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- (Deleted Scene: Lord Vader is given updates about the Rebel Fleet and about the targeting sequence.)
- IMPERIAL GUNNER: The rebel class is heading to the unfinished station.
- LORD VADER: Focus on your field.
- IMPERIAL GUNNER: 0.05 months of exposure.
- (End of Deleted Scene.)
- Indeed, the Rebel pilots are finally able to get ready to enter the Station Wagon II.
- NIEN NUMB: With words.
- LANG CALIFORNIA: What's in the rake There is no rake in the house.
- Lang California gives his fellow pilots some hopefully helpful instructions. Wedge Antilles accepts the help, but is still well aware of the risks.
- LANG CALIFORNIA: The strongest power source in the chain. The other generator.
- WEDGE ANTILLES: composition. Retention alert. A space where you can enjoy yourself.
- The Imperials shoot down one of the Rebel X-Wings.
- (Screaming)
- Lang orders some of his pilots to provide a distraction, a command they carry out with approval.
- LANG CALIFORNIA: Incapable of nursing. Nagisa scholar, follow you.
- GREEN SLEEVES: Reproduce, Jinling.
- As the corridor decreases in size, Nien Numb gets increasingly worried. Lang California tries to calm him down.
- NIEN NUMB: The Oracle! Villa house.
- LANG CALIFORNIA: Nata is near.
- (Deleted Scene: Lord Vader is given further updates and decides to create a diversion tactic for the Rebels.)
- IMPERIAL GUNNER: Come to the rescue of rebel fighters.
- LORD VADER: Open the door to flood conditions 304 and 138. That is, you have to slow down a little.
- (End of Deleted Scene.)
- Outside the station, Navy Adiral Akbarji commands his crew to carry out a brand new manuever.
- NAVY ADMIRAL AKBARJI: Mandatory attachment, A lot of time with a warrior. Centralized firepower On a super-class giant star destroyer in China
- (During the explosion)
- A pair of A-Wings shoot out the Destroyer Destroyer's power plant.
- UNIDENTIFIED IMPERIAL OFFICER: Oh, God, we have. Bridge shield.
- THE HEAD OF THE MEDICAL GROUP: Improve your battery in the future. I don't want anything to happen.
- The cannons of the Destroyer Destroyer destroy an X-Wing and cripple an A-Wing, which starts spinning around almost uncontrollably.
- Β΄The A-Wing pilot uses his last moments in life to steer his boat straight into the bridge of the Destroyer Destroyer.
- (Crying)
- COMMANDER GHERANT: It's too late!
- This not only causes explosions around the ship, but also makes it crash down into the Station Wagon II, erupting into a massive, falming ball.
- Imperials run through the corridors - this is actually unused footage shot for the first movie - trying to catch a ship away from the station.
- Admidst all the chaos, the Gospel of Luke is dragging his father toward a Shuttle Bus, but Bader - using what little strength he has left - begs him to save himself.
- LORD BADER: luke.. Even the line on the hand to pass.. In 1998, he was appointed to the board of directors of the company.
- The Gospel of Luke stares at his father with grim bafflement. Bader insists, with fatalistic acceptance.
- THE GOSPEL OF LUKE: He died in 1998.
- LORD BADER: What is the end of this is the end of this is the end of this is the end of this is the end of this is the end of this. For a while, it ' s not.. Let it be..
- The Private Eye is the only one who can see it.
- The Gospel of Luke removes his father's helmet.
- Seeing proberly for the first time he can remember, and with his true face and voice no longer obscured, he has now again become the man he once was, but now he feels so old and so tired...
- THE PEACEFUL IS WILLING TO: I ' m not going to let it happen. Private or set up the line.
- The Gospel of Luke will have none of this, pleading to his father to let him rescue him.
- THE GOSPEL OF LUKE: I love forms.. A thread to come on the terms. It is located in the city of San Francisco. It ' s a great way to do it.
- THE PEACEFUL IS WILLING TO: In 1999, he was inducted into the rock and Roll Hall of Fame.. The words of the Lord and the words of the Lord. It 's not the only thing that' s going to happen to me.
- My sister said something about it.. The words of the Lord and the words of the Lord.
- Having said these final words, Hopeless Situation Warrior Allah Gold The Peaeful is Willing To, father of President-Empress of Tokyo The Gospe of Luke draws his final breath. The Gospel is heartbroken.
- THE GOSPEL OF LUKE: The father of the man. Set the line ka-na-na-na-na-na-na.
- (And there we have it; The Gospel of Luke's final line in the trilogy. Farewell for now, Mr. President. It's been a pleasure to go on this journey with you.)
- (And rest in piece David Prowse, suit actor for Darth Vader.)
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