
Drew is a no no

Jun 21st, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Hayley was looking through the books in the horror section of the bookstore, her body leaned forward and her but sticking out as she browsed the titles. She scrunched up her nose a moment. Still attempting to decide which book peaked her interest.
  2. Covet: Eli walked up to the building with Tae dragging behind. He walked up and held open the door for Bliss and his sister to walk in, "They have smoothies and stuff too, Tae, it's not just coffee. I plan on getting something cool to enjoy." // Tae rolled her eyes and fidgeted with the tassles on her top, "Fine. I don't know why we couldn't just talk at the apartment. Or the house. Maybe I had plans tonight" She said , not having any but she would have made some if Eli didn't make such a stink about it.
  3. Alexithymiaa: -Adam sat relaxed on the big comfy couch, a book settled in his lap and flipped open with his thumb stuck between the pages. His eyes slid quickly across the page because he was a fairly fast reader until he heard voices which took him out of his little space world. Glancing up, he saw Eli, Bliss, and Tae coming into the shop, overhearing their conversation and chewing on the inside of his cheek because of the discussion he had with Eli the night before.-
  4. Tsaaq: Hayley turned her head once she saw the door open. Obvlivious, she waved at the group and went over to Adam had been seated and plopped down onto the couch. // Bliss tenatively crossed her arms over her chest and walked in with Eli and Tae. "Also there's plenty of books." She piped up, giving Adam and Hayley an awkward wave.
  5. Covet: Eli gave Adam and Hayley a wave, "That too, It's a pretty nice little place. What ever you ladies want, it's on me." He said then ordered himself a mango smoothie with extra banana. He looked over at Bliss who seemed a little apprehensive and studied her trying to pick up on what was bothering her. // Giving a sigh Tae walked up to the counter and ordered herself the biggest blended coffee drink she could get with extra whipped cream. "Thanks Bro." She said exaggerating the phrase, So are we going to sit down somewhere, or just here at the bar? " She said crossing her arms waiting for her drink to be made.
  6. Alexithymiaa: (Ugh smoothieeeeeeee <3)
  7. Alexithymiaa: -Adam pulled his hand off his book so he could swing his arm around Hayley when she sat down to join him on the BIG COMFY COUCH. He smiled and waved over to Eli and Bliss when they waved to them first, watching them walk across the book store and dropping his voice so only Hayley could hear him. "They look a little awkward..."-
  8. Tsaaq: ((Why didn't anybody help me!))
  9. Tsaaq: ((**Oblivious))
  10. Alexithymiaa: (Because we knew what you meant!)
  11. Tsaaq: "Yeah." She pursed her lips a moment. "Uh, is something wrong or something?" She whispered to him and rose her eyebrow. // Bliss was still mulling over the menu as she rubbed her chin. "Well, if you want to we can find a seat somewhere a little more... Intimate?" She suggested.
  12. Covet: "I'm good with intimate, I think the other couch is free, we can go over there." He said with a smile and grabbed his drink, then made his way that direction. He was getting a serious "Dairy Queen because bad news" vibe, but it was kind of expected with the conversation topic at hand. // Tae grabbed her large coffee and made her way over to the couches flopping down and putting her feet up on the couch, "Okay so what's so important that you needed bribe me with a treat for?"
  13. Alexithymiaa: -Adam leaned forward just a bit to watch them walk over to the other couches before turning back to look at Hayley. "I have a little bit of a feeling about what it is. I was talking to Eli last night at the shop about it. But I could be wrong. I don't know."-
  14. Tsaaq: She looked between the group and Adam. "Uh... What's going on?" She asked, looking pretty confused. // Bliss went to lead the way so they could claim the couch, she was too focused for a beverage anyways. She wanted this to be overwith. She crossed her legs and looked over to Eli, reluctant to speak.
  15. Covet: Eli sat down and put an arm around Bliss, giving her shoulder a soft rub as he looked at his sister, "So Dad told me that you were pretty interested in Drew the other night, and I just wanted to put my big caring and concerned brother pants on to give you a heads up and hopefully deter you from getting too involved with him." // Tae nearly choked on her drink and snapped her head over at her brother and to Bliss, " Wow... Really? Dad's got you doing his dirty work now? I haven't even messaged him since that night, so how about you hop off my dick a little Eli."
