
CYOA - Spitfire

Jul 2nd, 2013
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  1. >the Everfree Forest was quite spectacular
  2. >mysterious plants and vile creatures made up every inch of the place
  3. >Twilight had warned you of the dangers in here
  4. >knowing that she is a smart pony, you took her warnings to heart
  5. >on the way to Zecora she taught you many things about the strange herbs
  6. >you had always wanted to go here
  7. >and escorting Twilight on her journey to the zebra's home seemed a fitting time
  8. >with the smart unicorn at your side, you feared not the wild forest
  9. >now, however, you were quite alone
  10. >you had stopped for but a moment to inspect a most wondrous plant growing on a tree
  11. >and a brief moment is all the Everfree Forest needs
  12. >Twilight had disappeared
  13. >you tried so very desperately to find her, but to no avail
  14. >hours of cautious stumbling around later, you finally admitted defeat
  15. >you were lost
  16. >for now, you were resting in a clearing in the forest
  17. >fighting the rising panic you tried planning your next move
  18. >your best shot seemed to be simply moving in one direction
  19. >hoping to escape this horrid place
  20. >as you get up, a terrible screech floods the woods
  21. >it chills you to your very bone
  22. >for a moment, you wait
  23. >yet no creature appears to devour you
  24. >instead, you see a flash of bright yellow slamming into a nearby tree
  25. >looking around frantically, you spot something lying on the ground
  26. >it looks like a pony
  27. >it's definitely hurt
  28. >unconscious
  30. >you rush to the pony's limp body
  31. >it's definitely a mare
  32. >you better check her for injuries
  33. >looks like she crashed quite hard
  34. >with careful movements, you put the pony up against the tree
  35. >her left wing is busted pretty badly
  36. >she's also got some cuts on her face
  37. >nothing too serious, luckily
  38. >she probably won't be flying for a while, though
  39. >as you're checking the rest of her body, she groans quietly
  40. "Hey, are you okay?"
  41. >she isn't capable of answering at all
  42. >you hold up her head for her as she wakes up
  43. >her eyes flutter and her head sways
  44. >once again she groans
  45. >"Wha... What happened?"
  46. >you're not sure if she's talking to you or herself
  47. >but answering seems like a good idea
  48. "You crashed. Don't move your wing, it's looking pretty rough."
  49. >she's still groggy from the crash
  50. >with a shake of her head, she seems to clear her mind
  51. >at the sight of you, she shrieks
  52. >she starts wailing hooves of fury at you
  53. "Hey! What are you doing?!"
  54. >her body wasn't quite ready for a workout like that
  55. >she tumbles over and groans yet again
  56. >"Ugh, sorry."
  57. "It's all right. Are you okay? Can you move?"
  58. >the poor pony still hasn't recovered from the crash
  59. >"I - ugh - think so. Just... gimme a minute."
  60. >you give her two
  61. >once she's finally regained her composure, she looks around
  62. >"Where are we? And who are you?"
  64. >no point in lying to this pony
  65. >you're in this mess together
  66. "I'm Anon. I'm a human. Been living in Ponyville for a while now. Long story. We're in the Everfree Forest. Also, we're lost."
  67. >the yellow pony doesn't seem too happy with that information
  68. >"Damn it."
  69. >she seems to contemplate the situation for a second
  70. >"All right, I'll fly out and get help, you stay right here."
  71. >before you can protest, she starts flapping her wings
  72. >she really shouldn't have done that
  73. >her face distorts into pure pain
  74. >she sticks a hoof in her mouth and muffles the scream
  75. >you see tears forming in her eyes
  76. >that wing is in worse shape than you thought
  77. >it takes her a minute to calm down once more
  78. >"Well... that plan's busted."
  79. >she's still huffing from the ordeal
  80. "What do we do, then?"
  81. >the yellow pony is just staring at the ground
  82. >"We have to find ponies; and fast. We're dead meat without help."
  83. >you hear yourself gulp
  84. >"I don't know much about this place. Any suggestions?"
  86. >you think for a moment before speaking
  87. >gotta weigh every option before deciding
  88. >finally you remember why you were out here in the first place
  89. "We could try to find Zecora's hut."
  90. >the yellow pony looks confused
  91. "She's a Zebra. Apparently she lives out here. I was going to her with Twilight the unicorn, but I got lost. She ought to be able to help us."
  92. >your companion thinks about it for a second
  93. >she nods in agreement
  94. >"Getting help from a Zebra brave enough to live out here does sound like a good idea. Lead on."
  95. >you take another look at her wing
  96. >it is most definitely not supposed to be positioned like that
  97. >without a word you start grabbing sticks and smoothing them out with your hands
  98. >the pony is just staring at you
  99. >"What are you doing?"
  100. >you don't reply
  101. >you're too focused on finding good sticks
  102. >once you've gotten enough, you rip some fabric from your shirt
  103. >with it, you bind together the sticks
  104. >voilΓ , a make-shift splint
  105. >ripping a larger piece of fabric from your shirt, you approach the pony
  106. >"Woah woah, hold on. You aren't touching my wing."
