
Lazy_Moonshiner 2020-01-13 Violet followers

Jan 15th, 2020
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  1. Name,"Screen name","Twitter ID",Location,Biography,"Created date",Followers,Following,Tweets,Favorites,Website,"Time zone",Geo-enabled,Verified,Language,Protected
  2. DankGamer,@DankGam3r,"ID 1216362478701027329",,,"Sun Jan 12 14:13:23 +0000 2020",0,18,6,17,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  3. "Not Chill Man ??",@AbuRico777,"ID 859833133239349252","The Last City",Angery,"Wed May 03 18:12:48 +0000 2017",541,2610,88538,97169,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  4. LexLuthor,@LexLuth57495191,"ID 1214735836392112133",,,"Wed Jan 08 02:30:22 +0000 2020",51,187,33,861,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  5. vqua????,@vquamarine,"ID 1203330653187690497",Dixie,"I have an infinitude of potential","Sat Dec 07 15:09:29 +0000 2019",41,41,10,13,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  6. EyeAnne,@EyeAnne2,"ID 1171204216465043457",,"D.I.D.
  7. American Heritage Conservationist","Mon Sep 09 23:31:00 +0000 2019",305,503,6287,13612,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  8. "Winter Imperium",@WinterImperium,"ID 174515718","patiently waiting","Una, Grande y Libre","Wed Aug 04 03:21:12 +0000 2010",271,1992,1833,3995,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  9. "WE WUZ IRISH!",@StuckinclownW,"ID 25152078",,,"Wed Mar 18 20:53:01 +0000 2009",314,463,4383,7860,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  10. Gael,@SPQHibernicus,"ID 1157713364975521793",,,"Sat Aug 03 18:02:30 +0000 2019",102,213,272,3740,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  11. nyx,@Zy4670P,"ID 51366273",,"Make Western Civilization safe again. *Christian* Truther *Conservative* #Yogaright Lover of nature, animals, old world & European history. RT's not endorsement","Sat Jun 27 06:20:18 +0000 2009",6166,5709,29296,78021,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  12. Weebnostate,@zoomerstate,"ID 1070923859736567809","The Future","Doomer Nationalism","Fri Dec 07 06:11:59 +0000 2018",53,174,686,2828,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  13. "? Dr. Speculativus ?",@salvamedomine,"ID 915986458774786048","Don't DM me bro.","And when he had opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven, as it were for half an hour.","Thu Oct 05 17:06:04 +0000 2017",6808,2322,11955,7057,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  14. "Joe Prich",@JosephPrichard7,"ID 1216765317176791040",,"Never mind the man who contemplates, doin away with license plates. He stands alone anyhow. Bakin the cookies of discontent,by the heat, of the laundry mat vent","Mon Jan 13 16:54:02 +0000 2020",26,37,17,46,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  15. "Dr Magdalina Kalincheva",@magkalin,"ID 3671386212","#JusticeforDrKalincheva #EOS","Physician, Artist, RICO Jewish Cartels stole everything from me since 1991 Recover & Return Nationalist VOTE ProWhite advocate #YangGang @magkl @amag88 #Airdrop","Thu Sep 24 15:03:50 +0000 2015",4074,4579,3336,2726,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  16. ??Forest??,@Foreststree,"ID 1115098745249468417","Jewblighted State of Weimerica","#ItsOkayToBeWhite
  17. The most precious possession You have in the world is Your own people.
  18. End the Fed - Peace is the Prize.
  19. The End Justifies The Memes","Mon Apr 08 03:47:13 +0000 2019",677,1053,13744,13888,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  20. Americat,@Commodore_1853,"ID 907093973558329346",,"""Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little."" ?Edmund Burke","Mon Sep 11 04:10:31 +0000 2017",2215,2208,19131,14219,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  21. "Mr. Whitefolks",@alwysliftheavy,"ID 1154727028450627584","West Palm Beach, FL",,"Fri Jul 26 12:15:52 +0000 2019",52,322,928,5116,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  22. "Binnock Obama",@SuboordinateMuz,"ID 1210441086105202688","The Deep State","Doing my part for my people. Collapse acc.
