
Ch 6: Part 3: The Focus Glyphs: Session 102

Jan 7th, 2014
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  1. [15:32] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:33] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 6: Descent into Midnight~~~
  3. [15:33] <@Kilarra> -Session 102-
  4. [15:34] <@Kilarra> Kahree managed to disable the Glyph of Watching, and with a few words of encouragement form Kilarra, the Shaman of the Unblinking Scales is going to attempt to aid them in thwarting Allevrah and her machinations by rallying the other Charda tribes.
  5. [15:34] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra "When we take our leave, we should gather up the equipment from those drow we killed up above. We'll need something to offer as tribute or payment to any Azatas I call for assistance."
  6. [15:37] * Aluthyra nods. "Then shall we do that next, or onto another glyph?"
  7. [15:40] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks over to Aluthya and Kilarra. "I feel like kicking some more drow ass."
  8. [15:40] * Kilarra shakes her head, "I've been told that outsiders expect more the longer they're away from their home plane. While I can't imagine they'll complain too much, given the nobility of our cause, but I figure we should wait until the other two glyphs are removed before calling them. Or perhaps until the Chardas have assembled."
  9. [15:41] * Aluthyra nods. "Then onto the next."
  10. [15:41] <@Kilarra> Klirkit bows her head to the party members, "You will be remembered in our stories."
  11. [15:42] <@Kilarra> Kjell bows back, "We are glad to have helped." He then turns to leave, smiling. He gives a nod to Kahree, suspecting she was qually pleased about the Charda liberation.
  12. [15:43] * Kilarra heads back to the trapdoor Kahree used to get down. Problem was, there was no ladder. She looks to Aluthyra, "Mind giving some of us a lift?" She chuckles.
  13. [15:48] * Kilarra looks to Kjell and Kahree, "I'm small enough to fit through with Aluthyra, then I'll lower a rope down for you."
  14. [15:48] * Aluthyra nods, spreading her wings and holding Kilarra close, arms around her chest. Once she reaches the ledge, she steps back, giving Kilarra room to set up the rope.
  15. [15:49] * Kilarra pulls out a silk rope and gives Aluthyra a wink as she ties some knots in it and lowers it down for the other two
  16. [15:50] <@Kilarra> Kjell offers to let Kahree go first. If he lost his grip with heavy armour, he didn't want to land on her
  17. [15:53] <Aluthyra> Kahree ignores the rope, instead moving several feet back to get a running start... then she jumps!
  18. [15:55] * Kilarra blinks in surprise. "Wow... alright then."
  19. [15:55] <@Kilarra> Kjell is equally shocked, then proceeds to climb the rope. He could -not- jump in his armour.
  20. [15:57] * Kilarra gathers up the drow Aluthyra stripped off after Kjell climbs up, and provides their equipment to the one of them who could actually carry them.
  21. [15:59] <@Kilarra> Kjell offers Kahree a potion bottle, "It contains an invisibility spell comparable to my own, and probably longer lasting than what you can manage."
  22. [16:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods appreciatively, taking the potion. "Thanks. We ready to go?"
  23. [16:01] * Kilarra nods and concentrates, resuming the intangible vapour form.
  24. [16:02] <@Kilarra> Kjell does as well after pulling the map out and crossing off the glyph they had destroyed here.
  25. [16:04] * Aluthyra takes on the vapor form, waiting for Kjell to lead.
  26. [16:06] <@Kilarra> Kjell leads them once more by the light of Kilarra's mace. He takes them over to a tiny island in the midst of one of the rivers of black blood. Upon this small island is an equally small fortress consisting of five walled towers and a courtyard in the middle of them.
  27. [16:08] <@Kilarra> Kjell waits in the air with his companions. "How do we want to approach?"
  28. [16:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "Through one of the towers, I think. Aluthyra can take out the guards, we go in."
  29. [16:12] * Kilarra tilts her head, "And if the entire fort falls on us at once?"
  30. [16:13] <@Kilarra> More than a hundred yards across at its widest, the courtyard is empty save for three tents along its northern wall, each large enough to sleep four or more soldiers. Across the yard, two more towers rise out of the earth, with a third rising behind the largest tower to the left. For all its camp-like feel, no fires burn in the courtyard, and no jests of camaraderie can be heard.