  107. "It's gotta be done. You're never gonna fly again if we don't try to fix it at least a little."
  108. >she knows you're right
  109. >as a result she just groans
  110. >"Fine! Just get it over with."
  111. >while you're no doctor, you know how to apply this properly
  112. >you try to be gentle, but wings are very sensitive
  113. >the pony flinches at your every touch
  114. >but she takes it like a champ
  115. >within a few moments, the splint is applied
  117. "You better not move that wing at all, you hear me?"
  118. >the yellow pony snorts and gives you a look
  119. >"Are you crazy? Moving even a feather of that thing hurts more than the crash did."
  120. >not exactly the response you were looking for, but it would have to do
  121. >now to find Zecora's hut
  122. >truth be told, you had no idea what direction to go in
  123. >as you look around at the possible options, the yellow pony speaks again
  124. >"By the way, I'm Spitfire. And, thanks."
  125. >that gets your attention
  126. "Spitfire? The famous Wonderbolt?"
  127. >she puffs herself up a little
  128. >"The one and only."
  129. >her ego certainly doesn't seem hurt from the fall
  130. "What are you doing out here?"
  131. >Spitfire sighs
  132. >"I was on my routine tour around the forest. I check on it once a week to make sure everything is in order. I flew too close to the trees this time around, and the rest is history."
  133. >you know how fast some pegasi can fly
  134. >if anything actually managed to hit her mid-flight, you were right to be scared
  135. >"Anyway, let's find that Zebra."
  136. >you nod
  137. >there's only three visible paths around you
  138. >back the way you entered the clearing
  139. >you distinctly remember some funky looking blue plants back there
  140. >down a dark and dampy pathway
  141. >it looks quite gloomy
  142. >or the absurdly foggy pathway
  143. >seriously foggy
  144. >you can only barely see the path to begin with
  146. >honestly, you have no clue which way to go
  147. >but the gloomy pathway seems reasonable
  148. >Twilight mentioned Zecora being some sort of shaman
  149. >voodoo magic and all that jazz
  150. >dark and gloomy seemed right up her alley
  151. >so it would make sense for her hut to be in that direction
  152. >obviously, Spitfire doesn't need to know that you have no idea where Zecora is
  153. "That way."
  154. >you point towards the pathway
  155. >you half expected Spitfire to object
  156. >yet all she does is mumble in agreement
  157. >you gulp one last time before embarking on your journey towards civilisation
  158. >although the pathway looked uncomfortable from the clearing, it was far worse once you actually went down it
  159. >all the trees around you were rotten to the core
  160. >dead plants littered the ground
  161. >and a deafening silence shook the entire forest
  162. >on the inside, you were shaking like a little girl
  163. >but you didn't let that show at all
  164. >with head held high, you lead the way for you and your companion
  165. >Spitfire seemed more cautious
  166. >not scared
  167. >just cautious
  168. >then again, she did know the dangers of the forest better than you
  169. >after walking for ten minutes in utter silence, you want to speak
  170. >but you are interrupted before ever opening your mouth
  171. >through the nearby bushes you hear a stomp and a 'woosh'
  172. >both you and Spitfire stop dead in your tracks
  173. >another stomp, another 'woosh'
  174. >now you're really starting to shake
  176. >no, fuck that
  177. >this isn't the time to be afraid of noises
  178. >you toughen up and place yourself in the middle of the path
  179. >"What are you doing?!" Spitfire whispers at you
  180. >she's probably right, you shouldn't be doing this
  181. >but you can't hide from everything in this forest
  182. >you slowly scan the area, looking for any abnormalities
  183. >you find hundreds
  184. >this is the Everfree Forest after all
  185. >after carefully scanning everything around you, it returns
  186. >a stomp
  187. >and a 'woosh'
  188. >you almost shit your pants as a cloaked figure appears right in front of you
  189. >quickly calming yourself down from the freakout, you brace yourself for attack
  190. >but none comes
  191. >it's just standing there
  192. >you can just barely make out its yellow eyes underneath the hood
  193. >"A most unusual creature, you are."
  194. >the voice is deep, though female
  195. >"From the Everfree Forest, you are not."
  196. >Spitfire has worked up some courage now
  197. >she's standing next to you
  198. >you're not sure if the creature asked you something, but you feel you should reply
  199. "I'm a human. And what might you be?"
  200. >the creature lifts its head and eyes you
  201. >"I hail from the Savannas to the south. I am a zebra."
  202. >she throws down her hood
  203. >indeed it was a zebra
  204. >albeit with long, luscious, white hair adorned with trinkets
  205. >around her neck hangs a wax doll in a cord
  206. >she really has this witch doctor feel going on
  207. >"I have heard tales of your kind. Terrifying tales of dark magic and twisted men."