  23. Nazbol/RW. Deseret sympathizer.","Fri Dec 27 06:05:09 +0000 2019",130,374,1187,4800,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  24. Adam,@AdamNative,"ID 467208252","Germantown, OH",,"Wed Jan 18 07:02:36 +0000 2012",222,724,4584,37952,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  25. "Scott Terry",@ScottTerry111,"ID 1145531026141274112","North Carolina, USA","Agrarian Poet and Last of the Romantics","Mon Jul 01 03:14:14 +0000 2019",100,126,1286,533,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  26. "Ghost of Alex Jones",@pepe_kekenstein,"ID 2317814605",,,"Wed Jan 29 21:15:39 +0000 2014",302,642,10095,7946,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  27. "Arch Dornan",@ArchDornanMkXII,"ID 1163941360199700481","To the right of Genghis Khan","White Tribal Elder","Tue Aug 20 22:30:37 +0000 2019",291,421,7057,7404,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  28. "John Q. Publius",@AnatomicallyOK,"ID 903276018236092424","The Rebirth of Cool","?It's the rush the cockroaches get at the end of the world.?
  30. It?s not the destination, it?s the trip MAN.","Thu Aug 31 15:19:19 +0000 2017",7376,6724,15747,26494,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  31. "Five ?",@macona55,"ID 1215328960499896320","Aims ??","Hey ??","Thu Jan 09 17:46:31 +0000 2020",60,101,67,171,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  32. "A bearded Swede",@A_bearded_Swede,"ID 958873724647890945",,"A white man that will become a minority in his own country :(","Thu Feb 01 01:24:45 +0000 2018",780,850,1975,44344,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  33. BreadMama,@RisingDoughs,"ID 3896306594","The South","Barefoot and unhinged in the kitchen.","Wed Oct 14 22:41:01 +0000 2015",2078,1351,102607,109835,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  34. "victor Frankenstien",@murdermittenink,"ID 3518397976","Detroit USA","Everything is fake and reality is anti-semitic","Wed Sep 02 01:37:20 +0000 2015",1236,1880,16259,34296,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  35. "tommy cat",@tommy22069706,"ID 1132018193583808513","Naperville, IL",monitoring,"Fri May 24 20:19:04 +0000 2019",449,603,10826,12976,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  36. "Count Kook",@beek182,"ID 53520321",,?,"Fri Jul 03 22:37:05 +0000 2009",765,869,4185,44690,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  37. ??????,@hvitalfr,"ID 1163273659970203648","Los Angeles, ???????","Volk-Left. Populist. Anti-war. Third Position. Seeking to conserve Nature + the peoples of the European Diaspora. Rt-like-follow ? endorse","Mon Aug 19 02:17:30 +0000 2019",97,220,1526,3823,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  38. "Betar ??",@iwaswronged,"ID 1207355145337655296",,"electronic shaman","Wed Dec 18 17:41:20 +0000 2019",2374,1336,657,5197,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  39. Vlkyn,@Vlkyn2,"ID 1161298693523419138",,"I just wanted a normal life.","Tue Aug 13 15:29:19 +0000 2019",258,588,5356,44319,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  40. "Joshua Michael ??",@JoshuaMichael78,"ID 980661629091106816","Texas, USA","Nationalist, Populist, Noticer, Christian, Paleoconservative,???","Mon Apr 02 04:22:06 +0000 2018",712,890,1823,54036,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  41. "William Claude, DSBS",@Black_Thursday_,"ID 954890127905644545","4 Degrees of Enrique Granados","?God has a special providence for fools, drunkards, and the United States of America.?
  42. ? Otto von Bismarck","Sun Jan 21 01:35:22 +0000 2018",212,441,6977,16169,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  43. "Augustus McCrae????",@GusMcCrae556,"ID 982797365932208128",USA,"We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children","Sun Apr 08 01:48:46 +0000 2018",202,372,2806,4322,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  44. "Jack Lincoln Rockwell",@Jack14Rockwell,"ID 1143666717077491713","Arlington County, Virginia",,"Tue Jun 25 23:46:08 +0000 2019",1479,726,5574,4431,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  45. BabySpinach,@Babyspinach6,"ID 1216102458222632962",,,"Sat Jan 11 21:00:01 +0000 2020",27,66,94,513,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  46. Chap,@ChappyVTaint,"ID 1215717904991256581",,"Where's the still, Otis?","Fri Jan 10 19:32:03 +0000 2020",54,93,134,287,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  47. "Amelia Raitt",@RaittAmelia,"ID 1210617990179364865",,,"Fri Dec 27 17:46:47 +0000 2019",169,453,198,1953,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  48. "?? UV ??",@GoodBoyUV,"ID 1022053484802134016",,"Friends are forever.
  49. ???
  50. some guy who Never gives up, or Capitulates, so to speak.