  31. [16:13] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "We kill them!" She rolls her eyes. "What's your plan?"
  32. [16:15] * Kilarra nods, "Actually, I think you're right. We land on one tower roof and go down inside, then if guards start falling on us, we can use the interior of the tower as a choke point."
  33. [16:17] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. That was her plan all along.
  34. [16:18] * Kilarra was simply acknolwedging Kahree's correctness
  35. [16:19] <@Kilarra> Kahree and Aluthyra can see a total of ten figures moving about the courtyard. Six drow and a quartet of driders. Four of the towers have staircases leading down inside them
  36. [16:20] <@Kilarra> Only the largest does not have room access
  37. [16:21] * Aluthyra points to the courtyard. "I can see six drow and four driders.. the largest tower doesn't seem to have a staircase leading down inside it. Likely to have the glyph."
  38. [16:22] <@Kilarra> The tower to the left of the largest tower is the only one internally connected to it, judging by the shape of the walls.
  39. [16:24] * Aluthyra nods. "The tower to the left of the largest should be our entry. If we move quietly and do not disturb the drow or driders, perhaps we can do this without conflict."
  40. [16:27] * Kilarra nods and begins to descend. "Aluthyra, you should resolidify just in case they notice us on the way down."
  41. [16:28] <@Kilarra> Kjell begins to descend as well.
  42. [16:28] <Aluthyra> Kahree begins to descend, and Aluthyra begins to resolidify.
  43. [16:29] * Aluthyra moves down with the others once she resolidifies, trying to move quietly.
  44. [16:29] <@Kilarra> The vaporous forms of the enchanted party members are silent and difficult to see. Aluthyra remains evasive to the drow as she resolidifies.
  45. [16:30] * Kilarra touches down and resolidifies. She waits for the others to do the same.
  46. [16:30] <@Kilarra> Kjell lands near the trap door leading down into the tower and does the whole becoming solid again thing
  47. [16:31] <Aluthyra> Kahree lands, resolidifying and then slipping into the shadows.
  48. [16:31] * Kilarra tries the trapdoor.
  49. [16:31] <@Kilarra> It's Locked
  50. [16:31] * Kilarra says nothing, but beckons to Kahree and points to the locked trapdoor
  51. [16:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, moving to unlock the trapdoor.
  52. [16:37] <@Kilarra> The lock swiftly and without much resistance, opens to Kahree's talents. That said, she can tell it was not only a good lock, but magically augmented as well. Perhaps she just got lucky to get it in one go.
  53. [16:40] * Kilarra smirks and nods approvingly to Kahree. "You first," she whispers. "Anyone in there will notice the trap door opening, but if there is, you have a chance to take care of them without the rest of the fort hearing it."
  54. [16:42] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, taking a drink of the invisibility potion and heading down!
  55. [16:46] <@Kilarra> This tower contains a well-appointed personal chamber. The walls are covered over with rich, red velvet curtains. A lavish poster bed is swathed with similar bedsheets. Near the stairway is a carved table of mahogany on which stands a washing bowl of gold-trimmed ivory.
  56. [16:47] <@Kilarra> The room is presently unoccupied
  57. [16:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree inspects the room, taking only a few minutes, wanting to check for valuables.
  58. [16:53] <@Kilarra> Kahree finds a small stash under the lavish bed. A small set of quality alchemical tools, and a silver and green ceremonial clerical vestement. Kahree may not recognize which church, but she would notice just from looking that they are sized for an elven female.
  59. [16:56] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks, examining them,
  60. [16:58] <@Kilarra> The robes are inlaid with silver, and exquisitely made, and the right buyer might pay up to 3,000 for them
  61. [16:59] <@Kilarra> Kahree can also see three doors in the room. One is large and would lead to the courtyard, and two would lead to the interior of the wall sections between this tower and the two adjacent to it
  62. [17:06] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves to the east door, opening it and looking within.
  63. [17:07] <@Kilarra> Kahree can see an empty hallway leading to the adjacent tower. Another door on the far side of the hallway 30ft down preumably leads inside said tower
  64. [17:11] <Aluthyra> Kahree moves slowly through the hall, opening the door once she reaches it.
