

May 16th, 2018
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  1. //// if(suspects.containsKey(event.getPlayer())){
  2. // Hack h = suspects.get(event.getPlayer());
  3. // Player player = event.getPlayer();
  4. // double ynormal = 0.61;
  5. // double xnormal = 0.8;
  6. // double znormal = 0.7;
  7. // double movenormal = 3;
  8. // double ydistance = Math.sqrt((event.getFrom().getY()-event.getTo().getY())*(event.getFrom().getY()-event.getTo().getY()));
  9. // double xdistance = Math.sqrt((event.getFrom().getX()-event.getTo().getX())*(event.getFrom().getX()-event.getTo().getX()));
  10. // double zdistance = Math.sqrt((event.getFrom().getZ()-event.getTo().getZ())*(event.getFrom().getZ()-event.getTo().getZ()));
  11. // double pitchdistance = Math.sqrt((event.getFrom().getPitch()-event.getTo().getPitch())*(event.getFrom().getPitch()-event.getTo().getPitch()));
  12. // double yawdistance = Math.sqrt((event.getFrom().getYaw()-event.getTo().getYaw())*(event.getFrom().getYaw()-event.getTo().getYaw()));
  13. // double xvel = event.getPlayer().getVelocity().getX();
  14. // double zvel = event.getPlayer().getVelocity().getZ();
  15. // double yvel = event.getPlayer().getVelocity().getY();
  16. // //Broadcast the coord distances
  17. //// Bukkit.broadcastMessage(xdistance + "§c " + ydistance + "§6 " + zdistance);
  18. // Bukkit.broadcastMessage("x: " + xvel + " yvel: " + yvel + " zvel: " + zvel);
  19. //// if (player.getGameMode().equals(GameMode.SURVIVAL)){// player is not flying
  20. //// if(!(player.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.SPEED))){
  21. //// if(!player.isOnGround() && ydistance >= ynormal && player.getVelocity().getY() > 0.0030162615090425808 && !player.isInsideVehicle()){
  22. //// player.teleport(event.getFrom());
  23. //// vh.throwViolation(player,"Bhops/SpeedHack/AirMove/HighJump/Flight");
  24. //// suspects.remove(player);
  25. //// h.getReporter().sendMessage("§c§lDecCheat§e§l» §c§lYour report on " + player.getDisplayName() + " §c§lwas viewed and the player was convicted of possible §eFlight");
  26. //// }
  27. //// if(xdistance > xnormal && xdistance > 0 || zdistance > znormal && zdistance > 0 && !player.isInsideVehicle() && player.getGameMode() == GameMode.SURVIVAL && xvel > 0 && zvel > 0){
  28. //// player.teleport(event.getFrom());
  29. //// vh.throwViolation(player, "Bhops/SpeedHack/AirMove/HighJump/Flight");
  30. //// suspects.remove(player);
  31. //// h.getReporter().sendMessage("§c§lDecCheat§e§l» §c§lYour report on " + player.getDisplayName() + " §c§lwas viewed and the player was convicted of possible §eSpeed");
  32. //// }
  33. //// if (!(player.hasPotionEffect(PotionEffectType.JUMP))){ // player does not have jump boost
  34. //// if (ydistance >= ynormal && player.getVelocity().getY() > 0.0030162615090425808 && !player.isInsideVehicle()){
  35. //// player.teleport(event.getFrom());
  36. //// player.getLocation().subtract(0, 1, 0);
  37. //// vh.throwViolation(player, "Bhops/SpeedHack/AirMove/HighJump/Flight");
  38. //// h.getReporter().sendMessage("§c§lDecCheat§e§l» §c§lYour report on " + player.getDisplayName() + " §c§lwas viewed and the player was convicted of possible §eHighJump");
  39. //// suspects.remove(player);
  40. //// }
  41. //// }//HighJump Detection
  42. //// if(player.getLocation(player.getLocation()).subtract(0,1,0).getBlock().getType() == Material.AIR && yvel <= ynormal && zvel <= znormal && xvel <= xnormal){
  43. //// while(player.getLocation(player.getLocation()).subtract(0,1,0).getBlock().isEmpty()){
  44. //// player.teleport(player.getLocation().subtract(0,1,0));
  45. //// }
  46. //// vh.throwViolation(player, "Flight/AirMove/CinnamonFlightBypass");
  47. //// h.getReporter().sendMessage("§c§lDecCheat§e§l» §c§lYour report on " + player.getDisplayName() + " §c§lwas viewed and the player was convicted of possible §eFlight");
  48. //// suspects.remove(player);
  49. //// }//Flight bypass
  50. //// if(!player.getAllowFlight() && player.isFlying()){
  51. //// player.teleport(event.getFrom());
  52. //// vh.throwViolation(player,"Bhops/SpeedHack/AirMove/HighJump/Flight");
  53. //// suspects.remove(player);
  54. //// h.getReporter().sendMessage("§c§lDecCheat§e§l» §c§lYour report on " + player.getDisplayName() + " §c§lwas viewed and the player was convicted of possible §eFlight");
  55. //// }//Basic Flight (Flying whilst not allowed to)
  56. //// }//Speed Check Block
  57. //// }//Fly,Gamemode, and Gliding Check Block
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