  51. Respector of Groypers.","Wed Jul 25 09:38:34 +0000 2018",412,732,144,4305,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  52. Keekee,@two_legit_2quit,"ID 1188761223736811520",,,"Mon Oct 28 10:16:01 +0000 2019",282,283,2503,6790,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  53. "Whit *dook sucks*",@tornadosis06,"ID 1080623551588323329","Kansas, USA","Try to kill me, but I ain't dead. I want to see a ? RockChalk. Bury me a Royal. #Ace30 #Chiefs Let?s go Pens! libertarian(????)","Thu Jan 03 00:35:06 +0000 2019",2259,552,19945,67688,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  54. "Chris Benoit fan 2",@SteroidsFan2,"ID 1216445824990838784",,,"Sun Jan 12 19:44:59 +0000 2020",428,303,45,87,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  55. "?? ? ??",@arnelsmom,"ID 1170397424709492738","Paoli, IN, USA","Join us at GriftGang, our AltTech BizNat hub for communication, coordination, and financing.
  57.","Sat Sep 07 18:04:37 +0000 2019",1903,677,7715,12655,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  58. Westerly??,@Westerl1y,"ID 1152274294254309377","United States","?We will not embarrass an Ally?- Lyndon Johnson","Fri Jul 19 17:49:34 +0000 2019",246,367,1943,26351,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  59. Wyowanderer,@Wyowanderer777,"ID 2803790312","Central Wyoming","Native of Wyoming, property of YHWH, rifleman, mechanic, camper, outdoorsman. NRA Life Member, White activist, protector of and advocate for my tribe.","Thu Sep 11 14:38:09 +0000 2014",1979,3401,36799,23724,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  60. "Western Wasp",@GazeWest,"ID 1503280248","Born in the USA ?? ","Protestant...Baptist...Stay Informed...Trust your instincts...Heed your intuition...rt's, follows & likes don't = endorsement.","Tue Jun 11 13:37:20 +0000 2013",1064,857,4270,8382,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  61. Seeker,@__Seeker____,"ID 916034087256711169",,,"Thu Oct 05 20:15:20 +0000 2017",854,1741,3868,6578,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  62. víðarr,@Vidarshnu,"ID 755527913303257088",ásgarðr,"#AmericaFirst ?? #Nationalist
  63. I ?? my fellow patriots and have the courage to criticize our politicians when they fail to defend our nation or act on our behalf","Tue Jul 19 22:21:06 +0000 2016",5748,6277,17937,18442,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  64. _________,@Infinitymarily1,"ID 1028174706258657281",,"My political stance is that I am a lobotomized brain in a jar in another dimension imagining all of you, but I'm glad I did.","Sat Aug 11 07:02:07 +0000 2018",919,1648,3148,72921,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  65. "Ryan Zogling",@RZogling,"ID 902370968538013696",,"zoomer. muslim. trans. woman. jewish. irish.","Tue Aug 29 03:22:58 +0000 2017",416,167,10597,36502,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  66. Naternot,@naternot7,"ID 1174490877466685440",,"Proud Nativist. Pro-White. Trying to align my worldview through the lens of Orthodox Christianity. I went to Charlottesville. #Antiwar #ProLife","Thu Sep 19 01:10:32 +0000 2019",225,518,3316,9964,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  67. "New Year, New Skinny ???",@skinnypresident,"ID 9688782","Home of the Free and the Brave","American since 1616. #ProudWasp","Thu Oct 25 17:15:58 +0000 2007",15449,15230,115289,86028,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  68. "Punished EMPEROR",@CptsGhost,"ID 1216514165285773313",,,"Mon Jan 13 00:16:15 +0000 2020",185,144,9,20,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  69. Sara,@1normiegirl,"ID 1142527431967989762",,"American Wife and Mom; Nationalist; NO DMs","Sat Jun 22 20:19:01 +0000 2019",171,234,3673,3646,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  70. dod,@dod53940479,"ID 1204935748857794561",,,"Thu Dec 12 01:27:38 +0000 2019",4,107,146,281,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  71. Matthew,@ZoomerMatthew,"ID 1169667761548578818",,"DISCLAIMER: I?m not a Zoomer! - Catechumen - Traditionalish - (Matthew 6:28) PNW #SSPX #CrossFit ? ? ? ?","Thu Sep 05 17:45:14 +0000 2019",5061,1599,1849,8505,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  72. "?? Vetreyal ??",@Vetreyal1,"ID 956304828845690880",,"Billions of years of existence... and I had to be alive right now... what the f*ck?","Wed Jan 24 23:16:53 +0000 2018",2020,4316,30528,74560,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  73. "Patriot Army",@PatrioticWarCry,"ID 1186454640323284993","United States","Currently observing the Zionist mission to genocide & replace our people. Watching as their media, celebrities, politicians dehumanize us & attack our rights.","Tue Oct 22 01:30:18 +0000 2019",131,180,282,1300,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  74. Outsider,@Outsider_0_,"ID 897500703869911042",,??,"Tue Aug 15 16:50:17 +0000 2017",6784,7458,156795,281717,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  75. "Republicat ??",@republicat777,"ID 65533589",??,"We?re all going to make it.","Fri Aug 14 02:05:39 +0000 2009",3474,4746,65351,38739,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  76. "Mischling Man",@FanJrr,"ID 1062789211391188993","Nowhere that matters","1/4 (((you know what))). I model myself on Harold Von Braunhut,Bobby Fischer,Brother Nathanael and Otto Weininger","Wed Nov 14 19:27:48 +0000 2018",603,2248,3591,22593,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  77. "Zeke the Cuttlefish Bodenblut",@rebodenblut,"ID 1130635629136687104","Founding Stock, USA","Do not trust the cheering, for those persons would shout as much if you or I were going to be hanged.