  65. [17:14] <Aluthyra> Kahree blinks, stopping before she opens the door. Instead of opening it, she rests her hands on it, activating the magic in her gloves to see and hear through the door.
  66. [17:14] <@Kilarra> This tower is nearly seventy feet across. Three large cages stand to the south, shackles hanging from their inside bars. Along the north wall rests a tight grouping of tables, covered with vials, bottles, and powders, their surfaces all seemingly stained with blood. The room is lit by the nauseating purple glow of a ten-foot-wide circular glyph that hovers against the southeastern wall.
  67. [17:16] <@Kilarra> Kahree can see three creatures within this room. The first is a rather handsome drow, a pulsing purple dagger at his hip, and wearing a cloak made of the same velvet as the bedchamber she had just been in.
  68. [17:17] <@Kilarra> The second is a demon of some kind; it has moist, scaly skin and big reptilian eyes and a maw of sharp teeth. He is staring hungrily at the room's third occupant, which is a drider that seems to be melting into a pool of sludge not unlike the black ooze that covered the moldering emperor
  69. [17:18] <@Kilarra> The drow male frowns, "Another failure," he remarks, then gestures to the Hezrou, which then begins to feast on the half melted drider, which is just alive enough to scream before it becomes a meal for the demon.
  70. [17:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. Better to come back with the others. She heads back from where she came, still invisible as she talks to her companions. "We're safe to move forward... there's a demon and drow up ahead, probably leading the defense here."
  71. [17:19] * Kilarra nods, "And the glyph? Was it in there?"
  72. [17:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods. "Yup."
  73. [17:23] <Aluthyra> "Do you have a way to banish the demon?" Kahree asks Kilarra.
  74. [17:29] * Kilarra nods and pulls out another scroll. "I usually come prepared with one of these prepared a day, considering how the drow like cavorting with them, and I bought these scrolls a while back. You can try using this one as a backup."
  75. [17:30] * Kilarra smirks, "Aside from that, I still have most of my most powerful magic at my disposal for today, since it only took two spells to bring down that Trog."
  76. [17:32] <Aluthyra> Kahree nods, though unseen (still invisible). "Right. Then let's go."
  77. [17:35] <@Kilarra> Kjell draws his sword and takes the lead. While the spell persisted, Kahree might be able to sneak up on the drow and take him out if Kilarra could banish the demon. Failing that, he and Aluthyra would likely have to fend off the other drow and driders in the fortress.
  78. [17:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree begins down the hall, sneaking behind Kjell.
  79. [17:35] * Aluthyra follows, refreshing her spell of barkskin and drawing her bow.
  80. [17:35] * Kilarra keeps her holy symbol at the ready for dismissal.
  81. [17:36] <@Kilarra> Kjell reaches the door. It was a single demon and drow, according to Kahree, but he wanted to be prepared in case they drew attention and couldn't finish their enemies quickly. He casts his shield spell, and his own bear's endurance.
  82. [17:38] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to Kilarra, "Target the demon as soon as the door is open." Then to Aluthyra, "We have surprise, let's not waste it." He places a hand on the door, "Ready?"
  83. [17:38] * Aluthyra nods, raising her bow.
  84. [17:39] <Aluthyra> Kahree gets ready to rush the drow.
  85. [17:41] <@Kilarra> Kjell pushes the door open with a loud clank of his armour
  86. [17:45] <Aluthyra> Kahree rushes forward, maneuvering herself behind the drow, ready to strike...
  87. [17:47] <@Kilarra> The drow doesn't see Kahree, but he does see three not drow barging into his larboratory. He raises his free hand, crackling with electrical magic enery.
  88. [17:48] <Aluthyra> Kahree grins, trying to disrupt him with a blow to the back!
  89. [17:50] <@Kilarra> The drow sorcerer doesn't know what hits him as Kahree fades back into sight as the blow from her mace sends him reeling. He slumps to the floor, unconscious.
  90. [17:54] * Aluthyra holds her fire, waiting to see whether or not Kilarra can banish the demon.
  91. [17:55] <@Kilarra> Kahree may have dealt with the drow, but the gagging, cloying stench of the hezrou causes her to become nauseous.
