Guest User

InFerNo's streaming config

a guest
Aug 21st, 2012
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  1. set cg_chatBeep "0"
  2. set cg_teamchatbeep "0"
  3. set cg_compHud "1"
  4. set cg_crosshairBrightness "1"
  5. set cg_crosshairColor "5"
  6. set cg_crosshairHealth "0"
  7. set cg_crosshairPulse "0"
  8. set cg_crosshairSize "40"
  9. set cg_drawCrosshair "2"
  10. set cg_drawCrosshairnames "0"
  11. set cg_drawFPS "0"
  12. set cg_drawGun "2"
  13. set cg_drawPregameMessages "1"
  14. set cg_drawRewards "1"
  15. set cg_drawSpecMessages "0"
  16. set cg_enableRespawnTimer "1"
  17. set cg_followKiller "1"
  18. set cg_followPowerup "2"
  19. set cg_forceRedTeamModel ""
  20. set cg_forceBlueTeamModel ""
  21. set cg_forceteammodel ""
  22. set cg_forceenemymodel "keel/bright"
  23. set cg_enemyHeadColor "0x00ff00ff"
  24. set cg_enemyLowerColor "0x00ff00ff"
  25. set cg_enemyUpperColor "0x00ff00ff"
  26. set cg_fov "110"
  27. set cg_gibs "0"
  28. set cg_gunX "2"
  29. set cg_gunz "-4"
  30. set cg_hitbeep "2"
  31. set cg_kickScale "0"
  32. set cg_lagometer "0"
  33. set cg_levelTimerDirection "0"
  34. set cg_lightningImpact "1"
  35. set cg_marks "0"
  36. set cg_muzzleFlash "0"
  37. set cg_noProjectileTrails "0"
  38. set cg_playerNames "1"
  39. set cg_oldrail "1"
  40. set cg_railTrailTime "500"
  41. set cg_respawnTimer "0"
  42. set cg_shadows "0"
  43. set cg_simpleitems "1"
  44. set cg_smoke_SG "0"
  45. set cg_smokeRadius_RL "0"
  46. set cg_smokeRadius_GL "0"
  47. set cg_smokeRadius_NG "0"
  48. set cg_teamHeadColor ""
  49. set cg_teamLowerColor ""
  50. set cg_teamUpperColor ""
  51. set cg_trueLightning "1"
  52. set cl_demoRecordMessage "0"
  53. set color2 "9"
  54. set color1 "26"
  55. set r_fastSky "0"
  56. set r_picmip "16"
  57. set r_railCoreWidth "3"
  58. set r_railSegmentLength "2"
  59. set r_railWidth "10"
  60. set r_vertexLighting "0"
  61. set s_ambient "0"
  62. set s_doppler "0"
  63. set s_musicvolume "0"
  64. set r_inbrowsermode "11"
  65. set cg_weaponbar "2"
  66. set cg_drawattacker "0"
  67. set con_height "0.2"
  68. set com_maxfps "60"
  69. vid_restart
  70. // do vid restart if r_picmip is different for you than 16, or just comment picmip out if you dont want it, usually you always keep same value anyway and it skips the restart
  72. bind v "+acc"
  73. bind b "spec pu"
  74. bind n "spec fc"
  75. bind u "pause"
  76. bind i "unpause"
  77. bind h "+chat"
  79. bind kp_ins "follow 0"
  80. bind kp_end "follow 1"
  81. bind kp_downarrow "follow 2"
  82. bind pgdn "follow 3"
  83. bind kp_leftarrow "follow 4"
  84. bind kp_5 "follow 5"
  85. bind kp_rightarrow "follow 6"
  86. bind home "follow 7"
  87. bind kp_uparrow "follow 8"
  88. bind pgup "follow 9"
  89. bind kp_slash "follow 10"
  90. bind * "follow 11"
  91. bind kp_plus "follow 12"
  92. bind kp_minus "follow 13"
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