  79. What do they know of America, that only America know?","Tue May 21 00:45:14 +0000 2019",488,880,1718,21296,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  80. Trümpler,@RevTrumpler,"ID 740140715527659520","Tasmania - Australia","?...a true hero of legitimate and enduring modern art. One of very few. I tip my hat.? -PJW","Tue Jun 07 11:17:52 +0000 2016",2995,2759,5015,75695,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  81. Dizuary,@DizardThunder,"ID 1110693568430161920",,"?
  82. persona non grata
  83. ?
  84. jus sanguinis
  85. ?
  86. natural selection enthusiast","Wed Mar 27 00:02:37 +0000 2019",1184,1276,16908,12866,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  87. RevolutionMachina,@RevolutionMach2,"ID 1178351417192538120","The country . . . as in rural.","Get even . . . no matter how long it takes.","Sun Sep 29 16:51:19 +0000 2019",1005,575,2957,1670,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  88. BBardot,@ssm42575229,"ID 931518233764683776",,,"Fri Nov 17 13:43:48 +0000 2017",56,668,0,1,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  89. "? BALTHAZÆR ?",@dugaszynski,"ID 1138970967072530432",Louisiana,"R/DEC | Esoteric Acadian History Revisionist |
  90. un peuple sans histoire est un peuple sans futur","Thu Jun 13 00:46:54 +0000 2019",436,639,2389,7953,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  91. SaxonNewfie???????????,@SaxonNewfie,"ID 825202324612251652",Newfoundland,"N A Z B O L M O N A R C H I S T S Y N T H E S I S","Sat Jan 28 04:42:20 +0000 2017",431,729,6371,26724,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  92. "caffeinated Jim Morressey",@JimPunished,"ID 1158810636102578182",,"silenced for posting crime data","Tue Aug 06 18:42:40 +0000 2019",219,228,1744,1213,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  93. ClayWar,@war_clay,"ID 1024958779522207746","T???h???e??? ???V???o???i???d?","Minecraft is the best game ever made, and that's a fact?
  94. Also there's literally no reason to follow me","Thu Aug 02 10:03:10 +0000 2018",646,3559,2151,17752,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  95. Lumpy_Skull,@LumpySkull,"ID 1024844129753341957",,"I?ve been put on 45 blocklists but it has absolutely nothing to do with my behavior","Thu Aug 02 02:27:35 +0000 2018",671,1937,7403,160525,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  96. Pan-Autiste,@PanAutiste,"ID 1714497091",,??,"Sat Aug 31 03:55:13 +0000 2013",479,1365,26833,51575,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  97. Oneirologist,@resigneddespair,"ID 856442526474977280","United Kingdom","Till human voices wake us, and we drown.