  208. >she sure is a joyous one
  210. >Twilight did mention Zecora being sort of odd once in a while
  211. >but if she's a friend of Twilight and a native of this forest, she can help you
  212. "I'm not sure what you've heard, and frankly, I don't care much right now. Me and my friend here are lost. Can you help us out? Zecora, right? Twilight -"
  213. >the zebra stomps her hoof into the ground
  214. >whether by chance or intention, a crack of lighting roars in the same instant
  215. >"Do not speak of me as The Betrayer!"
  216. >you hear Spitfire gulp beside you
  217. >better try not to piss off the voodoo zebra
  218. "S-sorry. I thought there was only one zebra living in this forest."
  219. >"And you would be quite right!"
  220. >the zebra is glaring daggers into your eyes
  221. >it hurts to look, but you fear the consequences for disrespecting her during conversation
  222. >"I do not wish to be here any more than you. And that is why I am leaving this place."
  223. >with that, she swoops past the two of you
  224. >"Wait, she knows the way out!"
  225. >Spitfire's brain seems faster than your own
  226. >or maybe you were busy screaming like a little girl inside your head
  227. >"Hey! Wait!"
  228. >the zebra turns to face you
  229. >once more she looks at you in contempt
  230. >"What now, pony?"
  231. >"We're lost. And you obviously know the way out. Can't we follow you?"
  232. >the zebra snorts
  233. >"A bipedal and injured pegasus would only slow me down."
  234. >before Spitfire can fire off a harsh remark, she continues
  235. >"And his kind are not welcome in my land."
  236. >with that, she turns to leave
  237. >Spitfire looks astonished
  239. >you have no idea what this zebra is going on about
  240. >but she is your best shot of getting out alive
  241. >you're not letting her go without any information
  242. "Hey! Zebra!"
  243. >she turns on the spot
  244. >her entire body speaks of her fury and anger
  245. >"You shall not speak a word to me!"
  246. >her hair starts floating upwards, as does her coat
  247. >it's a risk you have to take
  248. "All I want to know is: where does the path you came from lead?"
  249. >for a moment, her demeanour changes
  250. >she seems calm, serene
  251. >"To your salvation. Or your doom. Make your choice."
  252. >she stomps her hoof into the ground
  253. >'woosh'
  254. >the zebra vanished
  255. "Well, that sure was comforting."
  256. >Spitfire sighs and looks to you
  257. >"Come on, let's get moving."
  258. >you nod in agreement
  259. >the journey down the gloomy path continues
  260. >Spitfire looks creeped out
  261. >while you were too, at first, worry has taken its place
  262. >you hear Spitfire groaning quietly as you walk together
  263. >"Stupid ziggers", she mumbles
  264. >you chucke at her remark
  265. >she looks at you in confusion
  266. "Oh. It's, uh, nothing. Long story."
  267. >"Whatever."
  268. >after walking for a few minutes more, you reach a junction
  269. >there are two pathways
  270. >both of the two are identical
  271. >except the flowers on the right are red
  272. >and on the left they are blue
  274. >this time, Spitfire speaks up
  275. >"I think we should pick the left path."
  276. "I was actually thinking of going right."
  277. >she just gives you this look
  278. >"You claimed to know where Zecora was. You didn't even know what she looks like! I think I'll trust my word over yours right now."
  279. >she did raise a good point
  280. "Sorry."
  281. >she snorts and continues down the left path
  282. >not wanting to be here alone, you follow her
  283. >as you take your first steps down the road, a strong wind blows through the treetops
  284. >a chill runs down your spine
  285. >you're positive the winds just whispered the word "doom"
  286. "Did you hear that?"
  287. >Spitfire stops up and listens for a second
  288. >"Hear what? It's the wind."
  289. "It's just... never mind."
  290. >the two of you continue down the road, being wary of the plants
  291. >Twilight told you of a plant called posion joke, which is blue
  292. >you don't feel like walking in silence any longer, so you speak up
  293. "You know, I've got a friend who'd be incredibly jealous if she knew I was with you right now."
  294. >Spitfire doesn't even bat an eye
  295. >"A lot of ponies would. The Wonderbolts are quite popular in Equestria."
  296. "Yeah, you guys are pretty good."
  297. >Spitfire shakes her head
  298. >"pretty good", she mumbles
  299. >your stomach interrupts her mumbling with a loud groan
  300. >you must have been in here longer than you thought
  301. >"You hungry too, eh?"
  302. >you nod
  303. >unfortunately, you don't know of any plants which are safe for eating
  304. >you also don't know where you are
  305. >or where Zecora is
  306. >life isn't all that great
  308. >you wish Spitfire would at least be nicer to you
  309. >after all, the two of you are stuck together until you find a way out
  310. >as you move along the path, you decide to tell a few jokes
  311. "Hey, Spitfire?"
  312. >"Mhm?"
  313. "What do you call a zebra with a saddlebag?"
  314. >she almost stops in surprise
  315. >obviously not what she was expecting
  316. >"Uh, I dunno?"
