31 19:06:26] * Heartmend looks over the griffon to make shure she is alright "Well try not to get bit agein."
  163. [2014-01-31 19:06:31] * Thomas_OMalley nods to The_Blossom and shouts across the bridge. "Gotcha Midnight_Bliss! On my way... after I take care of company!"
  164. [2014-01-31 19:07:30] * Gerlinde rolls her eyes. "Not like it was my choice."
  165. [2014-01-31 19:08:53] * GreatAndPowerfulGM A spider larger than any pony crawls out from over the other side of the bridge, its fangs clicking and driping poison. This... is the queen spider.
  166. [2014-01-31 19:10:09] * Heartmend follows as fast as she can "Running is not one of my strong suits."
  167. [2014-01-31 19:10:22] * Gerlinde sprints for the other side of the bridge and Thomas' shouting. As soon as she sees the spider, she ducks behind one of the cars and takes a shot of dash.
  168. [2014-01-31 19:10:40] * The_Blossom moves and faces the spider, bringing out her whip. "Let's go!"
  169. [2014-01-31 19:13:21] * The_Blossom moves up ontop of the truck to get the higher ground on the spidaer and swats her whip at it
  170. [2014-01-31 19:16:14] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the whip cracks around it but its quick movments keep it out of its range.
  171. [2014-01-31 19:18:35] * Midnight_Bliss gives the door a quick look over for traps before floating through one of the open windows
  172. [2014-01-31 19:22:39] * Midnight_Bliss gives the bound mare a look before focusing on the threat of the bomb, with the tools the bomber pony used and his plans she gives off the only smile she's given in a while and nopony is around to see it. she cracks her hooves and goes to work on the c-4
  173. [2014-01-31 19:23:36] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the bomb prooves to be a challeng but thanks to nearby resoucres from its creation Midnight aces it and safely disarms the bomb back to its base components, ending its threat
  174. [2014-01-31 19:29:32] * Thomas_OMalley pulls on the trigger bit twice, but the care he takes not to hit the truck near Gerlinde and The_Blossom ends up causing him to miss. The bat pony growls and heads toward the upper room at high speed.
  175. [2014-01-31 19:31:51] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the spider crawls up along the side of the truck and climps up the hood, begining its assault on the blossom!
  176. [2014-01-31 19:32:07] * Heartmend gallops up as fast as she can
  177. [2014-01-31 19:35:18] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The Giant spider lunges forward... and is deflected as it screems in pain as it is parried time and time again by the whip of JUSTICE!
  178. [2014-01-31 19:37:50] * Gerlinde grins, eyes glazed over from her shot of dash. Feeling extra quick, Gerlinde's wings spread wide and she takes off, charging and stopping just above the spider. With a loud roar, she drops down onto its back, burying her talons into the spider's carapace.
  179. [2014-01-31 19:42:31] * GreatAndPowerfulGM wailing at the heavy carapace is like dragging her talons against steel, Gerlinde has sliced through pony built armor not nearly as good as this stuff! Still her furious assault leaves teh beast horribly bloodied and screaming in pain!
  180. [2014-01-31 19:46:06] * The_Blossom whips the beast twice
  181. [2014-01-31 19:47:32] * GreatAndPowerfulGM The cracks of the Blossoms whips resound twice as she assaults the monster, the giant spider shaking on its remaining legs in pain as they spasam.
  182. [2014-01-31 19:52:24] * Midnight_Bliss with the bomb taken care of she turns to the bound mare. reaching out to untie her. "The bomb is taken care of, you are out of danger" she said to the mare in a cold neutral tone
  183. [2014-01-31 19:53:21] * GreatAndPowerfulGM freed of her gag the young mare sputters, "There was a bomb?", there is a clear tone of fear in her shaky voice.
  184. [2014-01-31 19:53:47] <Midnight_Bliss> "Yes, but not anymore"
  185. [2014-01-31 19:56:28] * GreatAndPowerfulGM the display on said bomb, now frozen in time, reads as 2:25 seconds till detonation. A detonation that will now never happen.
  186. [2014-01-31 19:58:17] * Thomas_OMalley turns and looks through the scopes of his saddle, firing a shot directly at the large spider. He watches the lasers strike the spider and it scream and flail in its death throes before flying to the Upper Room. He pokes his head in a window as he hovers outside. His eyes catch sight of the bomb. "Ah... good. It not be tickin' anymore. Are you ok?" He looks over at the mare, face expressing...
  187. [2014-01-31 19:58:17] * Thomas_OMalley ...concern.
  188. [2014-01-31 19:59:33] * Heartmend huffs and puffs as she makes it to the rest "Ufff... I'm so out of shape."
  189. [2014-01-31 20:00:35] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> Signal Interupted
  190. [2014-01-31 20:00:44] * GreatAndPowerfulGM >> _
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