  99. 19","Mon Apr 24 09:39:45 +0000 2017",561,635,7374,25099,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  100. Kemperor??,@KKemperor,"ID 1148708768659759105","Hampton Bays, NY","It's Okay To Be White","Tue Jul 09 21:41:27 +0000 2019",202,209,2907,2512,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  101. "B ??",@a_new_level_,"ID 794918089607483393","Off the grid..","This is not a utopia. ?? Radicalized by reality. #711Nationalism #400Miles","Sat Nov 05 15:03:36 +0000 2016",1111,308,3951,70453,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  102. "Kurt Cobain Groyper, Ph.D.",@EndlessScrutiny,"ID 1153422374764552192","ReplyGuy Purgatory","Smoothbrain journo connoisseur","Mon Jul 22 21:51:38 +0000 2019",391,505,1582,2772,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  103. "Groyper S Patton",@VoteDemocrat3,"ID 1197998054143647745",,"Proud Protestant","Fri Nov 22 21:59:38 +0000 2019",312,587,1751,2260,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  104. WhiteAtlantian,@WhiteAtlantian,"ID 1215169556634714113",,,"Thu Jan 09 07:12:59 +0000 2020",86,216,68,102,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  105. "?? Marion Talley ????",@Shadowboxer50,"ID 631781675","""An attack upon our ability to tell stories is not just censorship - it is a crime against our nature as human beings."" - Salman Rushdie","#ROLLTIDE - #DOGRIGHT - #PROLIFE - #2A - #FREESPEECH - ""THERE'S A ""CORN POP"" IN THE WOODPILE IN ALABAMA SOMEWHERE"" I JUST RT. YOU PEOPLE KNOW WHAT TO DO.","Tue Jul 10 07:47:23 +0000 2012",3155,4068,223554,82194,https://GFY.COM,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  106. "?????? ????????",@Skedaddle255,"ID 1203053060257394688",,"""I didn?t say I wanted to... just wondered if I could :P""
  107. On the topic if one punch could kill me. :D","Fri Dec 06 20:47:02 +0000 2019",153,136,1100,1434,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  108. "SJFL Commissioner",@SJFLCommish2,"ID 1215053131589017600",,"Commissioner of the Social Justice Football League| Pres. Blue Check University | | |","Wed Jan 08 23:30:24 +0000 2020",497,1008,459,253,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  109. "Mr. Bones",@BigGunsMrBones,"ID 797248755896434688","thankfully not Florida ","?once you see you cant unsee?","Sat Nov 12 01:24:50 +0000 2016",2033,1194,16911,36321,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  110. "Slade ?",@KangSlade,"ID 1042582445806301187","North Carolina and Indiana ","Smidge ? Jesus Is King ? Nationalist ? Civil Engineer & Crimson Tide Grad ? Millennial ? #AmericaFirst ?","Thu Sep 20 01:13:20 +0000 2018",1551,1720,5555,11156,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  111. "Angel Of The Morning",@Angel0fTheMorn,"ID 1119150035256537091","Real Housewife of Nazi Germany","Mum fact: If you combine wine and dinner, the new word is winner.","Fri Apr 19 08:05:35 +0000 2019",958,856,5746,12235,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  112. HueroJack,@HueroJack,"ID 1111772237533597696","San Diego, CA","Ex-convict. Politricks. MMA gambling. Also, I make good music that no one listens to. Bets tracked in link
  113.","Fri Mar 29 23:28:51 +0000 2019",155,300,3097,9422,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  114. "Very Fake News Groyper",@GloriousMale,"ID 788794717806919682",Gated,"Superior intellect, athletic ability, and devastating good looks all apparently due to White Privilege. It's so unfair, my apologies in advance. Top 1% (golf)","Wed Oct 19 17:31:30 +0000 2016",2934,1791,5576,215156,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  115. "Just Vic",@spookynanners,"ID 725871058356559872",Russia,,"Fri Apr 29 02:15:21 +0000 2016",31,866,3732,17963,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  116. "?Katie McCoy?",@PositivelyKatie,"ID 1170319554217750528",,"I like good things; I dislike bad things.","Sat Sep 07 12:55:23 +0000 2019",868,383,6352,13070,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  117. "Dave McClaus",@DaveMcAvaley,"ID 848022935596040192","Dave lives in a cave","The dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act on their dreams with open eyes to make them possible","Sat Apr 01 04:03:18 +0000 2017",3199,3090,12939,19819,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  118. "Brandon Adamson ?",@brandonadamson,"ID 37819699","Phoenix, AZ","NutraSweet® Nationalist","Tue May 05 01:23:35 +0000 2009",1581,459,9491,20616,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  119. "??? ???",@Road_Warrior32,"ID 1034216491871338496",Dixie,"WN. Survivalist. Gun Lover. Weightlifter. #MelRight #DogRight","Mon Aug 27 23:10:01 +0000 2018",417,519,966,24310,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  120. "Levi Coult ??",@LeviCoult,"ID 209870645",Chicago,GFY,"Sat Oct 30 02:17:51 +0000 2010",152,143,717,16739,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  121. RealBrevFrakes,@_Vitamin_See,"ID 984804736976158721","Holodeck 4","Take the Frakespill","Fri Apr 13 14:45:20 +0000 2018",1412,1632,16682,40049,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  122. "pretty puppy",@PrettyForce,"ID 1212839531155603456","Highway to Hell","don?t drive into this storm ?","Thu Jan 02 20:54:36 +0000 2020",154,311,54,2885,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  123. TalmudicTactics,@TalmudicTactic,"ID 1167206673590575104",,,"Thu Aug 