  317. "A thief."
  318. >she actually snorts out a laugh
  319. >"Hah, what the hell, man?"
  320. >you just smile at her
  321. >finally she's cheering up
  322. "Do you know why Soarin' is so attracted to Applejack?"
  323. >Spitfire's eyes turn skyward
  324. >"Oh, Celestia. No, why?"
  325. "He wants to eat her apple pie."
  326. >she graces you with a full laugh this time
  327. >her voice is quite heart-warming
  328. >sort of rough for a woman, but it fits her
  329. >"He'll never hear the end of that, will he?"
  330. >you chuckle
  331. "Probably not."
  332. >all the way down the path, the two of you exchange jokes
  333. >you don't understand all of the ones she tells you
  334. >many of them involve stereotypical portrayals of ponies, which you are not familiar with
  335. >but you're having great fun
  336. >none of you are focusing on your growing hunger
  337. >or the fact that you're lost
  338. >"salvation"
  339. >you stop
  340. "There it is again!"
  341. >Spitfire looks worried
  342. >"What is?"
  343. "That voice. From before!"
  344. >"I think you've gotten too spooked out, man. You need to calm down. There's no voices."
  345. >maybe she's right
  346. >maybe you're going crazy
  347. >"We should get some rest, anyway."
  348. >you agree
  349. >there's a clearing up ahead
  350. >but also what looks like a cave nearby
  352. "Let's go for the clearing. Can't risk animals living in that cave already."
  353. >Spitfire nods in agreement
  354. >after but a few moments of walking, the two of you reach the clearing
  355. >the grass here is actually green
  356. >soft, too
  357. >it'll be quite a nice place to get some rest
  358. >the only disadvantage is being out in the open
  359. >"I'll take a look around, see if the coast is clear."
  360. "Be careful."
  361. >Spitfire just smiles and hurries off
  362. >you take a look around the clearing
  363. >there's nothing but overgrown shrubberies and plants all around you
  364. >you don't see anything moving
  365. >hopefully no animals live near here
  366. >"ARGH!"
  367. >shit
  368. >you haul your ass towards Spitfire
  369. "Spitfire?! Are you okay?!"
  370. >your companion comes running back to you
  371. "Are you hurt?"
  372. >"I'm not sure. For a second my neck stung like hell."
  373. "Here, let me take a look."
  374. >you inspect all of her neck in great detail
  375. >with your fingers you move all of her fur in every spot
  376. >but there's nothing to be seen
  377. "I don't see anything. Maybe it was just cramps."
  378. >"Maybe."
  379. >she doesn't sound too convinced
  380. >neither are you ,really
  381. >"Let's just get some rest."
  382. >you're not sure if the both of you sleeping at the same time is such a good idea
  383. >who knows what evils lurk these woods
  385. >nothing seems to be near the two of you
  386. >you haven't even seen any wildlife so far
  387. >sleeping at the same time should be fine
  388. >you lay down in the grass and exhale calmly
  389. >Spitfire lays down next to you
  390. >for a moment you lay there in complete silence
  391. >this forest is unusually quiet
  392. >you've heard many stories of this place and the horrors within
  393. >the silence feels wrong
  394. >but luckily, Spitfire breaks it
  395. >"We should probably, uh, you know, keep each other, ehm, warm... and stuff."
  396. >you turn your head to her and smile
  397. >she's actually blushing ever so slightly
  398. >you shuffle over to her and engage in big spoon mode
  399. >you place your left arm around her
  400. >she coos softly
  401. >you dunno what the fuck to do with your right arm though
  402. >fuck this shitty sleeping position
  403. >at least you get to hold Spitfire
  404. >it makes you feel safe
  405. >like your childhood plushie always did
  406. >Spitfire would protect you from the monsters
  407. >you notice her mane smells spicy
  408. >it's quite a weird smell for hair, but it's pleasing
  409. >it doesn't take long before the two of you drift off
  410. >a whole night of rest will do wonders for you
  412. >sleeping out in the open really does wonders for your mind and body
  413. >maybe with the exception of your right arm
  414. >as you open your eyes, you realise the two of you shuffled around during the night
  415. >Spitfire is facing you and has her muzzle nuzzled into your neck
  416. >she's also got a hoof on your cheek
  417. >you're glad she isn't awake to see you blushing
  418. >maybe you spoke too soon
  419. >her eyes flutter for a second before finally opening
  420. >when she realises how you're lying, she immediately retreats
  421. >"I, uh, must've shifted in my sleep."
  422. "Yeah, guess we did."
  423. >she gives you an odd smile and gets up
  424. >you immediately notice something's wrong
  425. >she places a hoof to her neck and starts swaying heavily
  426. >"Ugh..."
  427. >you rush up and grab a hold of her
  428. "Spitfire? Spitfire!"