  92. [17:56] * Kilarra steps into the room to get a little closer to her target, then attempts to banish him, whispering her words of power to Calistria in undercommon.
  93. [17:59] <@Kilarra> The Hezrou remains standing. Kilarra's spell failed to overpower its will
  94. [18:03] * Aluthyra frowns, nocking an arrow. It only takes her a moment to launch a set of six at the demon.
  95. [18:04] * Kilarra curses under her breath
  96. [18:08] <@Kilarra> The demon is peppered by arrows and snarls gruffly. It was very badly hurt
  97. [18:09] <@Kilarra> Kjell raises his spell arm, aiming to finish the demon quickly with an unerring arcane strike. To ensure this, he maximizes the amount of magical power the missiles contain.
  98. [18:10] <@Kilarra> The magic projectiles also have the advantage of being quiet. Rather than falling over, the poisonous demon slumps down like a blob of sludge upon dying.
  99. [18:10] <@Kilarra> Kjell smirks.
  100. [18:10] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans, frowning at the demon. Nasty.
  101. [18:14] <@Kilarra> Kjell looks to Aluthyra, gesturing to his armor. "Help me take this off and set it down for now. It clanks too much when I move around."
  102. [18:15] * Aluthyra nods, moving to Kjell to help him out.
  103. [18:15] <@Kilarra> Kjell, once out of his armour, heads over to the Glyph and looks it over with his read magic spell. "I am the armour and shield of my mistress, and I fear you not."
  104. [18:18] <@Kilarra> Aluthyra, Kahree and Kilarra all clue in on this. The glyph has to be -made- to fear them.
  105. [18:19] * Kilarra looks to Kahree, "I don't have any spells that can cause fear. Think you're up to being extra intimidating?"
  106. [18:19] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods his agreement. "Indeed. We need to convince this glyph that we do not consider its mistress a threat; that we are stronger than her."
  107. [18:20] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Always!" She saunters up to the glyph, glaring as she points a mace at it. "Deactivate before we bash you in!"
  108. [18:21] <@Kilarra> The Glyph remains unchanged
  109. [18:21] <Aluthyra> Kahree growls. "Damn limp-dicked drow creation, break yourself before I break you!"
  110. [18:22] <@Kilarra> The magical symbol emits a field of foreboding, as if warning that none will be permitted to pass, no matter the righteousness oftheir cause.
  111. [18:23] * Kilarra looks at the Glyph, "Hand on, let me try something." She places a hand on the glyph, attempting to place a curse upon it.
  112. [18:24] <@Kilarra> Kilarra's spell doesn't penetrate the Glyphs resistance.
  113. [18:26] * Kilarra frowns and tries again to make the glyph a bit easier to intimidate
  114. [18:27] <@Kilarra> Kilarra is again thwarted by the defenses of this glyph. It wasn't the Glyph of defense for nothing.
  115. [18:27] * Kilarra sighs, "Sorry, looks like I can't get through it with my magic to make this easier."
  116. [18:29] * Kilarra steps back to let Kahree try again
  117. [18:31] <@Kilarra> Kilarra got her hand singed a bit by more lightning, but still has the healing magic of the glyph of renewal rapidly healing her
  118. [18:34] <@Kilarra> It takes Kahree a little while to learn that just insult it isn't the truck, but rather to build herself and her allies up as more impressive than Allevrah, thus rendering her not a threat. The purple light of the glyph fades to black, and Kahree feels another rush of energy. She feels quicker and more insightful.
  119. [18:37] <Aluthyra> Kahree smirks. "Great." She walks over to the drow corpse, searching for valuables. "Kjell, can you check for magic?"
  120. [18:37] <@Kilarra> After a few moments, a massive bolt of lightning shoots from where the glyph stood and tears through the wall of the tower in the direction of the Weeping Cliffs.
  121. [18:37] <@Kilarra> The bolt is loud, as is the crumbling of parts of the wall it shot through
  122. [18:37] <@Kilarra> Kjell frowns, "That may have to wait, I think we're about to have company."
  123. [18:37] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
  124. [18:38] <@Kilarra> Rewards: 1 EL 12, 1 EL 15
  125. [18:38] <@Kilarra> 17,600 Experience each
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