29 22:45:45 +0000 2019",291,626,551,5533,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  124. "???Cold Forged ???",@Downbylaw40,"ID 2813595015",Virginia,"A hard rain is going to fall","Tue Oct 07 11:40:49 +0000 2014",669,971,4421,25212,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  125. "Walter Donovan",@walterdonovan84,"ID 3495960975","Northeast Georgia, USA",Misanthrope,"Sun Aug 30 23:43:14 +0000 2015",1044,785,6650,28468,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  126. JT?,@AntiState415,"ID 4627831814","Parts Unknown","?I don?t give a fuck about your war, or your President?","Tue Dec 22 04:23:58 +0000 2015",699,1172,9678,16765,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  127. Steven#7???,@TGRZ7777,"ID 1147920334248665089","Red Stick ","me again Tigers? Saints? Just trying to hang around GOD BLESS??","Sun Jul 07 17:28:29 +0000 2019",582,581,9607,15920,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  128. "K T ????",@D__ANNA_ANNA,"ID 1186792572712357888",,,"Tue Oct 22 23:53:41 +0000 2019",453,327,655,1628,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  129. "moose groyper ?",@mgroyp,"ID 958444908724891648",,"nationalist + socialist. ?. go back to california","Tue Jan 30 21:00:48 +0000 2018",1414,728,8860,73169,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  130. "Martin ? Heideggroyper",@SorenWagner1982,"ID 924031922971521024","Freiberg, Deutschland","Find me disclosing in the woods, or Being-cozy-towards-death in my hut. Libro e moschetto, groypo perfetto. ??~???~????~????, ???~?????????","Fri Oct 27 21:55:52 +0000 2017",1340,4145,8430,44708,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  131. "Veruca, Low Sodium",@veruca_14,"ID 881830629486333952","Ultima Thule","I'm coming out as a cis, hetero, huwhite, carnist female.
  133. Official Houseboat Stowaway
  135. Radicalized by reality.","Mon Jul 03 11:03:00 +0000 2017",2190,3132,16540,26624,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  136. TheNameIsPlissken,@RealLiteSleeper,"ID 722843940194373634",,"Born Again Movie Buff Thanks to @WeirdNPissdOff.Right-libertarian. RTs/=/Endorsements! Pro-life, not just anti-abortion. Dum Spiro, Spero. Likes/=/total likes","Wed Apr 20 17:46:39 +0000 2016",1744,1902,146589,77103,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  137. "oprah winstein",@Poole3rd,"ID 863925678432845824","London, England","Oprah is queen of queens. Yass queen slay. Oprah. #patricklittle2020","Mon May 15 01:15:07 +0000 2017",816,1748,453,10127,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  138. "Ricky Spencer",@osvanska,"ID 820510673516032001",Here,"In his autumn before the winter, comes man's last mad surge of youth.","Sun Jan 15 05:59:23 +0000 2017",1317,1363,7698,41316,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  139. Jpen,@JpenJpenJ,"ID 3049460688",,,"Sat Feb 28 11:18:04 +0000 2015",545,477,26,12925,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  140. Bran,@Branbeast_,"ID 1245477500","Massachusetts, USA","The Beast from the Northeast. #Liftwaffe OG","Wed Mar 06 07:12:49 +0000 2013",1087,363,2289,24552,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  141. Doug~Lass?MacArthur,@Zander9899,"ID 854982762","random opium den~19th c London","Tired of being bullied yet?
  143. Chivalry is the seasoned, accumulated system of our Western Values~I shall quixotically uphold it evermore ????????????","Sun Sep 30 16:40:47 +0000 2012",9124,9837,188156,216987,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  144. "Uncle Junior",@unclejoon23,"ID 19075151","United States","Mob Boss of ?? ~ Groyper adjacent ~ I notice things ~ 13/50 ~ WWAD? ~ Tucker Carlson did nothing wrong!","Fri Jan 16 17:01:00 +0000 2009",1288,1370,22259,71721,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  145. "Radioactive Redneck ?? (????)",@RadioactiveRedn,"ID 959137491797225472","State Of Jefferson","Friendly mountain-dwelling Enginseer, and dispenser of unsolicited appliance advice. Right-wing dissident and Andrew Jackson fanboy. Former USN nuke.","Thu Feb 01 18:52:52 +0000 2018",927,954,14296,67763,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  146. "Douglas Mercer",@douglasmercer33,"ID 310965182",America,,"Sat Jun 04 17:18:03 +0000 2011",5644,6199,91298,43421,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  147. "Richard Groyper",@TheeArtVandelay,"ID 2763048042",,"im only trying to help ? performance artist","Sun Aug 24 16:35:31 +0000 2014",2618,2374,36311,106113,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  148. "??Jacob [Cyber Wizard Walrus Brev]??",@WizardBrev,"ID 1212719374177427456",,"Just a walrus cyber wizard Brev.","Thu Jan 02 12:56:53 +0000 2020",622,826,1338,5336,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  149. Macon,@Maconit5,"ID 1213215944509538304",,"Nothing to see here","Fri Jan 03 21:50:08 +0000 2020",76,87,101,418,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  150. "West Bestern ?? ?? ?? ?? ??",@bestern_west,"ID 1095735806197710851",Ásgarðr,"""This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth,
  151. I bid you stand, Men of the West!"" -Tolkien
  153. ?? ?? ?? ?? ??","Wed Feb 13 17:25:48 +0000 2019",1001,1026,3563,29264,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  154. "Weber Kettle Grill ??",@22Kettlegrill,"ID 1204886072582213632",Bama,"All I wanted to do is grill over charcoal.