  429. >she doesn't seem to register any of your words
  430. >this is bad
  431. >"doom"
  432. >this time, the voice doesn't sound like some omnipotent being
  433. >it's coming straight from Spitfire's mouth
  434. >"Ugh... my head."
  435. "Spitfire, are you okay? Let me see your neck."
  436. >she reluctantly moves her hoof
  437. >you gasp in horror
  438. >a large patch of her fur has turned a putrid, greenish color
  439. >this is REALLY bad
  440. "Are you okay, Spitfire?"
  441. >she nods shakily
  443. >Spitfire is screwed
  444. >there's no way she's walking anywhere herself
  445. >and you have to find help fast
  446. >you gently grab her and lift her up in your arms
  447. >granted, you have no fucking clue where to get help
  448. >but one way must be just as good as the next
  449. >you start running
  450. >not as fast as you could go
  451. >but there's a lot of things to look out for in this tretcherous forest
  453. >all you hear is your own eccho in the distance
  454. >Spitfire is groaning and panting in your arms
  455. >you feel the tears coming
  456. >although you have no idea what will happen to her or when, you know it's bad and soon
  457. >for minutes you run, screaming at the top of your lungs
  458. >no response ever comes
  459. >"doom"
  460. >once again from Spitfire's mouth
  461. "Shut up, Spitfire! That isn't helping!"
  462. >she doesn't respond to you
  463. "Fuck! TWILIGHT, PLEASE!"
  464. >all you see is plants and vines all around you
  465. >except for one tree in particular
  466. >you noticed it last night
  467. >it had a strange carving in it
  468. >circles within circles
  469. >it was right next to the clearing
  470. >but you've been running away from that for ages
  471. >you look back
  472. >although you've been running for ten minutes straight, the clearing is right there
  473. >no more than 20 seconds away
  474. >you start running again
  475. >after a few minutes you stop
  476. >the tree is back
  477. >the clearing is right behind you
  478. >"doom"
  480. >you can't take it any longer
  481. >the floodgates open
  482. >tears stream from your face and onto Spitfire
  483. "WHAT DO YOU WANT!?!"
  484. >you scream louder than your lungs normally would allow
  486. >you pierce the heavens with a roar of fury and wrath
  487. >as you let everything out, you hang your head in defeat and cry
  488. >you cry for this pony in your arms
  489. >you cry for what will happen to her
  490. >you cry for all you have wronged
  491. >all you are, all you were, in this moment it matters not
  492. >the only thing you want is Spitfire
  493. >you want her to get up and be well
  494. >for minutes you sit there, bawling your eyes out
  495. >and when the final tear falls, you simply watch the panting pony in your arms
  496. >you stroke her mane with your hand
  497. >you nuzzle her cheek with your finger
  498. >you place your hand on her blemished spot
  499. "Let me carry this burden. Spare her. Please."
  500. >you whisper into the woods
  501. >"salvation"
  502. >Spitfire
  503. >she spoke
  504. >you look down at her
  505. >her panting has decreased
  506. >her coat is returning to normal
  507. >slowly, but surely, she is turning yellow again
  508. >you laugh
  509. >you laugh more than you have ever laughed in your life
  510. >you grab that little pony and hug her tight
  511. >"You're... mashing... me!"
  512. >you let go and stare at her, laughing all the while
  513. >Spitfire looks concerned
  514. >"Dude, are you all right?"
  515. "You're damn straight I am!"
  516. >"Yeah... okay."
  518. "Yeah... I'm, okay."
  519. >you feel dizzy
  520. >"Dude?"
  521. >an immense weariness claims your body
  522. >you lose control of yourself and fall backwards
  523. >before your eyes close, you see Spitfire's concerned face
  525. >when you finally regain consciousness, nothing seems to have changed
  526. >you're still right where you passed out
  527. >not that you expected Spitfire to haul your body around
  528. >a throbbing pain has overtaken your head
  529. >your stomach, too, is begging for attention
  530. >you sit up, which turns out to be a horrible decision
  531. >your entire body aches
  532. >but you can't keep lying around here
  533. >Spitfire is sitting a few metres away
  534. "Hey, Spitfire. Sorry about that."
  535. >she doesn't reply
  536. >nervousness rises
  537. "Spitfire? A-are you okay?"
  538. >"Don't speak to me."
  539. >her tone is unlike anything you've heard so far
  540. >she's cold, distant
  541. "What's wrong?"
  542. >she turns her face towards you
  543. >she looks shit
  544. >tears are streaming from her face
  545. >"You're a fucking pig, that's what!"
  546. >she's sobbing through every word
  547. "W-what? What did I do?"
  548. >"Oh, don't give me that shit! You're only being nice to me to get in bed with me, and you know it! Don't deny it, I heard you in your sleep! 'Oh, Spitfire, take it all!' You disgusting fuck!"
