
Freaky Fusion

Nov 16th, 2014
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  1. Game Name: Freaky Fusion
  2. Objective: Make a Fusion with the two pokemon given. And win, of course.
  3. Gameplay: There can be 3,5 or 7 rounds, or if needed you can do elimination. Host gives two Pokemon: (Ex: Wan the Avatar: **Give me a Fusion for.... Nidoking and Cloyster!**) You then create a name for that pokemon, Typing, Base Stats, Ability (Allowed to make up if host allows), and a short dex entry. (All entries must be submitted in --[Text]-- Format) An Example for this is --[Shellking | Poison/Ice | Base Stats: 74/100/150/85/60/70 Ability: Shell Force (All stat raising moves that involve Defense Give a x3 higher boost than usual, and same with drops. Also, all moves that involve Shells that deal damage receive a 1.4x boost in damage.) Dex Entry: Once Nidoking fell into the ocean, a Shellder bit onto it's tail which then evolved, overtaking the Nidoking's body.
  4. How to Win: 1st place gets 3 points, 2nd gets 2, and 3rd gets 1. At the end of all rounds when you have the most points, or when you're the last one standing, you win!
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