  155. Tradition usually rests upon something which men did know; history is often the manufacture of the mere liar -J.Davis","Wed Dec 11 22:10:56 +0000 2019",340,513,1641,5390,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  156. Badu,@uhena_,"ID 1209195502656479233","In a Forest","No one.","Mon Dec 23 19:35:00 +0000 2019",281,235,631,3754,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  157. "American People",@America36700082,"ID 1210374345148764161",,"Today I plant the seeds for the life I long to live.","Fri Dec 27 01:38:34 +0000 2019",32,3830,54,2414,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  158. ????,@SouthernNat1,"ID 1031236944485908481",,"Nationalist. C'ville vet. Norse. Anglo. Never apologize. New to Twitter...again. Refollow.","Sun Aug 19 17:50:21 +0000 2018",411,371,645,587,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  159. "Ty Webb",@realTy_Webb,"ID 786943413811830785",,"Bushwood CC ?? #golfright","Fri Oct 14 14:55:05 +0000 2016",1273,770,16024,60276,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  160. CG,@NCgal147,"ID 1146489739501080576","Boone, NC","check out my telegram
  161.","Wed Jul 03 18:43:49 +0000 2019",632,535,2257,7126,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  162. "Pater Crow ?????? respecter of dogs",@PaterCrow,"ID 725822284930375684",Weimerica,"I'm a real bird. American Futurist, Catholic, NatSoc who says bad words. I voted for America first, not Israel first.","Thu Apr 28 23:01:32 +0000 2016",1388,523,23597,28810,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  163. "Cool Guy Texan, Decuple Alive",@VrilForceSanity,"ID 1138824773427970048","Agartha (Sideways Text#4884)","Schizo Posting, Straight From Hell","Wed Jun 12 15:05:59 +0000 2019",585,766,247,1829,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  164. "Ashley MacDonald",@HighlandsAshley,"ID 1173580380521336832",Highlands,"The most precious possession you have in the world is your own people.
  166. God walks the dark hills.","Mon Sep 16 12:52:32 +0000 2019",379,356,338,3456,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  167. "U (Utsav) ??? ??",@DarthApu,"ID 1149656666734039040","Arlington, VA","President of Sanduja Media LLC, past COO of Gab, advisor to conservative politicians, geopolitical analyst. Featured on fake news.","Fri Jul 12 12:28:03 +0000 2019",1145,795,15003,18319,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  168. "Tony Hrvatska??",@tonybalogna,"ID 36631460","Florida and Tennessee","Southerner, Ameri?ki Hrvat ??, orthodox Christian, thought criminal. ?Part of the Russian propaganda machine.? Pronouns: supreme leader/his excellency","Thu Apr 30 09:59:08 +0000 2009",3034,1169,214478,53445,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  169. "Vaporwave Tom Brady",@vaporwave_tom,"ID 862838429398310913","United States","Alternative Right Winger. Christian. Boston Sports fan. America First Conservative ??.","Fri May 12 01:14:47 +0000 2017",408,1090,883,70591,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  170. "Horse Lady Cornfield",@TanyaCornfield,"ID 473704565",Iowa,"Give @RealDrRusty a follow! GO TRUMP AMERICA / What Free Speech? Pioneer Spirit ?#HelicopterTwitter NATIONALIST","Wed Jan 25 07:44:39 +0000 2012",6629,6120,158603,82619,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  171. "????????? Akura_Elvas ?????????",@AkuraElvas,"ID 2239783302",Wales,"Monarchist. WH40K. Radicalised by IDW but recovering (DM for Patreon). Third Gen WWII Survivor.