  549. >you are at a loss for words
  550. >granted, she was an attractive pony
  551. >but you never thought about her like that
  552. >survival was your number one priority
  553. >"doom"
  554. >you look up
  555. >an owl is sitting on a branch, watching you
  556. >"doom"
  558. >you look back to Spitfire
  559. >in her eyes you see no anger, nor fury
  560. >only the coldness of an icy heart
  561. >the emptiness of a broken pony
  562. >you remember the voice
  563. >they are always there
  564. >always teasing you, taunting you
  565. >maybe you're supposed to take the bait
  566. "Well, you do have a nice ass."
  567. >"doom"
  568. >fuck
  569. >you look back at the owl
  570. >it has grown
  571. >its eyes have turned red
  572. >feathers are decaying
  573. >"WHAT?!"
  574. >your attention snaps back to Spitfire
  575. >wrath has replaced her empty stare
  576. >her chest is heaving rapidly
  578. >you're lost
  579. >you were so sure you were to take the bait
  580. >"doom"
  582. >"Don't you change the subject!"
  583. >Spitfire is moving towards you
  584. >you try to back up
  585. >but you are still too weak after passing out
  586. >she gets right up in your face
  587. >her eyes are mere inches from yours
  588. >"What did you just say, you disgusting creep? Say it again, I dare you."
  589. >gulp
  591. >you stare into her eyes for what feels like ages
  592. >she is piercing your very soul with these eyes
  593. >"doom"
  594. >the owl is still watching
  595. >still knowing
  596. >you gulp one last time
  597. "Y-you have a nice ass."
  598. >it tips Spitfire over the edge
  599. >her eyes go crazy
  600. >she is panting right in your face
  601. >with the mightiest of roar she stands up on her hind legs
  602. >the roar shakes the very forest ground
  603. >leaves fall from the trees
  604. >bushes are blown through the air
  605. >the owl disappears
  606. >as she finishes her roar, you prepare yourself for the end
  607. >this is it
  608. >you're done for
  609. >you can't fight her in your current state
  610. >all you can do is wait
  611. >you are at her complete mercy
  612. >she stares at you for but a moment more
  613. >you close your eyes and wait for it all to end
  614. >instead you hear her whisper in your ear
  615. >"salvation"
  616. >a force unknown grabs you
  617. >rips you from your spot in the forest
  618. >it throws your body through matter itself
  619. >and it slams you back onto the grassy, forest ground
  620. >with a sharp gasp you open your eyes
  621. >heaving for air and coughing violently
  622. >"Anon!"
  623. >you hear Spitfire
  624. >and a moment later you feel her
  625. >her hooves are wrapped around you
  626. >"I thought you'd never wake up!"
  627. >she's sobbing
  628. >crying, even
  629. "I-I'm okay."
  630. >after calming yourself down and regulating your breath, you hug her back
  631. >you sit like this for a moment
  632. >just the two of you
  633. >peace and quiet
  634. >Spitfire sobs and giggles
  635. >"I-I found food!"
  636. >she presents all manner of plants to you
  637. >"They're fine, don't worry."
  639. >before you begin eating, you want to talk
  640. "Spitfire, I just had the most horrible nightmare. We were right here, but, you hated me. Wanted to hurt me."
  641. >Spitfire looks taken aback by this
  642. >"What? Why? You've never done anything wrong."
  643. "I was talking in my sleep. Saying... things. You were about to kill me, I think. And there was that voice again. The same word. 'Doom'. But for some reason, it all worked out."
  644. >Spitfire is munching on some plants
  645. >you hope she's right about them
  646. >"How?" she mumbles with her mouth full
  647. >you shrug
  648. "I told you the truth, I guess."
  649. >she gulps loudly as she swallows her food
  650. >"So, what was the truth?"
  651. >you didn't expect that question
  652. >a warmth is spreading in your cheeks
  653. >Spitfire is just giving you a cheeky smile
  654. >"What?"
  655. "I, uh, said you had... a nice ass."
  656. >now Spitfire is the one to turn red
  657. >she's scratching the back of her neck
  658. >giggling awkwardly
  659. >"Uh, thanks. Your's isn't too bad either, I guess."
  660. >you share the awkwardness together as you finish your meal
  661. >despite it being just plants, it was quite a good meal
  662. >then again, magical plants and all that
  663. >you get up and look around
  664. >"Any ideas, champ?" Spitfire asks
  666. "We could see what's in the cave."
  667. >Spitfire raises an eyebrow at that
  668. >"Why do you want to go into a cave that's potentially occupied?"
  669. >you shrug
  670. "I don't know, but it feels right. Like we have to go in there."
  671. >Spitfire just eyes you cautiously
  672. >"All right, I trust you. Let's go."
  673. >the two of you begin trekking towards the cave
  674. >it's only a couple of minutes worth of walking away
  675. >you chit-chat on the way
  676. >you've actually grown accustomed to this whole situation
  677. >you're quite enjoying Spitfire's company as well
  678. >with smiles you approach the cave
  679. >it's quite a bit bigger than you first expected
  680. >the real eye-catcher, however, is the torch at the entrance
  681. >"This looks suspicious."