  16. Alexithymiaa: (I almost spit my drink.)
  17. Covet: [XD]
  18. Alexithymiaa: -Adam paused to look over at the group on the far couch, not holding his gaze there long before turning to Hayley again. "It's about Bliss' cousin Drew. And Eli's sister Tae. I don't really know much, but I know he was concerned about them becoming friends."-
  19. Tsaaq: "Oh." Hayley said then nodded her head in understanding. "He's not that bad. He's just a dick... And stupid." She said, since Hayley wasn't aware of the layers of 'No' that Drew had become. // Bliss' eyes widened as she put her hand on her chest at Tae's language. "It's only because well... He's a little older, not to mention we don't want you falling into a bad crowd. "
  20. Covet: [Layers of No...LMAO That's fantastic.] "Tae, watch you mouth. Dad didn't send me to do anything. Bliss and I just know Drew a little better and like she said, we don't want you falling into a bad crowd. He's just kind of bad news all around. I know it's sugar coated, but it's just better if you didn't know." // Tae huffed and sipped from her drink, sucking on it hard, " So what if he's older? People my age kind of suck and I don't know that many to hang out with, and he can't be that bad, He's related to Bliss, and you're super nice and awesome." She said to Bliss because she did like her because Bliss was so nice to her when she stayed.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Well..." Adam sighed, considering the information he'd been given previously. "I don't really like him. And I don't like what I've seen so I don't really blame Eli for not wanting his sister to spend any time with him."-
  22. Tsaaq: She pouted. "I mean..." Hayley trailed off. "Did something happen at the party or something when I was outside?" She asked, still feeling lost. // Bliss grit her teeth as she forced a smile. "Damn it." She said through her teeth. "Listen. Not everyone in my family is like me." She began to explain to Tae. "My cousins and I had a very peculiar childhood and we all reacted in different ways. Without divulging too many details Drew has found the poorest of ways to cope."
  23. Covet: Eli listened to Bliss as she tried to reason with his sister, but he was starting to see less and less hope, but he didn't really want to tell her exactly what was going on because that was some heavy stuff. "Tae, please.. just listen to us. We wouldn't be telling you if it wasn't something serious." // "Fine, whatever. I'll just not talk to him." She said lookng away from them, because she was totally going to go against that, because DEFIANCE. "Can we be done with this stupid conversation now?"
  24. Alexithymiaa: "Kind of..." He winced because he didnt really want to tell her what that fuckhole said about her. "I've just come to the conclusion he's not a very nice person and I don't want anything to do with him. And I don't think you should either."-
  25. Tsaaq: Hayley frowned at him and lowered her head. "Yeah... Not that I wanted to." She shrugged. "He's pretty boring conversation wise." She shrugged. "Or he was." She looked over to the group once more. // She inhaled deeply and nodded her head. "Alright, I'm fine with that. So long as Eli is." She said as she looked over to him.
  26. Covet: "Yeah that works for me. I think that would be best for everyone involved. At least right now. Maybe things will change with him." Eli said though he doubted his own hope in that. // Tae had stopped lisetening to them and pulled her phone out, checking the time, "Well I'm going to go home now, Thanks for killing some time for me tonight." She said unapologetically. "Bye, Bliss, Bye... "She said to Eli as she took her drink and walked over past Hayley and Adam, " Hey, good to see you guys. I'll have to stop by the shop sometime and hang out, since I have NOTHING ELSE TO DO!" She called out before she waved at them too and walked out of the bookstore.
  27. Alexithymiaa: "I don't think hes gotten much better." He concluded, lifting a hand to wave to Tae on her way out of the bookstore. "Oh okay. Bye...." He said as she moved out, returning his attention to Hayley. "Do you want to head back to the house?"-
  28. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows at his words, feeling completely out of the loop now. "Oh yeah um, see you around Tae." She waved then turned to Adam and shrugged. "Yeah sure. I need to get home. I've been outside for too long." She laughed. // Bliss sighed as she stood, waving at Tae. "Get home safe, okay?" She called out before turning to Eli. "Do you think she's being sincere?" She asked carefully.
  29. Covet: "I want to say yes, But it's hard to tell with her." Eli said then offered Bliss a sip of his smoothie. "But at the very least, we tired. Hopefully she listens to us, because I know she wouldn't have to Dad." He got up and offered a hand to Bliss, "Shall we head home? Or did you want to find yourself a new book while we're here?
  30. Covet: *"
  31. Alexithymiaa: -Adam set the book he'd been reading down on the coffee table, pushing up from the couch and turning to offer a hand down to Hayley to help her up cause sometimes couches are so big and comfy you need some help. It's a thing. "Ill let Lady out and then we can get into bed." He started, gesturing for the door.-
  32. Tsaaq: Hayley took his hand and stood as she walked with him. "Sounds like a plan." She said as they went out the door and probably to the truck. // Bliss pursed her lips with a worrisome look. "Oh, no, it's fine. We don't have to do that. It'd be better to go back to the apartment. Come on."
  33. Covet: [And they all went off to do their things? I'm like wilting both from heat and sleeps x.x]
  34. Tsaaq: ((yessss.))
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