  172. #SMACA
  174. Watch @ApotheosisOfEvi doc here:","Tue Dec 10 21:24:46 +0000 2013",1507,2071,53985,153947,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  175. MarvDog,@dog_marv,"ID 1212878865443373057","Houston, TX","I like Dachshunds and Pantera","Thu Jan 02 23:30:51 +0000 2020",560,260,411,1688,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  176. LilyLily,@LilyPolLily,"ID 975866476669288448",Australia,"NOT maga","Mon Mar 19 22:47:53 +0000 2018",1179,1203,12473,173101,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  177. OJ,@OJ22455367,"ID 1203075416598159372","Darkville...deepsouth ",,"Fri Dec 06 22:15:15 +0000 2019",312,500,6725,13724,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  178. "Ernst Stavro Blofeld ?",@BrickoMcTossy,"ID 453241175","Volcano Lair","Black-Scholes respecter","Mon Jan 02 18:36:14 +0000 2012",4263,3034,4996,116329,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  179. AngryChef,@FCheffyboi,"ID 1209032668878389248","The kitchen","I cook good food for my people. MY PEOPLE.","Mon Dec 23 08:47:19 +0000 2019",225,444,1083,4456,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  180. "King C A E S A R ??",@baseddogthing,"ID 1216449212143017985",SQUEEEEEEEEEAAAAK,SQUUUUUUUUUUUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKK,"Sun Jan 12 19:57:55 +0000 2020",164,167,79,126,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  181. "Margot K",@krakerm1,"ID 2668389433",USA,"Nationalist LOS ZeroWhiteGuilt","Tue Jul 22 04:22:49 +0000 2014",2053,2731,31484,20900,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  182. Josephssøn,@Anti_Rodents,"ID 1212860197925900288",,,"Thu Jan 02 22:16:48 +0000 2020",577,266,73,460,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  183. Athene,@expalnatik,"ID 1118304280669118465",,"post art to save the world","Wed Apr 17 00:04:52 +0000 2019",244,369,2092,20305,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  184. "Aphrodite ???",@NoHighwayOption,"ID 2326240123",??,"12th generation reply girl | backup @punished_taco","Tue Feb 04 00:32:16 +0000 2014",5587,844,26323,94324,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  185. ???,@Vieux_Pepe,"ID 1202692499388522496",,,"Thu Dec 05 20:55:50 +0000 2019",281,294,55,487,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  186. "Cole Long",@LongCole,"ID 532445906","Surreality, USA ","A polite society is an armed society","Wed Mar 21 18:23:32 +0000 2012",963,1514,25422,87021,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  187. "DefendItalia 3.0",@JasonCal7,"ID 1147594813845495808",,"Traditionalist, American Nationalist - Traditional Catholic ?? ?? #DefendEurope #AmericaFirst
  190. #MemeLab","Sat Jul 06 19:54:59 +0000 2019",403,607,3492,9054,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,Protected
  191. Maul,@Fett235,"ID 1167115436883881988",,"Just here for the fun.","Thu Aug 29 16:43:09 +0000 2019",173,206,504,887,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  192. Eggy,@1eggwhite,"ID 3565513514","Sao Paulo, Brazil","i like to have fun with my friends on the internet. As seen on: CNN, MSNBC, NY Daily News, BBC, BuzzFeed, CBC, & many more. Booking info:","Mon Sep 14 23:56:51 +0000 2015",15131,1490,26560,179890,,,Enabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  193. HonkeyKong,@HoKo1350,"ID 1181022263228809216",,"just a white gorilla trying to live my best life","Mon Oct 07 01:44:10 +0000 2019",267,216,1922,16645,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  194. "?Thamster ?WitNat?",@Thamster2,"ID 2804910894",Alberta,"Husserlian/Postfoundational Phenomenology, Embodied Cognition Theorist, building an illiberal politic beyond left/right with my true friends.
  196. EBL Captain.","Fri Sep 12 04:57:38 +0000 2014",2955,1332,17838,71477,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  197. "Supreme Kommandant Irusk ??",@Irusk8,"ID 1147349446868590592",,"I help people exit the toxic conservative movement.
  199. I disavow all forms of conservatism.
  201. Unrepentant WN. OG AltRight.","Sat Jul 06 03:39:59 +0000 2019",1166,704,11844,64856,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  202. "EB ? ?????",@BluesBrother_1,"ID 1015295486612291585","Chicago, IL","Our Lady of Blessed Acceleration, don't fail me now.","Fri Jul 06 18:04:42 +0000 2018",1572,332,16589,25510,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
  203. "King God Emperor President BIümpf",@EmperorInChief,"ID 293764801",,"*PARODY ACCOUNT*
  204. The CHOSEN? King for the CHOSEN? people. PRESIDENTIAL HARASSMENT & WITCH HUNTS have no place here! Pronouns: GOD / EMPEROR / KING / PRESIDENT","Thu May 05 23:01:01 +0000 2011",914,1002,868,2263,,,Disabled,"Not verified",,"Not protected"
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