  682. >you have to agree with Spitfire
  683. >but everything so far has been extremely suspcious
  684. "I think we should check it out. I don't think everything in this forest is what it seems."
  685. >you cautiously grab the torch and slowly step inside
  686. >instead of a grand cave, you are presented with a narrow tunnel
  687. >slowly you walk inside
  688. >as you get closer, you hear noises coming from inside
  689. >you can't quite make out what they are supposed to be
  690. >Spitfire motions for you to be quiet
  691. >you nod and continue on
  692. >as the noises increases, caveman-like writing appears on the walls
  693. >"doom"
  694. >everywhere
  695. >it's covering the entire tunnel wall
  696. >Spitfire still doesn't seem to notice
  697. >you can see the end of the tunnel coming up
  698. >the noises are loud now
  699. >they sound like a mixture of roars and ... moans?
  701. >you look to Spitfire
  702. >she mouths you a "What the fuck?"
  703. >still you continue going
  704. >as you reach the final step before the entrance to the actual cave, a particularly loud moan echoes of the walls
  705. >you have no idea what is in store for you
  706. >the sight before your eyes is not at all what you would have expected from a cave in the Everfree Forest
  707. >a grand, round cave room
  708. >it must be at least fifty metres to the top of the cave
  709. >and every single inch of it is plastered in "doom"
  710. >but what is directly in the middle of the room is what makes your jaw drop
  711. >right there, right in front of you is Rainbow Dash
  712. >her back is turned to you
  713. >she is shackled to the floor
  714. >you have no idea how
  715. >it's like the shackles are part of the cave itself
  716. >Dash is alternating between roaring and moaning
  717. >her tail has been lifted high up and kept in place by another shackle
  718. >"What. The. Fuck."
  719. >Spitfire is the first to speak
  720. >she is watching in absolute horror
  721. >Dash notices the noise and looks back at you
  722. >"ANON!"
  723. >she doesn't sound relieved
  724. >she sounds eager
  725. >"Anon! Please! I need you! Right now! Take me! Take me right here! I NEED it!"
  726. >you watch in absolute disbelief as Dash pleads with you
  727. >"I'll even let you come inside! Come on! Take me! TAKE ME! Oh, Celestia, Anon! I'm so wet, I can't take it! Please! You can do anything you want to me!"
  728. >her voice isn't pleading
  729. >it's still eager
  730. >her eyes are inviting you in
  731. >telling you it's all right
  732. >she licks her lips slowly
  734. >"Seriously, what the fuck?"
  735. >Spitfire is still in shock
  736. >you're just watching Dash
  737. >watching her presenting herself to you
  738. >her dripping marehood winking at you
  739. >her eyes asking you to do what a real man would do
  740. >you feel yourself harden
  741. >no, this is not right
  742. >something is gravely wrong
  743. >Dash would never act like this
  744. >someone must have used a spell on her
  745. >some sort of magic
  746. >if this is even the real Dash
  747. >you move towards her
  748. >"DUDE!"
  749. >Spitfire sounds utterly disgusted
  750. >"Oh, YES! Anon! Come to me! Give it to me!"
  751. >you ignore both of them as you proceed towards Dash
  752. >your mind is free
  753. >a blank slate
  754. >as you reach Dash, you hear Spitfire snort
  755. >you give Dash a smile and pat her head
  756. >she looks disappointed
  757. >angry, even
  758. >you kneel down and inspect the shackles
  759. >they're almost half a meter thick
  760. >you have no idea how you're going to break this
  761. >might as well start somewhere
  762. >you reach out
  763. >"CHOOSE!"
  764. >a booming, dark voice echoes throughout the cave
  765. >you look up
  766. >nothing is there
  767. >you feel sweat forming on your forehead
  768. >after waiting a few minutes you reach out yet again
  769. >when you are inches away from the chain, it returns
  770. >"CHOOSE!"
  771. >the writing on the walls is changing now
  772. >being replaced with the very same word
  773. >"choose"
  774. >you suddenly hear a sharp gasp from Spitfire
  775. >shackles are erupting from the cave floor
  776. >pinning her inside just like Dash is
  777. >"Anon! Help!"
  778. >she's struggling
  779. >it's pointless
  780. >"CHOOSE!"
  781. >"CHOOSE!"
  782. >"CHOOSE!"
  784. >"CHOOSE!"
  785. >"CHOOSE!"
  786. >"CHOOSE!"
  787. >the voice keeps going
  788. >echoing off the walls
  789. >devouring your mind
  790. >Dash is screaming obscenities at you
  791. >Spitfire is pleading for help
  792. >all the while this voice is thundering inside your head
  793. >it's driving you crazy
  794. >a constant hammer smashing you inside your mind
  795. >Spitfire crying
  796. >Rainbow Dash moaning
  797. >it's too much
  798. >you can't think
  799. >"I CHOOSE BOTH!"
  800. >silence
  801. >ear-shattering silence
  802. >then a light woosh
  803. >followed by a loud crack
  804. >you turn around to see what is going on
  805. >the words are falling off of the walls
  806. >one by one
  807. >smashing into the floor
  808. >disappearing
  809. >it doesn't take long before all of them go drop
  810. >Spitfire screams as one heads straight towards her
  811. >however, it falls straight through her
  812. >shatters on the floor
  813. >as the last word drops
  814. >and it crashes against the floor
  815. >the shackles are broken
  816. >Spitfire and Dash rush to you
  817. >casting themselves into your arms
  818. >you hold them close
  819. >hug them
  820. >the voice returns
  821. >yet far gentler
  822. >far more near
  823. >far more real
  824. >directly behind you
  825. >"Salvation."
  827. >you turn to face the voice
  828. >and right there she stands
  829. >the zebra
  830. >she looks at you with motherly eyes
  831. >a smile on her face
  832. >"Salvation, my child."
  833. >the three of you are speechless
  834. >you want to ask
  835. >want to hurt
  836. >want her far away from here
  837. >but you say nothing
  838. >"You have proven yourself worthy, my child. You have passed every test I have set forth. Every challenge, every struggle. You have prevailed. Through your righteous choices, YOU have reached zen."
  839. >you feel a tear creeping down your cheek
  840. >falling to the floor as she speaks
  841. >with the two mares in your arms
  842. >trembling
  843. >watching
  844. >"You have proven that humans and ponies are just as capable as the Old Zebras. Through your journey with your companion, you have shown her the virtues of Nok, Baaj, Mihjal, Rorohk, Atash, and now, finally Rijj."
  845. >she speaks in strange tongues
  846. >speaks with such wisdom
  847. >such motherly love
  848. >"We did not believe you to be capable of these feats. We feared the ponies, and now, you. The human. For centures you have been gone, but now. Now there is you. And you have shown, that even humans can spread the divine blessing of Washar."
  849. >you understand her not
  850. >her words are so very strange to you
  851. >but you feel their truth in your heart
  852. >you cry at her hooves
  853. >she smiles
  854. >smiles at you
  855. >you did well
  856. >"Go now. Go home. Spread the teachings you have learned. Live your life. Live it well. Be happy. And never forget Washar."
  857. >a blinding light strikes you, and everything goes white
  859. >as the light fades you close your eyes
  860. >you dare not open them
  861. >you are still holding Rainbow Dash and Spitfire close to you
  862. >hugging them so very tightly
  863. >as if they may disappear at any moment
  864. >but you open your eyes
  865. >and there they are
  866. >in your home
  867. >your house
  868. >sitting on the floor
  869. >it's mid-day outside
  870. >you're home
  871. >it's over
  872. >a surge of happiness courses through your body
  873. >you laugh liked you have never laughed before
  874. >you're safe
  875. >all three of you
  876. >you did it
  877. >you WON
  878. >the laughter continues as you hug the two mares
  879. >Spitfire simply cries
  880. >Rainbow Dash is silent
  881. >in shock
  882. >but you laugh
  883. >you won
  884. >nobody was harmed
  885. >you all got out safe
  886. >and now, now life can truly begin
  887. >it's a beautiful day with so much to see
  888. >so very many things to do
  889. >ponies to help
  890. >ponies to have fun with
  891. >you rush outside
  892. >and you hug every single pony you can find
  893. >some of them find you strange
  894. >odd
  895. >but you are not
  896. >you are simply happy
  898. >it's evening
  899. >you, Spitfire, Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie and Spike are all in the library with Twilight
  900. >Twilight is quietly scanning a large, old book
  901. >everyone watches her in complete silence
  902. >earlier you recounted the tales of the Everfree Forest
  903. >of what you and Spitfire went through
  904. >only because you were many did they believe you
  905. >but Twilight
  906. >Twilight simply asked you to wait
  907. >she had looked in many books, tomes and scrolls
  908. >and now she had finally found it
  909. >"Here it is. The 'Test of Washar'. It was an old ritual performed in the Savannas by the ancient zebras. It was a test of resolve and strength of character. Each zebra would face a series of challenges, testing their faith in each of the ancient gods."
  910. >nobody spoke a word
  911. >you had questions, but you were sure they would be answered
  912. >"There was Nok, the goddess of kindness. Baaj, the god of generosity. Mihjal, the god of laughter. Rorohk, the goddess of honesty. Atash, the god of loyalty. And finally Rijj, the goddess of Magic."
  913. >all eyes around the table went wide
  914. >how could you not have seen it?
  915. >it was all so very obvious
  916. >their religion
  917. >their beliefs
  918. >it wasn't some crazy voodoo mumbo jumbo
  919. >it was simply this
  920. >"These were the six gods who ruled the people. All united under Washar, the one, true god. He brought peace and prosperity to the land."
  921. >Twilight closed the book
  922. >everyone sat in silence
  923. >finally realising what you had gone through
  924. >you and they were not so different
  926. End.
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